Sean Bean heads cast for HBO's A Game of Thrones


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Sovereign Court

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Irontruth wrote:
Pan wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

Littlefinger: I will predict everything that could possibly happen and lay out all possible...

Bran has come back from the dead

Littlefinger: G!!!%$it it

And he's omnicient

Littlefinger: well @(*#@$

Honestly, he did predict everything up until recently. Who can see dragons, worgs, and wights coming? I think that makes his scene with Sansa so great because we get to see what littlefinger does when all his predictions turn pear shaped. Though my guess is we are waiting for Jon's return so they can simply kill littlefinger off despite being the most compelling villain of the series, even more so than cersei.

I still think he lives to next season. He's not really doing anything lately that compares to his villainy of the early seasons.

As I've said I think he solves your problem with Cersei being dead. When the white walkers attack, LF is dumb/ambitious enough to throw people under the proverbial bus in order to advance his position. He'll be the season 8 "human villain".

Plus he still has to survive long enough to become the mayor of Baltimore.

Well if he can survive McNulty, he can survive anything. Its possible Littlefinger is the season 7.5 human villain, but it doesn't fit the character. LF isn't dumb or suicidal. I have a hard time imagining him threatening all life by interfering with the night king battle. However, attempting to become some kind of warden of the river territories or north by way of Sansa seems likely. Something interesting is developing there. Sansa hates him, but she seems to understand there is some value in his wisdom; albeit with clear and/or ulterior motives.

I look forward to seeing how it plays out as its one of few items I find of interest with the series anymore.

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GM Niles wrote:
Lady Lyanna Mormont is a boss.

Oh my, if only Arya and Brienne opened a combat training academy for girls and young ladies in the North.

Patriarchal Noble/Merchant: "Our little Nissa is getting too headstrong. We should send her to that Lady Arya's academy, make her learn to be a proper young lady. Says here she'll learn lessons in etiquette, crafting masks and costumes--I suppose that'd liven up this dreary keep, baking delicious pies, and even some new type of dancing from Braavosi. It must be quite good, House Mormont even sent Lady Lyanna there."

Irontruth wrote:
Plus he still has to survive long enough to become the mayor of Baltimore.

He he!

Pan wrote:
Irontruth wrote:
Pan wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

Littlefinger: I will predict everything that could possibly happen and lay out all possible...

Bran has come back from the dead

Littlefinger: G!!!%$it it

And he's omnicient

Littlefinger: well @(*#@$

Honestly, he did predict everything up until recently. Who can see dragons, worgs, and wights coming? I think that makes his scene with Sansa so great because we get to see what littlefinger does when all his predictions turn pear shaped. Though my guess is we are waiting for Jon's return so they can simply kill littlefinger off despite being the most compelling villain of the series, even more so than cersei.

I still think he lives to next season. He's not really doing anything lately that compares to his villainy of the early seasons.

As I've said I think he solves your problem with Cersei being dead. When the white walkers attack, LF is dumb/ambitious enough to throw people under the proverbial bus in order to advance his position. He'll be the season 8 "human villain".

Plus he still has to survive long enough to become the mayor of Baltimore.

Well if he can survive McNulty, he can survive anything. Its possible Littlefinger is the season 7.5 human villain, but it doesn't fit the character. LF isn't dumb or suicidal. I have a hard time imagining him threatening all life by interfering with the night king battle. However, attempting to become some kind of warden of the river territories or north by way of Sansa seems likely. Something interesting is developing there. Sansa hates him, but she seems to understand there is some value in his wisdom; albeit with clear and/or ulterior motives.

I look forward to seeing how it plays out as its one of few items I find of interest with the series anymore.

I don't think he'd sell out to the Night King (if such a thing is even possible). But I think he'll engage in palace intrigue in S8 and keep that element of the show alive and strong after Cersei is gone. He wouldn't open the gates to the white walkers, but he isn't above killing someone who threatens him or stands in his way of advancement during a battle.

Pan wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

Littlefinger: I will predict everything that could possibly happen and lay out all possible...

Bran has come back from the dead

Littlefinger: G!!!%$it it

And he's omnicient

Littlefinger: well @(*#@$

Honestly, he did predict everything up until recently. Who can see dragons, worgs, and wights coming? I think that makes his scene with Sansa so great because we get to see what littlefinger does when all his predictions turn pear shaped. Though my guess is we are waiting for Jon's return so they can simply kill littlefinger off despite being the most compelling villain of the series, even more so than cersei.

Just as Ned should not have gone South, LF should not have gone North. He has little to no support to draw upon while in KL he had Varys levels of informants and patsies.

If Jaime gets captured, no doubt Tyrion will learn about Mycella's poisoning by the Dorne. Even if he knew how hazardous thigns can get he will get very angry about it, which would enganger the alliance if said poisoners weren't captured by Cersei

I'm betting Littlefinger bites it this season and Cersei doesn't

Littlefinger just has like..nothing to do anymore. Other than being a creeper. His style of politics just don't work in the North, and he has zero potential allies, since the Starks either are disgusted by him or don't trust him, or some combination.

Cersei seems to be a favorite of the showrunners, which has given her some amazing plot armor and some brilliant wins this season.

MannyGoblin wrote:
If Jaime gets captured, no doubt Tyrion will learn about Mycella's poisoning by the Dorne. Even if he knew how hazardous thigns can get he will get very angry about it, which would enganger the alliance if said poisoners weren't captured by Cersei

He already does: He made a reference that Dany doesn't poison little girls right to Ellaria's face.

I wonder if the Night King will get zombie dragons. There has been artwork with him on the back of one.

How old is too old for the Night King to animate dead? 'Cause there's several dragon skeletons under King's Landing.

MannyGoblin wrote:
I wonder if the Night King will get zombie dragons. There has been artwork with him on the back of one.

my best guess? yes, Drogon. As soon as Jon Snow heads back to Whatstheplacesname-by-the-Sea he'll probably face the Night King and will be saved last minute by Dany and her Dragons. But for shock value alone, Drogon is the obvious choice to fall during that fight (from a Giant's arrow, I suppose - they set that up nicley already)

MMCJawa wrote:
Littlefinger just has like..nothing to do anymore.

In order to achieve his goal (ruling Westeros with Sansa as his wife), he basically needs Jon, Dany and Cersei to die.

I'm interested to see if he has plans to make that happen any time soon.

Sovereign Court

Im guessing LF is recalculating right now. He will probably settle for being lord of the river whatevers and start a new plot. He really needs time to recoup since his hand has been revealed. He is a patient man.

Scarab Sages

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LF Plan B:

"Sweet Robin! Oh I'm so glad to see you. Winterfell is dreadful this time of year. Oh look what I found! A frozen bag of Mommy's Milk that she had stored away in the freezing rooms. Come to Uncy Pete. Yes, good Sweet Robin." #LordoftheVale

Scarab Sages

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Internet rumors say that Gendry finally finished rowing his boat, and we'll see (what i can only presume is a tiny body amid YUGE arms) him this weekend.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

However unlikely, this is what I'd like to see happen to LF:
1) Sansa sinks to his level, and decides to marry him to a) throw him off, and b) gain access to the knights of the vale that Winterfell is relying on to keep order and safety.
2) Bran tells Arya about LF's BS, and she frightens him off in a panic.
3) Nymeria eats him.


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archmagi1 wrote:

LF Plan B:

"Sweet Robin! Oh I'm so glad to see you. Winterfell is dreadful this time of year. Oh look what I found! A frozen bag of Mommy's Milk that she had stored away in the freezing rooms. Come to Uncy Pete. Yes, good Sweet Robin." #LordoftheVale

Maester of the Vale: "Lord Baelish, you want me to construct a wearable... vest for you to... to feed not-so-young Robin?!"

San loss: 1d100 ⇒ 35

Like anyone would care if sweet Robin had an untimely demise.

The showrunners I think forgot that character even existed...

Scarab Sages

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But yet we got 3 seasons of boredom in Slaver's Bay and half a season of the Sand Snakes... The least they could give us is more bird themed stuff in the Eyrie. Sweet Robin forcibly renames all his retainers after other birds. Ser Chickenhawk, Ser Turkey Vulture, Ser Bald Eagle, Ser Yellow Bellied Warbler, Ser Swallow. Nobody would dare trifle with the Vale then...

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archmagi1 wrote:
But yet we got 3 seasons of boredom in Slaver's Bay and half a season of the Sand Snakes... The least they could give us is more bird themed stuff in the Eyrie. Sweet Robin forcibly renames all his retainers after other birds. Ser Chickenhawk, Ser Turkey Vulture, Ser Bald Eagle, Ser Yellow Bellied Warbler, Ser Swallow. Nobody would dare trifle with the Vale then...

Or, considering it's Robin in the Moon Door-ed Eyrie, perhaps it'd be: Ser Kiwi, Ser Penguin, Ser Emu, Ser Ostrich, Ser Chicken...

So 'Eastwatch' will be this evening's title. I am guessing it will be Hardhome Mk.2

Well some surprises.

Cersei and Jaime never change you whacky kids.

Well Sam does have a good point there, reasonable or not they are far too hide bounded. Don't take it out on Gilly though.

No more rowing!

Somehow I think these will be tougher to handle than a 1/2 cr zombie

I can feel the Jon and Dany fanfiction being typed.

I have a feeling they'll never confirm Rhaegar being Jon's dad. They'll want to get as much traction out of Dany's crush on Jon Snow as possible.

I want to see that flaming sword in action! NOW!

Also with a heart that cold, are we sure Cersei isn't all ready a wight?

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I wonder if they are going to try for a wight or White Walker? me thinks a wight would be much easier since whacking off the arms and legs would make it a near non issue while WW are so much more trouble.

Edit: Saw this post from another viewer

From a friend watching the ep: "All I can picture is them sailing south with a zombie tied to the mast, 'Uggghhhhhh!' And the Hound, 'Shut the f$*+ up!'"

Fermented Crab. So THAT's pods secret...

Addams Family DM wrote:

I can feel the Jon and Dany fanfiction being typed.

I have a feeling they'll never confirm Rhaegar being Jon's dad. They'll want to get as much traction out of Dany's crush on Jon Snow as possible.

I want to see that flaming sword in action! NOW!

Also with a heart that cold, are we sure Cersei isn't all ready a wight?

To hell with the fan fiction, whats an annulment again?

Scarab Sages

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Secret marriage to Lyanna CONFIRMED! Martin is probably so pissed at this point that he threw his draft of Winds in the trash and we'll never see it (as if we were going to beforehand).

The best line of the night goes to Ser Davos, as he totally name-dropped the Gendry is still rowing Meme. I don't think I've ever been so giddy to see a 4th wall shattering joke like that. It's not even a nudge nudge wink wink joke, but a full on "I figured you'd still be rowing." Davos also gets a nod for second best line in his quip about being a ripe old age.

So left we have big battle next weekend, presumably with a few major/minor casualties. Jorah is going to bite it, because tragic creeper romance won't ever happen, but his grayscale will do something cool, like maybe kill the ice-bladed Walker who stabs him. Also making him zombie-proof. (Jorah is Nissa Nissa to Jon's sword of fire at the hand of Dany's Azor Ahai for rando conspiracy theories this week)

Berric will see his last life, and probably Thoros too. Gendry will get a pass and make it back to Winterfell (this or next season) so that he and soulless faceless woman can (in season 8) have a "I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel about this" sex scene to really give all the uncomfortable sex scenes the show has had a topper that will forever live in the fandom.

I would hate for Giantsbane to die, but at this point, he and Brienne are never getting together, and Davos has replaced him as comic relief. His loss is no loss. RIP the wildlings, we hardly knew ye.

Hound survives (in the south in one of the season trailers), and we get a #CLEGANEBOWL fake out in episode 8.

Lightning pace at this point. It's all coming to a head, and will be glorious.

Also, LF totally had the raven note from Lyanna that she is having Raegar's son, or from Ned that Jon is Raegar's son. LF's plan is to use the fact that 1) Jon is a Targ, and 2) He's got a hard-on for dragonlady to turn the North against him.

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I'm guessing LF planted a false note to turn Arya and Sansa against each other

Berric is a goner for sure, Night King does an interception of Thoro's magic as 'LOL nope'.

I don't think Jorah will die *shrug*

Berric and someone else dies so Thoros has to make a choice?

I would like for Giantsbane to live so he can man the wall against the walkers and agree that the whole Giant/Brienne joke went on too long

Was pointed out that Sam's last look at the library was rather appropriate. When he arrived it was bright and had the promise of the world's knowledge and wisdom. Now it is cold and dark and there is nothing there for Sam anymore.

archmagi1 wrote:
Secret marriage to Lyanna CONFIRMED!

By Drogon's reaction to Jon, or something else?

Odd that Dany didn't comment on it; she certainly regarded it as interesting.

Dark Archive

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Damon Griffin wrote:
archmagi1 wrote:
Secret marriage to Lyanna CONFIRMED!
By Drogon's reaction to Jon, or something else?

Gillie was reading aloud about a secret annulment and re-marriage when Sam Tarley interrupted her. It sounds like she said 'Prince Raegar' was the annuller-of-his-marriage, but she didn't get to finish, so we didn't get to hear what we mostly suspect, that Ned Stark's sister was the new wife.
Odd that Dany didn't comment on it; she certainly regarded it as interesting.

That was strange. She had a visible reaction to it, but then went off on her 'my beautiful children' tangent which IN NO WAY makes her look crazy...

I was thinking she'd at least mention that nobody else even *thinks* of touching Drogon (or would be likely to survive doing so), not even her fanatically brave Unsullied or Dothraki followers. The other two dragons have allowed Tyrion to approach and unchain them, but Drogon seems to be a bit more undisciplined, at times, than the others. Then again, he also seems to be the fondest of Dany, personally, since he's the one who comes to her rescue. (The other two might still be bitter about the whole chained-in-the-basement thing...)

In other pointless observations;

That baby of Sam and Gilly's sure has grown a lot!

Gendry looks kinda/sorta like a different actor. I know it's the same guy, but his face has changed, somehow. Or my brain continues it's inevitable decline into senility. Could be some from column A and column B. :)

I love how Dany looks like a tiny child, all huddled in on herself when she walks. Her and Cersei both have a sort of protected body language, and while Dany's seems to say 'protect me!', Cersei's is more like 'come any closer and I'll cut you!'

Littlefinger is attempting to play Arya against Sansa, as if she needed his clues to suggest that Sansa makes terrible choices. (Thank goodness for the scenes after the episode explaining WTF is going on, 'cause I was like 'I can't read that note...') Interesting that, for all her cleverness, Arya is kind of falling into the same Northerner straight-thinking trap that cost her father his head, warning her target that she's onto them (and a danger to their interests). Stark showed all his cards to Cersei, before playing them, and she ended the game with a sudden death scenario. Arya hasn't shown *all* her cards to Baelish, but enough to cause her some problems. She needs to think sideways. Arya Stark may not be able to think sideways, but 'a girl' was trained to do just that. If 'a girl' isn't careful, Arya Stark is going to get her killed...

Best way to beat an enemy like Baelish is not to let him know you are an enemy until your knife is already in his back.

Maybe not even then. Let him go to hell wondering what just happened... :)

Scarab Sages

About Drogon's Petting

Jon's already a Warg and has high ranks in Animal Empathy (from all those off screen interactions with his en absentia direwolf). If they'd not have completely ignored this part of his character since he was doing Warg Kombat in the attack on the wall (4 seasons ago, i think), it wouldn't quite seem so odd. But it was odd, though I figured Raegal would have been the one to 'have that scene' since hes named after Jon's dad and all.

Gendry did look all sorts of different, but then so did Hot Pie (also last seen 4 years ago).

Also, I'm upset that the note was just the command from Joffery to 'bend the knee.' Would have been so much better if it were yet another R+L=J hint.

MannyGoblin wrote:
I'm guessing LF planted a false note to turn Arya and Sansa against each other

It appears to be a real note - one Sansa wrote years ago, under duress, saying Joffrey was right to execute her father, or something like that.

Liberty's Edge

I'm wondering

how the heck Bronn was able to lift Jamie out of the water with Jamie's armor on.

Sovereign Court

CapeCodRPGer wrote:
I'm wondering ** spoiler omitted **

...and nobody cared to look for them in the water either.

Silver Crusade

archmagi1 wrote:
About Drogon's Petting

... is Jon gonna turn into a dragon?

Scarab Sages

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The big theory is that Bran would, but I can see Jon warging a dragon. Its hard for me to remember which wildlings were in the show back in season 2 and 3, but there is one wildling for sure in the books who maintains multiple warg animals (dogs in this case). And NotBran can warg a whole murder of ravens at the same time. The problem with Dragons is their INT, but then Direwolves are INT heavy creatures too. A bigger real problem, though, is that the show has forgotten Jon is a warg.

Now that's an adventuring party

Liberty's Edge

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I don't think the show runners have forgotten that Jon is a warg in the books, I think they have consciously made the decision to downplay that aspect of Jon's character. Playing it up in the show would likely diminish what Bran can do in many viewer's eyes, especially viewers who have not read the books (and let's face it, there are more Game of Thrones viewers that have not read the books than have read them.

As with any visual medium (TV, movies ...) versus a written medium, like a series of books, you simply must streamline things for the visual medium and pare down (or even jettison entirely) aspects that will not work as well, or port over as well, to the more visual medium.

I guess what I'm saying is that I think folks need to try and put aside the desire to have the TV series be an exact, 1-to-1 telling of the books and take the HBO series on its own, without a "strict book bias" as it were.

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Reminds me of the decision to not have Glamdring and Orcrist glow in the LotR/Hobbit movies: they were worried casual viewers would be confused (which seems like nonsense to me, but I'm not a casual viewer) so they made Sting be "special".

Grand Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
archmagi1 wrote:
Martin is probably so pissed at this point that he threw his draft of Winds in the trash and we'll never see it (as if we were going to beforehand).

Nah. He consoled himself with that huge pile of money that HBO has (probably) paid him (and his publisher) to not publish any more GoT books until after after the show ends so he doesn't spoil anything for the TV show.

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Honestly, beginning in season 5 I think the Show and book have so diverged in plotlines that I wouldn't take anything for certain on the show as being evidence of what will happen in the books, other than in the most vague and general sense.

Hmm...If Cersei is really pregnant, maybe this will fit into the prophecy or her being replaced and killed. She has twins. First born is a girl(younger and prettier, looking like Churchil notwithstanding) and the younger is a boy and she dies delivering him.

Face it, she is getting rather up there as remarked by Olanna who said she was near menopause age.

Scarab Sages

The problem with her "being pregnant" is the TV version of the prophecy pretty clearly spelled out that "The King" would have twenty children, but she would only have 3. She's got Jaime under her thumb with the fake-out.

Youtube for reference

The child might not come to term.

Liberty's Edge

That's actually most likely what will happen - Cercei will have a miscarriage ...

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

or she'll die before delivery.

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Nah. From a meta-fictional standpoint, I think Cersei will survive up to very end. I almost suspect she'll outlive even the White Walkers. If it weren't for the valonqar prophecy, I'd expect Dany to come upon Cersei sitting upon the Iron Throne absolutely refusing to give it up... to which Dany just nods, looks at Drogon, and says "Dracarys."

Edit: Although, Dany is the youngest sibling to Rhaegar and Viserys...

Since the creators have said something about the ending being 'bittersweet' I suspect Cersei will remain in power while the rest of Westeros is divided between The North/Dany and other lords.

I'm guessing that the main fights against the WW will take up episodes 1-5 and episode 6 will be a wrap up episode where say 10 minutes or so focuses on various groups. Kind of like a montage/where are they now ending like The Wire.

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