Overheard at the Paizo office

Off-Topic Discussions

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Paizo Employee Organized Play Coordinator

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Shay: Astronauts are banned. Neil Armstrong knows what he did.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

He's probably not sorry either.

Paizo Employee Editor

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Shay: I was peeking through archetypes for things people might be willing to spend REAL AMERICAN DOLLARS on and that one hit me.

Shay: REAL CANADIAN DOLLARS for Jessica <3



Paizo Employee Organized Play Coordinator

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Jon: Is there something fun and suitably gay I can say? Asking for the straight dude

Paizo Employee Organized Play Coordinator

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Shay: It's fine, just play a lasagna

Paizo Employee Vice President of Technology

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Jackson: I've been frantically trying to become Cosmo and it has not worked =( The grand illusion, broken

Paizo Employee Webstore Coordinator

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Rei: you can do a lot with no collarbones
Rei: crime, for instance

I'm looking more for this:

"Hey, did you see the new Pathfinder rulebook draft? The lore section is amazing!"

"Yes, and the new character class is going to blow people's minds. It's unlike anything we've done before."

"Marketing wants us to highlight the expanded Bestiary in the next update. Those new monsters are epic!"

"Agreed. But first, we need to finalize the playtest schedule. Players are eager to get their hands on the new mechanics."

"Also, don't forget to check the forum feedback on the last adventure path. We might need to tweak a few things based on player input."

"Noted. By the way, there's a meeting at 3 PM to discuss the collaboration with the third-party developers. Make sure to bring the proposal documents."

"And remember, we have the livestream Q&A tomorrow. We need to prepare some talking points about the upcoming releases."

"Right. Let's ensure we have all the details about the new campaign settings ready. Fans are going to love it."

Paizo Employee Director of Project Management

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Lee: not much that we can do.
Sonja: scream into the void?
Lee: that's a daily recurring task.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Rei Ko wrote:
Jackson: I've been frantically trying to become Cosmo and it has not worked =( The grand illusion, broken

The Great One cannot be so easily duplicated!

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Glenn Elliott wrote:

Lee: not much that we can do.

Sonja: scream into the void?
Lee: that's a daily recurring task.

Shouldn’t do that…

The void might scream back.

Paizo Employee Webstore Coordinator

14 people marked this as a favorite.

Rue: [to Alex] anything for you, king
Alex: A VO called me God today, everyone needs to stop inflating my ego, I already have a complex and you're only making it worse
Mike W: You know we kill gods these days at Paizo. Watch your back.

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