Pathfinder Adventure: The Fall of Plaguestone

4.10/5 (based on 22 ratings)
Pathfinder Adventure: The Fall of Plaguestone
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A Troubled Town

A group of new adventurers traveling through the village of Etran's Folly—also known as Plaguestone—must come together to solve the murder of a friend. What starts as a simple investigation quickly turns sinister with the discovery of forbidden alchemy, mutant animals, and a nearby forest rotting away due to a mysterious blight. It becomes clear that if these heroes don't intervene to stop whatever evil is brewing, the fall of Plaguestone is all but certain!

The Fall of Plaguestone is the first standalone adventure for Pathfinder Second Edition, designed for 1st-level characters. It tells the story of how a group of strangers band together to form a group of adventurers while saving the town of Etran's Folly from a terrifying fate, serving as a perfect introduction to a new Pathfinder campaign!

This adventure can be used with the Pathfinder Flip-Mat: The Fall of Plaguestone.

ISBN: 978-1-64078-174-0

"Fall of Plaguestone" is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure and Chronicle sheet are available as a free download (1.5 MB PDF).

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Pathfinder Nexus on Demiplane
Roll20 Virtual Tabletop
SoundSet on Syrinscape
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Adventure Subscription.

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This product is non-mint. Refunds are not available for non-mint products. The standard version of this product can be found here.

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Average product rating:

4.10/5 (based on 22 ratings)

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Great little murder mystery, followed by a deadly dungeoncrawl.


The caravan leader traveling with the PCs is mysteriously killed, raising suspicions among everyone. Additionally, the animals in the nearby forest are acting erratically and seem to be unwell. Can the PCs unravel the mystery of the murder and discover the cause of the animals' peculiar behaviour?

This marks the inaugural adventure for the newly released second edition of Pathfinder. Spanning 64 (+4) pages, it is designed for first-level characters. It targets seasoned players and dungeon masters who are familiar with tabletop RPGs, but are new to the second edition rules. While it is loosely set in Golarion, it can be easily adapted to fit any other fantasy setting.

Story Synopsis: (Spoiler)
An outcast and powerful alchemist seeks vengeance against the village that exiled her. She is concocting a unique alchemical plague, and the caravan leader has unwittingly transported the lethal ingredients for her. When receiving the final shipment, she eliminates the merchant to ensure his silence permanently. After the PCs uncover the identity of the murderer, a ranger approaches them for assistance: wildlife in the nearby forest is behaving oddly, and both animals and plants are showing alarming symptoms of a mysterious illness. Following their investigation, the PCs discover the laboratory of an orc alchemist responsible for poisoning the water supply. However, they learn of a second lab where the outcast is scheming her revenge. After overcoming the challenges of that dungeon as well, the PCs must rush back to the village to prevent a time delayed poison/plague outbreak.

The layout, editing, and readability are outstanding, it couldn’t be better. The artwork is excellent, plentiful full colour, and highly relevant. The maps are excellent as well and could easily be incorporated into a homebrew adventure.
The storyline is compelling, featuring several roleplay opportunities, including a small fun bar brawl, and it's designed so that players can complete the adventure without resorting to lethal force, allowing for subduing and arrest instead, which is greatly welcome in my campaigns. While the plot is fairly linear — which is beneficial for a beginner adventure, in my opinion — the book also includes a gazetteer for the small village, populated with several intriguing NPCs. Additionally, there are four mini-quests alongside the main adventure, providing plenty of motivation for players to engage with the characters.
There are a few notable traps, (like a spear launcher, falling debris, a poisoned lock, and an icefall trap), alongside a diverse array of monsters (including wolves, a bee swarm, bloodseekers, a wild boar, guard dogs, a giant lightning serpent, bloodlash bushes, mutant wolves, vine lashers, orc brutes, a stone horse, icy rats, an orc alchemist, blood ooze, zephyr hawks, a homunculus, brine sharks, alchemical drudges, cinder rats, giant bats, and a vampire bat swarm), as well as a handful of named "bosses".

It features 5 new backgrounds, four of which come with a unique mini quest. Additionally, there are several new magical items (6 rings and 3 alchemical items), 2 new feats, a new magical animal companion (a fiery leopard), and 3 new monster statistics.
For those who are new to tabletop role-playing games, almost everything here can be reused, including maps, encounters, and monster and boss stats. The local village contains enough information to facilitate a mini campaign. If you prefer not to run the adventure but wish to utilize the art, maps, and stats, there is plenty to take away.
As previously mentioned, the adventure follows a linear path and is easy to manage, but it is not specifically designed for brand new players, or DMs. The combat encounters are quite challenging and can often even be deadly. For newcomers, starting the adventure at level 2 may be advisable. For DMs, the adventure is straightforward and offers many engaging elements (like a bar fight, a murder mystery, the four mini side quests, and the various village NPCs). While it might be a bit challenging for a first-time DM to coordinate everything smoothly, it's nothing that couldn't be adjusted with a supportive group of players.
Lastly, I want to emphasize that this adventure is ready for immediate play. After a thorough read-through, the DM should be well-prepared and ready to run it immediately. Although some stat blocks can be found in the Bestiary, page numbers are always provided for easy reference.
Overall, it’s a fantastic adventure — perhaps a bit on the lethal side — with excellent artwork, storytelling, maps, and encounter design. For me, it serves as a benchmark against which I measure all other adventures.

100% out of 100%

I wholeheartedly recommend it!

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Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So Paizo is working together with Dwarven Forge now?

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

13 people marked this as a favorite.

For this inaugural adventure, yes. We've been wanting to collaborate on a project for a long time, and this seemed like a fun way to kick off the new edition in style! :)

Sovereign Court

21 people marked this as a favorite.

Look I'm loving this and all, but if I lived someone called "Plaguestone" I'd immediately start looking for new living arrangements.

I'm not saying this is their fault, I'm also not NOT saying it either...

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Where is Plaguestone located?

Paizo Employee Managing Developer

4 people marked this as a favorite.

The town, located in Isger, has it's own name, but outsiders derogatorily call it Plaguestone.

29 people marked this as a favorite.
Neume wrote:

Look I'm loving this and all, but if I lived someone called "Plaguestone" I'd immediately start looking for new living arrangements.

I'm not saying this is their fault, I'm also not NOT saying it either...

"We moved here from 'Lichmoot'. I'm not saying 'Plaguestone' is a safe town... just safer."

24 people marked this as a favorite.
Zi Mishkal wrote:
Neume wrote:

Look I'm loving this and all, but if I lived someone called "Plaguestone" I'd immediately start looking for new living arrangements.

I'm not saying this is their fault, I'm also not NOT saying it either...

"We moved here from 'Lichmoot'. I'm not saying 'Plaguestone' is a safe town... just safer."

Their other options were Cape Fear, New Horrorfield, Screamville, and Terror Lake.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Adam Daigle wrote:
The town, located in Isger, has it's own name, but outsiders derogatorily call it Plaguestone.

The real name is: Festering Disease Pit. The residents get mad if you call it Plaguestone instead of Festering Disease Pit.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Joana wrote:
Zi Mishkal wrote:
Neume wrote:

Look I'm loving this and all, but if I lived someone called "Plaguestone" I'd immediately start looking for new living arrangements.

I'm not saying this is their fault, I'm also not NOT saying it either...

"We moved here from 'Lichmoot'. I'm not saying 'Plaguestone' is a safe town... just safer."
Their other options were Cape Fear, New Horrorfield, Screamville, and Terror Lake.

Folks in North Carolina are tough. They are not afraid to live in and around Cape Fear.

Went looking at to see pricing. Is there a specific or special set that could be purchased for this adventure? Their site isn't clear and I couldn't find a set called "The Pen" (I did find a set called "The Pit"). Am I looking in the wrong spot? Or do we need to wait to see a special set up at ?

5 people marked this as a favorite.

There's also Hell which, being in Michigan, does freeze over.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I know DF has a special announcement scheduled for 3/18. But most of us in the Dwarven Army are expecting it to be some live play related thing based on the other hints they've dropped.

From the brief description of the 'Pen' it makes me think it could be related to the Menagerie or a repackaging of some of those components.

Hopefully enough details would be known soon, their store sells out fairly quickly after each ~quarterly restock (of a subset of their offerings). There's a restock of Dungeon of Doom stuff landing any day now. After that would likely be summer, as they gear up for their next major Kickstarter.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Very cool!

Is there a reason why a pdf is not included?
Will this be sanctioned for PFS2?

Silver Crusade

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:

Is there a reason why a pdf is not included?

Will this be sanctioned for PFS2?

You'll most likely get one when the subscription line is live.

Otherwise you'll have to buy it separately like all the other PDFs.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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Is this going to fulfill the same teaching function as Crypt of the Everflame?

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Lord Fyre wrote:
Is this going to fulfill the same teaching function as Crypt of the Everflame?

Yep! (Per Pathfinder Friday stream- similar to Crypt of the Everflame, it's not going to sit you down and teach you how to play, but it's designed with people learning to play in mind.)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

So, will this be sanctioned for Society Play.
Also, as a 64 page module is it 3 parts?


2 people marked this as a favorite.

Do we know what level this will take players to?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

As a fan of the Everflame series, I'll have to get this so I can convert it back to PF.

Will it have new Monsters in it?

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

An earlier question wasn't answered and I am curious as well.

When we go to dwarven forge what are we looking for? Nothing comes up when searching for Pathfinder or anything. Would we just be buying generic pieces? Will there be a specific package they put together?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

There was a teaser image in one of DF's newsletter showing a circular cage (similar to the menegerie's square cages). That's all that's been hinted so far.

I'm assuming it will be (a?) pre-packaged bundles, possible broken out into a few smaller sets. We're getting close enough that I really think we should have some information -- size, cost, etc. Even if they don't want to reveal everything yet. I had hoped for more information at the PaizoCon Preview Banquet, but sadly nothing new was revealed on this product.

DF has added a Pathfinder section to their forums:

but no real content yet. I'd expect more threads from fans to show up as information is released, before we see sets actually hit the store.

Also here to know what Level it goes up to.

Trying to decide if I should start my new 2E group with this or jump in straight to the AP.

Paizo Employee Managing Developer

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Unikatze wrote:

Also here to know what Level it goes up to.

Trying to decide if I should start my new 2E group with this or jump in straight to the AP.

If the PCs do everything, they should get to 4th level (or at least really close to 4th).

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Is there any information about the relative release timing of the module and the DF terrain? Since its sounding like the DF terrain will be Pre-Order (not pre-sale) at GenCon, so the terrain will be lagging the module?

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This adventure and the flip-mat for it are the only august products which didn't receive an update yesterday.
There is also no trace to be found of the "Dwarven Forge" terrain for it.

That doesn't look good imo.
I want to play this adventure first, to decide if PF Second Edition is worth it being switched to, but if it still isn't ready 51 days before release that doesn't bode well.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Marco Massoudi wrote:
but if it still isn't ready 51 days before release that doesn't bode well.

... did you sneak into the Paizo offices to discover what products have and haven’t been sent off to the printer?

Or is it more likely the webstore simply haven't updated this page due to lack of a webstore manager?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I totally expect the module and flip nap to be available at launch. I was hoping the teased terrain would be too. But the tidbits I'm getting at the DF site suggests it's not slated for simultaneous release, which makes me sad.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Rysky wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
but if it still isn't ready 51 days before release that doesn't bode well.

... did you sneak into the Paizo offices to discover what products have and haven’t been sent off to the printer?

Or is it more likely the webstore simply haven't updated this page due to lack of a webstore manager?

It's 100% probably this. The Webstore manager is important, and asking other people to fulfill that role who have other responsibilities means things will get lost in the process. I understand it's frustrating not to have the updates we're used to, but try to remain calm and patient.

Dark Archive

Cori Marie wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
but if it still isn't ready 51 days before release that doesn't bode well.

... did you sneak into the Paizo offices to discover what products have and haven’t been sent off to the printer?

Or is it more likely the webstore simply haven't updated this page due to lack of a webstore manager?

It's 100% probably this. The Webstore manager is important, and asking other people to fulfill that role who have other responsibilities means things will get lost in the process. I understand it's frustrating not to have the updates we're used to, but try to remain calm and patient.

I don't know about that being the only explanation, as by now the september and october products have been created and (partly) updated too.

On the other hand, the second part of "Age of Ashes" - "Cult of Cinders", which is scheduled for late august doesn't have a product page yet.

It certainly doesn't look like the Dwarven Forge terrain for "the pen" will be available for pre-order before july.
They will showcase prototypes at Gen Con as i know them, but we won't be able to use them on august 1st in conjunction with this adventure and the flip-mat as it looks.

It's still 7 weeks and one day (50 days in all) until the street date of this product (which i pre-ordered through my FLGS), so plenty of time to update the art & description, but as this is going to be the product to decide for me (and likely a lot of other people) if i switch to second edition or not, one would think it has a higher priority to be updated.

Dark Archive

From Dwarven

"We’ve had the pleasure of working with the team at Paizo to create a series of licensed sets for Pathfinder 2nd Edition. The sets – four exciting new Encounters - were specifically designed for the inaugural module The Fall of Plaguestone."

"Pre-sale means you pay now and we ship when it arrives. Just like with Kickstarter but without the KS platform/fees. We are currently at 100% focus on KS 6.66 since launch is only 11 days away. The PF pre-sale launch at Gen Con will be available to everyone, but those at the Con will get to see prototypes in person. In July we'll start spilling beans and more details."

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Marco Massoudi wrote:
It's still 7 weeks and one day (50 days in all) until the street date of this product (which i pre-ordered through my FLGS), so plenty of time to update the art & description,
but as this is going to be the product to decide for me (and likely a lot of other people) if i switch to second edition or not, one would think it has a higher priority to be updated.

Paizo doesn't make products just for you.

As for "lot of other people" possibly switching to 2e the majority of that rests on the Core Rulebook, not the adventures (which Age of Ashes would also aptly cover over a standalone)

Customer Service Representative

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Hello Marco,

The others are correct. Usually this is a thing that is handled by the webstore coordinator. Since we don't have one at the moment it has fallen to other folks to do it in addition to their other duties. We are working on it and both new pages have been going up and updates have been being made to existing pages.

Additionally we do not have a set number of days prior to release that we update the product pages on. If there has been an exact number of days consistently that is more coincidence than intent.

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Thanks for all you've been doing Diego! I know the forums can be a minefield, and I'm sure added responsibilities also add to the stress level as well

Customer Service Representative

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Thank you! The thanks should all be going to Chris Lambertz though. She does a miraculous amount of things around here, including the recent product updates.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

*offers hugs to Chris and Diego*

Dark Archive

Very nice cover!
Thanks for the update!
Who's the artist?

Paizo Employee Managing Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Marco Massoudi wrote:

Very nice cover!

Thanks for the update!
Who's the artist?

The artist is Setiawan Lie.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Amiri! Puppers!

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Those don't look like friendly puppers

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Cori Marie wrote:
Those don't look like friendly puppers

I don't know...the one on top of the rock appears to be smiling! ;)


Just because they LOOK unfriendly doesn't mean they're bad. They just might be hungry...

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cori Marie wrote:
Those don't look like friendly puppers

Still pupper.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Has Paizo changed its policy of only showing hardcover cover art as canted, or is the second edition module line going to be all hardcovers?

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is this gong to be sanctioned for PFS?

Scarab Sages Organized Play Developer

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Qstor wrote:
Is this gong to be sanctioned for PFS?

That is extremely likely, though the specifics of timing and such are not something we've had time to address yet.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Update on the Dwarven Forge pieces:

"we've been working on a collaboration with Paizo on some sets for the release of Pathfinder 2nd Edition. We've built a really cool multi-part encounter for their introductory module. It's four different areas, which will each be sold as separate sets (and there will be some component add-on sets within each if you want to just grab specific pieces). Each area is a different environment, but will chain together into one large build on your table. Each set will contain a cool mix of existing pieces as well as a few new pieces. We'll reveal more as we get closer to release."

Circle Bars Cage picture

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Will this module be playable with the Core Rulebook alone? Or will one need to purchase the Bestiary to get the necessary monster stat blocks?

Grand Lodge

ThatTricksyGnome wrote:
Will this module be playable with the Core Rulebook alone? Or will one need to purchase the Bestiary to get the necessary monster stat blocks?

I was just coming here to ask this. :-) I'd love to find out as well.

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