First of all, let me say that I have not run this adventure path. I've read through it several times, but problems with gameplay often don't show themselves until trying to actually run it. Consider this more of a story review until I have the chance to run it. If I run it and find any major changes, I will update here.
Also, I had a longer review typed out, but the website ate it. 5/5 story 1/5 website!
First of all, let me say that if you're looking for your normal fantasy tropes out of J.R.R. Tolkien, Robert Jordan, or J.R.R. Martin, you're probably in the wrong spot. This adventure path seems to take far more inspiration from Robert E. Howard, Edgar Rice Burrows and H.P. Lovecraft in it's tone and story, with a sprinkling of set pieces I would expect to see out of something from Studio Ghibli.
It has everything you would expect in a Pulp novel, from
I can't help but feel the Ghibli references snuck in too, especially the
The art in this book seems to draw from that pulp aesthetic as well. Especially the view on the top of page 50 seemed like something I might expect out of John Carter of Mars,
All in all, an excellent story to tell, but be sure your players are on board with something a little less traditional fantasy.