Not all adventurers are exemplars of heroism, righteousness, and justice, but that doesn't mean they can't get the job done. With Pathfinder Player Companion: Antihero's Handbook, you'll find new rules options for characters on the shady side of morality. Whether you need a less-than-heroic background to justify your character's flaws, are looking to join an antiheroic organization, or seek ways to play corrupt or cowardly adventurers, this book has just what you're after. Featuring new archetypes, alchemical items and discoveries, and magic items, Antihero's Handbook is the perfect guide for anyone not willing to stick to the straight and narrow.
Inside this book, you'll find:
New archetypes, including a vigilante who changes identities even more radically than most, a rogue who handles jobs discreetly, and a gunslinger who talks big to keep his enemies off their game.
A new bloodrager bloodline, corruption, and phantom emotional focus to help bring an adventurer's dark past to bear in the present with still darker power.
New drawbacks, feats, poisons, and even cursed items that antiheroic adventurers can use to further their questionable causes, often at the expense of their reputation—or their allies!
This Pathfinder Player Companion is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but it can easily be incorporated into any fantasy world.
ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-973-8
Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:
I bought this book for the Ex-Paladin Archtype. Upon reading it, I rolled an Ex-Cleric! Solid player book, review below more eloquently and fulsomely addresses its contents. For me: I am confident it was a good purchase.
The amazing:
* Ex-classes: Finally more depth to failing a class' tenets than 'get atonement as soon as possible'!
* More vigilante talents in the tradition of Ultimate Intrigue: Combat Expertise without Int 13 and a Cleave focused talent
* Cursed items: Become overly talkative, turn into a compulsive kleptomaniac or hit your allies with electricity - great ideas, at least for GMs
The good:
* The introduction and backgrounds show a multitude of interesting approaches to creating an antihero
* Drawbacks are mostly vicious, but always creative
* Traits tend to be weak, but there are some interesting ones - and some of both groups are creative
* Seven 'flawed teamwork' feats: Think betrayal feats from Champions of Corruption, but both sides can abuse their partner for better results, for example treat them as conduit for touch spells
* Ex-paladin archetype (vindicative bastard): Focuses more on supporting her allies and has an pretty cool capstone (desintegrates a foe who took out one of her allies!)
* Creative social talents for the vigilante, such as pretending to be clumsy to become a better pickpocketer
* Vigilante archetype (splintersoul): Works more effectively with two very different alignments, can multiclass with paladin etc. for a softer code of conduct, and use startling / frightening / stunning appearance after a quick identity change
* Suffering phantom is very thematic
* Catalyst corruption is a nice tool for a GM, as the temptation of evil comes up a lot
* Investigator archetype (ruthless agent) is basically a crossbreed with the interrogation side of an inquisitor - very thematic
* Alchemist discoveries (grow spines, build bombs quickly and throw sand bombs) are creative and seem useful
The solid:
* Five regular feats, three about combat, standout is maybe a stacking bonus on AOO as long as you miss (!) with them
* Hunter archetype (colluding scoundrel) focuses on making someone else the tank
* Ex-cleric archetype (channeler of the unknown) is maybe weaker as a plain cleric, but flavorful: Kill your enemies in the name of the Outer Gods! (or similar entities)
* Ex-druid archetype (planar extremist): Gets an eidolon (without evolutions) and bloodrage and an aura - well, not more patchwork than the normal druid, I guess
* Ex-monk archetype (sin monk): Nice idea, get a bunch of different bonuses for sin points (which replace ki points), and literally burden others with your sins; the capstone is weird though (after coming back from death you turn into a NPC?!)
* Bloodrager bloodline (martyred) is ok, but not exciting
* Antiheroic organizations are described shortly, somewhat inspiring for PCs
* Rogue archetype (discretion specialist) is odd: Quite good at social skills (including talking people out of their memory) and prohibiting a foe's retreat, but sacrifices two talents (at important levels) to be able to dress / remove a corpse
The bad:
* Gunslinger archetype (blatherskite) seems unfocused (I might miss a reference though)
* Description of heroic organizations for antiheroes - with too much emphasis on the organizations themselves (at least if you did read a lot about them already) and with not much more than 'well, they need antiheroes for the rough tasks'
So overall it's a pretty good book with a lot of options, it just lacks a WOW effect and might be handicapped by its topic - I got the impression players often prefer the pure hero of holy light or the bad*** fiend. Quite some similarities to Agents of Evil - which is also a pretty good book.
Am I reading the splintersoul right in that you could theoretically use it to have levels of both paladin AND anti-paladin (just only get access to the abilities depending on which identity you're in)?
Am I reading the splintersoul right in that you could theoretically use it to have levels of both paladin AND anti-paladin (just only get access to the abilities depending on which identity you're in)?
- The Vigilante limitation of one step in either direction isn't allowed; you can't have a good and evil identity. There are archetypes to overcome this, and the pairings of LN with LE or NE would be possible.
- You are not completely absolved of all behavior in your other identity.
- You can't have levels in both paladin and antipaladin because of the alternate class rules.
I think I've found a typo in the Martyred bloodline. Either that or an insanely powerful ability. The level 12 ability says that when using your level 1 ability (which does aligned damage) against an enemy of the opposite alignment, you get to add 2d6 additional 2d6 points of damage. I'm hoping that second 2d6 is a typo, because getting 4 to 144 bonus damage, even if it is just a few times per day, is pretty insane.
I think I've found a typo in the Martyred bloodline. Either that or an insanely powerful ability. The level 12 ability says that when using your level 1 ability (which does aligned damage) against an enemy of the opposite alignment, you get to add 2d6 additional 2d6 points of damage. I'm hoping that second 2d6 is a typo, because getting 4 to 144 bonus damage, even if it is just a few times per day, is pretty insane.
Am I reading the splintersoul right in that you could theoretically use it to have levels of both paladin AND anti-paladin (just only get access to the abilities depending on which identity you're in)?
- The Vigilante limitation of one step in either direction isn't allowed; you can't have a good and evil identity. There are archetypes to overcome this, and the pairings of LN with LE or NE would be possible.
- You are not completely absolved of all behavior in your other identity.
- You can't have levels in both paladin and antipaladin because of the alternate class rules.
Thought I was reading too much into that. Thanks for clarifying.
What does the paladin archetype trade out? Does it still get spells for example?
Oh, and does it lose its code of conduct/alignment restriction?
Trades out most everything except spells from my perusal of the information...which is interesting, I think. Smite changes, Lay on Hands and Mercy and Channel are all replaced along with Divine Grace, Divine Health, Auras of Faith/Righteousness, Holy Champion. It is quite intriguing, but I hesitate to divulge it all until available in print.
I will mention that while normally swapping out Divine Grace is a deal breaker, the ability to smite anything (at full damage, no less) is a pretty reasonable trade.
It is quite intriguing, but I hesitate to divulge it all until available in print.
That's ok, I don't even need to know any ability details, but before I get too excited I would like to know if it is still going to be locked into lawful good & small deity selection with a stick up the butt code of conduct, if at all possible :)
You can probably play the Linnorm prince with this little book. After all, he was an anti-hero, until his virgin wife stripped naked and made him strip too.
You can probably play the Linnorm prince with this little book. After all, he was an anti-hero, until his virgin wife stripped naked and made him strip too.
I too am curious about the new Phantom option, and if they thought to include its options for the various feats and archetypes that provide different options based on the emotional focus of the phantom (such as Emotional Conduit and Fractured Mind).
The splintersoul (mentioned above) and blatherskite (mentioned in the preview blog) are a few of the things I designed for this book. The splintersoul is probably the weirdest archetype I've designed for PF in that it sort of encourages the PC to multiclass, while I guess usually archetypes are supposed to make you want to take more levels in that class. I'm curious to hear what folks think about it and how you're going to use it in character builds.
Sadly, the Antihero's Handbook is the last of many Player Companions I contributed to last year and earlier this year. Recently, I've been writing adventures and Starfinder, but I do hope I'll eventually find the time to write more Companions. I love 'em!
I too am curious about the new Phantom option, and if they thought to include its options for the various feats and archetypes that provide different options based on the emotional focus of the phantom (such as Emotional Conduit and Fractured Mind).
Rysky wrote:
Don't forget the Id Rager!
No to both, sadly. -_-
First thing I looked for, when I saw the new focus.
I too am curious about the new Phantom option, and if they thought to include its options for the various feats and archetypes that provide different options based on the emotional focus of the phantom (such as Emotional Conduit and Fractured Mind).
Rysky wrote:
Don't forget the Id Rager!
No to both, sadly. -_-
First thing I looked for, when I saw the new focus.
The splintersoul (mentioned above) and blatherskite (mentioned in the preview blog) are a few of the things I designed for this book. The splintersoul is probably the weirdest archetype I've designed for PF in that it sort of encourages the PC to multiclass, while I guess usually archetypes are supposed to make you want to take more levels in that class. I'm curious to hear what folks think about it and how you're going to use it in character builds.
The blatherskite is all right - my only regret is that it's only for gunslinger, whereas I would have liked to see some broader "coward" mechanics.
I like the splintersoul, and it's certainly well-done. I was hoping it would let you break the one-step rule for identity alignment, though. (For a while now, I've wanted to play a changeling vigilante that flips from neutral good to neutral evil.)
Mikko Kallio wrote:
Sadly, the Antihero's Handbook is the last of many Player Companions I contributed to last year and earlier this year. Recently, I've been writing adventures and Starfinder, but I do hope I'll eventually find the time to write more Companions. I love 'em!
It is quite intriguing, but I hesitate to divulge it all until available in print.
That's ok, I don't even need to know any ability details, but before I get too excited I would like to know if it is still going to be locked into lawful good & small deity selection with a stick up the butt code of conduct, if at all possible :)
All it says is that they are far more interested in revenge against those who have harmed them or their allies than anything about a deity.
I too am curious about the new Phantom option, and if they thought to include its options for the various feats and archetypes that provide different options based on the emotional focus of the phantom (such as Emotional Conduit and Fractured Mind).
Rysky wrote:
Don't forget the Id Rager!
No to both, sadly. -_-
First thing I looked for, when I saw the new focus.
Awwww :(
The new focus is passive, bordering on pacifistic. The only offensive ability is shoving an enemy five feet away. It'd be an odd choice for Id Rager, or even Fractured Mind, but in a home game, the spells it provides should probably focus on protecting against conditions and taking on conditions for somebody else.
Very odd question, but are there any options in this book revolving around cowardice? I mean like some of the racial options halflings got in the Advanced Race Guide such as the 'craven' alt race trait or the Cautious Fighter feat?
Very odd question, but are there any options in this book revolving around cowardice? I mean like some of the racial options halflings got in the Advanced Race Guide such as the 'craven' alt race trait or the Cautious Fighter feat?
Yep, some of the Drawbacks, don't know about anything beyond that though atm.