Whether you're a player preparing for a dungeon delve or a GM equipping the town guard, you need weapons and armor at the ready! The Pathfinder Weapons & Armor Deck contains cards for every 1st-level weapon, armor, and shield in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, as well as for alchemical bombs, complete with statistics and descriptions. The 110-card deck also includes the rules you need to deploy your armaments to full advantage. With the Weapons & Armor Deck, you'll always be prepared when combat breaks out!
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
I will probably skip these, no player i encountered liked to have more than half a dozen cards of mundane Equipment flying around and never bothered to use them more than one or two evenings.
These will probably be useful for beginners though and for remembering the damage reduction of heavier armors.
You probably need more than one of these to equip everybody.
I’m glad to see they’re complete. My biggest issue with this kind of product is always that they rapidly go out of date. Fingers crossed they’re popular enough that follow up books get their own cards too.
Is this an indication the card line is expanding? Can we expect to see spell cards, treasure/magic item cards, etc. over time? I really don't see the need for a card set for mundane equipment unless there is some as yet unforeseen product that will make use of them, like a full-sized "slot" card or something for players to place their gear as it applies to their character or something. IMO, players already know what their gear, especially basic/mundane does and don't need cards to remind them.
However, I can see it being a big help to have spell cards that can be used to track daily castings or for GMs to use as ready reference instead of having to check the full books every time especially if they are traveling for conventions.
Same could be said for treasure/magic item cards. How often do you issue items not knowing exactly what they do or all the stat info? Then the player has to look it up, slowing down the game. Plus having the card on the table would remind players of an item they have, but is not part of their individual inventory.
Can we expect to see spell cards, treasure/magic item cards, etc. over time? I really don't see the need for a card set for mundane equipment [...]
I totally agree with that. Basic Equipement is not really necessary to have as a card. We are an experienced group of players and we know most of the basic equipment items we use. No need to have a card here. I am not shure if it will help me when i do GM... i have to overthing that but maybe i will skip this.
TwilightKnight wrote:
However, I can see it being a big help to have spell cards that can be used to track daily castings or for GMs to use as ready reference instead of having to check the full books every time especially if they are traveling for conventions.
I absolutely agree with that. There is definetely a need on spell cards. and special magical items. That would be a great help as a player and as a gm also. I know most spells but i often miss some small important details. And when i create an NPC i can take the cards and have everything ready.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps Subscriber
Even commonly used alchemical or magical consumable items would be awesome. I currently make my own, but having an officially licensed version with actual art would be better.
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
No to both of the above. See the sample images—it's basically an image of the item on one side, the item description, and the information from its entry or table.
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
I have a character (half-orc/aasamir) with a 'blacksmith/weaponsmith background.
He has specialized in a 'combo' type weapon.
He puts hammers and axes on either side of a half'.
For the 'Warhammer/Battleaxe' weapon (damage= d8S or d8B, he may extend the haft to make it a 'hand-and-a-half' (one OR two handed) or two handed (d10 for 2hS or 2hB).
For the 'Maul/Greataxe' weapon, he may extend the haft (already a 2h) to make it a polearm.