Draconic themed discoveries?

Homebrew and House Rules

Hey all.

So currently I am playing in a mystery/steam campaign set in Ebberon in a steampunk/victorian time (yeah its complex), think League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.


I am playing a Jekkel/Hyde style Doctor that is slowly turning himself into a dragon. Long backstory, feel free to ask.

He is currently a 5th level Dhampir, Beastmorph/Viv alchemist, will be going Master Chem at 8th.

Anyway, has anyone out there in homebrewland made any draconic themed discoveries?

I would have thought so but have not found any.

Thanks all.

Wow, nothing?

Has anyone homebrewed up any new Alchemical discoveries?

If you can use homebrew, I'd suggest asking DM to allow chymist discoveries to be aquired by normal alchemist. The class itself is kinda sub-par imho, but the discoveries are darn nice!

I have brainstormed some dragonic discoveries, but most default ones can be tailored to fit as well.

Feral is an obvious dragonic bread and butter.
So is the one where you drink the potion and use it as a breath attack. I'd drop Vivi and use that instead for a bunch of daily fire breaths. The discovery that lets you use a bomb as a line attack, houseruled to work as a breath is pretty thematic as well. Wings and extra limbs can work pretty good as well.

Dragonic Balance: While mutated, you grow a powerful scaly tail and your legs become stronger to better handle it. +2 to Acrobatic checks and +10ft base speed.

Drake's Offence: While under effect of a mutagen, you gain a Gore Attack, a pair of Claws or a Tail Slam or Wing Buffet(or what it was called). Only one may be select, and you may take this discovery multiple times, each time selecting a new natural weapon.

Dragon's Crest: Requires Gore Attack; Your horns become more powerful and inspire fear in your enemies. You gain Frightful Presence as a dragon. (DC toned to fit a player, I forgot what it is, check the dragonic crest graft from 3.5)

Basically any graft from 3.5 can become a discovery. Eyes, legs, arms, scales.

Have you checked out the dracochymist from wayfinder 7?

Cheapy wrote:
Have you checked out the dracochymist from wayfinder 7?

I have not, I will do so.

It doesn't have any discoveries (that I remember), but the gist is a kobold racial archetype that tries to become a dragon. I'd recommend looking at it with an eye to steal mechanics. The breath weapon bomb was liberally taken from the Grenadier archetype's directed blast ability, which is a better way of handling "breath weapon" type bombs at low level. Plus, it works with fast bombs, as opposed to Breath Weapon Bomb's standard action only (which is totally understandable, given how more powerful it is).

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