Pathfinder Player Companion: Disciple's Doctrine (PFRPG)

4.30/5 (based on 4 ratings)
Pathfinder Player Companion: Disciple's Doctrine (PFRPG)
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Trust and Your Faith Shall Provide

Having faith doesn't always mean worshiping a deity. From the far-flung corners of Golarion to the center of its major cities, many adherents find faith in small congregations dedicated to obscure beliefs and complex philosophies. Pathfinder Player Companion: Disciple's Doctrine explores a dozen of these cults and traditions, including such groups as the Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye, Magnimar's mystery cults, the Oracular Council of Po Li in Tian Xia, the Prophets of Kalistrade, and many more. Learn more about these lesser-known groups, and discover the class and character options that true faith and deep traditions can unlock.

Inside this book you'll find:

  • A host of character traits for those with a background in devotion or dogma, including the natural ritualist faith trait for those who venerate the outdoors and the ecumenical social trait for those who grew up learning about many deities.
  • Archetypes for adherents of these doctrines, from the fist of the Godclaw warpriest for members of that Hellknight order to the seeker of enlightenment spiritualist dedicated to learning about Sangpotshi, the River of Life.
  • A wide array of spells for the faithful and those who have learned from them, including protective spells tied to the Kalistocrats of Druma and prophetic spells connected to the Harbingers of Fate.

This Pathfinder Player Companion is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but it can be easily incorporated into any fantasy world.

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-011-8

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Hero Lab Online
Archives of Nethys

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Tons of Fun Groups


Disciple's Doctrine is an interesting idea for a Player Companion. The major faiths in the setting have received tons of attention through hardcovers like Inner Sea Gods, campaign setting books like Inner Sea Temples, and lots of Player Companions like the "Faiths of . . ." series. But Golarion also has a lot of smaller, unorthodox quasi-religious organisations that are fascinating to read about. The inside front cover contains a one-paragraph summary of the groups covered, along with an iconographic symbol for each (some of which are seen for the first time here). The inside back cover reproduces the cover art (sans logos), and it's a pretty cool scene.

The first few pages of the book consist of a table of contents, rules index, introduction, and a section containing six new traits that could be taken by adherents of any of the doctrines in the book. They're all on the weak side, with one ("Dogged") being particularly ridiculous (once a day when you roll a natural 1, you get a +1 bonus on one roll in the next round!).

The main purpose of this 32-page softcover is to cover twelve of these groups. Each group receives two-pages of dedicated material that summarises the group and its members' activities. Each section then introduces one or more new class options, such as an archetype, spell, investigator talent, etc. I'll go through the groups relatively quickly:

* Concordance of Elements: A major extraplanar organisation dedicated to maintaining balance between elemental forces. This featured heavily in one season of Pathfinder Society, and the entry here incorporates that storyline well. The section contains a new monk archetype (the "elemental monk", which looks good--especially plane-shifting!), a new ranger archetype (the "elemental envoy" which looks fairly minor in effect), and a new ranger fighting style ("elemental" style, which adds a few new feat options).

* Cults of the Failed: I really like the idea of this one for some reason. The Cults of the Failed honor and remember (but don't worship) those mortals who attempted the Test of the Starstone to become divine but failed. History celebrates winners, but it's kinda fun to read about losers too. The section contains a lengthy new Medium archetype ("Vessel of the Failed"--I like the concept though I don't know enough about Mediums to understand the game effects).

* Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye: This group rose to some prominence in the Doomsday Dawn adventure for the PF2 Playtest. Ostensibly dedicated to enlightenment and knowledge of the occult, the summary here is done well as I can't tell how legitimate it is--it looks like a cross between a learned society of academics and a ritual-heavy secret society like Freemasonry. The section contains a new Occultist archetype ("Esoteric Initiative") and some new Magus Arcanas ("Book-Bound", "Circle of Order", and "Tabris's Step")--they look okay, but not great.

* Harbingers of Fate: This interesting group has the idea that if some ancient prophecies were forced into occurring, then the famous "Age of Lost Omens" wouldn't have occurred and Aroden wouldn't have died; "history" would be set on the correct course, and the "Age of Glory" would instead manifest. The section contains a new focused arcane school ("Prophecy") and three new prophecy-related spells. These tend to involve a lot of GM discretion, but could be fun in the right hands.

* Hellknights of the Godclaw: From a sociology of religion perspective, Golarion is noteworthy for surprisingly little polytheism or syncretism. One exception is the Hellknights of the Godclaw, an order that worships a pantheon of five deities and fuses their teachings into a unique doctrine. It's interesting, and I could see playing a PC of the faith. There's a new warpriest archetype ("Fist of the Godclaw") that's a bit "meh", but the three new litanies included are cool.

* Magnimarian Mystery Cults: The Varisian city of Magnimar is known for the influence of small cults dedicated to worshipping the demigods known as empyreal lords. Some of these empyreal lords have become quite popular to fans of the game (like Arshea), and some of them have more information in other books. This section contains a new Cavalier Order ("Order of the Monument") that doesn't have very useful abilities (and would be hard to play in most campaigns where travel is a thing). The section also has variant channeling powers for worshippers of several different empyreal lords, but their flavour rarely fits well.

* Oracular Council: I haven't seen much about this group elsewhere--it's an organisation in Po Li (in Tian Xia) that uses numerology for divination and decision-making. You could easily make a character tasked with investigating foreboding portents and the like. The section includes an oracle archetype ("Divine Numerologist") that fits really well with the theme and has some cool abilities. There are also several new numerology-themed investigator talents that are okay.

* Prophecies of Kalistrade: People say the pursuit of money is America's religion, and if so the Prophecies of Kalistrade would find a firm footing in the country. Material rewards come to those who follow the strict dogma taught by this faith, and they have very distinctive clothing and customs. There's a new psychic discipline ("Superiority") which is very good, and then three solid new spells.

* Razmir, the Living God: All Hail the Living God! My favourite of the bunch, so much so that I've made a missionary priest of Razmir an important NPC in my Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign. Razmir is the only deity that cares enough about humanity to literally live among them, and he's brought peace and enlightenment to Razmiran, the land named after him. Any blasphemies to the contrary are despicable lies. The section contains a new ninja archetype ("Mask of the Living God") that unfortunately isn't very good (and ninjas don't get stuff offered to them very often!), but the new arcanist exploits look very useful.

* Sangpotshi: A philosophy that permeates the cultures of Tian Xia, Sangpotshi is steeped in the concepts of reincarnation, karma, and fate. It's one of those almost meta-religious belief non-systems that can easily squeeze within and among the tenets of more formal faiths. There's a fairly bland new spiritualist archetype ("Seeker of Enlightenment"), but a class I would never expect to see here, the vigilante, receives several good new talents.

* Shoanti Shamanic Traditions: The nomadic, tribal Shoanti peoples have received a lot of attention in some Paizo APs and books, but the brief summary here is still useful. The section contains a new archetype for skalds ("Totem Channeler") that's okay, but the new faith trait ("Aspect of the Quah") is overpowered for a trait--even though it only applies to hunters and substitutes for one of their animal focuses.

* Tamashigo: This is essentially animism, a belief that all things (animate and inanimate) contain spirits. The section contains a new samurai archetype ("Ward Speaker") that is interesting but really depends upon the presence of shrines for viability. There are also two new bardic masterpieces.

The book ends with four pages of equipment, magic items, and occult rituals. I thought this section was really well-done, as many of the items are flavourful and worthwhile. I particularly like the charlatan's cape, which makes it much harder to identify the caster's spells.

Overall, Disciple's Doctrine is a fun book and a recommended buy. When you think you've seen it all and have run out of character concepts, there's surely something in here that will spark your imagination. And compared to many Player Companions, the class options presented in the book largely strike the right balance in terms of flavour and usefulness.

Good crunch with lots of useful world content.


The Monk, Ninja, and Spiritualist archetypes are the standouts here. Monk gets a style-switching elemental setup that’s pretty cool, Ninja gets an archetype (rare in itself, and you now have a non-Tien flavor option), and Spiritualist gets the largest skill bonuses I think I’ve seen, giving them a flavorful skill monkey option. The Ninja is penalized too much for not wearing a mask, which is rough with UC Rogue overshadowing it. The book has nice talents for various classes (Investigators can whip up extracts at combat-viable speeds, and Vigilantes get sizable knowledge bonuses) plus bloodline-esque options (Wizards get a Divination subschool that is powerful without being must-have, good for replacing the base school with, and Psychics get a discipline with discounted reach metamagic). Overall, enough stuff that I’ll solidly consider on the relevant classes for me to give a five-star rating.

One cool thing worth noting is the minimalist options. Medium and Occultist both get archetypes that don’t replace much, but subtly change things about the class. Neither is something I’d probably use much, but it is something I’d like seeing more of.

The last reviewer seems to have misunderstood the power of a trait. The only thing I might consider overpowered is the Spiritualist’s large untyped skill bonuses.

Flavorful if strong ootions


Pretty good, spread out


Good flavor text, solid art, and a lot of little cool things.

An Archtype for Oracle, Ranger, Monk (works with vinalla and unchained), Occultist, Warpriest, Ninja, Spiritualist, Skald, Samurai, and Medium.

Arcanist exploits, Bardic masterpieces, a Warpriest blessing, Investigator talents, Magus arcana, Occult rituals, a cavalier Order, a psychic discipline, a few new Variant channels, some Vigilante talents, some cool new spells, and a few Magic items.

Like most companion books, there are a few gems, several non optimal (but interesting) options, and a few clunkers that are laughably bad. Overall I like this book. 4 out of 5 stars.

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Rysky wrote:
*crosses fingers for Pact Wizard style archetype for Clerics*

Which Pact Wizard?

Silver Crusade

Ventnor wrote:
Rysky wrote:
*crosses fingers for Pact Wizard style archetype for Clerics*
Which Pact Wizard?

Haunted Heroes Handbook.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Ventnor wrote:

Which Pact Wizard?

The one that created a new power tier all by itself, was so hastily designed that they forgot there was already a Pact Wizard archetype and was so quickly PFS banned that time itself briefly went backwards!! :))

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Rysky wrote:
Ventnor wrote:
Rysky wrote:
*crosses fingers for Pact Wizard style archetype for Clerics*
Which Pact Wizard?
Haunted Heroes Handbook.

Isn't that just a... Cleric?

If the Theocracy of the Fist is not mentioned, I will be let down.

But really, I like anything that can offer possible explanation to the strangeness of Magnimar's faiths.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Argh, both me and my GF want a prestige class for Arshea's worshipers! Also more info on her clergy. :(

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'd love to see some fluff and crunch about the worship of the Dwarven pantheon. Please?

Unclejunzo wrote:
I'd love to see some fluff and crunch about the worship of the Dwarven pantheon. Please?

How much do you want? Dwarves of Golarion and Inner Sea Gods both have 1 page about them, but they are quite redundant. Torag gets a lot of additional attention in Inner Sea Gods.

SheepishEidolon wrote:
How much do you want? Dwarves of Golarion and Inner Sea Gods both have 1 page about them, but they are quite redundant. Torag gets a lot of additional attention in Inner Sea Gods.

... a twenty page spread ala 2nd Ed. Demihuman Deities?

Barring that, though, I'd be happy with a few pages about the dwarf gods that aren't Torag. A few more details about the other gods of the pantheon, maybe a few feats focused around the dwarven pantheon, and maybe a generally applicable cleric archetype for clerics who don't worship a single god?

I don't know. It just feels like the dwarven pantheon is something that's been addressed enough to make it a good candidate for a book like this, without having been addressed so much as to make it redundant.

Dark Archive

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
I'd like a better Sarkoris God-Caller.

It is amusing that a couple appeared in one of the PF Tales novels, and one of them sent his eidolon out to scout for him, suggesting that it had a far greater range than the usual for a base Summoner/Eidolon, and then, when the official God-Caller Archetype comes out, it's got a *shorter* 'tether.'

A version of the Summoner that cast divine spells from the cleric or druid list would be interesting.

Thematic abilities might be allowing the Eidolon optional control over when features like Transposition take place (representing that the eidolon of a god-caller is more independent than normal, and may have had different summoners in the past, it's not just something that came into being when you took your 1st level in Summoner and is going to cease to exist when you die...).

But who knows.

I'm definitely interested in more development of the Prophecies of the Kalistrade, Shoanti 'shamen' and Esoteric Order.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Casting the Unfetter spell eliminates the tether altogether while it is in effect.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Heading into the Forest of Spirits next year, the Tamashigo will be really useful for expanding that.

Web Production Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Updated with final product description and cover image!

Uhm Chris? I can see the updated cover if I click on it..but not on the page. Is that normal?

Web Production Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sounds like a caching issue—it'll right itself in a few minutes.


You were correct! :) Thank you!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Personally, I'd like to see something new on the Whispering Way. I know they were largely covered in the Carrion Crown Adventure Path, but I would like some new details on them.

Hopefully this will actually cover the actually kinda important question of "What happens to someone of a non-deity religion when they die?".

Hopefully they aren't turned into ammunition for the Pharasma anti-Groetus Cannon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hoping to get a prestige class or an archetype or two for Arshea worshipers in this manual. ^_^

Got my Pending notice! This one quietly crept up on me. When it was announced, I was very interested and now the time is near. Very eager to get my hands on this one.

Got mine as well. Mystery cults and multi-level marketing scheme Prophecies of Kalistrade are the two that I’m looking forward to most, but there’s usually some stuff I love that I wasn’t expecting.

So Quid, what does this offer to your average follower of the Whispering Way? ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Thomas Seitz wrote:
So Quid, what does this offer to your average follower of the Whispering Way? ;)

“Mine” referred to “my pending notice”, I’m afraid. So, uh, lip-reading tips?

Fair enough! :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Awesome cover. :)

Wow, missed the cover art and description update by more then a month.

Anyone? Bueller?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Thomas Seitz wrote:
Anyone? Bueller?

The initial shipping doesn't start until part way through next week. You can check the monthly shipping thread for these things if you're impatient.

Not THAT impatient Quid. I mean I just wondered if we'd know something last week or this week...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Thomas Seitz wrote:
Not THAT impatient Quid. I mean I just wondered if we'd know something last week or this week...

As early as tomorrow, I believe.

So today is tomorrow...any sign of it Quid?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Thomas Seitz wrote:
So today is tomorrow...any sign of it Quid?


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I would like to request a list of archetypes if possible from subscribers who have access to this already.

14 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Disciple's Doctrine Rules Elements:
Arcanist Exploits: armored mask, aspect of innocence, charmer, mending flesh

Arcanist Exploits, Greater: convert wand

Archetypes: Divine Numerologist (Oracle), Elemental Monk (Monk, Unchained Monk), Elemental Envoy (Ranger), Esoteric Initiate (Occultist), Fist of the Godclaw (Warpriest), Mask of the Living God (Ninja), Seeker of Enlightenment (Spiritualist), Totem Channeler (Skald), Vessel of the Failed (Medium), Ward Speaker (Samurai)

Bardic Masterpieces: kamniari drums (percussion), spirit of the horse (strings)

Blessing: Godclaw

Cavalier Order: Order of the Monument

Combat Style: Elemental

Equipment: convocation bells (100 gp), disguised holy text (1-100 gp), ritual disk (20 gp), spiritual leader's vestments (100 gp)

Focused Arcane School: Prophecy (Divination)

Investigator Talents: numerical alchemy, numerical alchemy (greater), numerical strike, numerical strike (greater), numerical strike (masterful)

Magus Arcana: book-bound, circle of order, tabris's step

Occult Rituals: breath of forgotten life (6th), song of the kami's gift (5th)

Psychic Discipline: superiority

Specific Magic Weapon: Storval's fang (38,312 gp)

Spells: debilitating speech (sorcerer/wizard 4), fastidiousness (bard 1, cleric 1, mesmerist 1, occultist 1, paladin 1, psychic 1, sorcerer/wizard 1), fortune's path (bard 2, cleric 3, sorcerer/wizard 3), hallucinatory decor (bard 3, mesmerist 3, psychic 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 3), litany of admonition (antipaladin 3, inquisitor 4, paladin 3), litany of dependability (inquisitor 4, paladin 3), litany of duty (inquisitor 2, paladin 1), litany of order (inquisitor 3, paladin 2), prophetic lore (sorcerer/wizard 6), unflappable mien (bard 3, mesmerist 3, occultist 3, psychic 3, sorcerer/wizard 3)

Traits: Aspect of the Quah (Faith), Dogged (Faith), Ecumenical (Social), Heretic's Caution (Faith), Imperfect Recall (Faith), Natural Ritualist (Faith), Self-Sustaining (Faith)

Variant Channeling: Duty (Furcas, Kols, Ragathiel), Flying Creatures (Pazuzu, Ylimancha), Journeys (Sinashakti), Moonlight (Ashava, Jezelda, Thoth, Tsukiyo), Monuments (Soralyon), Sexuality (Arshea)

Vigilante Social Talents: ancestral enlightenment, skill familiarity

Vigilante Talents: magical familiarity, steely resolve, weapon familiarity

Wondrous Items: charlatan's cope (body, 4,800 gp), cloak of good fortune (shoulders, 12,500 gp), echo of divinity's promise (none, 1,400 gp), emblem of lost lives (neck, 12,000 gp), foresight quill (none, 6,500 gp), godstar (none, 1,000 gp), lantern of the four elements (none, 1,500 gp [standard], 6,500 gp [greater]), malleable monument (none, 8,000 gp), numerology cylinder (none, 5,000 gp), spectacles of comprehension (eyes, 2,500 gp), tome of forgotten epithets (none, 108,000 gp)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Gonna have to pick this one up at some point. Thanks, Luthorne! <3

Some of that sounds very interesting....can't wait to see how it looks ;)

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Whoa, lot of unexpected stuff in that list. Unchained Monk archetype? Samurai AND Ninja archetypes? New Variant Channeling options? An Oracle archetype and Investigator talents that sound unfortunately similar to Arithmancy?

Thank you Luthorne!

Just one question: Does the Whispering Way get a nod in this or not?

Also what stuff does the Esoteric Initiate gain/lose?

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Debilitating speech-so do we now have the spell where you can just talk at someone and their ears start bleeding.?
litany of admonisment- telling someone they suck makes it so?
does the breath of forgotten life bring people back

I DON'T KNOW...yet. but i will.

Silver Crusade

Is that a Razmir-themed ninja archetype?!

Now I REALLY cannot wait to get my shipping notice! Looking forward to the new Bardic Masterpieces and Investigator talents most! Must see those ASAP!
Please arrive soon...

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Dean HS Jones wrote:

Is that a Razmir-themed ninja archetype?!

Yes. Yes it is. When you absolutely, positively need to silence those heretics who dare claim that Razmir isn't really a god, trust to the Masks of the Living God.

I'm super excited for the Prophecy (Divination) school. Any hints on what it's like or what group it's linked to?

Does the Elemental Monk make use of Elemental Fist?

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

More spells, more power for my spellsage.

What's the Esoteric initiate all about ?

Hm, non-religious cults. As much as I like divine casters, this angle sounds interesting.

Someone go wake up Luthorne or else find Skeld.

Grand Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Thomas Seitz wrote:
Someone go wake up Luthorne or else find Skeld.



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