Pathfinder Kingmaker Companion Guide

4.30/5 (based on 4 ratings)
Pathfinder Kingmaker Companion Guide
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The heroes of the Stolen Lands can use all the help they can get! The Kingmaker Companion Guide presents seven fully detailed companions inspired by the Kingmaker video game, ready to provide all sorts of assistance, each accompanied by a fully detailed personalized adventure to go along with their story. Notes on how an additional six companions can aid your adventures, extensive rules for camping and cooking strange and even magical meals to bolster your characters’ abilities, and a fully detailed system to incorporate weather and hazards like blizzards, flash floods, tornadoes, supernatural storms, and more into your campaign make the Kingmaker Companion Guide a must-have expansion for your Kingmaker Adventure Path or indeed any Pathfinder campaign!

Each companion character introduces a plethora of new character options to further enhance and bolster your characters’ abilities and options, including over a dozen feats, nearly a dozen spells, ten new alchemical and magical items, three dozen new exploration and downtime activities, and much, much more!

Written by: Alex Augunas, Russ Brown, Jeremy Corff, Steven T. Helt, Eric Hindley, James Jacobs, Victoria Jaczko, Jeff Lee, Tom McQueen, Jason Nelson, Chris Perrin, Richard Pett, David N. Ross, and Mike Welham.

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-433-8

Available Formats

Pathfinder Kingmaker Companion Guide is also available as:

The Kingmaker Companion Guide is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure and Chronicle sheet are available as a free download (2.2 MB PDF).

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Pathfinder Nexus on Demiplane
Roll20 Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Product Availability

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4.30/5 (based on 4 ratings)

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just here to offset the guy 1- & 2-starring all the PF2E products


Untested, incomplete mess that requires lots of home brewing


Let me preface this with: Kingmaker is the best AP for 2e yet and the adventure content is fantastic. The rules parts however are rushed, untested and require hours of home brewing to fix them.

Weather: Each day you need to roll 3-4 D20s just to figure out if it's raining and if a weather event happens, making this one pretty bad to run at the table. Weather event rules are simple yet unclear in how sheltering should actually work. Higher level events have the possibility to kill your party in a wild fire and yet don't scale well with party level at all. This really should have been 4 roll tables: one for each season, each one requiring a single roll.

Camping: Literally unusable RAW. Tons of mistakes and you will roll a ton of random encounter checks and the camping activities as written will bog down the flow of the game. Regongar's activity of skipping low threat encounters kinda fixes it, yet nets way too much XP RAW. In an ideal world, every player could have chosen a single camping activity, much like an exploration action, using watches & co from the CRB. Furthermore, it doesn't really integrate well with the GMG Hexploration rules. The meal system is neat, but some dishes like Fish-On-A-Stick and Galt Ragout really make your life harder for no real benefit.

Companions: This is where this book has suffered the most from the Kickstarter format: of the 13 companions, only 7 have a quest and enough background story to run them. You will need to replay or watch the CRPG quests to figure out how they are even supposed to fit in. For a book that is literally called "Companion Guide" this is honestly a bit of an insult.

The good parts: the companion quests, if they are present, are great. Honestly, this book should have been just about the companions and their quests.

I really hope that Paizo will not run a Kickstarter again and instead focuses on high quality adventure content that doesn't require as much crunch so that developers have enough time to playtest it without burning out.

PS: I know it was made by Legendary Games, but let's be honest: this is a Paizo product where the freelance work was partly outsourced to Legendary Games.

Edit: After having run camping, weather and cooking for a couple of months, we completely got rid of them. We found that they distracted from the actual game play while adding nothing valuable on top.


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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Companion Guide! Great to see it hit the storefront at last! I wasn't sure whether I was going to buy this initially (or at least until I found the time to run Kingmaker proper), but seeing this book jam-packed with so much bonus content I can put into play now, I'm completely sold on this thing. Eager to preorder!

I regret not including it in my initial Kingmaker pledge, but I am looking forward to picking it up when it becomes available.

This looks like something I will need. Wish I had had the money to pledge in the kick starter.

Paizo Employee Sales & eCommerce Assistant

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Now available for preorder!

I think this might be the one that a lot of CRPG nerds are actually interested in. :V Definitely picking up the PDF version on Oct. 26! I'm particularly interested to see how "Tartuk" and Jubilost were handled compared to the 1E release.

Was there a Collectors/Deluxe Edition for this one as well?

Marketing & Media Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Unikatze wrote:

Was there a Collectors/Deluxe Edition for this one as well?

Yes, the Pathfinder Kingmaker Companion Guide Special Edition.

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
SpaceDrake wrote:
I think this might be the one that a lot of CRPG nerds are actually interested in. :V Definitely picking up the PDF version on Oct. 26! I'm particularly interested to see how "Tartuk" and Jubilost were handled compared to the 1E release.

First one is not in the companions (he still has some pages dedicated to him in the actual book), but Jubilost is real nice. I love his sidequest. Will be a blast to play.

List of companions expended on in this book::
Kalikke & Kanerah

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I notice that this is another product that I have at home, but the product page does not indicate that I "bought" it. Is this issue possibly "slipcase" related? It did come together with the huge adventure book.

Paizo Employee Sales & eCommerce Assistant

3 people marked this as a favorite.
David knott 242 wrote:

I notice that this is another product that I have at home, but the product page does not indicate that I "bought" it. Is this issue possibly "slipcase" related? It did come together with the huge adventure book.

Hello! Yes, this is likely. The slipcase itself was a backer exclusive that we originally assumed was going to be shipped separately from the books and that would have displayed as a separate "purchased" line item on your account with the other books. However, when they physically arrived in the warehouse, we realized that they were already prepacked with the adventure and companion books, and we combined them into One Item in our system to make life easier on our Warehouse team.

(if that makes sense... I'm not always the best explainer of things, haha)

Dark Archive

Were the slip cases given the codes PZO2031 & PZO2032?

Paizo Employee Sales & eCommerce Assistant

Plaag wrote:
Were the slip cases given the codes PZO2031 & PZO2032?

The slipcases are displayed on pick lists as PZO2032 for the regular edition and PZO2032-SE for the special edition.

IIRC PZO2031 was the code used for the Kingmaker poster.

Are the stat-blocks for these companions in the new Pathfinder 1st Edition and D&D 5th Edition Bestiaries for Kingmaker? I assume the P1e and 5e stats are not included in this book.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Wolf Munroe wrote:
Are the stat-blocks for these companions in the new Pathfinder 1st Edition and D&D 5th Edition Bestiaries for Kingmaker? I assume the P1e and 5e stats are not included in this book.

Yes. The Bestiaries for 1E and 5E contain all the monster and NPC stats from the 640 page Adventure Path AND the 128 page Companion Guide that those games don't have already. (For 1E, that means if a monster appears in any of the 6 bestiaries, it's not repeated. For 5E that means if a monster doesn't appear in the Monster Manual it's not repeated. The 5E book is bigger because 1E Pathfinder players have more monsters in the 6 Bestiaries to draw from than 5E players do.)

And that includes the stats for the 7 companions who get stat blocks.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
For 5E that means if a monster doesn't appear in the Monster Manual it's not repeated.

Do you mean does appear?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Fumarole wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
For 5E that means if a monster doesn't appear in the Monster Manual it's not repeated.
Do you mean does appear?

I do.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

VERY happy for this to come out as it should add a LOT of extra stuff!@!

Ha Ha


Marketing & Media Manager

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Chapter 1: Companions 4
Chapter 2: Camping 106
Chapter 3: Weather 120

Back cover text:

The heroes of the Stolen Lands can use all the help they can get! The Pathfinder Kingmaker Companion Guide presents several fully detailed NPC companions ready to provide all sorts of assistance, but also several new adventures set in the Stolen Lands. Expanded rules for camping in the wilds and enduring a wide range of hazardous weather events make the Kingmaker Companion Guide an indispensable addition to your Kingmaker campaign.

The Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path, Pathfinder Kingmaker Bestiary (5E), Pathfinder Kingmaker Bestiary (First Edition), and Pathfinder Kingmaker Companion Guide contain typical Pathfinder action and adventure, player options, creatures, and more. They also include content related to child abuse and neglect, graphic depictions of torture and violence, substance abuse, and other themes that are appropriate for more mature audiences. Before you run this adventure or use any of the supplementary sourcebooks, understand that consent from everyone at the table—including the players and the Game Master—is vital to a safe and fun play experience. You should talk with your players before beginning the adventure and modify descriptions or events as appropriate.

The companions are converted for 5E and the first edition Bestiaries, but this Pathfinder Kingmaker Companion Guide provides the full context for all the systems.

Are 2e counterpart in that hard cover?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Laclale♪ wrote:
Are 2e counterpart in that hard cover?

If I'm understanding your question right - yes, this book has 2e material for all of the companions.

keftiu wrote:
this book has 2e material for all of the companions.

Ah, okay. 2e counter part is here too.

Apologies if I missed this somewhere but will the Print edition of the Kingmaker 2e books include the free accompanying PDF version as per usual Paizo products? I don't see that specified anywhere.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TerraZephyr wrote:
Apologies if I missed this somewhere but will the Print edition of the Kingmaker 2e books include the free accompanying PDF version as per usual Paizo products? I don't see that specified anywhere.

I dont think Pazio includes PDF’s as part of physical purchase unless in part of a subscription or pre-ordered by certain date.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
TerraZephyr wrote:
Apologies if I missed this somewhere but will the Print edition of the Kingmaker 2e books include the free accompanying PDF version as per usual Paizo products? I don't see that specified anywhere.

Paizo physical books only include a PDF when you get them through a Subscription.

Director of Marketing

5 people marked this as a favorite.
TerraZephyr wrote:
Apologies if I missed this somewhere but will the Print edition of the Kingmaker 2e books include the free accompanying PDF version as per usual Paizo products? I don't see that specified anywhere.

It will not. Print and PDF copies will be sold separately. The way to get both was to back the crowdfunding campaign and that option is over.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

30$ for the pdf and 40$ for the physical, isn't the pdf 10$ too expensive ?

Will this be sanctioned for pfs?

LOVED this, and GREAT maps, thank god!!

Worth it for anyone running the King game!!


Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GrandChefPanda wrote:
30$ for the pdf and 40$ for the physical, isn't the pdf 10$ too expensive ?


4 people marked this as a favorite.
GrandChefPanda wrote:
30$ for the pdf and 40$ for the physical, isn't the pdf 10$ too expensive ?

Depends on how much you value writing and art, I suppose. I’m happy to pay it; the RPG industry is notoriously under-priced and under-paid.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm willing to put in an extra ten bucks to support folks, but I will keep an eye on the difference between physical and electronic copies.

Grand Archive

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

They recently changed the price structure for PDF (effective... yesterday for the new books released, and next week for all old books). And thus, the PDFs' prices won't be set as a percentage of the physical version. They are set by the product line now. (That means that most Lost Omens PDFs have bumped up in price a little, except Absalom and Mwangi, that dropped in price.)
They explained it in a recent blog.


Any chance this will get sanctioned for pfs?

Director of Marketing

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Time traveler wrote:
Any chance this will get sanctioned for pfs?

Organized Play is working hard to action all this month's new material and needs a bit more time. Look to the monthly updates on Thursdays for specifics.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I need to write a review for this at some point, but I wanted to say here that this is absolutely fantastic. I wish every AP came with such a rich array of NPCs. It's going to make our one-on-one game of Kingmaker so much better.

Director of Marketing

7 people marked this as a favorite.
willfromamerica wrote:
I need to write a review for this at some point, but I wanted to say here that this is absolutely fantastic. I wish every AP came with such a rich array of NPCs. It's going to make our one-on-one game of Kingmaker so much better.

This is a new kind of book for Paizo. I think it has given the editorial team #ideas. Feedback is encouraged.

Liberty's Edge

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Read only the Amiri entry so far, but I love the concept.

I feel it hits the right spot between AP's NPCs who are so core to the story that it would take lots of efforts to reuse them in another context and generic, somewhat bland, NPCs from books such as NPC Codex who also require efforts to insert within an AP.

NPCs that are linked to a given AP but that can also be used in another campaign with minimal effort are extremely useful IMO.

Is this being reprinted or is it now PDF only?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Aaron Shanks wrote:
willfromamerica wrote:
I need to write a review for this at some point, but I wanted to say here that this is absolutely fantastic. I wish every AP came with such a rich array of NPCs. It's going to make our one-on-one game of Kingmaker so much better.
This is a new kind of book for Paizo. I think it has given the editorial team #ideas. Feedback is encouraged.

In addition to this fantastic book, I also hope this encourages Paizo to consider more 2e conversions of some older APs. While Kingmaker is unique for a number of reasons, I do think the demand is there and there are some truly great APs that deserve the modern treatment.

Bumping this because Christmas gift planning depends on the answer to my previous question:


Is this being reprinted? Now? Sometime in the future? Never*?

*ie, probably not but "never say never"

Director of Marketing

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Dancing Wind wrote:

Bumping this because Christmas gift planning depends on the answer to my previous question:


Is this being reprinted? Now? Sometime in the future? Never*?

*ie, probably not but "never say never"

We are sold out and the decision to reprint has not been made. It certainly won't be here by the holidays. Hypothetically we may get some books retuned to us from the book trade if they think they can't sell them, but we have not way of knowing when. And we are sold out, so I suspect there will be no returns.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aaron Shanks wrote:
We are sold out and the decision to reprint has not been made. It certainly won't be here by the holidays. Hypothetically we may get some books retuned to us from the book trade if they think they can't sell them, but we have not way of knowing when. And we are sold out, so I suspect there will be no returns.

Thank you so much! That's exactly what I needed to know.

Could you please make one more announcement once the decision has been made about reprinting?

If I know a reprint is in the works, it will change my decisions. Right now I'm going to assume the worst (it won't be reprinted), and move on from Kingmaker.

Director of Marketing

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dancing Wind wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
We are sold out and the decision to reprint has not been made. It certainly won't be here by the holidays. Hypothetically we may get some books retuned to us from the book trade if they think they can't sell them, but we have not way of knowing when. And we are sold out, so I suspect there will be no returns.

Thank you so much! That's exactly what I needed to know.

Could you please make one more announcement once the decision has been made about reprinting?

If I know a reprint is in the works, it will change my decisions. Right now I'm going to assume the worst (it won't be reprinted), and move on from Kingmaker.

Copy that.

Director of Marketing

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Dancing Wind wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
We are sold out and the decision to reprint has not been made. It certainly won't be here by the holidays. Hypothetically we may get some books retuned to us from the book trade if they think they can't sell them, but we have not way of knowing when. And we are sold out, so I suspect there will be no returns.

Thank you so much! That's exactly what I needed to know.

Could you please make one more announcement once the decision has been made about reprinting?

If I know a reprint is in the works, it will change my decisions. Right now I'm going to assume the worst (it won't be reprinted), and move on from Kingmaker.

We've located more Pathfinder Kingmaker Companion Guides and have some in stock now.

Thank you so much, Aaron!

Liberty's Edge

Just to be clear, these companions are already in the Bestiary along with everything else and it's second edition only?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Kevida wrote:
Just to be clear, these companions are already in the Bestiary along with everything else and it's second edition only?

They shouldn't be. These companions aren't part of the story, they were part of the Owlcat Video Game version of this story. The Kingmaker AP does not include these characters, but the companion guide gives you guidance, starblocks, quests, items/feats/spells that you can use if you want to incorporate them into your Kingmaker story.

On the second note, yes it's second edition. I don't recall if they made a 5e Companion Guide, but this guide is specific to 2e in terms of rule elements.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.

This is a 128 page expansion to the Adventure Path, and the book is 2nd edition Pathfinder. All the rules you need to incorporate NPC companions into your game (along with new player options they can teach and several new adventures they can unlock) are in this book, along with rules for camping, cooking campfire meals to gain advantages, and some rules for weather in the adventure.

You can really think of this book as an out-and-out expansion for Kingmaker across the board (more adventure, more treasure and rewards, more GM tools).

The bestiaries we did for 1st edition Pathifnder and for 5E include stats for the companions and several of the monsters/NPCs encountered in this book's adventures, but that's it.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
xNellynelx wrote:
Kevida wrote:
Just to be clear, these companions are already in the Bestiary along with everything else and it's second edition only?

They shouldn't be. These companions aren't part of the story, they were part of the Owlcat Video Game version of this story. The Kingmaker AP does not include these characters, but the companion guide gives you guidance, starblocks, quests, items/feats/spells that you can use if you want to incorporate them into your Kingmaker story.

On the second note, yes it's second edition. I don't recall if they made a 5e Companion Guide, but this guide is specific to 2e in terms of rule elements.

As noted below, Mr. Jacobs has made it clear the their stats are the only things that are in the Bestiary. As to your to my second point, I am an old "fuddy duddy" stuck in First Edition. So thnk you for your response it was helpful

James Jacobs wrote:

This is a 128 page expansion to the Adventure Path, and the book is 2nd edition Pathfinder. All the rules you need to incorporate NPC companions into your game (along with new player options they can teach and several new adventures they can unlock) are in this book, along with rules for camping, cooking campfire meals to gain advantages, and some rules for weather in the adventure.

You can really think of this book as an out-and-out expansion for Kingmaker across the board (more adventure, more treasure and rewards, more GM tools).

The bestiaries we did for 1st edition Pathifnder and for 5E include stats for the companions and several of the monsters/NPCs encountered in this book's adventures, but that's it.

It sounds like the rules for camping and what not can be incorporated into PF1E with minimal fuss. Thank you for clarifying!

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