Pathfinder Player Companion: People of the Wastes (PFRPG)

4.00/5 (based on 4 ratings)
Pathfinder Player Companion: People of the Wastes (PFRPG)
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Dead Trees Give No Shelter

Life might be scarce in the barren corners of Golarion, but Pathfinder Player Companion: People of the Wastes provides all the tools you need to become a master of wasteland domains. Whether your character is roaming the magic-singed lands of the Mana Wastes, the flooded fields of the Sodden Lands, the blighted depths of the Fangwood, or the demonic wilds of the Worldwound, this book offers advice, class options, and gear that allow her to survive and thrive where no hero ever should. Find the perfect trait for your wasteland-born character, or just the right archetype, feats, or spells to reflect her training in a harsh locale.

Inside this book you'll find:

  • Class features, feats, and items that interact with primal magic, including the primal shaman, who can commune with the unstable spirits that linger where primal magic reigns.
  • A host of new firearms and gun-toting archetypes for characters who hail from the Grand Duchy of Alkenstar, including the gun chemist alchemist and the gun smuggler rogue.
  • New witch hexes and vigilante talents for characters living in boggy wastes, plus ranger traps and the blightwarden ranger archetype for those who tread blight-filled lands.

This Pathfinder Player Companion is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but it can easily be incorporated into any fantasy world.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-990-5

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Archives of Nethys

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4.00/5 (based on 4 ratings)

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Not Bad But Not Great


There are some interesting things in there but all in all the book is OK. Maybe one day we will get a mutant feat tree and/or some more mutant based archetypes.

Needs Tweaking but very fluffy


People of the wastes containts a multitude of options for an otherwise rarely visited area of Golarion.

One thing that bothers me is that multiple options hinge on the mana wastes mutant template, whose pros far outstrip the cons, I believe however that all the options granted by this book are fair and reasonable.

Tapping into clockwork cybernetics, primal magic and proximity to the gun capital of the world, People of the wastes is a perfect addition for people who want to make more oddball or even grimdark characters.

Solid overall


Good flavor text, decent art, and as usual, a few gems in the ever increasing bloat. My favorite new bit is the new Alchemist archetype with guns, it is mechanically solid and flavorful.

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Scarab Sages Webstore Coordinator

Announced for November! Description and image are not final and subject to change.

Silver Crusade Contributor

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, this sounds interesting. ^_^

Silver Crusade

Ooooh Alkenstar!

I'm intrigued.

I'm in a Mythic mana wastes game right now; this'll help a lot.

Silver Crusade


Lantern Lodge

5 people marked this as a favorite.

So we have a book detailing the peoples of the mana wastes, here's hoping it's a hint/supplement for the non-Korvosan 2018 AP.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

This sounds awesome. Will love some non-Numeria tech...

Wow, a Mana Wastes book!

PRIMAL Keneticist element.....PLEASE !!!!!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

More Gunslinger Stuff! Please let there be a pump action shotgun....or a Winchester rifle.


Somewhat interesting.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ronin_Knight wrote:
here's hoping it's a hint/supplement for the non-Korvosan 2018 AP.

Is there a Korvosan 2018 AP known?


I'm guessing it's reference to Curse of the Crimson Throne but who knows?!

wonders what that thing on the cover is.

Silver Crusade Contributor

4 people marked this as a favorite.
AmbassadoroftheDominion wrote:
wonders what that thing on the cover is.

It's a sand kraken, from the Tome of Horrors. The placeholder art is from Pathfinder Adventure Path #20: House of the Beast.

Only checking it for more gunslinger stuff. Hope there's a good chunk.

It has been a while since we have seen a lot of gunslinger love.

Lantern Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Samy wrote:
Ronin_Knight wrote:
here's hoping it's a hint/supplement for the non-Korvosan 2018 AP.
Is there a Korvosan 2018 AP known?

Samy, my assumption of a 2018 Korvosan AP is based on hints dropped at the end of the hardback Curse of the Crimson throne book regarding the subject of an upcoming pathfinder product.The subject is grandiose enough to warrant it's own AP and we have been a while ithout a varisian based AP.

Grand Lodge

I like!

Whoa. Paizo was busy yesterday!

Fantastic! The Mana Wastes! Dwarf inventions and expansion to tech?! Very cool.

Liberty's Edge

Ronin_Knight wrote:
Samy, my assumption of a 2018 Korvosan AP is based on hints dropped at the end of the hardback Curse of the Crimson throne book regarding the subject of an upcoming pathfinder product.The subject is grandiose enough to warrant it's own AP and we have been a while ithout a varisian based AP.

How do you know it'll be 2018, instead of 2019 or 2020?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Samy wrote:
Ronin_Knight wrote:
Samy, my assumption of a 2018 Korvosan AP is based on hints dropped at the end of the hardback Curse of the Crimson throne book regarding the subject of an upcoming pathfinder product.The subject is grandiose enough to warrant it's own AP and we have been a while ithout a varisian based AP.
How do you know it'll be 2018, instead of 2019 or 2020?

Because the comet strikes the Earth on December 31st, 2018! Why do I have to remind everyone of that...

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hmm, potentially intriguing...I'm not a big fan of the gunslinger, but curious to see what they'll have. I think a bloodrager/sorcerer bloodline would be cool, as well as perhaps a bloodrager archetype whose magical power wound up twisted, allowing them to emit an aura while bloodraging that can twist magic nearby, perhaps making concentration checks more difficult or even inflicting primal magic on those who cast spells nearby, probably at the cost of their own spellcasting.

Also fun could be either an eidolon subtype or a summoner archetype who finds the twisted magic interferes with the summoning of their eidolon, so they create a construct/pseudo-construct that the spirit of their eidolon gets summoned into to animate.

Some technological options for the alchemist and investigator would be nice to see, too, as well as perhaps the rogue.

Oh, one thing that would be cool would be a brawler archetype who starts with a clockwork arm they attack with, and instead of regular martial versatility they can apply various temporary upgrades, as well as swapping out bonus feats for some various upgrades (whether upgrading the arm to have a gun built into it or adding in more prosthetics)...though now that I think about it, a similar one for the unchained monk would be pretty cool too, swapping out ki for an Intelligence-based pool of points that power their prosthetic, with a theme of having taken a different route to pursue physical perfection...

Edit: Also, I hope there's some rules for upgrading a clockwork prosthesis, as mentioned in Magical Marketplace...

Magical Marketplace wrote:
The clockwork prostheses detailed here are only the most common types of clockwork prostheses. Other, more specialized clockwork prostheses capable of transforming into firearms, pinning opponents, and even channeling magical energy are also rumored to exist.

Seems like this might be a good book to cover at least one or two of them...?

Hesitantly optimistic. I hope there is something in here that makes gunslingers less boring...

Lantern Lodge

Samy wrote:
Ronin_Knight wrote:
Samy, my assumption of a 2018 Korvosan AP is based on hints dropped at the end of the hardback Curse of the Crimson throne book regarding the subject of an upcoming pathfinder product.The subject is grandiose enough to warrant it's own AP and we have been a while ithout a varisian based AP.
How do you know it'll be 2018, instead of 2019 or 2020?

It's not a know merely a guess based on there being little point in presenting a hype builder like that and then letting it die off and the hope that paizo wouldn't leave a tease for something that far off.

Liberty's Edge

Okay, it sounded like you knew there was going to be a Korvosan AP in 2018. Please don't do that again, I got my hopes up and am now very sad. :(

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Well the Incredibles 2 does come out in 2018, so the world ending December 31st 2018 wouldn't be too bad;)

Not that I would be complaining about an all-Mana Wastes focused product, mind, but I can't quite tell from the description if that's what this is. It seems to largely focus on it, but only as an example of "wastes" (as opposed to "Wastes").

What other areas of wasteland are there in Golarion that this could also reference, I wonder? Numeria and the Sarkorian Wastes have kind of been covered by other products. Could one hope for something on Ninshabur?

would the worldwound area count as wastes?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Are there gonna be effects for magic like in Dark Sun?
That would make the book really interesting!
Hoping for something that brings a certain "wasteland" vibe as well.

Only steampunk and magic not working isn´t something that interests me.
Except if there would be a system that offers alternatives to magic not working which also aren´t i throw alchemical item "x" and it emulates spell "y". Or comes up with something that prevents the "christmas tree" effect, since logicaly if magic doesn´t work, magic items shouldn´t either, what kinda poses some problems for the game system.

Cthulhudrew wrote:

Not that I would be complaining about an all-Mana Wastes focused product, mind, but I can't quite tell from the description if that's what this is. It seems to largely focus on it, but only as an example of "wastes" (as opposed to "Wastes").

What other areas of wasteland are there in Golarion that this could also reference, I wonder? Numeria and the Sarkorian Wastes have kind of been covered by other products. Could one hope for something on Ninshabur?

If you read the description, it clearly says "Mana Wastes".

Dragon78 wrote:
Well the Incredibles 2 does come out in 2018, so the world ending December 31st 2018 wouldn't be too bad;)

I'll be 42 by then. I can handle that.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Thomas Seitz wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
Well the Incredibles 2 does come out in 2018, so the world ending December 31st 2018 wouldn't be too bad;)
I'll be 42 by then. I can handle that.

53 by the for me.....

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I refuse to die before i´ve seen Avengers 4 aka Infinity War part 2 on may 1st 2019 (in Germany)!

Brother Fen wrote:
If you read the description, it clearly says "Mana Wastes".

Yes, but it isn't clear if that is the sole focus for the product.

"A whole frontier of danger and invention is yours to claim, if you can survive the wastes."

"wastes" (uncapitalized) as opposed to "Wastes" which is what I would think would be the proper grammatic capitalization if specifically referring only to the Mana Wastes.

"Like" is an odd word choice; if the product is only about the Mana Wastes, then why not just say so explicitly?

"In quarters of the Pathfinder world, like the spell-scarred Mana Wastes, invention supplants magic with its potential for wonders." vs. "In the spell-scarred Mana Wastes, invention supplants magic with its potential for wonders."

It may well be just about the Mana Wastes, but I was just speculating on where else it might touch on, if not.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Marco Massoudi wrote:
I refuse to die before i´ve seen Avengers 4 aka Infinity War part 2 on may 1st 2019 (in Germany)!

I refuse to let the world end until we get a Nex sourcebook.

Personally i would like to see a Gun/Bomb Alchemist that trades out extracts for deeds, poison stuff for gunsmithing/firearm proficiency. they could call it either "Gunsmith Alchemist" or "Black Powder Alchemist" using guns and hand bombs (maybe both at the same time even!)

also less of a possibility, but a archetype that focus on using fireworks as effective weapons...maybe a bard or a certain wizard wearing grey robes?

Shadow Lodge

Man! I saw this and was thinking a book on swamps, bayous, and other inhospitable places.

Silver Crusade

Sir_Andrew wrote:

Personally i would like to see a Gun/Bomb Alchemist that trades out extracts for deeds, poison stuff for gunsmithing/firearm proficiency. they could call it either "Gunsmith Alchemist" or "Black Powder Alchemist" using guns and hand bombs (maybe both at the same time even!)

You can make a really nasty build with Alchemist/Gunslinger and the Explosive Missile discovery, but it's a little MAD, so a hybrid with maybe a slightly slower bomb progression but Int-based Grit would be good. Ideally it should also share the Grenadier archetype's Directed Blast class feature as well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A while back I posited the possibility of a Mana Wastes Druid. Kinda hoping something similar shows up.

Airships? or will that be in a Campaign Setting book?

Guy St-Amant wrote:
Airships? or will that be in a Campaign Setting book?

There is one in the latest Player Companion: Heroes of the Darklands.

Fourshadow wrote:
Guy St-Amant wrote:
Airships? or will that be in a Campaign Setting book?
There is one in the latest Player Companion: Heroes of the Darklands.

Not out yet for non subscribers.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I hope there's an item that lets casters function in null-magic zones (not AMFs though), since I want to run a Mana Waste campaign and the whole "all these classes don't function if the weather isn't right" aspect makes things hard.

Alchemaic wrote:
I hope there's an item that lets casters function in null-magic zones (not AMFs though), since I want to run a Mana Waste campaign and the whole "all these classes don't function if the weather isn't right" aspect makes things hard.

I call that evening the playing field, and some of those "weathers" affect everyone.

Never liked the mana wastes or any place that messes up or nullifies magic.

The Exchange

Yes! This one looks fun! I can't wait!

I hope there is some kind of gadgeteer/Artificer/Tinker archetype in this, I would love that.

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