And you wonder why Americans are fat...

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Liberty's Edge

The new KFC Double down: Two pieces of cheese, two pieces of bacon, and special sauce between two fried chicken breasts. As delicious as it is, it's like a coronary infarction conveniently available at the drive-thru (yes I tried one...I couldn't help it). How the hell can anyone wonder why Americans are obese when we have s+%* like this? It's like the fast food industry is plotting the demise of the populace at large with their delicious fatty offerings.

Dark Archive

na the real trouble is when all you drink is fizzy drinks (i have yet to see a drop of water being drunk in america)

Liberty's Edge

ulgulanoth wrote:
na the real trouble is when all you drink is fizzy drinks (i have yet to see a drop of water being drunk in america)

Not all fizzy drinks are bad for you, but yes, regular soda and the fact that it is so cheap (I remember soda being insanely expensive when I lived in Germany) doesn't help matters at all. I stick to the calorie free diet sodas, but mostly because sugary drinks make me more thirsty than I was before I drank it, not for any health reasons.

The Exchange

Sandwich KFC Original Recipe® Double Down Calories 540 Fat (g) 32 Sodium (mg)1380

Sandwich KFC Grilled Double Down Calories 460 Fat (g) 23 Sodium (mg)1430

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Crimson Jester wrote:

Sandwich KFC Original Recipe® Double Down Calories 540 Fat (g) 32 Sodium (mg)1380

Sandwich KFC Grilled Double Down Calories 460 Fat (g) 23 Sodium (mg)1430

So... what you're telling me is that I can have one, if it's the only thing I eat that day. Yay!

Dark Archive

Looks suprisingly tasty (Anyone know if they plan to bring it over to the Uk?)

The Exchange

Charlie Bell wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:

Sandwich KFC Original Recipe® Double Down Calories 540 Fat (g) 32 Sodium (mg)1380

Sandwich KFC Grilled Double Down Calories 460 Fat (g) 23 Sodium (mg)1430

So... what you're telling me is that I can have one, if it's the only thing I eat that day. Yay!

Not exactly, You can eat one but you had best not have ANY salt for the rest of the week.

Grand Lodge

I remember a few years ago my best buddy and I decided to indulge a bit and went to Krispy Kreme.

The greatest friggen decadence in the known universe.

Anyway, we splurged and got a couple donuts, enjoying them while I picked on him because he would have to try and hide the fact that he had Krispy Kreme from his wife, knowing that she'd find out and he'd get in trouble.

Anyway, we were in the car in the parking lot chatting and this older gentleman, maybe 5'10 and easily 225 lbs was walking through the parkinglot back to his car after buying 2 BOXES of these things. The thing that made it so painful to watch, and hysterically funny for all the horrible reasons, was the guy could barely walk. He was in such poor physical shape, his steps were so small, inches at a time. He was literally struggling with every step. It was so pathetic. My friend and I were giggling away at the poor bastard and my buddy says, with a laugh, "The poor guy doesn't know what's killing him." It makes me laugh even now, 5 or so years later.

He doesn't realize what's killing him.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

W E Ray wrote:
I remember a few years ago my best buddy and I decided to indulge a bit and went to Krispy Kreme.

...and there's the perfect transition from the Double Down to the Luther Burger.

But don't stop there! Look to Paula Deen to add a fried egg.

Liberty's Edge

Actually, it's only the breading you should watch out for if you're worried about gaining weight--you're not going to expand your adipose cells on protein.

As to the sodium and cholesterol, plenty of water and an increase in vitamin C and Omega-3 will take care of it.

Add a daily fibre supplement (just a daily 8 oz drink-mix will do; or a medium bowl of muesli) and you can stop worrying about potential GI issues resultant from the excess meat.

A nice, daily 30-minute walk would be a good idea, too.

Andrew Turner wrote:

As to the sodium and cholesterol, plenty of water and an increase in vitamin C and Omega-3 will take care of it.

Add a daily fibre supplement (just a daily 8 oz drink-mix will do; or a medium bowl of muesli) and you can stop worrying about potential GI issues resultant from the excess meat.

Wow... So... You can LIVE on KFC basically? :-)

Yeah, I think it's the carbs in everything that is the issue.
People lose weight by going on all protein and fat diets, after all.

There is "sugar" in so many things it's crazy.
If you don't know what ingredients are in what you are eating, there's probably sugar.
(Actually, "sugar" if you are in the USA, given the high tariffs on imported sugar and subsidization of corn, corn syrup is used which is even worse for instigating diabetes. Yay!)

I think the best thing for people who aren't accustomed to drinking plain water is those sparkling waters with just pure flavoring, which come in many flavors.

Scarab Sages

Quandary wrote:

Wow... So... You can LIVE on KFC basically? :-)

But why would you want to? If you're going to feed your body fried chicken, at least have the common courtesy to make sure it's good fried chicken. Kentucky Fried Crap doesn't count.

Aberzombie wrote:
Quandary wrote:

Wow... So... You can LIVE on KFC basically? :-)

But why would you want to? If you're going to feed your body fried chicken, at least have the common courtesy to make sure it's good fried chicken. Kentucky Fried Crap doesn't count.

Mmmmm, Popeye's Spicy...

Scarab Sages

Zombie Pizza Delivery Girl wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Quandary wrote:

Wow... So... You can LIVE on KFC basically? :-)

But why would you want to? If you're going to feed your body fried chicken, at least have the common courtesy to make sure it's good fried chicken. Kentucky Fried Crap doesn't count.
Mmmmm, Popeye's Spicy...

You're reading my mind.....

...wonder what the Popeye version of the Double Down would be ...

Liberty's Edge

Urizen wrote:
...wonder what the Popeye version of the Double Down would be ...


I did pick up, on a whim, the Double Down last night. Hoo boy... I confess, I like it. But I would love to see a cajun spin on it kicked up a notch.

The Exchange

Xpltvdeleted wrote:
Urizen wrote:
...wonder what the Popeye version of the Double Down would be ...

I will do my best to invent this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Silver Crusade

Am I the only one who knows about this site? It's not for the weak-stomached, but it's so full of win.

Edit: Mmm. Cadbury Cream Eggs Benedict...

Looking at that thing makes my chest hurt.

OTOH, I get fried shrimp from Popeyes on occasion.

Silver Crusade

Celestial Healer wrote:

Am I the only one who knows about this site? It's not for the weak-stomached, but it's so full of win.

Edit: Mmm. Cadbury Cream Eggs Benedict...

Gah! Once I start looking at that site I can't look away...

The Exchange

Celestial Healer wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

Am I the only one who knows about this site? It's not for the weak-stomached, but it's so full of win.

Edit: Mmm. Cadbury Cream Eggs Benedict...

Gah! Once I start looking at that site I can't look away...

That sight shows the Awesomeness that is the U.S.A.!!!!!!!

And if we could just eat that garbage once in a blue moon we would not be all fat.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

Am I the only one who knows about this site? It's not for the weak-stomached, but it's so full of win.

Edit: Mmm. Cadbury Cream Eggs Benedict...

Gah! Once I start looking at that site I can't look away...

OoooooOOoooOOOOOoooOh. Food pr0n. nomnomnom

Liberty's Edge

Urizen wrote:
I did pick up, on a whim, the Double Down last night. Hoo boy... I confess, I like it. But I would love to see a cajun spin on it kicked up a notch.

I had one on Saturday night too...

Just woke up a few minutes ago. The shooting pains in my arm should go away soon (at least that's what the doctors say). ;)

Honestly, though, the sandwich was pretty decent, but I still like Wendy's spicy chicken and Arby's chicken, bacon & swiss better.

Ashe Ravenheart wrote:
Urizen wrote:
I did pick up, on a whim, the Double Down last night. Hoo boy... I confess, I like it. But I would love to see a cajun spin on it kicked up a notch.

I had one on Saturday night too...

Just woke up a few minutes ago. The shooting pains in my arm should go away soon (at least that's what the doctors say). ;)

Honestly, though, the sandwich was pretty decent, but I still like Wendy's spicy chicken and Arby's chicken, bacon & swiss better.

Oh, you got me thinkin'. I loves me Wendy's spicy chicken. Make a ghetto style double down of that. Flatline my barely beating heart, it does!

Liberty's Edge

Urizen wrote:
Ashe Ravenheart wrote:
Urizen wrote:
I did pick up, on a whim, the Double Down last night. Hoo boy... I confess, I like it. But I would love to see a cajun spin on it kicked up a notch.

I had one on Saturday night too...

Just woke up a few minutes ago. The shooting pains in my arm should go away soon (at least that's what the doctors say). ;)

Honestly, though, the sandwich was pretty decent, but I still like Wendy's spicy chicken and Arby's chicken, bacon & swiss better.

Oh, you got me thinkin'. I loves me Wendy's spicy chicken. Make a ghetto style double down of that. Flatline my barely beating heart, it does!

MMmmmm... Buy an Arby's BC&S, and an Wendy's Spicy. Take the buns off and slap that spicy chicken on top of the Arby's patty & stuff.

Damn. I'm probably going back to the hospital this weekend now...

I'm going to have to hitch a ride with you. <holds out thumb....then drops on the side of the road....>

The Double Down, deconstructed.

W E Ray wrote:

I remember a few years ago my best buddy and I decided to indulge a bit and went to Krispy Kreme.

The greatest friggen decadence in the known universe.

Anyway, we splurged and got a couple donuts, enjoying them while I picked on him because he would have to try and hide the fact that he had Krispy Kreme from his wife, knowing that she'd find out and he'd get in trouble.

Anyway, we were in the car in the parking lot chatting and this older gentleman, maybe 5'10 and easily 225 lbs was walking through the parkinglot back to his car after buying 2 BOXES of these things. The thing that made it so painful to watch, and hysterically funny for all the horrible reasons, was the guy could barely walk. He was in such poor physical shape, his steps were so small, inches at a time. He was literally struggling with every step. It was so pathetic. My friend and I were giggling away at the poor bastard and my buddy says, with a laugh, "The poor guy doesn't know what's killing him." It makes me laugh even now, 5 or so years later.

He doesn't realize what's killing him.

Because, y'know, of course he was going to eat both boxes ALL BY HIMSELF. He couldn't possibly have been picking them up to take to a work function, or a family picnic, or something else. Nope, if he was fat, he must have been planning to go snarf down every delicious calorie all on his own, probably as dessert after his 7000 calorie fast food lunch and Big Gulp.

They serve Big Gulps at Krispy Kreme? I need to go back...

Liberty's Edge

Urizen wrote:
They serve Big Gulps at Krispy Kreme? I need to go back...

I'm issuing you the Double Down challenge!

Ashe Ravenheart wrote:
Urizen wrote:
They serve Big Gulps at Krispy Kreme? I need to go back...
I'm issuing you the Double Down challenge!


I couldn't handle that. I'd lose in a heartbeat. But I'd stretch it out for a whole day's meal though.

Celestial Healer wrote:

Am I the only one who knows about this site? It's not for the weak-stomached, but it's so full of win.

Edit: Mmm. Cadbury Cream Eggs Benedict...

I just don't get why this site is banned in China....


Liberty's Edge

Kruelaid wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

Am I the only one who knows about this site? It's not for the weak-stomached, but it's so full of win.

Edit: Mmm. Cadbury Cream Eggs Benedict...

I just don't get why this site is banned in China....


Because Cadbury Cream Eggs are the taste of FREEDOM!

Liberty's Edge

The Double Bypass at the Vortex This sammich is IIRC, a half pound of beef, 6 strips of bacon, 3 fried eggs, 3 or 4 pieces of cheese, and the capper: instead of buns, not one, but two texas-toast grilled cheese sandwiches. I made one of these for myself onetime (no way im gonna pay restaurant prices for a heart attack, ima do it on the cheap) and it was oh-so-delicious. Of course afterward i crawled to a corner, curled up into the fetal position, and wept while quietly repeating "I hate my body!"

Xpltvdeleted wrote:
The new KFC Double down: Two pieces of cheese, two pieces of bacon, and special sauce between two fried chicken breasts. As delicious as it is, it's like a coronary infarction conveniently available at the drive-thru (yes I tried one...I couldn't help it). How the hell can anyone wonder why Americans are obese when we have s@*! like this? It's like the fast food industry is plotting the demise of the populace at large with their delicious fatty offerings.

Oddly enough, according to this, nutritionally (ahem) speaking the Double Down is not much worse for you than a Big Mac, just saltier. You could eat three of them and still be taking in fewer calories than in a single Quizno's Prime Rib Cheesesteak (though damn, that sub looks tasty...ooey gooey cheese...).

Not that I would recommend three Double Downs in one sitting. Blarg.

I fully admit I still eat too much fast food, but that's my fault, not the fast food industry's. I'd like to blame them, but Sonic really doesn't make me come in for my cheeseburger (the works, but no onions) and tater tots with a big-ass cherry limeade...that's all me and my own weaknesses... :-)

Silver Crusade

Xpltvdeleted wrote:
The Double Bypass at the Vortex This sammich is IIRC, a half pound of beef, 6 strips of bacon, 3 fried eggs, 3 or 4 pieces of cheese, and the capper: instead of buns, not one, but two texas-toast grilled cheese sandwiches. I made one of these for myself onetime (no way im gonna pay restaurant prices for a heart attack, ima do it on the cheap) and it was oh-so-delicious. Of course afterward i crawled to a corner, curled up into the fetal position, and wept while quietly repeating "I hate my body!"

dumbfounded look

...the hell?!

I'd rather eat two Luther burgers back-to-back again than do that to myself!

I'll just leave this here :)

Don't view if hungry or easily disgusted

oops: just saw Celestial Healer's link... you are not the only one who knows about it. And now I am really hungry after looking at a few pages... (pages 10 and 16 in particular...)

Liberty's Edge

Wow. That site is... WOW.

Admittedly, when I was youger, I could've handled all of those things.

Now, in my mid-to-late freakin' way.

I would die.

Seabyrn wrote:
And now I am really hungry after looking at a few pages... (pages 10 and 16 in particular...)

And a few pages later, I was sick to my stomach. Sympathy pains for all the heart attacks that I would have had if I ate them.

Silver Crusade

Glad I could share the love.

Great, now I'm hungrier

I could use some cheetos and doritos right about now. Munchies. I got the munchies...

I've got the butter, I just need a place to cook.

(rolls on through)

Hugo Solis wrote:
Great, now I'm hungrier



Celestial Healer wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

Am I the only one who knows about this site? It's not for the weak-stomached, but it's so full of win.

Edit: Mmm. Cadbury Cream Eggs Benedict...

Gah! Once I start looking at that site I can't look away...

Hop over here and I'll be happy to eat your eyeballs. Mmmm, tasty eyeballs...

I can even install some replacement googly eyes for you, and no one will know you had an oedipu-ectomy.

Sovereign Court

While the Double down sounds ... interesting ... my favorite artery clogging sandwich is a local construct. There is a BBQ joint in Asheville called 12 Bones which is the home to the Hogzilla ... pulled pork, andouille sausage, thick cut applewood smoked sugar cured bacon, melted pepper jack cheese on hogie ... mmmmmm ... chock full of porcine goodness.

wolfs down a powdered donut


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