Landa's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Owner of Deposito de Gnomos


Owner - Deposito de Gnomos

1st package recieved succesfully. Second package should arrive soon. I noticed the 1st package was declared as 2 different categories: Books and Toys. Could you email me if this is the same situation for the second package? In Argentina we dont pay import tax on books so I need to know the price declared on on each category in able to pay the correct tax.

Owner - Deposito de Gnomos

According to Argentinian customs package weighs 99 lbs. Now I am even more confused since expected weight was 26 lbs each.

Owner - Deposito de Gnomos

Sorry to insist but I need help identifying these orders as soon as possible. I am getting charged for every day that the shipment sits in customs

Owner - Deposito de Gnomos

Order number is 4135353
I believe it is composed of 2 different packages:

Shipping & Handling
6 items. Estimated package weight: 26 lbs.
Will be listed on customs forms as books and toys/figures

Shipping & Handling
18 items. Estimated package weight: 26 lbs.
Will be listed on customs forms as dice/accessories and toys/figures

What I dont know is if both arrive to Argentina under the same USPS tracking code of they are independent of each other.

Owner - Deposito de Gnomos

So one of my shipments arrived to Argentinian customs on friday and the way things work here is that I have to pay a tax before I can take it home. However in order ot pay said tax I need to know what order it is since I have more than 1 shipping in process. The only piece of information I have is the USPS tracking number which is: CJ533448930US

I also need to know the price printed on the shipping box since I have a lot of charges on the credit card from paizo and I dont know which one is related to which shipment.

Owner - Deposito de Gnomos

Thank you Katina. Now I shall wait patiently for my case subscription!

Owner - Deposito de Gnomos

I'd like to replace the following item:

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Equipment (OGL) Paizo Inc. Moved from order 4207290, placed Jan 28, 2017

with Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Equipment (OGL) Paizo Inc. Non-Mint $33.74

Basically same book but non-mint

Owner - Deposito de Gnomos

Katina Davis wrote:

Hello Landa,

I'm sorry that we have not yet been able to reach your email, but we have been a bit backlogged in our inbox recently, so it is taking us longer to respond than usual. Thank you for your patience!

I've unsuspended your order and tried the payment method again, and it seems that it should be able to go through this time. I will let our warehouse know to get your order on the way as soon as they are able. Once it's been processed for shipping, you should receive an email to let you know that it's on the way.

Please let me know if there are any further questions or concerns that I may assist you with in the meantime, and I'll be more than happy to help.


Thank you for your help. Are there any news regarding this order? Do I need to do anything else on my end or just wait for shipping updates?

Saturday Payment authorization
Expires Friday

Does this mean the payment hasn't been authorized yet?

Owner - Deposito de Gnomos

I contacted to have my order suspended until I could sort things out with VISA. They agreed and told me to contact them when I was ready to proceed with the payment. I have sent 2 emails to informing them that my order is ready to be processed. I didnt get any reply. It has been 48 hours.

Owner - Deposito de Gnomos

I am trying to purchase a Case Subscription and get the following message:

Unable to ship. Please contact customer service.
We are unable to find a shipping method for your order and destination.

I am trying to ship to Argentina. I also tried Chile and Uruguay and got the same message. Am I Stuck ordering single boxes from amazon?

Owner - Deposito de Gnomos

LazarX wrote:
zylphryx wrote:
LazarX wrote:
That's way beyond the pale of what I would allow. I allow ONE Free action per turn that can be taken whenever it's appropriate for said action. The big compromise of using a two handed weapon is NOT being able to use shields as freely as a one hander.

And that's your call. Each turn allows one or more free actions as dictated by GM. That said, the combination is still possible depending on the GM (or how well a player could sell the concept to their GM). Personally, I would allow the combination, as it is a set sequence of events, but would not allow any additional free actions beyond the combination.

Out of curiosity, and not meaning to derail the thread, when you say "can be taken whenever it's appropriate for said action" does that include outside a character's turn?

No. Free Actions can only be taken during a turn. The only out of turn actions allowed in the game are Attacks of Opportunity, and Immediate Actions, that last paid for by giving up your next swift action.

You can perform one or more free actions while taking another action normally

An immediate action is a type of action. Hence you can take a free action (Like letting 1 hand go from a weapon)

Owner - Deposito de Gnomos

I followed up on this and changed it around a bit.

Oracle 1 (Battle Mystery, Skill at arms Revelation, Deaf Curse)

Basically getting martial weapon prof from the revelation. And dipping for the Curse which grants Free Silent Spell with all the wizard spells too. Sadly this sets me back 1 BAB but you can still reach 16 BAB at 20.