
GrandChefPanda's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 2 wishlists.


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Jonathan Morgantini wrote:
When posts are removed, all posts who QUOTE the removed post are also removed. While your post did not violate guidlines in and of itself, you did quote the removed post.

ok that's why, thanks for the clarification.

Jonathan Morgantini wrote:
Removed some posts that were against Guidelines.

How was my post saying AI can produce images without the 6 fingers flaw against guideline and removed ?

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30$ for the pdf and 40$ for the physical, isn't the pdf 10$ too expensive ?

Zandari wrote:

Just curious, was this product released in a file-per-chapter format? All of my other AP issues show up both in single file and file-per-chapter format, but this one did not.

Did I just miss something?

Same for me, I suppose this is normal then.

Ok that's the right link then as it re-personalize, but still it redownload the one without bookmarks

Doesn't work for me neither, I can't get the one with bookmarks, it's always the one personalized a few days ago.

Is 'reset the download' you speak about this link 'Problems downloading this file? Click here.' ? I can't find a 'reset the download' anywhere.
Anyway, this don't work, it's still the old one without bookmark.

You get them with each chapters pdfs

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Where is the option to buy this as pdf ?