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Hi to all! (FIRST POST! WOW! GOSH! OH, MY!)
We started a few months ago, but I moved Life's Bazaar from 1st to mid-4th level (I really don't like TPK, nor seeing my players losing well developed charachters).
We just finished the adventure.
We play in low-magic Greyhawk (596 CY), and I adapted the AP to the Verbobonc region.
My players created these charachter:
- Rahim El-Mashad, CG Baklunish Human Male Ftr 3/Evo 2 (future spellsword)
- Gnosh Karllmas, LN Gnome Male Clr 5 of Zilchus
- Malù Scalyskin, NG Wild Elf Female Drd 3/Brd 2 (I know it's strange... It's just an Old Faith Druid :))
Flood Season will start as soon as they solve some problems in Hommlet. ;)

Camris |

Just started Test of the Smoking Eye.
When Naborothon hit 50hp, I had him planeshift the whole area to the abyss (sorry guys, no save...;)
So we have:
Sir Jack Ironstar, M Human Paladin 10- Team leader and successor to the title of Knight Commander of the knights of Heironeous due to Alek Tercivals dissappearance...
Sir Jack's cohort Sharon, F Fighter 8- currently dead
Kalan, M Gnome Ftr2/Rogue2/Bard6- Team chaos bringer (honorary Belkar)
Kalan's cohort Melissa, F Bard 8
Ellywick Nackle Sparklegem, F Gnome Ranger 10- currently dating both Fario and Fellian...;)
Quellin Orcinslayer, M Fighter10- high strength + Greatsword specialist + Power Attack + Great Cleave = human lawnmower.
Lydonya, F Rogue4/Ftr4/Swashbuckler2- Running a spy ring/seamstress shop/prostitute ring
Father Hammer O'Brien, M Cleric of St. Cuthbert 10- creating magic items for the party
Dvergimaal, M Cleric of Paladine 8/Sor2- Mysterious man with no name and an unknown agenda...
So morally and ethically ambiguous is this team that with all the Chaos Hammers and Unholy Blights called down by Naborothon, only the Paladin was actually hurt. They'll be a good fit in the Abyss...;)

faeted |

Just finished Life's Bazaar
3 characters, all Gestalted... using variant buy off ecl rules from Unearthed Arcana
Gaele Eladrin-Warlock
Gaele Eladrin-Rogue
Human Half Celestial Fighter-Rogue
not very difficult, but they burnt through several wands of cure light wounds (in large part because I usually don't give out XP until the end of the adventure, a practice I'm changing)

Arden Belus |
First time through:
* Human Elf-wannabe Cleric of some Elfy god/Divine Oracle/Elffriend (from RoD) archer w/Divine Metamagic & Persistent spell w/persisted Righteous Might, Divine Power, etc
* Human monk/paladin/kensai w/Vow of Poverty
* Dwarven Fighter/Dwarven Defender
* Human Warmage
* Human Psionic Rogue (from Wizard's web site)
This time through (just starting Life's Bazaar tonight):
* Human Spellthief
* Human (maybe dwarf, not quite finished yet) Fighter
* Human Warlock
* Human (not sure yet) Psion heading towards a custom Psionic elemental savant (fire) PrC
* and a 5th completely unknown until tonight. Hopefully cleric, but we'll see.

Padan Slade |

Just beginning Drakthar's Way, all at 3rd level:
Human rogue
Human cleric of Kord
Human, 12 year old favored soul of Tiamat
Half-elf rogue
Half-orc barbarian/warlock
Elven wizard
So far I've managed to kill the barbarian with the grell- that thing has a nasty full attack. It really should be CR 4 or even CR 5 with 10 attacks- if it rolls lucky it can rip apart even a 4th level character at full HP. The 1st level barbarian didn't stand a chance. :-)

Nighthunter |

Playing SCAP in Eberron. 6 Person party, 2 sessions in still in Jzadirune/Malachite Hold:
Abberick Misen - Human Urban Druid 2
Cornelius - Warforged Artificer 3
Hawle - Halfling Rogue 3
Jeremiah Klojner - Human Paladin of the Silver Flame 3
Tayce Hyral - Elf Urban Ranger 2
Tzadda D'Thuranni - Elf Archivist 3
So far have gotten as far as the Ogre in Malachite hold. Only explored half of Jzadirune.

David Gehring |

Well, we are two sessions into the start of SCAP and our party make up is small and lacking a rogue but nonetheless it is:
-female drow paladin ( NG Sentinel )
-Male Half-orc barbarian
-Male cleric shifter
-Male human sorceror
This first part seems quite tough for the four of us for some reason. The pit traps have not been too nice to Gorg, my half-orc. I am figuring on giving him a level of rogue once we level up.

The Mind |

After 4 sessions, my group will be entering the Malachite Fortress next session. We don't play as often as I liked, so we are going slow at it. We also play in the Forgotten Realms.
Rezo the Red Priest - Half Drow Fighter 2 (Polearm fighter)
Drev Drahan- Human Fighter 2 (Scarred- Soul)
Darin Dragonshield - Gold Dwarf Fighter 1/Rogue 1
Kel - Sun Elf Wizard 2
Lia - Wood Elf Ranger 2 (nonspellcasting variant)
Sarva - Sun Elf Warmage 2
That's right no cleric at all. They have used up most of the potions given to them by Jenya, and have had to go up to surface once to get aid from Jenya. Especially since both the Warmage and Dwarf was cursed by the Coin trap in the room with the Illusion of the sleeping Gnome. Plus, they got pretty beat up by a Pulverizer.
This should be fairly interesting to see what happens. :)

Arden Belus |
This time through (just starting Life's Bazaar tonight):
* Human Spellthief
* Human (maybe dwarf, not quite finished yet) Fighter
* Human Warlock
* Human (not sure yet) Psion heading towards a custom Psionic elemental savant (fire) PrC
* and a 5th completely unknown until tonight. Hopefully cleric, but we'll see.
Some corrections as chargen was finalized:
Aasimar Spellthief w/Noble trait
Human Big Dumb Fighter (tm) w/longaxe
Human Warlock w/Scion of Surabar trait
Human Psion (kineticst) w/Noble trait
Human Rogue (heading for dual dagger wielding PrC) w/Scarred Soul trait.

Olissa |

We started with (about a year ago now):
Human rogue - Vanian
Halfling rogue (multiclassed to transmuter)- Tomi
Tiefling cleric of Boccob - Vasol
Human barbarian (multiclassed to conjurer) - Cameron
Cameron got torn to shreds by the umber hulk, he rushed off to help without his armour on.
Tomi got blown up by lightning in Bal-Hamatugn (sp?)
So then we had -
Quint - half-orc ranger (Cameron's player)
Zalis - elven wizard/elemental savant (air) (Tomi's player)
Sadly Quint got turned into a chaos beast in a random encounter on Occipitus. Which was not a good way to go. Should have fudged that somehow.
Our current incarnation is -
Human rogue/assassin - Vanian
Tiefling cleric of Boccob - Vasol (plans to take contemplative)
Elven wizard/elemental savant (with Smoking Eye) - Zalis
and dwarven ex-paladin/fighter - Orl
Think they're doing rather well for only three deaths with a four player party (they're about to leave for Karan-Kurral in Secrets of the Soul Pillars).

Bloody Root |

Running SCAP in Eberron.
Johny Walker, human M, paladin 4 -- Son of Sacarm Walker, high minister of Church of the Silver Flame (st cuthbert).
Dasha Ray, Human F, healer 4 -- nobility trait. The only reason the PCs havent failed the first chapter.
Esoul Kaplah, Human F, artificer 4 -- daughter of Embril Alustani, given to Ike Iverson to raise minutes after birth. First 9 years of her life lived in the crypts under Cathedral of Blood (wee jas) and the cruel but watchful eyes of Ike and other clerics of Vol. Esouls mother is unknown to her.
Phet Detal, elf M, warlock 3/ rogue 1 -- Has mad dreams of imprisonment, belives his powers and the dreams are form anciant green crystal skull that he found in the jungles of Q'barra when he was a youth.
Barrash Spintershield, dwarf M, barbarian 1, fighter 1, scout 1 -- has the strength Prodigy trait form DMG II. Devestaing fighter.
These characters are "reenvisioned" from our first epic campaign over a decade ago. In memoration of the greatness of the characters I allowed the PCs to buy thier stats with 58 points and they each started out with an extra feat.
The players still want thier "epic" weapons from that first adventure, Shinual and the Lords staff for anyone who has played rolemasters Shadow world.
The MALACHITE FORTRESS was awsome. The PCs enetered the half dwarfs "market place" and had an old fashioned stand off. 15 hobgoblins and 2 goblins fell in that room. They stupidly surrounded the PCs after the beholder showed up. Kazmojen killed (-6 hp) the strong dwarf (biting his face off and spitting on the ground) before attempting to flee. A failded rescue attempt left 2 kids headless and the paladin covered in the youths blood. The Artificer heroicly saved the last by shilding him with her body (the AoO took her to 0 hp). Kazmojen escaped. It was awsome.
The first chapter took app. 20 hours. 1 mega session (11 hours!) and two short sessions lasting about 4 and 5 hours.
3o years old and im still playing dnd in my basement for 11 hours. 9at least now its my basement and not my moms :)

Bram Blackfeather |

Just started "The Demonskar Legacy," and the group I Gm for, "The Liberators," are now at:
Callis Dewtreader (Human Male Druid 9)
Gaspar Sunborn (Human Male Fighter 4/Cleric 4/Radiant Servant of Pelor 1)
Jayna Little (Human Female Rogue 3/Diviner 5) heading to Arcane Trickster
Gavin Hawksbane (Human Male Fighter 6)
Crake (Human Male Rogue 5/Diviner 1)
Callis has a cohort, an awakened wolf named Twinkle (Scout 3), and also has his animal companion, a dire wolf named Sparkle.
Sparkle really makes up for a bit of the combat-lack of the group, and Callis is really the one that holds all the cards magic-wise (although Jayna is starting to come into her own a little, and now that Gaspar has hit his fourth level of fighter and specialized in the spiked chain, he'll focus only on cleric and radiant servant levels). They were having trouble for a while at the lack of higher level magics, but it's balancing out a bit now.

Litejedi |

Starting Life's Bazaar tomorrow, with a somewhat large group. I'll likely lose a few along the way, so I'm not too troubled. Set in Eberron, a lot of the people are new to D&D and the setting. I don't even have names for most characters.
Aartu- Human Warlock
??- Human Necromancer
??- Halfling Barbarian (House Jorasco)
Otto- Warforged Artificer
??- Warforged Diviner
??- Shifter Ranger
??- Changeling Rogue
??- Dwarf Rogue
The ranger is going to multiclass into cleric at the first avaliable opportunity, and the barbarian is going to become a Paladin and eventually a bone knight. Hooray for skeletal raptor mounts! The diviner will split some levels between diviner and fighter, and pick up spellsword and the artificer will likely take one level of fighter for the weapon proficiencies and feat. In addition, only two of them are from Cauldron.
I hope I can hook them. =/

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Hey y'all:
I figured that I would jump in here with the group I am running through SC. My group tends to have a bunch of industry professionals, so we are having a really fun time. We are just wrapping up Life's Bazaar. The group consists of:
Corax - 1/2 Orc Barbarian/Ranger/Fighter, played by my man Vic Wertz
Duxeley - 1/2 Orc Rogue and brother of Corax, played by Javier, the CEO of Nightlite Studios, a computer game developer
Lt. Elmoe - Human Marshall, played by Skaff Elias, one of the creators of Magic: The Gathering
Lars - Human Cleric of Wee Jas, played by Mike Schely, former Dungeon art director and now freelance cartographer for WotC
Riika - Human Druid, played by Phil Lacefield, our new paizo.com web manager
Jo'phir - Human Sh'iar, played by Jeremy Walker, Dungeon's Assistant Editor
Enderin - Human Ranger, played by Tom DesBrisey, one of the folks who helped me start Wizards of the Coast back in the basement days.
Mike will be leaving us at the end of May (he's moving back to the East coast) and will be replaced in the group by the one and only Ryan Dancey. :)
The group hasn't taken the name Corax and Company, after their fearless barbarian mulching machine (Corax is mighty!). Maybe some day I will post some game logs. Maybe... :)

Got Ooze? |

My DM just purchased the Shackled City Hardcover and we're starting at 1st-level with the following party members:
Male Human Cleric (straight cleric with heals)
Male Human Paladin (paladin 10/knight of holy shielding 10)
Male Wild Elf Fighter (straight archery/ranged fighter)
Male Human Sorcerer (straight offensive repertiore sorcerer)
Male Human Fighter (fighter/ranger/duelist duel-rapier-wielding dex whore)
Female High Elf Rogue (rogue with some fighter maybe)
Since our rogue won't be accompanying us that often since she works a lot, we'll be an odd 5-person party while she's not there, and just level her up with us when she wants to play.
I already know a little about the story arc of the adventure path from looking at a few issues of Dungeon, but I'm trying to avoid spoilers and looking forward to a good time with my friends.
I'll probably be posting our antics on the web somewhere as we progress, or I'll start up a thread here on the boards.

Wrathchilde |

Wow you guys have a lot of players. The group I run Scap for is about 3-4 levels higher than the expected - Ive updated the adventures, and I run AoW simultaneously with the group as well.
Darion Meroch - Halfelf Bookeeper (Bard/Arcane Devotee of Mask/Assassin - lvl 17)
Phade Darkbringer - Calishiete Priest of Mask (Cleric - lvl 16)
Caleb Bloodsworn - Tiefling Enforcer of Myrkul (Fighter/Rogue/Blackguard lvl 16)
Shaosang Shadowstrider - Tiefling Assassin (Rogue/Assassin lvl 16)
Darion has a cohort: Wulfgar of Fenris - Half frostelemental Mercenary (druid/fighter lvl 16)
For the AoW campaign we have a guest player - Rahnefereth the Favored - Gold Elf Arcwizard (Wizard/Archmage/Fatespinner)
We are somewhere in the middle of Oblivion and Secret of the Soul Pillars (run simultaneously), and finished off Spire of Long Shadows (AoW) recently. The player who plays the Maskarran Priest started off as a Lich, but gave up after being turned a few times ;)

c600g |
Well, after 14 session or so, the party of 4 I am running through the SCAP is *almost* through with Chapter 1. ;>
Last session saw our first party death, as the 3rd level Bard with nine (yes, 9!) hit points was smashed to a fine red mist by one of the automatons.
We've been playing for about one half of a year so far, and they all seem to enjoy it.

Heckus Finn |

We start the SCAP tomorrow night for the first time. Our line-up is pretty basic:
1/2 Orc Barbarian (Dream plagued)
1/2 Elf Fighter (/wizard/Spellsword to be; Scion of Surabar[one his human side])
Dwarf Cleric of Moradin (Exorcist to be; Noble)
Human Warlock (Scarred Soul)
Human SpellThief (dragon blooded)
I was generous with 32 points to buy stats. They whined anyway...

Marcos |

Hello All,
We started the Shackled City Adventure Path last September and advanced into Flood Season in March before we had to put the game on pause due to scheduling conflicts. We are actually starting back up this coming Sunday.
Anyway, at the start of the campaign the line up was as follows:
Ollo – Halfling Rogue.
Shao Lin Shado – Shifter* Druid.
Airavanna Dancingblades – Wood Elven Ranger.
Lyria Ravensong – Tiefling* Rogue.
Romin the Wander – Baklunish Cleric of Fharlanghn.
Zaruthiel – High Elven Wizard
Iliana Silverfrond – High Elven Paladin of Corellon Larethian
Following the events of Life’s Bazaar and Drakthar’s Way the line up has adjusted to the following:
Ollo – Halfling Rogue 2 / Wizard 3
Shao Lin Shado – Shifter Druid 5
Airavanna Dancingblades – Wood Elven Ranger 3 / Fighter 2
Romin the Wander – Baklunish Cleric of Fharlanghn 5
Zaruthiel – High Elven Wizard 3 / Fighter 2
Two of my players have decided to leave the campaign. Now the five remaining Heroes of Cauldron (as they have come to be known) are engaged in battle at the Lucky Monkey having dispatched Tongue Eater along with several of his men and baboons. It should be interesting to see what transpires as they quest for the wands without their two companions. :-)
* = The game is set in the World of Greyhawk, but I allowed the Shifters and Plane Touched as alternative races in addition to the core and the human cultural races. It has allowed for some different roleplaying interactions to be sure (Lyria’s and Romin’s players decided their characters were cousins) and the two players who chose the alternate races seem to have enjoyed playing them. Overall, I have been pleased with their inclusion and have not found the races to be unbalancing.

ShadowDenizen |

And the biggest hassle hasn't been Kazmojen's Bazaar - they just offered cash for the remaining three kids.
Interesting. My party hit on the exact same solution. :)
We are just starting Flood Season, and we have:
1) Captain Eron: Level 4 Human Pirate (working towards the "Leviathan Hunter" PrC.) Native to Cauldron.
2) Farwall: Level 4 Halfling Rogue. (Working towards Thief Acrobat PrC.) Native to Cauldron, linked to Lantern Street Orphange.
3) Rutger: Level 4 Swashbuckler. Native to Cauldron, extremely antagonistic to the Stormblades/
4) Nitrea: Level 3 Sorcer (specializes in summoning.) Not native to Cauldron.
5) Slash: Level 4 human fighter, standard "tank" composition. Not native to Cauldron.
6) Saracen: Level 3 Cleric of Wee Jas. Not native to Cauldron, sent to monitor the activities of the temple in Cauldron.
7) Hantu: Level 3 human Druid. Native to Cauldron region, but not Cauldron proper.
Needless to say, with a Cleric of Wee Jas in the party, things have been.. intersting... to say the least. And more so now, given the temple's involvement (or lack thereod) during the upcoming Flood Festival.

Gwydion |

In the second of my FR SCAP games, I have the following players:
1. A paragon half-dragon (he'll be going Sorceror).
2. A Chondathan cleric of Ilmater.
3. A Tethyrian monk of Ilmater. (Broken One)
4. A Tethyrian monk of Deneir. (Carmendine Order)
5. A Thayan conjurer. (Eventually Red Wizard)
6. A Thayan fighter. (Eventually a Thayan Knight)
7. A shield dwarf Scout. (Eventually Prime Underdark Guide)
8. A rakshasa. (Eventually...a rakshasa)
9. A janni. (Eventually Elemental Warrior/Dervish)
Things are going to be ... interesting. Everyone thinks the rakshasa is a weretiger (he pretends to follow Selune), and that the janni is Calishite. Having such a large party is decidedly different from my other FR SCAP game, which only has 3 players...I definitely am pulling out all the stops on this one!

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I'm gonna run Zenith in a week or so.
I started with:
Elf Swashbuckler
Elf Cleric (with elf/war domains, so an archer build)
Elf Spellthief
Suffice to say with that many elves they didn't go very far in Jzadirune (damn detect secret doors) and skipped straight to Malachite where the Swashbuckler was swiftly killed by the Stone Spike.
They retreated and went back up to Sister Jenya to tell about where they believe the kids are to find a Barbarian (Swashbuckler's player) there talking to her already trying to find the brother he left behind when he went to go fight in a war (an extra missing child). They went back down and got the stone spike dead (though my equivalents of Fario and Fellian came to help as well) and managed to get through the Malachite fortress without death.
so now it's
Human Barbarian
Elf Cleric
Elf Spellthief
and a Half Elf Paladin should be joining soon.

Schmoe |

Well, I just began this with a group of one experienced player and two (soon to be three) complete newbies. I actually began with "The Burning Plague" off the WoTC site, because I felt it would be a better beginning for novices, and they'll be able to use the extra experience. If anyone's interested in how I'm tying in "The Burning Plague," let me know. I think it actually works out pretty well.
Anyway, here's the party:
Human Cleric of Pelor - A healer all the way
Half-Elf Fighter - Uses a battle axe and shield, planning to use Expertise-based feats
Human Fighter - Uses a spiked chain. Typical twink.
Human Sorcerer - Uses Magic Missile and gets beaten on by orcs. :)
Human Rogue (NPC) - A cat-burglar/thug. Acrobatic, and a decent fighter.
We'll hopefully have one more joining, and chances are he'll pick up with the rogue.

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The most current update for the Tribunal, they have just finished Test of the Smoking Eye. They have returned to Oerth at Greyhawk City to sell loot and shop. I was going to use Sasserine but as that will be in Savage Tide I didn't want to waste time creating non-conformities for a future campaign. Next week they will return to Cauldron and they are going to upturn the apple-cart :) Note we use BoED and BoVD extensively, as such the campaign has "mature" content.
Halbarand: male human (Oeridian) Ftr3/Clr3/Pious Templar7 (Saint Cuthbert) LN; Scion of Surabar. The Judge. Keeper of the Keys and Guardian of the Gate of the Church of Saint Cuthbert. The party's Intimidate man. Has his own warmace weapon of legacy, known as "Lex Retribuo", which is bad latin/Old Oeridian for "Giver of Law", this weapon now totally defines his attitude and playing style, the two are synonymous with each other. I use the Complete Adventurer rule that allows Heavy Mace feats to apply to Warmaces. The player is starting to drool over the new PHBII, particularly Armor Specialization (full plate), Melee Weapon Mastery (Bludgeoning), and Crushing Strike.
(Archite) Xia Sacari "Govdeen" Korruth: male human (albino Amedian Suel orphan) Cloistered Cleric3/Wiz3/Mystic Theurge7/Sign of the Smoking Eye1 (Wee Jas) LN (E); Tomb Tainted Soul feat and Shackleborn (Scarred Soul). The party's Sense Motive man. The Executioner. The heir apparent to Occipitus, after he assisted Stern in sacrificing himself. He used a commune spell after Lord of the Demonskar; and Wee Jas has set him on a collision course with the Heretics at the Cathedral in Cauldron. He willingly encouraged Stern to sacrifice himself but tried to shield his soul in Wee Jas' role as protector of the dead. Soon he will study True Necromancy, and he is giving serious thought to becoming a half-fiend and lich to better allow him the time and power to subjugate Occipitus (a self actualised lichfiend I suppose using Savage Progressions templates at the WotC website). Whilst idle thoughts at the moment I will use the Soul Pillars as catalysts to drive this. Korruth is his church rank, whereas as "Govdeen" (or He of the Smoking Eye in Ancient Suloise) is his nickname. He is on a fast track to heresy himself but in the interim he is Wee Jas’ agent/champion/executioner in Cauldron, although he will undoubtedly come to a bad end when he ultimately falls from grace. Currently this is a sacrifice that Wee Jas is willing for him to make, so that rightful order will be restored to Cauldron.
Saint Stern of Pelor: male human (Oeridian/Suel mix) Pal13/Saint2 (Pelor) LG; he has fully severed ties to his family and has pledged himself fully to Pelor. The Jury. The party's Diplomacy man. He willingly and voluntarily entered the flames in The Skull in Occipitus as a martyr, but Pelor's Grace shielded his servant from utter destruction. He emerged unscathed and transformed by Pelor's Grace as a Saint (there was no way I felt a benevolent god like Pelor would allow a dutiful servant to be corrupted with the Sign of the Smoking Eye and dominion over a cursed layer of the Abyss). When he returned to Oerth and Greyhawk City the following day, and was revealed to the Faithful, it turned out to be the Growfest Festival and Godsday. Could not have planned it better :)
Next is the return to Cauldron and Secret of the Soul Pillars. I can't wait for the RP :) Halbarand with be outraged by the tyranny that now besets the people of Cauldron, the Watch and the half-orcs know of him and his battle prowess, relentless zeal and total dedication to Order and the Church of Saint Cuthbert. The corrupt know who he is. Law is returning to Cauldron and its carries very big cudgel.
The down trodden around the Shrine of Pelor will know new hope and be granted succour as a Living Saint of their God walks amongst them. He will see evil all around as the innocent suffer. His righteous wrath will be just but swift. The innocents of Cauldron are no longer un-protected.
The Govdeen will return, the chaos in the Cathedral will no longer be tolerated. He sees all and it displeases him. Death is the only acceptable punishment, or redemption in accepting his adoption of the position of Archite of the Cathedral of the Third Circle, by right of divinely appointed inquisition, sanctioned and approved by the Archion of the White Temple of Niole Dra. All this before he even gets to play with the Soul Pillars too.
As you can probably guess I am really looking forward to the last third of the campaign :) There should be some excellent scenes, the players take their religious roles seriously and care deeply for their city and it’s various communities (in their own ways of course). I’ll stop babbling for now, I’ll put where they have gotten up to after Foundation of Flame.

mouthymerc |

My group has just entered the Kopru ruins in Flood Season. They consist of:
Jarovar Callab--Elan Soulknife 4
Ouryn Arktaros--Human Paladin of St. Cuthbert 4
Deveron Callob--Human Psychic Warrior 4
Jax Rynar--Human Ranger 4
Hadar--Human Cleric of St. Cuthbert 4
There was a monk in the group, but he was killed during the Life's Bazaar adventure. He was replaced with the cleric when we picked up again in Flood Season.
Tongueater gave them pause as no one had any silver. Between the soulknife and the psychic warrior and their abilities to inflict extra damage, they were able to overcome him, though.

Reggie |

Our party has finally managed to complete Flood Season, with only one fatality - but she got better. That Triel was very nasty!
We now have:
1/2 Elf Sorceror Lvl 6 - no familiar, but a staff as per Dragon 338
1/2 Orc Firghter Lvl 6
Human Rogue Lvl 6
Human Cleric Lvl 6 (reborn..well, technically raised)
This weekend we start looking for Splintershield.

Taurendil |

My party has just finished Secrets of the Soul Pillars.
Right now we have:
Drusilia Zyrrlas - Female Elf Rogue 9 / Ftr 4
Ahjanna - Female Elf Ranger 9 / Ftr 4
Derek Vaine - Male Human Sorcerer 13
Tara - Female Human Mystic (spontaneous casting cleric of Morwyn) 13
K'ryt - Male Githzerai Monk 11
Meto - Female Human Fighter 13
Horpa the Silent - Male Half-Orc (Dwarf, Half-Elf) Monk (Died a few times and got reincarnated)

Oti |

My group is now composed of the following:
- LG Human Paladin of St. Cuthbert (Level 11)
- LN Human Cleric of St Cuthbert (Level 11)
- CG Wood Elf Ranger/Wizard (Level 10/1) - going for Arcane Archer
- LG Human Fighter/Exotic Weapon Master (Level 10/1) - Spiked chain specialist
- CG Gray Elf Wizard (Level 11)
There are four other players that play occasionally:
- CN Wood Elf Hexblade (Level 8)
- LN Human Monk/Cleric/Sacred Fist (Level 2/4/3)
- CG Human Rogue (Level 9)
- LN Dwarf Fighter/Kensai (Level 7/3)
I typically have 6 players show up, although the last few sessions it has been 4-5 only. Five of them are currently in Occipitus, having passed the first two parts of the Test.
There have been 3 deaths at the lower levels, and an almost TPK against Aushanna the Erinyes in Chapter 4. The only survivor was the rogue, who managed to Hide from Aushanna (didn't participate in the fight), and was able to retrieve the party's corpses. He will never let the group forget that one :)

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25 sessions in (lots of roleplaying) and into the Demonskar Legacy. We have 7 players...
Badger, Gnome Sorcerer
Crufalcon Aslaxin, Human Rogue 3 Bard 3 Fighter 1
Jinx Wanderfar, Halfling Ranger 4 Rogue 1 Bloodhound 3
Garidan Marbleskull, Dwarf Paladin 8
Grimm Splintershield, Dwarf Barbarian 1 Fighter 7
Tiwen, Human Cleric of Pelor 8
Shatter, Human Cleric 6, Radiant Servant of Pelor 2
Biggest home brew rule: no magic for sale, not even scrolls or potions, and create magic feats are not available (I have a backstory to explain this that ties into the magic disease in Jzadarune). Two huge benefits - the characters treat every magic item they find as something special; and without that money to spend on magic, the characters spend their time using it to explore other goals - the bard is building a theatre, while the clerics are creating a water purification business they'll brand 'Pelorier Water'.
My lesson: take purchasing magic out of the game, and role playing improves - players get much more interested in the motivations and non-stat related goals of their characters.

wonkyhonky |
aha! so i am not the only one entering the malachite fortress. got suckered into it a wee bit early, and have now been clobbered by a dirty big ogre.
not too worry. he had to deal with my..
halfling assassin,
gnome wizard,
brutal orc fighter
and drow cleric of wee jas. phobia of spiders, now wanted by the entire drow nation for crimes unspeakable. methinks this may cause a pickle later,
and my female shifter monk, who is very cool, but just an npc at the moment. trying to recruit, but my DM is being stubborn! persverance is a good qulity they say! so. just level 2, cusping 3rd, and out of spells, hit points and just about all else. splendid!
Just about to enter the Malachite Fortress:
Human Monk
Human Ranger
Elf Cleric-All are level 3 as we speak-

Paladin Latham |
My group consists of...
A Chaotic/Good Male Ogre/Fighter (hasn't reached fighter levels yet)
A Chaotic Good Female Elf Soulborn (used to be an azuren male, but reincarnate...)
A Chaotic/Good Female Wolf Rogue/Bard (used to be a fae decended human male but again with the reincarnate...)
A Chaotic/Evil Male Satyr/Bard (hasn't reached bard yet)
A Chaotic/Nuetral Male Halfling Wu Jen (rarely plays...)
A Nuetral Female Human Rogue (used to be a male elf, reincarnated as well...)
A Nuetral/Good Female Astral Deva (with vow of poverty...)

wonkyhonky |
Yup. I'm at the same place, and also only half explored Jzadirune. wish I'd done more upstairs and pushed for that 3rd level, as my party was nearly squashed by the stone spike/ ogre team up. I've only got 5 in the group and all this talk of needing six for a very hard adventure is making me nervous!
Playing SCAP in Eberron. 6 Person party, 2 sessions in still in Jzadirune/Malachite Hold:
Abberick Misen - Human Urban Druid 2
Cornelius - Warforged Artificer 3
Hawle - Halfling Rogue 3
Jeremiah Klojner - Human Paladin of the Silver Flame 3
Tayce Hyral - Elf Urban Ranger 2
Tzadda D'Thuranni - Elf Archivist 3So far have gotten as far as the Ogre in Malachite hold. Only explored half of Jzadirune.

Colin McKinney |

We're just about to get started; I'm not sure what the full lineup of characters is going to be, but so far it looks like:
Paladin of St. Cuthbert
Dwarven ranger-archer (raised by elves)
Elven ranger-melee (hates the dwarf)
Wizard (going Fatespinner)
Wizard/rogue (going Arcane Trickster)
Two players not yet accounted for, one of whom doesn't want to play the cleric this time, the other one of which I really hope wants to play a cleric...

Valcrist |

My party is enjoying some R&R just before the Secrets of the Soul Pillars. I'm also playing in the FR.
Rikzazzen, male drow Telepath 10
(with the Smoking Eye template, and using the non-level
adjustment drow rules to represent non-noble drow.)
Nym, male half-drow Scout 9/ Pathwarden 2
Daniel, male human (Illuskan) Rogue 7/ Shadowdancer 4
Angelo, male wood elf draconic tiefling Cleric 7/ Deathstalker 2
(Deathstalker is from Dragon #322, draconic is from the
Draconomicon, and I use tiefling as a template.)
Damien, male moon elf tiefling Wizard 5/ Fiendblooded 5
Nidrama (I had her join the party after the palidin sacrificed
herself at the end of the Test of the Smoking Eye. I'm using
rules for her from the Savage Species book.)
Rikzazzen and Daniel are PC's, all the rest are NPC's. I have each player also control an NPC, to take some of the load off having four. Some times I have a third player who'll also control an NPC for combat.
So far the party has lost their Wizard, Beatrice, who left the party after Zenith Trajectory for her own reasons. And the Palidin of Helm, Miri, who sacrificed herself to ensure the safty (or so she hoped) of Cauldron. I know it states that the "forces of Good", or some such, will save anyone who dies selflessly during the final test, but I thought that undermined the importance of the test (and the threat it's to prevent).
The only death so far was Daniel, against Skaven (man is phantasmal killer good at killing Rogues, or what?). He was then raised.

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I running SCAP in two groups, both in Greyhawk, both on hold...
Campaign A: (finished Zenith's Trajectory)
Der Steinerne Path ('The Stony Path' or 'The Path of Stone')
Chärri - female half-orc barbarian level 8
Seyonne - male human sorcerer Level 8
Hostato Bolangaro - male human cleric of Fharlanghn level 7
Flitze - male pixie level 6 / rogue level 2 (from Savage Species)
Tymon - male half-elf ranger level 6 / bard level 1 / tempest level 1
Had the last session in mid-March and put the campaign on hold due to 2 characters moving to other countries. We want to continue the campaign in a periodical get-together for a weekend, but I have my doubts, if this will be workable.
More on Campaign B when I am at home and have access to my campaign notes.

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Found some notes in the office...
Campaign B (finished Life's Bazaar):
Garek Listan - male human fighter 4
Eloakath - male human wizard 4
Bings - male human barbarian 4
Faradhne - female cleric of Myrrhis 1 / bard 2 / chosen of ??? 1 (prestige class from Book of Erotic Fantasy)
Lynard Scifoe - male elf rogue 4
I do not have the name of the group at hand and the exact name of the prestige class.
This campaign has taken one year to complete the first chapter, while we had lots and lots of fun doing it. After finishing the first chapter last September SCAP took a back seat due to our campaign rotation in the group. Since we are meeting once or twice a month, it may take a while until I can pick up the reigns again with this one.

Orcwart |

Coming to the end of Life's Bazaar...
Prowler - Human Ranger 3 (Touched in the Head)
Fedor Avlovski - Human Fighter 3 (Child of Jzadirune)
Amber Lance - Cleric 2
I haven't toned down the encounters as the players are very experienced and like to be tested. They have made heavy use of the Wand of Cure Light Wounds bought from Skie's Treasury but are in good shape after just defeating Kazmojen.

VedicCold |

Having just defeated Skaven Umbermead, along with both other cell leaders of the Ebon Triad cult in the Kopru Ruins (Chapter 3: Flood Season), I give you The Liberators:
Aydryan Morgulis (LN Male Human Fighter 1/Ranger 5/Wolflord 1, Member in good standing of the Striders of Fharlanghn)
Damika (CN Female Human Sorcerer 6 / Dragonheart Mage 1, Black Dragon Heritage)
Ivam Killgood (CG Male Half-Orc Fighter 7)
Lilac (NG Female Half-Drow-Elf Bard 7, Member in good standing of the Striders of Fharlanghn)
Sumara (NG Female Elf Cleric 7 of Ehlonna)
Ouija (CN Male Drow Elf Rogue 5)

Kamist Tirgan |

Looking for the last Wand of Water Control in the Kopru Ruins (Skaven & Harpoon Spider)
Warforged Fighter 5 (going Warforged Juggernaut of course)
Human Rogue 3/Swashbuckler 2 (going Duelist)
Elf (Khorvaire) Scout 6
Half-Orc Barbarian 5
Human Cleric of Kol Korran 6
Human Abjurer 6 (going Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil)
Human Warlock 6

Shai'tan |

My groups gonna start Life's Bazaar in a couple of days. the PC's are:
Male Dwarf fighter (Planning to become Hammer of Moradin).
Male human fighter (with a greataxe)
Female half elf rogue
female elf cleric of Correllon Larethian
male half elf druid
No arcane spellcasters...... I see trouble a' brewin'

Bram Blackfeather |

The newest incarnation of "The Liberators" just grew...
* Callis - Human Male Druid 9
* Gaspar - Human Male Cleric 4/Fighter 4/Radiant Servant of Pelor 1
* Jayna - Human Female Rogue 3/Diviner 5/Arcane Trickster 1
Crake - Human Male Rogue 6/Diviner 1
Gunther - Human Male Cleric 7
Gavin - Human Male Fighter 6
Asterisks denote the characters who were original to the beginning group way back in Life's Bazaar. We're at The Demonskaar Legacy right now. Callis also used an awaken spell on his wolf, Twinkle, who is now his cohort and accumulating levels of scout (with spring attack, this is a great combination: wolf darts in, does quite a bit of damage, free trip attempt, darts out...). His animal companion is now a Dire Wolf ("Sparkle.")

Nighthunter |

Update of my earlier party description.
Playing SCAP in Eberron. 7 Person party, 4 sessions in just finished Life's Bazaar:
Abberick Misen - Human Urban Druid 3, with Rattles the Animal Companion
Cornelius - Warforged Artificer 3
Hawle - Halfling Rogue 3, with Black the pet guard dog.
Jeremiah Klojner - Human Paladin of the Silver Flame 3
Tayce Hyral - Elf Urban Ranger 3
Tzadda D'Thuranni - Elf Archivist 3
Chamber North - Human Monk 3
7 characters, an animal companion and a pet guard dog, this isn't a party, its a small army!

JStrong |

My Party Decided To start the game with close ties to each other.
Human Paladin (Twins) Chadwick R. Merryweather
Human Cleric (Twins) Redginal Merryweather
Human Fighter (Cousin) Nigel Merryweather
Illumian Monk ("Uncle") Pippin Merryweather
Dwarf Sorcerer (Family Friend) Mortimer
They have just arrived in Cauldron. They are eager to get settled in.