
Pulg's Goblin Flugelhorn Band's page

29 posts. Alias of Limeylongears.


As was the rooty toot toot, to whit, we have had Play Faster stripes painted on our flugelhorns. It really works!

We're using it as a mute.

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Oh no! Quick, somebody wave Borvil's old tights under his nose while we parp repeatedly at him. That should bring him around.

My definition is:

Toodley toot toot toot, yeah!

It's a new dawn, a new dawn, a new dawn for the flugelhorn,
You say flugel, I say horn, don't blow on it after eating corn!
It will get stuck inside it, and you will miss high G,
Thus gravely disappointing our beloved Prime Minister, Rishi.


Custard makes for an unusual (if effective) mute when one is required to play pienissimo.

We have achieved ENLIGHTENMENT.

*Serenades Wally, the Count, and friends as they walk out into the car park*

The acoustics have improved, I must say.

Toot toottoot toot toottoottoottooot toooooot,
Toot toottoot toot toottoottoottooot toooooot,
Toottoottoot tootely tootle toot, tootely tootle toot tooooooot,
Tootle tootle toottoot toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot!

But not as sweet as the sound of a well-played flugelhorn!

Like the gift of Melody.

OK, then - are they flugelhorn sized trolls?

Are they flugelhorn sized mutes?

Similar to a small apartment, i.e. a little flat.

Did somebody ask for a Light Toot?

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*Dressed in elaborate 19th century style military uniform, marches back and forth behind the clown, tootling with vigour*

*Begins playing the Piña Colada song, a semitone out*

Toot toot toot toottoottoottoottööööt

*Merry party music stops abruptly*

{Wakes Schism up by parping right in their ear}

No, idiot, FLUGELPOPS LIVE!!! Lardies and genitalphleghms, our tribute to Doja Cat, with parps in all the right places!

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*Plays, plays and plays the VICTORY SONG*

*Dances, dances and dances the VICTORY DANCE*

*Eats, eats and eats the VICTORY SPINACH*

Waterhammer wrote:
Smurfs galore.

Wait, wait - what's that you're holding?!

By Tootates, it's the Legendary Orichalcum Flugelhorn of MegaParpocreton, an instrument beyond price!

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Mr. Grinch wrote:
How about putting my name on those fabulous flugelhorns you've got?

Which bit - the horn, or the flugel?

*Plays 'Put On A Happy Face', while performing sinister, yet suggestive, dances*

A little from column A, a little from column TOOT TOOTTOOTTOOOT.

Like goblins with a flu

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What went wrong was the Great Flugelhorn Drought of 2009-2019. Thankfully, that long nightmare is now over. TOOT TOOOOOT!!