Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Malk_Content wrote:
Yeah, it looks more like she's in better lighting than any actual skin change. At least to me, anyway.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
The Raven Black wrote:
Yeah, that was definitely a surprise to me. I think it even goes so far as to say that the Whispering Way *predates* the Tyrant.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Doktor Weasel wrote:
....did my CG goblin rogue from ROTRL use his epic stealth to break into Golarion cannon?! :D (Ok, not likely since I used a 3rd party goblin variant to build him, but this still makes me smile all giddy-like & reminds me I need to get back to reading that book.) Anyway, love Fumbus, love goblins being core, can't wait for August! :D
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Cleric was probably the class I was least likely to ever play in PF1, as I just found it kind of dull. Not helped by the fact that most of the domains ran the gammit from "boring" to "terrible." This...this looks interesting. I'm sure many will decry clerics now only get 1 domain by default, which I get, but the rest of it sounds enough to me like they make up for it. I especially like that being good or evil doesn't automatically lock you into positive or negative energy. Not only does that make much more sense, it shows that Paizo DOES listen to feedback, despite what the naysayers might try to tell you. ;)
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
DJ Patch wrote:
Thank you for the clarification. :)
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Question about the resurrection article:
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Jason Bulmahn wrote: I think that playing a character trying to find redemption in a world that doesn't trust them is a story worth telling. This is one of my absolute favorite kinds of stories and a big part of why I wanted to play Pointy in the first place.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Oy! I wanted to read this whole thread before posting to make sure what I'm about to say wasn't covered already, but it seems to growing exponentially as I do, so fingers crossed I'm not re-treading. I have a thought about a story reason for there goblins changing enough to be considered a core ancestry: what if that's happening right now? What if that's BEEN happening over the last 10 years or so? Think about it, how many posts in this thread have talked about either playing goblin PCs or GMing parties with goblins in them? My favorite character I've played so far is Pointy K'nife, CG goblin rogue in ROTRL. He lived in the Rusty Dragon because Amikeo noticed that anytime she was stolen from, the money/goods soon found there way back to her because Pointy would steal it back. Not only did I have such a blast playing him, he was *easily* the most popular character among the other people in the group. There's also been mention of goblin PCs is PFS via boons. That seems like a pretty big deal and would cause a lot of "civilized" people to take notice. I don't play in PFS myself, but it's my understanding that the adventures there have a tendency to shape canon in some aspect? So with most if not all of the PF1 APs soon to be assumed to have "happened" when we see the PF2 version of Golarion, who's to say that some of those brave heroes who saved the world weren't goblins? Paizo has said they keep the specifics of those heroes vague on purpose so groups can "take credit," so I sincerely doubt there will be anything remotely close to text that reads "and none of them were goblins." Re: goblins being "common" enough to be core
Re: goblins, drow, and other "always chaotic evil" species
Years later, I've caught the GM bug, and I'm reading thru SD to get an idea on how adventures are constructed. As such, I read the article on the PF version of drow. TO THIS DAY, I remember the sidebar titled "Are There Any Good Drow?" and that the VERY FIRST WORD is "No." I remember this because of just how much it made me uncomfortable. And this was before I learned about all the social baggage associated with the "dark elves." As the years go on, I join these message boards and mostly lurk, and the subject I saw almost has much as "fighters suck/Paizo hates martials" is that a VERY large portion of Paizo's fanbase wants the "always chaotic evil" trope to DIE. Actual* thread title: "Lanturn Bearers: The Good Kind Of Genocide".
And Paizo seems to have listened, possibly even realizing that maybe their fans have a point about of "imaginary racism is still racism." In the Advance Race Guide, it makes a point to stating that drow are NOT inherently evil. In the Adventurer's Guide, they detail that the Lantern Bearers organization is now determined to PROVE there can be good drow, specifically as a result of the events of Second Darkness. Maybe the whole "baby goblins being taken to an orphanage" started as a joke, but in one of the Player Companion books shows the iconic samurai surrounded with crying goblin babies. Such an orphanage run by followers of Sarenrae is such a no-brainer I'm surprised it's not canon already. I love how goblins were depicted in "Burnt Offerings" too, but the point I'm getting to here is that Paizo has been moving away from the "always chaotic evil" trope for a while now. Could they advertise it better? Maybe, since many here don't seem aware of it (please don't take that as an insult, it's just what I'm inferring, I know I could be wrong). At the end of the day, you don't have to like it, but it's happening either way. Personally, I'm super pumped for it, even if I'm a little sad now that my precious Pointy seems slightly less special. (I also have my fingers crossed for orcs becoming core. It's never made sense to be that we get both elves and half-elves, but only half-orcs as "core" options.)
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
I'm a little surprised to see this as a 1st edition release, as it seems like the perfect book to set up a 2.0 incarnation of the campaign setting line. That said, I'm still super pumped for it! It may be the first campaign setting book I pre-order! Maybe do the "one time" subscription thing to get the pdf! :D (I kind of really love Sandpoint.)
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
A note to the people who have said "I've never had a problem with ____" and/or "How could anyone ____": Please remember just how DIFFERENT people can be. We learn differently, find different aspects of the game interesting, etc. I think a good example is me and my best friend. I usually do a pretty good job remembering the current "standard/move/swift" action economy *itself* pretty well, but I often forget class abilities that can be triggered on those actions, and which actions they're triggered on specifically. Sometimes I still get confused on whether or not you can take a 5ft step and still full attack. My besty on the other hand is a MUCH more casual player than I am, and is constantly confused trying to keep the action types straight. The reason I have to keep trying to remember how 5ft steps work is that he's constantly asking "isn't there some kind of move I can do for free?" I could loose DAYS just reading over the rulebooks coming up with all sorts of class/feat combinations and story ideas based on monster flavor text. My friend would fall asleep after 20 minutes, assuming trying to figure stuff out didn't trigger his anxiety. All that said, you should see him role-play his characters. THAT is part of the game he finds the most fun. And I am by no means trying to say that my friend is stupid or anything like that. If anything, I'd bet he's smarter than me. It's just that our brains are wired very, VERY differently.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Personally, I've never understood the assumption that the campaign setting line is a "GM line." As long as the book is about a specific part of the Golarion setting, it's keeping it's promise. Likewise, I was just as confused about the complaints the player companion line used to get for NOT containing setting specific material, seeing how the promise that line makes is just for player options on a certain subject. (CorvusMask, this isn't directed directly at you, per se. I see this "argument" come up darn near every time it's pointed out that the CS line does quite often have player options to offer.)
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Dale McCoy Jr wrote: Umbral kobolds are not the only race in this book getting support in the upcoming Book of Heroic Races: Occult Intrigue in the Wilderness. Are you excited for these fun-sized, scaly heroes to get more support? I may buy that book just for the title! :D
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Epic Level NPC wrote: I love the concept though, having kids draw and explain their imaginary friend, while their parents help turn them into Pathfinder stats. I love this idea! That is just too freaking cool, and the descriptions just sell it to me all the more. :D (Note: If I'm one of the first 10 posters, I respectfully decline my free copy. I have a TON of free stuff from you guys, and I haven't gotten to reviewing any of them. I feel horrible about that. -_-)
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
BigNorseWolf wrote: There are large bears now. All other arguments are irrelevant. I am AMAZED this isn't getting more attention with often as I've read complaints about medium bears on these boards. Seriously, I expected this thread to be the message board equivalent of the "Flailing Kermit" gif. I'm super-stoked about saber-tooth tigers, too. That whole section is just lovely. :)
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Klorox wrote: well, if you get on this line of reasoning, every class BENEFITS from high scores, that doesn't make them MAD, a wizard can be efficient with only INT above average, even though he'd be an even better wizard on the Conan build That's essentially the point I was trying to make. From what I can tell, there's a pretty thin line between "needs" & "benefits from".
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
If you get nit-picky* enough, every class is MAD though. I've seen posts on these very message boards stating that one of the (many) reasons the fighter sucks is that it needs all the physical scores plus int to make up for a lack of skill points & wis to make up for not getting perception as a class skill. You could argue that the wizard needs con (hp), dex (AC & ranged attacks) & wis (because perception is really danged important in this game) on top of needing the int to make their spells work. (*I am NOT trying to accuse anyone in this thread of nit-picking, I just couldn't think of a better term to use. No offense intended.)