The Paizonian Coloseum


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M Human Cleric 1
tdewitt274 wrote:
In Talin's defense, I don't believe him to be prone. The Tumble doesn't state that he's prone, only in the last legal square. The crouching was the the dramatic effect of the tumble. But then, I'm the crowd : )

What about my defence? I need it more. But yes, I checked the SRD and you are right. But I missed anyway, so no harm done.

The Exchange

Male Dworc (half-dwarf/half-orc) Monk4/Barbarian2/Rogue2/Jack-of-all-Trades2/Master of None2/Quasi-diety2
Arena Grand Master Vissigoth wrote:
Hey Fake Healer, I won't be able to post again til Saturday. I have to go into work early all week. If you will please handle the arena for me thanks.

Sure, my pleasure.

The Exchange

Male Dworc (half-dwarf/half-orc) Monk4/Barbarian2/Rogue2/Jack-of-all-Trades2/Master of None2/Quasi-diety2

Haad is hit by Ennoch's Ray of Enfeeblement for 6 pt of strength (dropping him to 8 str, and making his melee attacks at +0 total modifier and 1d8-1 damage)

Does Ennoch's turn move to be just after Haad's turn due to the readied action?

If so Aldurin is next.

M Human Fighter1

Aldurin moves to G9 "Hehehe,goodbye." If Aldurin can't move that far then he will go to G7 and if he is able to hit Haad at G9. To attack:1d20+3=17 damage:1d10+2=9

Male Dwarf Druid/1

Haad is down to 0 HP.

Cashmere moves closer to Haad (L7) and thrusts his flaming hand forward, lauching a ball of flame towards Haad's staggering form. 1d20+2=15-4 for shooting into combat, ranged touch 11 to hit ac 10, A hit!
For 1d6+1=5 fire damage!
Haad slumps to the ground, bleeding out(-5), with no one to help him.
"Burn, betrayer! Victory is ours mine companions!!!!!" Turns to the audience,"Behold the desert flame! Team red is de Victors!!!"

Do we really need to waste the time to coup de grace him? I think red has achieved victory.

M Human Cleric 1

"From Hell's heart I spit at thee....." <gurgle>

What's this? A victory? Shall I get my paints ready?

The Exchange

Male Dworc (half-dwarf/half-orc) Monk4/Barbarian2/Rogue2/Jack-of-all-Trades2/Master of None2/Quasi-diety2

Red Team, composed of Ennoch the Black, Talin Darkheart, Aldurin Dolkin, Cashmere Stonewind and his animal companion Camela are the winners of this match.
Camela is a 2 humped camel (bactian), just for reference Lilith;P
Congrats to the winners and all involved, I had a great time and I hope everyone else did also!


Male Dwarf Druid/1
Artemisia, Colosseum Artist wrote:
What's this? A victory? Shall I get my paints ready?

Everyvon on red team pose pretty! Camela, no chewing on de Necromancer's robes!!

M Human Fighter1

"AHA!" with a big scary smile on Aldurin's face,licking the blood off his sword, "mmm the sweet taste of victory!" Aldurin then looks at Haad, "Don't worry i still haven't forgotten you, there is still more pain to come...later on."

Male Halfling Rogue 1

"GOD DAMN IT I DIDN'T GET TO EVEN HIT A SINGLE F&%%ING THING." Talin throws down his swords crosses his arms and glares at the artist with an evil sneer as she prepares to paint the picture.

Male Human Necromancer 1

As everyone is distracted by the artist, Ennoch surreptitiously begins absconding with the corpses...

M Human Cleric 1
Aldurin Dolkin wrote:
"AHA!" with a big scary smile on Aldurin's face,licking the blood off his sword, "mmm the sweet taste of victory!" Aldurin then looks at Haad, "Don't worry i still haven't forgotten you, there is still more pain to come...later on."

"There is indeed - but it shall be yours."

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30
Arena Grand Master Vissigoth wrote:

The site is up, but still not finished.

Due to the huge intrest, I'm going to ask everyone to do me a favor.

1) Go to my player page. Click "View" and "Source".

2) This should bring up a Notepad file with a bunch of code. Relpace my info with yours. Do not change anything between the "<" and ">" symbols. (if you know how to do HTML, feel free to set up the links on your page)

3) Click "File" and "Save As", type in your alias name using only lower case characters and use under scores for spaces. Then put ".html" after. EX: your_messageboard_alias.html
*You do not have to give out your e-mail address if you don't want to. If you are playing in the first game, you are considered a "Founding Member".

4) Go to the character template page, and do the same thing. Save as "your_character_name.html"

5) Send me an e-mail with these files attached. I only need one Player page per person, but I need a Character page for each charater you wish to play. My e-mail is:

If you need help, just ask. Thanks in advace for doing this. This is going to save me a ton of work. If any of the webmonkeys out there know of an easier way to do this, or want to be the "Offical Arena Webmonkey" let me know.

Vissigoth, I simply couldn't get that to work - could see neither View nor Source.

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

I've been having problems with this myself, although I did manage to find the 'View' and 'Source' buttons with the help of the Black Baron.
They're in the upper right hand corner of the internet browser, under the 'Back' button. At least thats where it is in IE.

Liberty's Edge

Female Elvish ( Its in my ears) Mother6/Wife6

Try Ctrl+U this should bring up the source page and then you will need to save it to your computer before editing it.

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:

Vissigoth, I simply couldn't get that to work - could see neither View nor Source.

There's some problems with the links. If you click on the links that he references at each point on the page, you'll be good. If you try to navigate the site, you'll run into problems there.

Be sure to right click on the actual page (after clicking the link). That might be the problem. Mac users, not sure what to do from there.

I've been messing around with the links, but haven't finalized anything. If you want, I can put all I can access on my site and you can email him your responses.

Good fight!

Male Human Actor 2/ Mime 1/ Drag Queen 1

question... sorry for asking but, can we level up our characters?

The Exchange

Male Dworc (half-dwarf/half-orc) Monk4/Barbarian2/Rogue2/Jack-of-all-Trades2/Master of None2/Quasi-diety2
AWED wrote:
question... sorry for asking but, can we level up our characters?

I think we need the Arenamaster's ruling on that and he said he wouldn't be back for a few days. I am sure he has a plan.


The plan was to gain XP as you win fights, and have the character stats and a leaderboard on the site. But sice I have created a monster and don't have nearly enough time to keep it restrained, going to let go of the leash.

If any one wants to help with the site and approving characters, we'll try to wrangle the beast back to the ground.

For now, just level your characters to what ever level the next match you want to play in is set. If you want to play in the next match I'm running, the level is 3rd.

M Human Fighter1
Arena Grand Master Vissigoth wrote:

The plan was to gain XP as you win fights, and have the character stats and a leaderboard on the site. But sice I have created a monster and don't have nearly enough time to keep it restrained, going to let go of the leash.

If any one wants to help with the site and approving characters, we'll try to wrangle the beast back to the ground.

For now, just level your characters to what ever level the next match you want to play in is set. If you want to play in the next match I'm running, the level is 3rd.

ok thanks, oh, i just put up some info about Aldurin in his profile here just put in his Bio still need to put in other info tho.

Liberty's Edge

Female Elvish ( Its in my ears) Mother6/Wife6

Can anyone tell me where to pick up a new arena game?

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5
Nani Wahine wrote:
Can anyone tell me where to pick up a new arena game?

I think there may be a slot left in Vissigoth’s second arena round :here

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