Pretender's page

Organized Play Member. 26 posts (77 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 4 Organized Play characters.


Ravingdork wrote:
Pretender wrote:
I'm trying to recreate breadcrumbs at level one in the pathbuilder app and perhaps I'm doing something wrong but with the starting cash of 15GP he doesn't see to have enough to buy everything (this is even ignoring the poison which he can craft).
Breadcrumbs is a 2nd-level character, and thus had starting cash of 30gp, not 15. You can find the rules for characters starting at higher levels here. (All of my characters make use of the Lump Sum option unless otherwise noted.)

Ahhh, that makes sense. Thank you.

I'm trying to recreate breadcrumbs at level one in the pathbuilder app and perhaps I'm doing something wrong but with the starting cash of 15GP he doesn't see to have enough to buy everything (this is even ignoring the poison which he can craft).

PFS#: 135153-1
Faction: Scarab Sages

Zarzezi moves in and tosses his remaining bomb at the red undead at the top of the map

bomb: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
fire damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

placement looks good to me
Zarzezi hooks his hammer back on his belt and takes out his crossbow as they exit the cave

Kato, I noticed when you made your attack on the wolf you had an extra +1 on your rolls. I'm guessing that was something extra than your normal bonuses?

Very sorry to hear that, Ahb. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family in this difficult time.

correct, right now it would be 4 fire damage

Could anyone who has these tell me if the different bombs that an alchemist can create are in here as well

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I attended hal-con and had a blast (goblin alchemist for the win) playing in the play test run by Mark.

this sounds interesting and might be a good way for me to get my feet wet with playing pbp.

1. How would the brew potion interact with this? Would the alchemist be able to create potions with multiple effect words?

2. It states the alchemist only learns the 'personal' and 'selected' target words but then it states that they can only target the drinker of the extracts so whats the point of the 'selected' target words?

3. This isn't a rules questions per say but whats the usefulness of the 'borrow future' word in terms of an alchemist.

Abyssian, I'm actually looking at building a gnome Preservationist/Bomber as well. And yeah, your first feats/discovery is just what I was planing on taking. I'm planing on having some other splash weapons to use in between bombs (starting with some acid flasks) and I'll be carrying around a few short spears as fallback as well.

Any sort of tips/tricks in regards to the bottled ally spell? Are you allowed to throw the bottle or does the creature always start next to you?

Can an alchemist mix/throw bombs while carrying a short spear in a hand or does he need both hands free to activate the liquid catalyst?

I have a slightly different question regarding 'a free hand'. Is it possible for an alchemist to prepare/throw a bomb while holding a short spear in one of his hands or does he need both hands to create the bomb?

Ævux wrote:

To get the direct hit, you have to hit the touch ac.

Personally instead of Precision and Precise bombs, I prefer the feat from Adventures armory to prevent my ally from being bombed by myself..

What feat is that?

Unseelie wrote:

Since you're likely to not have a high strength if you're a bomb lobber, I'd suggest Crossbow. That said, if you're already throwing things, javelins and short spears are a thought... and both Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot will be useful for thrown as well as ranged weapons.

If you go melee, one option might be to go with an Elf, as that would get you longsword and rapier (also shortbow and longbow).

Why not spears instead of short spears?

So could some explain how it would work and the advantages of it are? I assume it still uses up one of the bombs per day but I guess the range would now be the ranged of whatever weapon you used? Would it do both the damage of the bolt/arrow and normal bomb damage?

Related to this question, how long does it take to create the catalyst vial? If I level up during the day, can I get my new bombs or do I need wait till the next day.

Cheapy wrote:

and an item that basically fixes mundane crafting.

Whats broken with mundane crafting, (i'm new to pathfinder) and whats the item that fixes it?

Anything in it that a gnome alchemist might be interested in?

thebwt wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:
Pretender wrote:
I'm new the pathfinder so I have no idea how things work but will the information from this book end up on the PRD and roughly how long after release would it be?

They typically wait a month or two as a courtesy to Paizo.

Personally, I'd rather own the book / PDF because I find it to be faster and much more aesthetically pleasing to look at. The PSRD is nice when I am trying to quickly build characters, though.

I thought he meant the prd, not pfsrd :p

Personally I like the prd way more than pfsrd. Can look up rules so quick in that (and how bout dat tablet interface!)

Yeah, I was talking about the PRD, thanks for the replies

I'm new the pathfinder so I have no idea how things work but will the information from this book end up on the PRD and roughly how long after release would it be?

So when a alchemist drinks a cognatogen and increases his int, does this temporary boost increase the number of bombs he can throw per day?

So for example, I can throw 3 bombs per day at level one and 15 Int. when I drink a cognatogen, it jumps to 19 int and 5 per day. So could I drink the cognatogen, throw two bombs, have the cognatogen wear off and still have 3 bombs left to throw that day?

So how much use would an gnome alchemist get out of the spellcraft skill and the use magic device skill?