Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() So Elven Chain is just not that useful unless you have a mid Dex bonus or only Medium Armor proficiency. As a Dex based Fighter Rogue at level 20, the theoretical best I can do is AC44 (or AC 46 with shield): +5 Dex (capped at +5, but is +7)
As a Str based Fighter at level 20, the theoretical best I can do is AC45 (or AC 47 with shield) +0 from Dex
As far as I know, Champion is on the only way to get Legendary Armor Proficiency and it's not available in the Archetype. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() I have always run Strength based martials with low Dex and have less experience with Dex builds in the higher levels. To try something different I am running a Dex based fighter using finesse weapons and picking up the Rogue archetype. I am currently at 4th level with a +4 Dex and using +1 leather armor. I have been looking ahead for future builds and I guess I hadn't realized that once I hit level 10 and get +5 Dex, that my AC can't benefit from it in leather. I can switch to Explorer's clothing to get my +5 Dex, but then I lose my +1 from the leather so it's a "wash". I was looking at options, but apparently Elven Chain (the old stereotype), still has a +1 Dex cap, so it's not that useful as it would still be a wash compared to leather. How do higher level characters AC benefit from say a +6 Dex at level 17 from a Cloak of Swiftness or a +7 Dex at level 20? Running no armor would allow it, but then you lose the armor potency runes which would seem to offset it again. Are there any optimization tips or tricks to getting a higher AC and fully using your Dex bonus? ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() I was looking at the Archer Archetype. Torandor has it orange and calls it a feat tax. I mostly agree with that, with a big caveat. The fighter at 5th level gains Fighter Weapon Mastery and chooses a group of weapons to increase to Master. Similarly, at 13th level gains Weapon Legend and chooses a group of weapons to increase to Legendary. If you select something like the Archer archetype from the APG it gives you the equivalent highest proficiency in the Bow Weapon Group. So at 5th level if you select Sword for your weapon group, both Swords and Bows increase to Master. At 13th level if you select sword, both Swords and Bows increase to Legendary. I think this should be at least green because of this trick to get two weapon groups upgraded earlier. It's essentially a +2 to hit. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Question regarding taking an Archetype with the restriction that you cannot take another Archetype Dedication until you select two additional feats from your current archetype. If that Archetype has additional feats listed, but you already have that feat does it count towards your two additional feats requirements? Example, you are a fighter and take Point Blank Stance at level 1. At level 2, you take Assisting Shot. You are in a game using the Free Archetype rule and select the Archer Dedication at level 2. Since both Point Blank Stance and Assisting Shot are on the Archer feat list (although selected as a fighter) have you "fulfilled" your Dedication requirement at level 2? Can you then pick a new Archetype Dedication at level 4? ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() MEATSHED wrote: Yeah. It's why gunslinger has singular expertise, so they can't do that I wonder what other archetypes besides archer do this? I know some backgrounds or feats that allow certain advanced weapons to be treated as martial. But are there whole other weapon groups? ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() The fighter at 5th level gains Fighter Weapon Mastery and chooses a group of weapons to increase to Master. Similarly, at 13th level gains Weapon Legend and chooses a group of weapons to increase to Legendary. If you select something like the Archer archetype from the APG it gives you the equivalent highest proficiency in the Bow Weapon Group. So at 5th level if you select Sword for your weapon group, both Swords and Bows increase to Master. At 13th level if you select sword, both Swords and Bows increase to Legendary. Is that correct as I am understanding it? ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Sibelius Eos Owm wrote:
Yes, sorry I meant first printing of the 2nd edition core book. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() The spine split in multiple places on my well used first edition Core Rulebook. I refer to it often enough, I am considering buying another or the pocket edition. What is the latest printing, is it the 4th printing? Where is the printing version listed? What version is the pocket edition? Is it also equivalent to the hardcover 4th printing? ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() I have been playing a Hellknight fighter. A few observations on things I have encountered. 1) The rules around precious materials like Adamantine and Cold Iron, Mithril, or silver etc. Specifically, the rune restrictions limiting the level of runes based on the quality of the material. Example, a +1 striking cold iron low quality longsword cannot be upgraded to +2 greater striking, unless you first upgrade the quality of the cold iron from low quality to standard. This feels like an "artificial" restriction. You can upgrade an ordinary weapon with high level runes. You don't need high-grade steel or wood to do so. Increasing the quality of the precious materials increases the hardness, hit points, and Break Threshold, but other than that really doesn't do much except serve as gatekeeping for runes. A standard-grade or high-grade cold iron weapon doesn't do more damage to demons or fey than a low-grade one. If it did, then upgrading your material qualities might be more worthwhile. For now, the only reason to upgrade is the rune restrictions. 2) I would like to see a higher level feat for armor or weapon proficiency that lets you increase your proficiency by a step. 3) I'd like to see some errata for prerequisites that aren't obtainable at the appropriate level. For example, the feat Armiger's Mobility (Lost Omens World Guide) is a level 8 feat that requires expert in Heavy Armor. This pretty much restricts this choice to champions only as they can get expert at level 7, but fighters cannot get it until level 11. This seems to be gatekeeping Hellknights to Champions not Fighters. 4) Hellknights have a feat tax in that have to select multiple dedication feats. (Arminger at 2 and Hellknight at 6). I'd like to see Hellknight Dedicaion allow you to select another Hellknight/Arminger feat as a bonus to rebate the feat tax. Maybe some of this will get fixed if they do a Hellknight book in the future? ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Lost Omens Character Guide had Firebrands, Hellknights, Knights of Lastwall, Magaambya Academy and Pathfinder Society as Organizations. Pathfinder Society, Knights of Lastwall both have subsequent books and Firebrands are coming. I can see Hellknights and Magaabya Academy getting separate books too? ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Adamantine Golem questions? Is a PC with Adamantine Armor resistant to the armor breaking effects of "Destructive Strike"? Or is this effect an automatic effect that happens regardless of armor type, hardness etc? How much gp value of Adamantine does a dead Adamantine Golem yield? Considering high grade Adamantine armor is 32,000 gp + 3,200 per bulk (38,400 for bulk 2 medium Full Plate for example), I am presuming since it's a huge creature and it's more dense than hollow plate mail, I am guessing at least 10 times that, or around 384,000 gp worth of adamantine? That would be enough to craft 20 suits of armor which sounds right. However, the Bestiary says the incredible amount of Adamantine necessary to create a single adamantine golem is worth more than many nations treasuries. Is 384,000 gp worth too low? ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() I wish they would errata/clean up the rules on precious materials. Your really awesome special materials armor or weapon that you have at mid level can't be upgraded without upgrading the materials first. For example, if you have standard grade materials such as adamantium you can't upgrade it from +2 to +3 without first upgrading the quality of the materials first. However, +3 weapon potency is level 16 and high grade adamantine weapon is level 17. It seems absurd that you can upgrade a mundane material weapon from +2 to +3 but not a standard grade precious materials one? Adamantine, Darkwood, Mithril and Orichalcum weapons all have this issue of having the higher grade material requirement be a higher level than the +3 rune itself. This rule should be changed or the level of the higher grade material reduced to at least be the same as the +3 rune. Armor has similar issues and should also be fixed. A high grade adamantium object is level 16, a shield is level 16, a weapon level 17 and armor level 19. Why are they not all the same for the same material? Crafting is already gatekeeped behind the Legendary requirement. This means you are usually better off switching out your standard grade adamantine weapon or armor back to a mundane one to get +3 then switching it back out to high grade adamantine a level or two later. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Themetricsystem wrote: Pretty much, yeah, it would be a crafting activity to reverse-engineer the item for the formula and you end up with half of the item value in raw materials at the end. Do you need a formula to craft an item out of precious materials if its not magic? Also, I was getting it how much Adamantium could you harvest? Seems odd you would only get 192.50 gold value out of it using the crafting rules, but using the using the precious item rules it's 350 gold value for a standard grade object? ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Our group received as treasure a standard grade Adamantine Battle Axe. The weapon is not useful for anyone in our group but we have a Master Crafter with Specialty Crafting Blacksmith. Can we melt it down and harvest the Adamantine? If so, how much does it yield? It's bulk 1. On page 599, the gp value for Adamantine Weapon is 1,400gp + 140 per bulk, so 1540 gp. The craft requirement is 175 gold of Adamantine + 17.5 per bulk implying it required 192.5 gold value of Adamantine to craft it? However, on page 578 under Adamantine it lists a chunk as 500gp (bulk L) and a standard grade object (as 350gp per bulk). How much Adamantium should it yield, since the Crafting math and the precious materials rules seem to vary? Obviously we can just sell it at the usual 50% or 770 gold. We are only considering this because it's Uncommon. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() vagrant-poet wrote:
Agree, totally second this idea. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Aaron Shanks wrote: Paizo can’t tell it’s partners what to charge for their products. The price reflects both Paizo’s work and the work of VTT partners to bring it to their customers. The Pathfinder Beginner Box remains an incredible value for five people to have many hours of entertainment, both physical and digital. Maybe there is disconnect somewhere? They literally said on their forums: "Standard FG pricing, as set by the license agreement with Paizo, is that of the physical product." I can see where that model works for most books and adventures, but in a boxed product where part of the content is dice and pawns it make the beginner adventure absurdly expensive. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() CrystalSeas wrote:
They price it at the cost of the physical product. If you own the PDF and link your Paizo account you get a discount so it would still be $25. Physical box price minus PDF. This is usually because you get the PDF with purchase so they don't want to duplicate charge you if you already own it. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Over on the Fantasy Grounds forum, it was mentioned that the beginner box was going to be $40 in Fantasy Grounds due to their contract requiring to charge SRP. This seems not to translate very well in that the beginner box contains pawns and dice. For people just wanting the starter adventure or starter box rules, that seems to be very expensive. The starter adventure would be one of the most expensive adventures on FG for Pathfinder 2e. I would think Paizo would want to make the starter adventure and ruleset as cheap as possible to get people to try it? Seems like they might want to subsidize Smiteworks so they can sell it affordably (like $10-$15 or so), or even give it away free? Just making a suggestion in case anyone at Paizo sees this. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Are we not going to get a map pack for Age of Ashes and Extinction Curse like the 1st edition adventure paths had? Due to COVID I have been both playing and GM online in Fantasy Grounds which eliminates the need for a physical map. However, when we return to in-person gaming next year, I would love to have a map pack for Age of Ashes... ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Question the Lost Omens World Guide has an 8th Level Archetype feat for the Hellknight Arminger called Arminger's Mobility. One of the prerequisites is Expert in Heavy Armor. I for the life of me can't figure out how you get this by 8th level. The only scenario I see is Champion with Armor Expertise at 7th. Hellknights are supposed to be Lawful and could in theory be LG, but a Paladin Hellknight seems to be the only way? It seems massively out of character for that to be the only way to get it before 11th level when the Fighter class gets Armor Expertise. I was wondering if the Hellknight Dedication Archetype feat from the Lost Omens World Guide (level 6 feat) was supposed to give this and be the prerequisite but was inadvertently left out? Possible errata? ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() HammerJack wrote: Right. Options to boost your proficiency earlier or higher than your class allows are basically not a thing that exists, or that we should ever expect to exist. At least not outside of the design space if something like the Class Archetypes that do not yet exist, but which could conceivably have big enough adjustments to pay for that kind of thing. That doesn't seem right though? Hellknights have to be Lawful, so only a Lawful Good Paladin could get the Hellknight feat before level 11? With the Advanced Player's Guide a LE Champion (Tyrant) could get it but that book came out much much later. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() As a Fighter is there a good way to get Expert in Heavy Armor Proficiency before you get Armor Expertise at 11th level? To elaborate, I am wondering how on earth you meet the prerequisite of expert in Heavy Armor at 8th level for the Armiger's Mobility Feat in the Lost Omens World Guide? ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Castilliano wrote:
It's the 4th level Mortification feat from the Hellknight Arminger Archetype in the Lost Omens World Guide. Not armor dependent. I think I am going to take piercing, as I get armor specialization at 11th level, so the slash resist wouldn't stack. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Playing a melee based fighter using polearms. I have a chance to pick up damage reduction via an archetype feat. Just wondering which type would be most beneficial? I was leaning towards slashing or piercing as bludgeoning seem to be used less often. There appear to be more melee slashing type weapons, but of course piecing covers ranged weapons. Thoughts? ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Related question I have noticed some multiclass feats give you trained in that Classes DC. Example Barbarian Dedication. You become trained in barbarian class DC. Say you were already a class that had a trained DC (such as Fighter) you are going to progress in both equally right? At level 10 your class DC for Both Barbarian and Fighter is 12 right? (Class level + 2 for trained). ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Thanks the "Hellknight Titles" for Arminger on the Character Guide page 79 seemed to imply that an Arminger couldn't wear it because they weren't yet full members. Passing a test makes you a Hellknight and no longer an Arminger regarless of level or feats. Thanks! ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() So when can a character legally wear Hellknight Plate? (According to the Hellknights). It's a level 2 item, but an Arminger can't wear it. Can they wear when it they pass the test, but before they take the Hellknight Dedication Feat at Level 6, or must they take the test and take the feat? The Flavor text seems to imply they are eligible as soon as they pass the test. (Feat not required). ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Age of Ashes Player’s Guide Page 7, # 8 Monument Circle. and
The six water towers are supposed to be water towers, not wells. The art is correct (and delightful). The text slipped through the cracks. All below is for Age of Ashes #1 Hellknight Hill Most of the descriptions imply the keep is 1 mile away, but page 63 has it as 10 miles. It's a mile. Page 19-20 Alak is said to be wearing something other than Hellknight armor, and he is listed with a greatsword. The art depicts him with Hellknight armor and a halberd, and later, in chapter 2, undead ignore him because he supposedly wears Hellknight regalia. The art depicts him with Hellknight armor and a halberd, not a greatsword, so the art is in error. As for the undead, regalia is more than just armor, and he can instruct the PCs of this.
I'm pretty sure it's referring to the Order of the Nail insignias the party can find in A6. In area D7 on the Goblinblood Caves map parts a, c, d, and f are mislabeled. The labels are on the benches in the alcoves and not on the gates. Parts b and e are correct. The write-up for area D2 suggests that Renali will intervene in the fight between the PCs and Ralldar in D3 if they haven't already found her, and says to see that section for more info, but I'm not seeing anything in D3 about Renali? --Question: On p49, under the description of encounter C2, it mentions that the party can make one Diplomacy or Intimidation check to get the guard to call Dmiri out to speak with the PCs. But I can't find any further guidance about this in the AP. How is this conversation supposed to go? What are Voz's skeletons supposed to be? The encounter suggests a skeletal champion and a skeleton guard, but the text says "skeletal champions" at one point, so it could be two skeletal champions instead.
The Bloody Blades are half-orcs. Voz Lirayne is a half-elf. Are they supposed to have low-light vision?
So my players reached the risen skeletons in the catacombs last session and i've noticed that the skeletal hellknight doesn't have the usual resistances every skeleton has.
So my question is about the silver longsword they find in Area A9 in chapter 2. Was curious what grade it was since there are 3 different grade with precious metals. I assumed low grade silver since it is a level 2 item as well as the Knights would not leave high quality behind.
--On p43, it says that once the PCs begin Chapter 4, Alak will take off. But later in Chapter 4 it says some things which suggest Alak may still be traveling with the party (e.g., on p49 it talks about what Alak can tell the party about the Bloody Blades, on p53 it says that Alak will volunteer to take Voz into custody). If the citadel’s battlements are 25 feet above the courtyard, they can't be 30 feet above ground level, which is already higher than the courtyard. Is the battlements "just a bit" shorter than those represented in art?
The good news is that if folks want to include one or two of these magic parchments in their game, found, I suggest, in Voz's research room (Hellknight Hill page 46), I felt like whipping them together on the spot for folks to use right here.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Tender Tendrils wrote:
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() I think the problem is the HLC was a great product and HLO is not there yet. The expectations for HLO were absurdly high because of how good HLC is. As to quitting a game or switching versions due to lack of character builders see D&D 4th edition. The paywall subscription to access Dungeon & Dragon mags online and the character builder helped doom it. The character builder was really good at the end, but the monthly fees killed it. Our group took a break for a month or so and everyone dropped their subscriptions. There was huge resistance to restarting the monthly fees and our group switched to Shadowrun for awhile away from D&D over lack of a good easy to use character builder alternative. Shadowrun with HLC was pretty good by the way. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() James Jacobs wrote:
Appreciate your comments. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Vic Wertz wrote:
Will it still have a random color medium base? ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() CrystalSeas wrote:
Is that confirmed that spellcards are NOT part of a subscription? ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Longtime D&D player (all versions since AD&D1) who decided to jump into Pathfinder 2nd at launch. I actually subscribed one issue early to Adventure Path to get the grandfathered discount. I am currently subscribed to: Pathfinder Adventure Path
The subscription discount may not be quite as good as Amazon, but getting the free PDFs is a great value, and helps mitigate that. I really don't have a local store, so subscription is also good in that regard to get the newer releases. Here are my thoughts on each. Adventure Path - Already familiar with this concept from D&D 3rd (from Dungeon) and Pathfinder 1st edition. Like the concept and glad they will eventually support Age of Ashes with Pawns and hopefully a map pack. Lost Omens - Disappointing the two books are so small. Lot of player content in the character guide. I feel these could have been one larger book, but maybe the book size on the Core books has spoiled me? Adventure. I missed there was a map pack for Fall of Plaguestone and had to go track it down at a retailer. Since there are so few releases, I sorta wish the map was included in this subscription. Pawns. Don't have the new ones yet, but have used in the past. Useful. Rulebook. Big books, big content. Hope the Gamemaster guide is good. Glad we are getting errata. Would like to see the PDF's updated with the errata before a second printing of the physical books. Society - Not playing Society, but who doesn't love free adventures? Accessories - This is perhaps my one actual regret so far? Here are my thoughts. Combat Pad - Useful GM Screen - Useful, but you did 2 versions at launch and I didn't get to choose? Now you are replacing it with a third screen in January? Character Sheets - Worst product in the whole line. Great concept with class specific sheets, but has errors for Fighter and Alchemist. Not printer friendly, not form fillable for PDF. Please fix and update the PDF at least. Condition Cards - Mildly useful - no PDF of cards Critical Hit Deck - Haven't really used yet, but seems brutal for PC's - no PDF
Aside from the Combat Pad, I could probably have done without all the accessory content so far. The upcoming releases raise a concern for me? Advanced GM Screen - A third screen?
Spell Cards - 5 decks being release in January along with the GM Screen and Bestiary cards? Is that really 7 products in January? Will these contain the errata? ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() FYI response to my email in case anyone else wants to late pledge. Virginia wrote:
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() FYI - Response from customer service in case anyone else has late pledge questions. Hello Daniel! Thank you so much for your patience, the four of us in the customer service department have been experiencing a larger than usual influx of messages. I can definitely answer your questions. 1. Correct, these are not going to be part of Paizo subscriptions at all. 2. The items you listed were exclusive to the original campaign, and are not available during the late pledge period. 3. Yes, some of the items will be for sale, as we have opened up pledges to retailers. 4. No, the PDFs are only for the main books. You will see an itemized list once you view the items in your cart. If you have any further questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to ask. Sincerely, Virginia