Dammit! I know that pesky little star-spawn is around here somewhere...
The next poster is doomed to play FATAL 24/7 for infinite eternities. Forever.
Listen, when Asmodeus offers you a contract to sign with a bunch of small print?
No one should have to suffer my fate. No one...
The next poster shares in my terrible doom.
And the controller is glued to my hands! (I'm typing with my FACE!
The next poster does interesting, weird, and mind-blowing things with his and/or her FAAAAAAACE!
Indeed I do.
The next poster can back me up in this regard.
I cannot speak of that day, when GT showed me the things he can do with his face. Even the thought of it-*black void-tentacles erupt out of eyes and mouth, screaming praises to the King in Yellow.*
The next poster also knows what happened that day.
*takes hand back out of The Doomkitten's mouth, casually washes it in sink*
Sure do.
The next poster does magazine model work for handcapes, facepants, and buttmasks.
Zere iz a... zubtle quality to ze buttmazk. Only I can truly bring out eetz... how you say... je na se quios.
Ze nexzt pozter speakz (and typez) with an even moure outrageouz acczent!
Eet's steel nawt ah toomah!
Neekst poostah speaks een Ahnold quotes.
I knew I should have stayed home today!
The next poster once got baked into a pie.
We sued that crazy-@$$ teacher for all she was worth.
The next poster is a gold digger, but they ain't Kanye.
Always make sure that you transfer your essence into a person and not a machine, or else you're going to look really stupid!
The next poster is a serial arsonist and a romantist.
I'll teach you to come in the air tonight!
Wherever the next poster lays their [redacted], that's their home.
Birdcruncher tribe lay chopped halfling toes over there, that now grounds of birdcruncher tribe.
Next pozter have plan for goblins to take over Sandpoint.
It involves treasure maps distributed to all the adventurers in Varisia that would take them FAR away from Sandpoint.
The next poster passed the test of the starstone through interpretive dance!
And I, John Kretzer, am now a deity.
The next poster wishes they could be like me, John Kretzer.
I do indeed wish I could be like you, John Kretzer.
The next poster failed the Starstone Test at the last moment for the stupidest possible reason.

Them: "You will fail the test!"
Me: "I will pass the test!"
Them: "You will fail the test!"
Me: "I will pass the test!"
Them: "You will fail the test!"
Me: "I will pass the test!"
Them: "You will fail the test!"
Me: "I will pass the test!"
Them: "You will fail the test!"
Me: "I will pass the test!"
Them: "You will fail the test!"
Me: "I will pass the test!"
Them: "You will fail the test!"
Me: "I will pass the test!"
Them: "You will fail the test!"
Me: "I will pass the test!"
Them: "You will fail the test!"
Me: "I will pass the test!"
Them: "You will fail the test!"
Me: "I will pass the test!"
Them: "You will fail the test!"
Me: "I will pass the test!"
Them: "You will fail the test!"
Me: "I will pass the test!"
Them: "You will fail the test!"
Me: "I will pass the test!"
Them: "You will fail the test!"
Me: "I will pass the test!"
Them: "You will fail the test!"
Me: "I will pass the test!"
Them: "You will fail the test!"
Me: "I will pass the test!"
Them: "You will fail the test!"
Me: "I will pass the test!"
Them: "You will fail the test!"
Me: "I will pass the test!"
Them: "You will pass the test!"
Me: "I will fail the test! . . . damnit."
The next poster believes it is neither rabbit nor duck season but some other season.
It is, of course, a New Season of Evil - This fall on NBC!
The next poster is head writer for Evil and will tell us about the pilot.
The first episode involves a hoard of rats taking over a church.
The next poster will volunteer to be an extra who falls into a pit full of ravenous rat, just to give the scene a realistic feel.
Sure, why not? This body is getting worn out, so I will need a new one soon. Fortunately, I've made a pact with some Mogu flesh-shapers.
Next poster, please retrieve for me the quilen mount I have, in my stable.
Next poster, write an angry letter to the Avatar on my behalf.
What is the Hells were you thinking when you put that stable together?! There was so much pink, hearts (not real ones), and Hello Kitty decor, it would freak out a MLP character! I didn't even mention the sheer volume of cutesy stuffed animals!
Kahnya Gnorc, on behalf of The Doomkitten.
The next poster feels right at home in AoZK's stable.
Oh the fun we'll have, pretty ponies!
The fun we'll have...
The next poster will recommend a scent of GoatToucher Brand rump ointment to use.
An intoxicating blend of laundry detergent, used lube, Mulligatawny soup and shame.
The next poster has used Rumptoucher Goat Brand Ointment for Purposes For Which It Was Not Originally Intended and wishes to confess.
Look! I wasn't aware that pouting a bottle of Rumptoucher Goat Brand Ointment into a village well constituted several war crimes at once!
The next poster has unraveled a vast conspiracy.
A pirate consortium is trying to copyright the word "avast" in order to demand royalties every time it is used, which will, in turn, bankrupt other pirates, making the consortium the undisputed kings of the seas and be able to control all trade on the open waters.
The next poster is trying the fight the Avast Conspiracy.
I just copyrighted the phrase "pirate consortium".
The next poster feels I am doing humanity an injustice by this.
Are you trying to put us pirate hunters out of business?
The next poster has nefarious plot involving pirates and Rumptoucher Goat Brand Ointment.
They're sending raiding parties to coastal communities to fight cowgirls(goatgirls?) like you in order to rustle goats and brand them with new symbols. the ointment is to make the brands heal quickly.
What they do with the goats afterwards... well that's -another- story.
The next poster did something with a goat once. Something they're not proud of.
I . . . watched Weekend at Bernies 2 with the goat. I feel that shame to this very day.
The next poster has a great idea for Weekend at Bernies 3!
This time, Bernie is alive and he's puppeting the other guys!
The next poster wants to share their favorite recipe with everyone.
*Get Peanut Butter And Persimmon Put Between Bread*
*Give New Face Now Make Tickle-Stick Fly In Space*
Aaaand that's why I'm no longer an astronomer. Not that I claimed to be one in the first place.
The next poster manages to use a keyboard despite lacking hands.
Who needs hands when you have...The CLAW?
The next poster once tried to give me a high-five.
Too bad I only got a high-four back.
The next poster is working on finding a SUPER SECRET MESSAGE hidden in the SSI Gold box games.
Supposedly it contains the secret of the Red Flower.
The next poster once hosted a tea party and in which Sir Hiss, Nagaina, Kaa, Asmodeus Poisonteeth and Nagini were the guests.
It was a delightful event and very informative.
The next poster also was at said event, but has a decidedly less positive view of it.
My game of "Hide the Snake" did -not- go as planned.
The next poster once rode a snake to freedom.
Still can't believe I was EVER put in that zoo specialising in prehistoric animals. Just wish the megaloceros hadn't gone free before I did. At least the titanaboa was still there.
The next poster was also put in said zoo.
Just one Wild Shape into dinosaur in Central Park, and everyone goes crazy!
The next poster witnessed the event, but remained calm . . .
After you see a dinosaur rampage through Central Park on three separate occasions, it gets kind of dull. I mean, only two trees were uprooted this time!
The next poster finally found what they were looking for after centuries of searching.
At last, the secret of existence, the answer to all lifes question, the road to ultimate power....::reads old scroll:: LOVE, I waited 300 years to learn that the answer is LOVE, bah, how can I slay millions of bleating human sheep with LOVE!!?
The next poster actually gets fortunes out of fortune cookies that make sense.
3 people marked this as a favorite.
All mine ever say is "Please stop doing that with the cookies." which, in context, does make sense.
The next poster writes their own fortune every day.
...and they are still vague and unhelpful.
The next poster literally paints the sky.
And the paintings sell for a hefty sum too, i'm getting filthy rich!
The next poster is into Tamagotchi
And it's in the top percentage, even!
The next poster has a hard time understanding pants.
Wallpaper, paper, paper, PAPER!
The next poster has just been made Lord of the Mark.
Indeed, and Mark will never be the same.
The next poster is a close friend of Mark's. Will they come into the "workroom" in an attempt to save him?