Paladin Latham's page

4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


My group consists of...

A Chaotic/Good Male Ogre/Fighter (hasn't reached fighter levels yet)
A Chaotic Good Female Elf Soulborn (used to be an azuren male, but reincarnate...)
A Chaotic/Good Female Wolf Rogue/Bard (used to be a fae decended human male but again with the reincarnate...)
A Chaotic/Evil Male Satyr/Bard (hasn't reached bard yet)
A Chaotic/Nuetral Male Halfling Wu Jen (rarely plays...)
A Nuetral Female Human Rogue (used to be a male elf, reincarnated as well...)
A Nuetral/Good Female Astral Deva (with vow of poverty...)

Upon discovering the "discount for named parties only" one of my players just went and got the iron coins they had found in Jzadarune, handed one to each party member and started calling the group the "Band of the Iron Coin"

I know how that goes.

"the basket looks rikety? Well lets put the several hundred pound Ogre carrying two prisoners in it with two other party members at the same time!"
"we should check for traps? naw, those never do anything we can't fix!" (the serpia snake siguls proved otherwise)

I can't help but "reward" players after they do this, and by "reward" I mean "curse". I figured that the long stay of the demon in the lake was due to a gate spell. I also assumed that the water in the lake was less than "fresh". thus an hour after their little swim they discovered they were infested with Gut Worm Symbionts from the fiend folio. The little halfling Wu Jen tried to beat one of the Hillfolk to death with his spellbook after the worm made him involuntarily Rage. It was great...

My group turned Keygan in. Using a set of laws I found for another small city in Dragon Magazine, mixed with some of the laws from Waterdeep, It was found that Keygan was crimanally liable and had to make reparations of several thousand gold to the city. Considering that my group robbed him blind, all he had for reposession was the deed on his home and property. My group promptly bought It for 2,000gp (what it was worth according to the Stronghold Builder's Guide). Other loose ends in the plot I just tie to something later on. "Remember that alleybasher you punched in the face and got away? One of the gaurds at the prison has a black eye and small smudges of makeup..."