
Kamist Tirgan's page

Goblin Squad Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.


Set in forgotten realms with an extensive background generation system invented by the DM.

Carenthal - Elf Cleric (Mystra) 1. He is hoping to become a Mystic Theurge.

Dolgun - Gold Dwarf Dragon Adept 1. The breath weapon of this class has already saved our collective bacon once so far.

Eldron - Shield Dwarf Ranger 1. Going to specialize in two-weapon fighting and Undead Favored Enemy feats. Should be interesting.

Kamist - Human Sorcerer 1. Going to specialize in force spells.

Noraa - Human Rogue 1. Going to add levels of Swashbuckler and use the Daring Outlaw feat.

Storn - Shield Dwarf Fighter 1. A Dwarf wielding a great falchion.

Trogdor - Human Cleric (Lythander) 1. Hopefully, our Undead destroyer.

Valcrist - Human Spellthief 1. Taking crossbow-related feats.

I modified TE by giivng him Two-Weapon Fighting and a pair of +1 kukris. The players were literally falling all over themselves to get out of the way of the snarling, slavering, white-hot ball of apish terror as he went into a veritable critical hit frenzy!


What did him in was a Shivering Touch spell from the Cleric. Dropped his Dex by 12 (and AC by 6) in one hit! The fighter and rogue made short work of him after that.

Fun while it lasted though.

Looking for the last Wand of Water Control in the Kopru Ruins (Skaven & Harpoon Spider)

Warforged Fighter 5 (going Warforged Juggernaut of course)
Human Rogue 3/Swashbuckler 2 (going Duelist)
Elf (Khorvaire) Scout 6
Half-Orc Barbarian 5
Human Cleric of Kol Korran 6
Human Abjurer 6 (going Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil)
Human Warlock 6