Sean Bean heads cast for HBO's A Game of Thrones


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Kirth Gersen wrote:

What I want to know is why the Mountain ages in reverse. In seasons 1-2, he was apparently in his 40s. By the time he fights the Viper, he's in his 20s. I need to be able to do that, too!

Or maybe the guy in the duel is Gregor Cleghane Junior, trying to make his daddy proud?

Is it worth aging backwards if you end up a (nearly) mindless zombie?

We won't even talk about how Daario morphed from fabulous Fabio to nondescript nobody between seasons!

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Kirth Gersen wrote:
We won't even talk about how Daario morphed from fabulous Fabio to nondescript nobody between seasons!

He's a faceless man and lost his face in a poker game?

Liberty's Edge

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
Kirth Gersen wrote:
We won't even talk about how Daario morphed from fabulous Fabio to nondescript nobody between seasons!
He's a faceless man and lost his face in a poker game?

P-p-p-poker face, p-p-p-poker face

Sovereign Court

I prefer the bearded dude from the whatever that thing was before.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Old Daario

For those who have seen the various teasers for this season.

I saw a break down of various scenes and one had Wildlings confronted by Bolton pikes and shields. From the look of it, it seems that the wildlings are going to get ringed in and need a rescue.

Don't look at the IMDB page for this next upcoming episode until after you've seen it. There is a major spoiler in the cast list (maybe more than one, I closed the tab quick to prevent spoiling it to myself more).

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Remember that anyone can edit IMDB, so nothing on that site can really be considered a spoiler. There have been prank cast entries on that site for Game of Thrones before.

Scarab Sages

Well I'm sure one of those is who Ian mcshane teased this week.

clegane bowl

*waves a Gregorstein penant*

Speculation for the season teaser clip that was shown before S6 started.

Davos was seen standing in a snowy field so I am guessing he visits Stannis' old camp and finds the pyre Shireen was tossed on, perhaps finding a damaged stag he gave her. If so, Mel won't be living long.

The unreaveal: he's exactly who everyone thought he was.

Damned COOL introduction though

BNW - They referred to him as Ser Gregor a couple of episodes back. The whole "Ser Robert Strong" thing didn't last any time at all.

Scarab Sages

So the whole "an old foe returns" bit from the summary was Walder Frey? Poo on you GoT. Poo on you.

Dany riding the dragon was kinda cool, even if it was generic locker room speech.

And Randall Tarly is an ass.

So I figure where Book Sam is going now, is to eventually steal Heartseeker (?) and return north, not quite a maester. I'm pretty sure the TV guys washed the Citadel bits out with the Martells, unless its a whole episode 9 cutaway and a spend the rest of the series there as useless protagonist #71.

I really hope Magery Tyrell is being deceptive and not a stepford wife now.

BNW - They referred to him as Ser Gregor a couple of episodes back. The whole "Ser Robert Strong" thing didn't last any time at all.

I think he meant Coldhands.

Although this is very strictly show-only. In the books, he will be someone else.

Werthead wrote:
BNW - They referred to him as Ser Gregor a couple of episodes back. The whole "Ser Robert Strong" thing didn't last any time at all.

I think he meant Coldhands.

Although this is very strictly show-only. In the books, he will be someone else.

Have they said that show Coldhands is not book Coldhands? Because even before this episode, the identity revealed for that character was generally speaking the one most people theorized.

To me, the most interesting part of the episode was Bran's flashback. It was pretty cool to see the Mad King... And the moment when Jaime killed him.

Scarab Sages

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Lemmy wrote:
To me, the most interesting part of the episode was Bran's flashback. It was pretty cool to see the Mad King... And the moment when Jaime killed him.

He watched seasons 1 through 5 with the additional material and dvd commentaries. And there is nothing anywhere to imply that Coldhands isn't Uncle Benjen in the books either, as Sam had never seen Benjen and Coldhands didn't reveal himself to Bran in the book.

Werthead wrote:
BNW - They referred to him as Ser Gregor a couple of episodes back. The whole "Ser Robert Strong" thing didn't last any time at all.

I think he meant Coldhands.

Although this is very strictly show-only. In the books, he will be someone else.

And you know this because...?

archmagi1 wrote:
Lemmy wrote:
To me, the most interesting part of the episode was Bran's flashback. It was pretty cool to see the Mad King... And the moment when Jaime killed him.
He watched seasons 1 through 5 with the additional material and dvd commentaries. And there is nothing anywhere to imply that Coldhands isn't Uncle Benjen in the books either, as Sam had never seen Benjen and Coldhands didn't reveal himself to Bran in the book.

Huh? Why was this reply directed at my comment? I think you quoted the wrong post there, sir. :P

Anyway, I'll use the opportunity to share my 2 cents...

In the books, Leaf says Coldhands died "long ago", and Benjen died, at most, a couple years earlier (remember 1 book isn't necessarily 1 year. IIRC only about 2 years have past since the Ned Stark was visited by Robert Baratheon). 2 years doesn't sound like "long ago" for a creature who's lived at least 200 years.

Aside from that, there's a comment or note of GRRM himself where he says Coldhands is not Benjen Stark, although it does look like that was a possibility at some point in time, but GRRM changed his mind/decided against it.

EDIT: Ah! Got it why you quoted my comment. I was confused by your mention of Coldhands, so I thought you had mistakenly quoted me while trying to reply to one of the posts that mention the wight. XD

2 years is a long time to be dead and still walking for most people...

If there's one piece of evidence for Uncle Benjen being Coldhands, it's that Coldhands is riding a stag and we know, in book and TV series alike, that Uncle Benjen's horse returned to Castle Black.

What's that you say? Well, I guess there are just a lot of spare horses with saddles wandering around north of the Wall in the TV series; so what, who cares?!

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Hitdice wrote:

What's that you say? Well, I guess there are just a lot of spare horses with saddles wandering around north of the Wall in the TV series; so what, who cares?!

Well, there are a bunch of brothers of the nights watch that don't need their horses and saddles anymore...

Betting that Bran keeps meddling with warging and whispers to King Aegon about fire=dead wights is what drives Aegon mad.

MannyGoblin wrote:
Betting that Bran keeps meddling with warging and whispers to King Aegon about fire=dead wights is what drives Aegon mad.

If that alchemist fire was still there I'd agree, but didn't tyrion use most of it in the battle for the blackwater? or is there more?

BigNorseWolf wrote:
2 years is a long time to be dead and still walking for most people...

1 second is a long time to be dead and walking... But I don't think that's what Leaf was referring to.

That said, I do think Benjen is there to play the role of Coldhands... The mysterious ally returned-from-death that shows up just in time to protect Bran Stark. :P

I don't think there's anymore. In the books they keep finding more and more, and producing more and more, but that happens right around the same time Dani arrives in Qarth, where the growth of the dragons happens at the same the same rate as the growth of power of the warlocks, like, magic powers, and magic just worldwide or something.

I feel like Bran saw bare milliseconds of Aegon gulping down wildfire like he was really thirsty, but I'm not willing to trust the evidence of my own senses on that one, 'cause it happened so quick.

Edit: Thanks a lot, Lemmy! Yes, it took me at least 9 minutes to compose this response. #ashamedofmyself

BigNorseWolf wrote:
MannyGoblin wrote:
Betting that Bran keeps meddling with warging and whispers to King Aegon about fire=dead wights is what drives Aegon mad.
If that alchemist fire was still there I'd agree, but didn't tyrion use most of it in the battle for the blackwater? or is there more?

No, the one that Jamie killed to stop him from burning down King's Landing. I have the names mixed up.

MannyGoblin wrote:

No, the one that Jamie killed to stop him from burning down King's Landing. I have the names mixed up.

yeah, that guy burried secret stashes of alchemist fire all over the city 20ish years ago. The alchemists found one, which is why they were able to fill a ship with it (that and the magic is coming back.

Getting that stuff to the wall probably isn't an option, unless the last fight for humanity is at kings landing?

there is a story that in one of the dance of dragons manuscripts that George sent to his editors, the editor wrote in the margin is Coldhands Benjen? and on the next round of back and forth George replied no. I have seen this on numerous websites, so its well traveled.

I suspect the showrunners of doing their usual parsimony by merging characters. I hate that they do it, but I understand why.

So... I just rewatched the episode...

Did... Nobody die? Like... Not even a minor NPC? Not even an extra? Just the wights? Really?

That's... not a good omen.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Lemmy wrote:

So... I just rewatched the episode...

Did... Nobody die? Like... Not even a minor NPC? Not even an extra? Just the wights? Really?

That's... not a good omen.

Well, that one guy who was already dead got his face peeled off (which was gross). But yeah... nobody died! I'm sure they'll make up for it next week. And hey, episode 9 isn't far away!

BigNorseWolf wrote:
MannyGoblin wrote:

No, the one that Jamie killed to stop him from burning down King's Landing. I have the names mixed up.

yeah, that guy burried secret stashes of alchemist fire all over the city 20ish years ago. The alchemists found one, which is why they were able to fill a ship with it (that and the magic is coming back.

Getting that stuff to the wall probably isn't an option, unless the last fight for humanity is at kings landing?

My own hypothesis, which I developed reading the books years ago, is that all of those secret caches of alchemist fire result in Kings Landing being basically burnt to the ground. I have no clue if it's going to be intentional (e.g. Cersei doing a "if I can't have it no one can") or a big oopsie moment (Dany does have fire-breathing dragons after all...if they end up hitting the wrong place...)

Besides the obvious snatching of the valaryn sword by Sam, I see no reason for them to have an arc of Sam and Gilly. He wants to become a maester but even if he can earn 3 links of his chain(Some can earn up to 3 a year, others less) there is just no time unless they timeskip(even with the 1 season=1 year deal)

Better to use the time to flesh out Riverlands,Iron Islands or anyplace else.

Dany showing up in the last 5 minutes was empty as well, she is pretty annoying and smug lately and makes me suspect there is this 'Dany must appear in every episode' thing in her contract.(Something that really speaks against Clarke's acting skills is that supposedly her performance in the new Terminator movie was so disappointing that she isn't being invited back to Hollywood)

Sovereign Court

Dany was always annoying.

I don't suppose we know WHO the waif is so that arya can give Jacquen her name?

Liberty's Edge

BigNorseWolf wrote:
I don't suppose we know WHO the waif is so that arya can give Jacquen her name?

A girl has no name.

CapeCodRPGer wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
I don't suppose we know WHO the waif is so that arya can give Jacquen her name?
A girl has no name.

She had one. Once.

MannyGoblin wrote:

Besides the obvious snatching of the valaryn sword by Sam, I see no reason for them to have an arc of Sam and Gilly. He wants to become a maester but even if he can earn 3 links of his chain(Some can earn up to 3 a year, others less) there is just no time unless they timeskip(even with the 1 season=1 year deal)

Better to use the time to flesh out Riverlands,Iron Islands or anyplace else.

Dany showing up in the last 5 minutes was empty as well, she is pretty annoying and smug lately and makes me suspect there is this 'Dany must appear in every episode' thing in her contract.(Something that really speaks against Clarke's acting skills is that supposedly her performance in the new Terminator movie was so disappointing that she isn't being invited back to Hollywood)

She's been doing rounds right now for a new romantic movie, so I doubt her film career has been nuked. Also, I haven't seen the new Terminator, but friends who have find far far far more problems with the movie than Emilia Clark's acting.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I didn't hear the speech. I was geeking out at how big Drogon was.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
And you know this because...?

1. In ADWD Coldhands has been dead for many years and can speak the Old Tongue. Benjen has been missing for less than two years.

2. GRRM donated the original ADWD manuscript to a library in the US. Someone got curious and checked it out and discovered it had all of the editor's annotations in the corner, including: "Is this Benjen?" when Coldhands shows up. GRRM's response was a very firm, "NO."

Kryzbyn wrote:
I didn't hear the speech. I was geeking out at how big Drogon was.

You didn't miss much...

As jerkfaced as Sam's father is, I think he has a bit of a case with Sam still being hefty even after being at the Wall. The Wall is the French Foreign Legion/Penal colony and I am guessing that food is rationed since they have to hunt rabbits and raise pigs. So I am doubtful Sam would be able to get a second helping and just by physical labor have gotten his weight down. Limitations of what the actor was willing to do?

MannyGoblin wrote:
As jerkfaced as Sam's father is, I think he has a bit of a case with Sam still being hefty even after being at the Wall. The Wall is the French Foreign Legion/Penal colony and I am guessing that food is rationed since they have to hunt rabbits and raise pigs. So I am doubtful Sam would be able to get a second helping and just by physical labor have gotten his weight down. Limitations of what the actor was willing to do?

Mom gave him some cash and he spends it on grub?

MannyGoblin wrote:
As jerkfaced as Sam's father is, I think he has a bit of a case with Sam still being hefty even after being at the Wall. The Wall is the French Foreign Legion/Penal colony and I am guessing that food is rationed since they have to hunt rabbits and raise pigs. So I am doubtful Sam would be able to get a second helping and just by physical labor have gotten his weight down. Limitations of what the actor was willing to do?

Well... Sam is still fat in the books too. Somehow... I guess that's his superpower. :P

Lemmy wrote:
MannyGoblin wrote:
As jerkfaced as Sam's father is, I think he has a bit of a case with Sam still being hefty even after being at the Wall. The Wall is the French Foreign Legion/Penal colony and I am guessing that food is rationed since they have to hunt rabbits and raise pigs. So I am doubtful Sam would be able to get a second helping and just by physical labor have gotten his weight down. Limitations of what the actor was willing to do?
Well... Sam is still fat in the books too. Somehow... I guess that's his superpower. :P

He is a steward. After his one trip north of the wall he's been pretty much sitting in the library trying to catalog it. Hemay also be in charge of inventory

"4 5 6 wheels of chee.. CHOMP. 5 and a half wheels of cheese...

Sovereign Court

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Sam taking Gilly and the baby out in the middle of the night makes sense. Sam stealing his fathers Valaryian sword is just suicide.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Thing is, Sam is a fighter. He just needs motivation. His dad being a c&~! to him and his lady was enough.

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