
JStrong's page

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Sorry not sacred sheild. its divine sheild its in the complete warrior. The player stopped leveling in paladin at 6th to become a fighter. He is now taking levels in Exorsist of the silver flame. he made his sheild his signature weapon. sigh

I have a player who made a very interesting paladin/fighter.
His feats are as follows...
Combat Expertese
Shield Specialization
Sheild Ward
Sacred Sheild
improved sheild bash
Steadfast determenation
Sheild sling
Need less to say hes a little tough to take down.
anyone else have players like that?

My friend plays a "rouge" Who has skill pts in just about everything. He doesnt pickpocket because he refuses to stoop to the level of a common theif. He is a member of the Theives guild and has never actually pulled a heist. He Is more at home in a dungeon than prowling the rooftops. He pumped up his ranks in every skill possible, 13 skill pts a level is no problem. I think he thinks of himself as a master theif because at his level now he is more talented then the rest of the theives guild. He refuses to become the man though.

I hate when Players play paladins as self rightous sanctamonius A@*%*!*s. I hate it when Dms make your paladin be a sanctamonius self rightous ass. I am pretty sure i know whats in my paladins code of conduct. Im pretty sure its in his line of reasoning thatif the person that you were supposed to apprehend saved you. My character would have no problem letting him go this time. I dont care that im LAWFULL GOOD. It doesnt mean i have to be all
Holy and Stupid about it. This got me into an argument with my DM.
Resulting in my paladin being Stripped of his Paladiness. I refuse to atone for it either. I stand by my principle what do you think?

A white rabbit. Yes that one.

MY Dwarven fighter in 2nd Edition had Hillgiants strength thanks to the lovely deck of manythings. On an expidition into the Harrowing peeks of Frostcraig , Our group ran across a hill giant Fort.
Being the Strapping young lads we were we decided to try and raid this little camp. "There cant be more then 10 of them"
THere were many more then ten. As we were fleeing the giants they begain to pelt us with boulders.
Great i thought i have a giants strength ill return fire.
I tried to catch one of said boulders. My dm didnt agree. I dont have the size of a giant so i cant catch like a giant.
Great he tells me now.

I did catch the boulder. As it send me tumbling down the mountain pass. Moral of the story is..... Giants throw big rocks!

5'9 170 All Molson Muscle.

I hate Artificers! hate them,and their item building
Extrodanary artisian my ass!

I hate half-orc barbarians, my pc uses 2 dice to play!

I hate human rogues, who get twinked from aformentioned artificer. +40 to your hide check.I dont care if the artificer can make it!

I hate PC clerics who dont ever ever heal. Just because i heal you dosent mean i like you!

I hate peanut butter that sticks to the roof of your mouth.

Dont you just hate when you cant find the droids your looking for.

Invisible doors that you cant see throught.

Flying Dwarves god damn artificers!

Cool , I wasnt sure if there was anyone from SO on these boards.
We are in the chatham-kent area. Its about an 45 minute drive from
windsor, or london.

Well My Pcs decided to rent a house as well, We figured that a 8 room Grand house would cost about , 350. Giving that a Grand house itself costs 5000gp to buy. thats not including their butler. Spoiled kids.

Looking for players in Southern Ontario area.
We run once a week, and we play 3.5 and ebberon.
Message if your interested

i have My Business certificate and a Human Resources degree.

Heathansson wrote:

An illusionist should send illusionary zombies at this guy, who will hopefully be mystified by his inability to turn them. Then, his necromancer buddy should send real undead after him, once he shoots all his turn attempts.

Also, with the stress on turning undead, he'll probably be lacking in other areas.
Overspecialization is a good way to guarantee extinction.

One of the other players runs a paladin with the cleric, They are brothers. The paladin took Sheild Specialization, Adaptable shield

defence, they both trained in Team Sheild manuver. For third level the paladin took Sheild ward. They are a very effective team.

JStrong wrote:

My Group are Playing sons and Daughters of a Noble family.

They chose to use their last name , Merriweather.
I tried to convince them otherwise but its stuck.

After Being mocked and ridiculed by the stormblades they quickly came up with the Name "The Solution" And their catch phrase is

If your not part of the soulution, your part of the problem.

My players have a habit of making obscene characters that excel at
One or two things. My Cleric Choose no diety and choose the Undeath doman, and Glory domain.
He gained +2 to the turning check and 1d6 to the turning damage.
Extra turning, He took empower turning as well. at 3rd level he took quicken turning. anyone else have players like that.

Well , I convinced them to play new characters , One liked the idea of a changling theif. I actually one of my players Dm for them. Im going to field a character. Every other week that seemed like the best soulution.

I Have A decent size gaming group of about 8 or 9 players depending. I recently started running SCAP for the more serious players. I need some ideas for my Other players. Ive concidered running them in a seperate group but they dont want to start scap , they like their other characters ... any suggestions?

My Group are Playing sons and Daughters of a Noble family.
They chose to use their last name , Merriweather.
I tried to convince them otherwise but its stuck.

My Party Decided To start the game with close ties to each other.

Human Paladin (Twins) Chadwick R. Merryweather
Human Cleric (Twins) Redginal Merryweather
Human Fighter (Cousin) Nigel Merryweather
Illumian Monk ("Uncle") Pippin Merryweather
Dwarf Sorcerer (Family Friend) Mortimer

They have just arrived in Cauldron. They are eager to get settled in.

I would be the Bar keep, No one messes with the bar keep.