Overheard at the Paizo office

Off-Topic Discussions

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Assistant Software Developer

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Patrick Renie wrote:

Adam: ...goat eyes!

Rob: No, no, no...
Adam: ...like eight goat eyes!
Rob: Two goat eyes is too many!

I can only assume this has to do with Spider goats.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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liz: now I want to see a dwarf ranger riding a giant armadillo mount

liz: And a gnome on an anteater

sara marie: halfling on a jackalope

sara marie: sorcerer with a rattlesnack

sara marie: I'm thinking Pathfinder Southwest

liz: Halfling on a gila monster

sara marie: orc on a giant desert scorpion

sara marie: druid spells with cactus instead of vines

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

7 people marked this as a favorite.

cs erik: I don't like the idea of it raining angry mountain lions at all.

Webstore Gninja Minion

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Jenny: I just saved us a bunch of money!
Andrew: Did you switch our car insurance to Geico?

Silver Crusade

Ross Byers wrote:
Patrick Renie wrote:

Adam: ...goat eyes!

Rob: No, no, no...
Adam: ...like eight goat eyes!
Rob: Two goat eyes is too many!
I can only assume this has to do with Spider goats.

That goat has devil eyes.

Sovereign Court Contributor

Goats yelling like humans.


Sara Marie wrote:
cs erik: I don't like the idea of it raining angry mountain lions at all.

Isn't that true for just about everyone?

Paizo Employee Developer

Rob: ...I've never seen Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Mark and Adam: ...<blank, confused stares>...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It's okay Rob, I haven't either.

I don't handle gore well, and motorized saws are a major phobia of mine after my dad had an accident with a table saw.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
Patrick Renie wrote:

Adam: ...goat eyes!

Rob: No, no, no...
Adam: ...like eight goat eyes!
Rob: Two goat eyes is too many!
I can only assume this has to do with Spider goats.
That goat has devil eyes.

Psst... The devil goat eyes are really just peeled grapes.

Webstore Gninja Minion

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Cosmo: This is by far the best song ever to come out of the speakers in your car.

Liz Courts wrote:
Cosmo: This is by far the best song ever to come out of the speakers in your car.

I dread to ask but... What music gained Cosmo's approval?

Webstore Gninja Minion

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Cosmo: This is by far the best song ever to come out of the speakers in your car.
I dread to ask but... What music gained Cosmo's approval?

Note: It was not my car (I have awesome music in my car).

But the song was this.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

robot chris: I imagine it's like store brand smooth peanut butter that's been left in the sun... mixed with sand

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

6 people marked this as a favorite.


Grand Lodge

Ohh... man... this is why I won't fight a blue dragon. EVER.

Scarab Sages

Sara Marie wrote:

sara marie: sorcerer with a rattlesnack

Yummy, noisy and potentaly poisonous, in many great flavors!

P.S. Sorry, I normally don't (and really shouldn't) jump on typos...but that one was too good ;-)

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

3 people marked this as a favorite.

sara marie: is there anything that a bit of sugar, milk and whipped cream CANT make better?

robot chris: mayonaise

liz: Lima beans

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Liz Courts wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Cosmo: This is by far the best song ever to come out of the speakers in your car.
I dread to ask but... What music gained Cosmo's approval?

Note: It was not my car (I have awesome music in my car).

But the song was this.

I just assumed it was God playing his guitar through the sound system on the new Cee-Apostrophe-D.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.

gary: oh man i haven't seen a real angel pelt shirt in years

Silver Crusade

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote:
gary: oh man i haven't seen a real angel pelt shirt in years


Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.

cosmo: All I want in this world is a bit of lexicological accuracy.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
gary: oh man i haven't seen a real angel pelt shirt in years

Run, run, don't look back!

Drejk wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
gary: oh man i haven't seen a real angel pelt shirt in years
Run, run, don't look back!

schloorp, schlooorp, schluurp, schlirk


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Turin the Mad wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
gary: oh man i haven't seen a real angel pelt shirt in years
Run, run, don't look back!

schloorp, schlooorp, schluurp, schlirk



2 people marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote:
cosmo: All I want in this world is a bit of lexicological accuracy.

As someone who strives for the same -- it ain't happenin'.

Paizo Employee Sales Imp

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Robot Chris: need a caftan for my froggie

Digital Products Assistant

12 people marked this as a favorite.

Mark And over there is a shower, but you'll never need that because you work at a game company.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Chris Lambertz wrote:
Mark And over there is a shower, but you'll never need that because you work at a game company.

Heh. Hehehe.

Chris Lambertz wrote:
Mark And over there is a shower, but you'll never need that because you work at a game company.

My Slaadi Sense would warn me this is typically a line uttered just before being led through a door and a bucket of green Nickelodeon slime dumping on my head.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

7 people marked this as a favorite.

cs erik: Its always disconcerting to walk past the server closet and see two developers and half the art team in there trying to figure out what's wrong.

Sara Marie wrote:
gary: oh man i haven't seen a real angel pelt shirt in years

Okay...that's a "DaFAQ!?" moment. (o_O)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote:
cs erik: Its always disconcerting to walk past the server closet and see two developers and half the art team in there trying to figure out what's wrong.

Wait....Is pmg trying to hide from something again? (>_>)

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

8 people marked this as a favorite.

sara marie: We should play GTZ tonight.

sara marie: errr... GTA

gary: grand theft zombie?

sara marie: grande theft zoo!

gary: i'mma steal a heffalump!!!

Sara Marie wrote:

gary: grand theft zombie?

Seems related to this week's Walking Dead.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.

robot chris: also a complementary pallet of bees, delivered via catapult delivery

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote:
robot chris: also a complementary pallet of bees, delivered via catapult delivery

Something like this?

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

7 people marked this as a favorite.

robot chris: I'm going to think of it as a pizza buffet, where your friend sneaks in ziplock freezer bags that also has a salad bar

gary: oh, and there's a MUCH BETTER salad bar over there, and it costs extra, and some toppings open a wormhole over to the other salad bar

robot chris: that's the slaad bar

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote:

gary: oh, and there's a MUCH BETTER salad bar over there, and it costs extra, and some toppings open a wormhole over to the other salad bar

robot chris: that's the slaad bar

{strums accoustic chicken, sings (badly):} "You can have anything you want at Ssendam's Restaurant..."

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Jenny: They're all sitting in there goobing out on imagination!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote:
Jenny: They're all sitting in there goobing out on imagination!

Paizo in a nutshell folks. Wish I could do that at work....

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.

gary: so it's like eating 3 lbs of butter

gary: that may in fact be a bit too much butter

Sara Marie wrote:

gary: so it's like eating 3 lbs of butter

gary: that may in fact be a bit too much butter

Hang on... where's the real Gary? I heard directly from the horse's mouth the other day that you can never have too much butter.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:

gary: oh, and there's a MUCH BETTER salad bar over there, and it costs extra, and some toppings open a wormhole over to the other salad bar

robot chris: that's the slaad bar

{strums accoustic chicken, sings (badly):} "You can have anything you want at Ssendam's Restaurant..."

But Ssendam's Restaurant isn't the name of the restaurant, the restaurant is called something else.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.

crystal: Ugh.... ahwww... OH!... eewwwww.... That poor goat!

liz: "Ohhh. Poor Goatley. </Krieger>"

Liberty's Edge

Taco Truck!

Liberty's Edge

Also, who let David into the office? :P

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