Last one to post wins

Forum Games

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Sovereign Court

That’s okay, we can wait.

I see you’re messing with with the GT emissions again. So, lesson not learned?

Sovereign Court

You'd be the only one who knows when I'll learn the lesson (if at all).

Besides, it's a proven fact that the GT emissions are the best reagents to use for various concoctions.

They're what gives chip shop cheese and onion pasties their distinctive tang.

Sovereign Court

Don't forget about the steak and kidney pies!

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I prefer blood sausage and blood pie.

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Fish-Malkovich wrote:
Don't forget about the steak and kidney pies!

Thanks to an Ancient Curse, there is one pie I am fated to never, never remember, and it's... oh, I'm sorry. I've completely forgotten what you said.

Sovereign Court

Pie r circular.

Sovereign Court

3.14 circular, to be exact!

And I've achieved my previous task, so I can reveal all with the postcard!

Woof is hiding behind a giant Christmas cake (his head is visible), Wenda can be found amongst some pastry chefs staring at a massive cake person in white icing and adorned with a biscuit bow tie (with the star fragment in the middle of it), Wizard Whitebeard has also stepped in some cake mix and leaving footprints (just like the cat) and Odlaw is intentionally using an icing gun on some of the bakers and living pastries (and is about to get his comeuppance).

Sovereign Court

You can have a number filled pie of you want… Me, I’m going with lemon meringue.

Sovereign Court

I like apple pies and cherry pies, myself. Especially with custard.

Custard makes for an unusual (if effective) mute when one is required to play pienissimo.

Sovereign Court

You can go with varnish.

Sovereign Court

*Bakes a million steak pies in just half an hour.*

Yummy steak pies here, get them while they're hot!

Hello, Yummy Steak Pies. Congratulations on the name change.

Sovereign Court

New name. Same fishy smell…

Steaky scent, surely?

I endure. I shall be... the Last !

Sovereign Court



Sovereign Court

The when brings forth a Gratzangfrooter from the distant, and better forgotten past.
He begins to pound out a nelody of X sharps and Q minors. (Two cords. That’s all you really need.)

*Baps along in 36/15 time*

Sovereign Court

*Plays on an "invisible flute" (sound is still heard, despite not actually holding/playing on anything.*

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Moblin Gime.


Sovereign Court

*Lumbers about with surprising silence. Encounters a non-poster and eats them.*

:is messily devoured and excreted whole:

Oh my yes!

Sovereign Court

The when wrote:

Hmm. I didn't think that's how the Edgar Allan Poe poem went, but there you go.

Sovereign Court

Which one? The Raven? The Telltale Heart? The White Death?

Actually, I don't want to know. I will know peace, Nevermore!

The Fall Of The House of Fraser.

Sovereign Court

The Hole in the Ground and the Swinging Sharp Object.

Sovereign Court

Pulg wrote:

The Fall Of The House of Fraser.

What's Sideshow Bob got to do with this?

The collapse of the British department store as a high street institution is entirely his fault. For example, BHS would have gone from strength to strength had he not eaten it.

Sovereign Court

*Snarls menacingly, then devours a random hobo.*

Sovereign Court

Throws on a certain Warren Zevon track and begins to sing along.

“Wooo-oooh. Excitable boy.”

Sovereign Court

Boogie on down!

*Joins in, dancing the night away, dressed as a roller disco clown.*

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let's dance!

Put on your radish and drench a knish!

let's dance!

Sovereign Court

There’s really nothing left to say, is there?

Sovereign Court

*Dances around with everyone, without clothes on, for some reason.*

Orange Hulk loves dancing! This party is really fun!

I can't think of a good reason to put clothes ON!

I can.

Me too.


Sovereign Court

I think it's worth pointing out that Orange Hulk is the only one dancing about with no clothes on.

As such; Dowager Comtesse de Malodor, Lady Blackmoor and Lashcastrakaa are enamored with a "beautiful sight".

While Comte de Malodor on the other hand, gets a better view and is seething with envy!

Sovereign Court

Spherical pants, spherical pants. All the world over, spherical pants.

Dangligue from ye ende of mine lance, wrought of blue samite, spherycle pantes.

Sovereign Court

Sir Limey De Longears wrote:
Dangligue from ye ende of mine lance, wrought of blue samite, spherycle pantes.

Aha! So, we meet at last, my great and worthy opponent!

*Unsheathes a most remarkable looking sword from its scabbard.*

Come, let us see who is the greater knight and swordsman, en guard!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Have at ye, thou draggle-tail'd puppy!

Oddswounds, what an remarke-worthy swerde.

Sovereign Court

*Swords clash in an epic dance of beauty and power.*

Why, thank you, Sir Limey De Longears. It pleases me greatly to spar with one who respects such majesty.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

“Thou needest an epic weapon of thine own, Sir Lon Gears.”
*Causes a zircon encrusted spork to manifest in Sir Limey De Longears’ hand.*

Atte laste, an wepone that doth matche mine owne Zircon cruste.

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