![]() I had to cancel my subscription to Pathfinder so I'm not sure how much my opinion matters. I am a once and future customer for sure. I will be picking up and playing 4th edition. I'm not sure how much and I cant imagine it will be a replacement for Role Playing (we will see). My 3.5 plans hinge firmly on Paizo. If/when Paizo makes their own 3.x core books I will take a look at what they are offering (basically is it better then True20). ![]()
![]() The only way I would buy yearly "core" books is if the new products were genre/world/campaign books. Give me a FR players handbook, a Eberron DM guide, a Dragonlance monster manual, a Planescape, Darksun, etc etc. I have esp enjoyed licensed products over the (3rd edition)years. I would love to see WoTC give me a Dune Players handbook or Vampire Slayer Manual of Monsters. Otherwise, I'm buying the first three 4E books and probably turn my back on WoTC forever. ![]()
![]() We are about to start a once a month game with Expedition to castle Ravenloft tomorrow. I really don't mind a bunch of Hack and Slash encounters. The best RPing in my experience comes about naturally as character and DM needs arise in a campaign. I will say the Delve format actually has me confused at times. There are a lot of options presented for the flow of the campaign. With typical Dungeon adventures I knew the story arc without having to read over a hundred+ pages. We will see how it goes. ![]()
![]() flynnster wrote:
Is there an ignore button? IIRC EnWorld has an ignore option. And II"continue to"RC that option completely removes the ignored persons posts from my view. This would be a good thing. Vic? ON TOPIC Love the print quality. However...left my copy in my car for about an hour (it was not in direct sunlight for even a moment). It became very brittle. It crackles now when I open it. I have never had a book do this to me. Perhaps the book sweats when exposed to excessive humidity. It was very humid. And before you ask, yes I did leave the windows cracked a bit for the book. I didn't want it to become to hot for the little sucker. ![]()
![]() Hardcorhobbs wrote:
I was devastated when Quick Kick got 7 rounds of .50 caliber lead to the face. I remember counting the empty shells as they flew out of the machine gun (In my young mind the comics moved between the panels). The run of GI Joe comics around this time was certainly one of the finest comic book experiences I had ever had. ![]()
![]() Another thread got me thinking about this. Are there any MALE homosexual/bi-sexual protagonists in fantasy literature? I'm sure there has to be a female bi-sexual out there. Female bi sexuality in fantasy (or any genre) wouldn't surprise me all that much (what ever pleases that 18-34 year old male demographic). Has there been any other gaming product that presented a homosexual character in a serious way before Pazio did with Burnt Offerings? Also I was wondering if any players out there have ever played a Homo/Bi sexual PC in a game. And if so how were you received by the other gamers? ![]()
![]() underling wrote:
What he said. :) ![]()
![]() Crimson Jester wrote:
Truth be known, I'm far from sane. I have not had much luck with DnD players I haven't know a decade or two. I did the RPGA thing once, the DM was good but the people that showed up were, for the most part, umm...frightful. Even if I were mature enough to meet new people, :) , I could never commit to a DnD schedule (Young kids, already ignore my wife enough as is, etc). I really really wish I could though. And thanks for the offer. ![]()
![]() Mike McArtor wrote: Lidda is an adult halfling, with an adult halfling body and mind. She's likely in her late 20s and is more than capable of deciding what to wear and what body modifications to make to herself. Her height is absolutely irrelevant to the discussion, as we do not measure intelligence or adulthood by height. This is the funniest thing I've ever read on the Paizo's message boards. ![]()
![]() The artist is Robert Carlise (Spelling?; may even have the first name wrong).
![]() Wow. I'm in Wichita as well. What are the chances? I work 2nd shift and haven't had a regular game with adults in over a year now. Mostly my boy and one or two of his friends. Crimson Jester, you guys play at PDC? That's where I get my comics and games but haven't seen a group there in awhile. Haven't been there on a weekend in awhile either though. ![]()
![]() Very Nice! Who does the graphic design/paste up/lay out on the book? All I had seen in the credits are a slew of Art Directors (senior, managing, and plain ol'). Who ever it is...AMAZING JOB! I love the look of it. The colors, art and fonts blend very nicely throughout the PDF and I'm sure it will be evident in the hard book as well. The fluff is wonderful. It reminds me of why I love dnd. Creative and interesting races, monsters and places. You guys are rightful proud of this baby. Best PAIZO book ever. ![]()
![]() Thanks for that fine piece of optimism Mr Mac Donald. The ability to fix the broken bits of DnD was one I hadn't foreseen. I am excited but as I have said in a number of threads now, for me if the Virtual table rocks...I'm in all the way. If all else fails I still have enough 3/3.5E stuff to last a lifetime. ![]()
![]() Mactaka wrote:
Yea this (the virtual tabletop) is the only reason I would consider the 4E change. If Pazio switches and I don't I will more then likely keep buying the Pathfinder (and Pathfinder chronicles) books just because I like their delicious brains. ![]()
![]() Vic Wertz wrote: If you're shipping USPS, they'll be packed into sturdy cardboard mailers. Will they have a Do Not Bend sticker on the packages? I am concerned...I have a different mail person almost every week..sometimes day to day. I cant catch ALL of them and tell them that their lives are forfit if they bend my book. ![]()
![]() I Love the art. One of the best things about the Dungeon/Dragon magazines was the fantastic art in each issue. The art was better then all their RPG competitors. The art in Pathfinder so far has been brilliant. Will we see more Ramon Perez in the pathfinder books? I see he has some pieces in the Pathfinder players book. I really like his work (WAR's still best though). REALLY liked the stuff hes done for Mutants and Masterminds but his fantasy stuff is top notch as well. ![]()
![]() Song of Ice and Fire - Martin (Best Evar! And I will fight you if you say otherwise!!!)
I haven't read that many series honestly...Shannara, some wheel of time, a BUNCH of DND books, (Streams of silver trilogy I am still fond of), Riftwar series. There is a BUNCH of stuff I want to read though so I will be watching this thread for some good ideas for where to start next. ![]()
![]() After reading some more of the posts.... Logue, Pett or maybe another one of everyone's favorite adventure authors. These guys are creative, cool and they are quite entertaining. If I cant have wenching and beheading in my fantasy novels (Song of ice and Fire) then some cool characters and witty repartee is perhaps the next best thing. ![]()
![]() After GRRM and Dan Abnetts' Warhammer 40K stuff I have lost all desire to read "Gaming" fiction. However, like always Paizo's good taste and excellent work could make me change my mind. My most recent (2 years past) forays into gaming fiction were some of the first few Eberron novels. Among those I felt that Keith Baker did a good job. You guys might even be able to afford him. Even if GRRM could do a Pathfinder book what would he cost? Like half a mill? (that last part was a complete guess). ![]()
![]() Yes for guns. I think that firearms in some sort of fashion are becoming a common theme in fantasy gaming of late. Ptlous has em, Iron Kingdoms has em in spades, Greyhawk, FR, even Eberron has mages wielding a belt full of wands the way a pistoller would wield his firearms. Actually, in Eberron wand mages are more akin to field artillery then pistols. ![]()
![]() I did not like it. Everybody was crying. Villains don't cry. Lex Luthor would never cry! Spider man cried like 5 times in the movie. The effects were awesome but the fights were played out like a video game. Didn't like em. The story was too big and seemed rushed. The acting from the two mains (Peter and Mary) sucked for the most part. I think they are tired of the characters, and to me at least, it showed. The few stand outs were J. Jonah Jameson..hilarious as always...Bruce Campbell (Spelling??)...and the scene with the EMO Peter was hilarious..best part of the film by far. I wouldn't watch it again. Once was plenty. ![]()
![]() What a great and amazing run you guys had with the magazines. Thank you for all your hard work. The truth of the matter is I haven't bought a WotC book in all most a year. I haven't played DnD in almost that long but I did continue to purchase both your fine magazines. You just could not beat the quality and price of your publications. I will most definitely be picking up your Pathfinder books as often as possible. Good luck to you all. And once again I would like to express how wonderfully awesome the last few years with Dungeon and Dragon has been. ![]()
![]() We just finished Sign of the Smoking Eye tonight. 3 sessions, 21 hours. What fun. I had foreshadowed the smoking eye and even adimarchuss, somewhat, threw dreams. The rogue was the one to have the visions and was very curious when it was brought up by Kaophorn. However, they did not trust the sorcerer and shortly after arriving to occipitus the paladin chased Kaophorn off. Eventully Kaophorn used blasphemy and the rogue was banished back to the material plane, leaving no one that was willing enough to sacrifice an ally or them selves to receive the smoking eye template. But they did sacrifice a toad and a squirrel. So they left with out the smoking eye. I'm sure they will be back adventually but all were disappointed by the "failure" of the mission. Anyone else have a group not receive the "gift" of the smoking eye? ![]()
![]() I have several house/optional rules: 1) Death at negative CON. Disabled at 0 HP to -CON bonus (swiped from AU). 2) Massive Damage Threshold equals CON. Fort DC for MDT is 15 +2 for each 10pts of damage over CON (or MDT). Each size categorie above large receive +4 to MDT saves. No penalty for small creatures, but creatures recive -4 MDT per size categorie below Small. No CON no MDT. This makes large creatures very very dangerous, and large (or bigger) creatures with no CON extremely dangerous. failing a MDT just knocks unconscious a creature for 6 rounds. A DC 15 heal check or any Cure spell (or spell like ability) revives the creature from unconsciousness. 3) Unnamed NPCs are clobbered if they receive damage equal halve their current HP's. Clobbered condition equals no actions for 1 round. Not helpless not stunned. 4) Action Points. These are a life saver. 5) (almost) All divine casters are spontaneous casters as per rule in UA. ![]()
![]() I never got most of the 1e and 2e modules. I was much to young and poor. Despite my love for DnD I wasnt even aware of most of the modules, or even that GH was diffrent from FR. I thought that GH was just a city in FR actully. It wasnt until 3E and my returning to the game, this time with money to spend, that I became aware of GH. I like everything that I have ever read about the setting. And I like that Paizo officially (Core Belifs/Demonomican) and unoffically (anything with out FR or Eberron on it) continue to support the setting. A Players Guide to GH would be awsome. Almost everyday I see examples of the depth of history and shared experince that the early GH created. Im 30 years of age and most gamers around my age hear me say, "yea Ive been playing since I was 12" and then ask me about ToEE or Slavers or any thing else, and... well you get it. Alot of the time I feel completly out of the loop as to what most gamers are talking about. So yes make some Greyhawk canon Paizo. Champion this shamefully neglected campaign and it's forgotten unloved really really old fans. :) ![]()
![]() Man, What happened to the AP's (and Dungeon in general) being campagin non specific? Not that I'm complaining, but it seems that this AP is going to be harder to convert (to Eberron that is) then the last 2 AP's. The Sassirine back drop sounds cool. Yet another paizo product that I "cant hardly wait" for. ![]()
![]() Things I like in Eberron- The Gods are Distant thing. The ability to have use "good" clerics as the bad guys is awesome. The moral ambiguity. We are so used to using alignment as a reason to kill it has been fun trying to not get the Paladin player to not smite everyone evil person in town. ("No Keygun is not evil. He just did an evil act.") I especially like Eberron because it is a new world to explore. Things I don't like To many damn mysteries. They say they leave the big questions open so you can explore them in your own campaign. Then they make a source book with, at least some, revelations. Now you have to retcon your campaign or ignore official canon and hope for the best (really not much of a prob, just a nuisance). I think the planes need more development myself. I would like to know where everything belongs. I dont like that Eric has problems with it. It makes me second guess my sense of whats cool. I really dont like that I started SCAP in Eberron. Its been to much work converting some of the characters and Greyhawk, which I also love, is a much better fit for the AP. Now I feel like I have to put all the AP's in Eberron. I guess I could go, "Ok guys you arnt in Eberron anymore, no more Q'barra and no more dragonmarked houses, Silver flame is gone fellas. Your here (points to huge grayhawk map). That cool for you guys?"