Gelatinous Cube

Got Ooze?'s page

12 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.


My DM just purchased the Shackled City Hardcover and we're starting at 1st-level with the following party members:

Male Human Cleric (straight cleric with heals)
Male Human Paladin (paladin 10/knight of holy shielding 10)
Male Wild Elf Fighter (straight archery/ranged fighter)
Male Human Sorcerer (straight offensive repertiore sorcerer)
Male Human Fighter (fighter/ranger/duelist duel-rapier-wielding dex whore)
Female High Elf Rogue (rogue with some fighter maybe)

Since our rogue won't be accompanying us that often since she works a lot, we'll be an odd 5-person party while she's not there, and just level her up with us when she wants to play.

I already know a little about the story arc of the adventure path from looking at a few issues of Dungeon, but I'm trying to avoid spoilers and looking forward to a good time with my friends.

I'll probably be posting our antics on the web somewhere as we progress, or I'll start up a thread here on the boards.

Sorry it's been forever guys, I got two jobs in the time I started to sell the books and have been working stiff. I was originally going to stop the sale of the books because of the hassle of shipping and such, but if there is anyone who wants more than 4 books, please tell me, otherwise I'm thinking of selling them locally at a hobby store in North Carolina.


  • Miniatures Handbook ($10 + S&H)
    Jester King:
  • Epic Level Handbook,
  • Book of Exalted Deeds,
  • Arms & Equipment Guide,
  • Defenders of the Faith ($40 + S&H)
    Lyle Stirk:
  • Couple of FR Books (which?)

  • curahn wrote:
    Do siege weapons count as projectile weapons in regard to the accuracy spell in the complete arcane book?

    I would definitely rule NO to that one...sounds like someone trying to get over on the use of the spell to me.

    True Strike is what you want ;)

    If you want a 0th-level spell still, try making a version that targets the crew chief of the siege engine in question and maybe has a couple factors changed (note: True Strike is a first level Sor/Wiz spell).

    True Siege
    Level: Sor/Wiz 0
    Components: V, F
    Casting Time: 2 full-round actions
    Range: Personal
    Target: You
    Duration: See text

    You gain temporary, intuitive insight into the immediate future during your next attack. Your next single attack roll with a siege engine (if it is made before the end of the next round) gains a +20 insight bonus. Additionally, you are not affected by the miss chance that applies to attackers trying to strike a concealed target.
    Focus: An arrow (ballista) or pebble (catapult).

    Just for fun, here's a feat for you:

    You are trained in the use of siege engines, and are especially good as a crew chief of them.
    Prerequisites: Int 13, base attack bonus +1.
    Benefit: Your gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make with the ballista or catapult (light and heavy). Additionally, the cumulative modifier you apply to successive shots is +4 per previous miss (maximum +20).
    Normal: The cumulative modifier you apply to successive shots with a ballista or catapult is +2 per previous miss (maximum +10).

    Your welcome, if you use any of this stuff, just credit me.

    Onrie wrote:
    Two words: Magic missile

    Jester King wrote:
    provided the books are in good shape

    Yes, some have only been used once: like the Miniatures Handbook.


  • Adding the 3.5 Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, and Monster Manual to the stack, but I'm starting the bid for them at $20.
  • Raising the starting bids for the Forgotten Realms books to $20/per as well (Oozey needs a new pair of shoes).

  • Daigle wrote:
    What about as a 'lot'?

    I'm starting a bid of sorts at $10/per so $230 for the 'lot of em'.


    Bidding ends in one week. Individuals can bid for particular books if they want to pay more than $10.

    See you in a week.

    I am looking to sell any, preferably all of the following slightly used D&D books/materials:

    Arcana Unearthed
    The Diamond Throne
    Heart of Nightfang Spire
    Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil
    Epic Level Handbook
    Miniatures Handbook
    Book of Vile Darkness
    Book of Exalted Deeds
    Book of Challenges
    Arms & Equipment Guide
    Stronghold Builder's Guidebook
    Savage Species
    Monster Manual II
    Fiend Folio
    Defenders of the Faith


    Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerun
    Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
    Magic of Faerun
    Races of Faerun
    Silver Marches
    Unapproachable East
    Lords of Darkness

    I live in the U.S., prefer the U.S. ($) Dollar for currency. I'm willing to negotiate prices for group sales. Reply to this post or message me here on Paizo for requests.

    Tequila Sunrise wrote:

    While you are correct in stating that size differentials are already incorporated into Hide/Spot due to size mods to Hide, I am considering alternative ways to supplant the current system rather than augmenting it.

    While most creatures do have more Con the larger they are, Con in itself is arbitrary as all the other six ability scores. If Con were directly related to size, gnomes would not get +2 Con.

    Alright on the first one.

    I see where you're at on the Poison for larger creatures being more effective. They have already incorporated that into the Save DC for the Poison ability.

    MM, Chapter 7: Glossary, Poison ability to reads:
    "The Fortitude save DC against a poison attack is equal to 10 + 1/2 poisoning creature's racial HD + poisoning creature's Con modifier."
    *emphasis mine

    What that extra added DC means is that each individual creature's Poison save is adjusted proportionately because of size, and that you don't have to adjust for every foe that every poison-bearing creature faces. They thought it easier to have the DC be harder than have the Save be easier (it makes more sense).

    Here's hoping I helped.

    Aberzombie wrote:

    Got Ooze? That has got to be one of the funniest screen names I have ever seen. I darn near P!$$ed myself laughing.

    Thanks :D (I think?)

    Tequila Sunrise wrote:

    3. Ideally, it would be great to have all size mods reflect relative size: i.e. +2 for a human spoting an ogre but +4 while spoting a hill giant. However, I myself would not want to modify these rolls during every encounter with every monster. Especially in this circumstance, as the DM would need to apply the spotter's bonus as the hider's penalty seeing as how the player doesn't know what the size difference is until the spot check is actually successful.
    4. I agree that larger creatures should be better able to resist poison. In fact I've considered giving them a bonus to Fort saves in general while penalizing their Reflex saves.

    3. These size differentials are already incorporated into the use and description of the Hide and Spot skills.

    PHB 3.5, Chapter 4: Skills, Hide states: "A creature larger or smaller than Medium takes a size bonus or penalty on Hide checks depending on its size category: Fine +16, Diminutive +12, Tiny +8, Small +4, Large -4, Huge -8, Gargantuan -12, Colossal -16."

    What this means, if I can use your statement, is that Spot shouldn't be '+2 for a human (Medium) spotting an ogre (Large)' because the Ogre is already getting a -4 penalty to his opposed check, which is Hide.

    4. Larger creatures already get a bonus to poison: it's the fact that they have more Constitution (and thus more Fort). A monster that advances larger than Medium gets +4 Constitution per size increase, which (in turn) grants it a +2 bonus to its Fortitude save per increase. See the MM, Increasing Hit Dice, Size Increases, Table 4-2: Changes to Statistics By Size for a reference table.

    We started with the "Three Faces of Evil" and are playing FR with:
    Male Human Cleric of Deneir 3 (gimpy but has nice AC)
    Male Human Sorcerer 3 (spellcaster)
    Male Human Fighter 3 (damage dealer)
    Male Star Elf Bard 3 (does nothing)

    I was going to run a Rogue, but decided against it once the star elf joined ;)