Last one to post wins

Forum Games

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Squeak. (the small fire on MBT grows into a huge bonfire)

:hands GW a delicious smelling mug: Here. Drink this.

That better not be a sleeping draught.

You're not Sissyl. What did you do to Sissyl?

* throws mug at GoatToucher *

Oh, Bill, there you are. Now where did I put that cheese? Ah here it is.

Ooh, that fire feels nice.

* begins roasting marshmallows *

Would anyone like some s'mores?

Squeak. (eats cheese and a few smuggled marshmallows)

Oh, once he finds out what's in it, sleeping is the -last- thing he'll want to do.

Sovereign Court

Hey everyone, I'm back!

*Laughs manically.*

But seriously, my device broke and I couldn't go on for days! Which is sad because March 26th was my birthday.

Dark Archive

Happy belated B-day. Can I get a raise?

Scarab Sages

That hot chocolate was from one of my special private stores.

I'll get the "special" paddle for your birthday spanking boss.

Oh and btw MBT is dead again.

Dark Archive

Son of a... MBT has you are now and forever known as Kenny the Message Board Troll. PT, go slap KMBT with that paddle and a keg of healing potion.

NO! The less in this thread, the better.

Alright, who ate all the chocolate and graham crackers? We can't have s'mores without chocolate and graham crackers.

Oh, Avatar and Belpheger, I didn't see you two come in. Would either of you like some tea to drink? I have some Earl Grey, hot.

Squeak. (kicks chocolate and graham cracker crumbs under the sofa)

I bet it was that screaming troll. It was him, wasn't it? Oh well, at least he didn't get my secret stash.

Yeah dirty no good troll. *Wipes crumbs off shirt* Shhh Bill. I won't tell if you won't.

Two Bills, again?

* cleans glasses *

Nope. You must be a friend of Bill's. Would you like some cheese, too?

* gives Private Tiny some cheese *

Why thank you.... Uhh I mean squeak.

Shadow Lodge

Old people are funny. Come on Grandpa it's time for your medicine and then back in the bag.
*starts guiding old fart towards a tall cliff*
*kicks gerbil over edge first to check for fatalness of fall*

SQUEAK!!! *teleports before hitting bottom*

I'm back insane message board people. Oh look, the win. Lucky me.

not for long! *catnip stuck in his mouth*

Darn it AoZK! I was just celebrating victory! But no, you have to return and its all ruined. Ruined I say! I might as well just kill you all and take the win from your soldering corpses.


Sovereign Court

Firstly, it's good to be back and thanks JC and PT for wishing me a happy birthday. :-)

Secondly, I'm afraid JC that you can't have a raise (to be fair though, you are at the highest level already) so please accept this enchanted armour and these eight ravishing brides with my blessing. :-)

Thirdly, yes GW I would love a cup of tea! :-)

Lastly, I win! :-)

Oh its your birthday? Have a present. Ignore the ticking. Happy Birthday!

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Uh, mister AoZK, these uh brides are all, um uh well, ghouls and ghast. I think the mail order bride site made a type-o. Ravaging instead of ravashing. Hmm, well this will be an interesting night of delights and debuatury.

* hands a cup of tea and a s'more to everyone *

It's a good day, yes it is...


* falls asleep in my rocking chair *

mmmh *lick lick* this is good *eating everyone's smore* Give me another!*throws down the glass of tea*

Bad, BlackLightning, those s'mores are for everyone. And how you dare waste the tea! Grandpa worked hard on making these treats for everyone.

* picks up the naughty baby chimera and puts him in the corner *

You are in a timeout! Now stay there and think about what you've done.

Geez, kids these days.

Anyone want to try the black hole pudding I made? I only used the finest non euclidean ingredients.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Sorry, on a diet. I will just have the Win!

Sovereign Court

If it's a diet you're on, then may interest you in the ONLY way the pounds not just drop off but also stay off - a nice, cool glass of: EXTREME PAIN!

*Has CS endure unimaginable torture until he has lost the desired weight.*

If you are having any doubts, then please feel free to speak with my friend - Dominik the Unquenchable - for peace of mind.

Grand Lodge

:sneaks in:

Oh, I hope that dwarf doesn't find me.........

I have said it before and will say it again NO ONE PUTS A CHIMERA IN A CORNER! *runs out of corner*

Shadow Lodge

*Punts tiny chimera back into corner.*
Stay. Bad chimera.

Never!*runs out again at lightning speed*

Grand Lodge

:sighs as the chimera runs out of the corner, and casts unnatural lust on it as it passes GoatToucher:

I think you have a friend sir!

Not here to win, just to wonder about the love between chimera and GoatToucher

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*turns BlackLightning to stone to spare him from the alternative*

*makes saving throw on 'Lust' but gets turned to stone* Baldomor! get me out of here now!

Sovereign Court

Sorry, you're NOT a celebrity - so you CAN'T get out of here! But don't worry, at least you only lost the win - Baldomor lost his head ... and I think, his life.

And is being whipped over and over by my servants, above a pit of lava.

And I must bring my war on the gods back into full swing. Eat Death Ray™ AoZK!

ha! I'm back! and i now have the win!

No you don't, now go back to goattoucher

Sovereign Court

As one body dies, so another one is prepared for me.

Liberty's Edge

It's been a while, so, I'm just gonna win.

When in danger, when in doubt.
Run in circles, scream and shout.

But I'm not in danger. And when I'm finished the rest of you won't be able to run in circles.

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