Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Technology Guide (PFRPG)

4.30/5 (based on 17 ratings)
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Technology Guide (PFRPG)
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Ray Guns and Rocket Packs!

It’s one thing to face a dragon armed with a longsword and a suit of magic plate mail, but what if you had an atom gun and powered armor? How many zombies could you blow up with a rocket launcher? What happens if you’re standing next to a graviton reactor when it explodes? All of these questions and more are answered within the pages of the Technology Guide—an invaluable manual of items, hazards, and character options for use in science-fantasy settings like Golarion’s Numeria, land of savagery and super-science!

Within this book, you’ll find:

  • Rules for dozens of new technological items, including weapons, armor, force fields, hologram generators, grenades, cybernetic implants, nanotech devices, remote controls for robots, and more!
  • New feats, spells, and archetypes for technologically savvy characters, along with rules for how your skills interact with super-science.
  • Extraordinarily powerful scientific items and artifacts, such as extinction wave devices, powered armor, and nuclear reactors!
  • The technomancer prestige class, which allows you to use magic to command robots and power your technology .
  • Rules for artificial intelligences, the effects of the passage of time on technological items, the dangers of radiation, the seven skymetals of Numeria, technological traps, and more!

The Technology Guide is a must-have for GMs running the Iron Gods Adventure Path or anyone looking to introduce super-science into any Pathfinder adventure or campaign setting.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-672-0

Technology Guide Errata
Last Updated - 12/16/2014

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4.30/5 (based on 17 ratings)

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paper quality is bad


Nice book with a lot of sci-fi items,, something like Wizardry in Golarion .. I woud like to give this book 5/5, but I cant. Reason why I cant do like that is simple, the quality of paper is just terrible. Paper Quality of Paizo books is going down, what is sad .. for me 4/5

Essential for Adding Tech to Pathfinder


Read my full review on Of Dice and Pen.

The Technology Guide provides gamemasters with the information and items they need to add technology into their fantasy games. It's not particularly exciting or innovative, but that's not really its point. Instead, it forms the necessary baseline for other books to build upon, much like the Core Rulebook provides the baseline rules for the entire game. If you want technology in your games, it's a book you really can't do without.



There are some interesting items in here but having sci-fi with magic breaks the immersion for me.

Pretty damn cool


I picked up this as a pdf because it looked interesting, and I was not disappointed. I used it to write an adventure (crashed UFO in a fantasy setting), and it led to the most fun I have ever had running a game. It would be useful if it had suggestions for other books containing some of the referenced monsters (such as certain types of monsters which I found on the pfsrd), but all in all it does exactly as promised.

Yes. Get it.


If you have any interest at all in genre fusion in your adventuring, this book is a must buy.

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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Troodos wrote:
What are all of the types of firearms in the book?

We'll find out soon enough. It's only three hours and four minutes until launch, if my sense of when this baby drops is correct.

EDIT: And may I just say this is my most enthusiastic PDF purchase since Mythic Adventures. Always was one for the more oddball/out-there stuff.

Imbicatus wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Is it a full casting class?


One dead level, nine levels of +1 arcane casting class.

A recently created character of mine may need to take this, in that case...

Scarab Sages

Troodos wrote:
What are all of the types of firearms in the book?

Too many to list. The ranged weapons table is an entire page of all firearms. There are lasers, plasma cannons, grav guns, railguns, sonic weapons, and more exotic things that shoot Nantes.

Any Laser rifles or Assault Rifles?

Scarab Sages

Troodos wrote:
Any Laser rifles or Assault Rifles?


Scarab Sages

Blayde MacRonan wrote:
StarMartyr365 wrote:
Tinkergoth wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
Well.... Is making a shameful face... The movie

I proudly stand with you, sir.


Later. For now, I'll just be standing waaaaayyyy over here, around behind the corner, while the shame is heaped upon you, and then, after everyone has left and no one's around to notice, then I'll proudly stand with you.

Heh, nah the movie wasn't as bad as it was made out to be. Just not as awesome as the story. But then I've always loved William Gibson's work. I think we've found the three people who actually liked the movie :P

I think we are up to four, counting myself. I saw the movie first and then read the story. There's just no way they could have pulled that off with the movie tech they had when it came out. A Neuromancer movie has been in development hell since the beginning of time. They better not screw that up.


Make that six... I enjoyed it a lot, even if it doesn't completely synch up with the original story.

I wasn't too thrilled with that movie, but I absolutely loved Strange Days. No as much cyber tech, but definitely cyberpunk.

In 2014, it's possible to make a good Neuromancer movie. Back when it first sank into Development Hell, it would have been a studio-bankrupting challenge.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Personally, I'm still hoping a for a movie version of Altered Carbon. Although it's more post cyberpunk than cyberpunk.

Imbicatus wrote:
Troodos wrote:
What are all of the types of firearms in the book?
Too many to list. The ranged weapons table is an entire page of all firearms. There are lasers, plasma cannons, grav guns, railguns, sonic weapons, and more exotic things that shoot Nantes.

Now I'm wondering about the various kinds of heavy weapons... I imagine there are a lot of those too? Is there anything whose description makes it sound like industrial mining equipment modified to form personal heavy ordnance?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Graeme Lewis wrote:
Now I'm wondering about the various kinds of heavy weapons... I imagine there are a lot of those too? Is there anything whose description makes it sound like industrial mining equipment modified to form personal heavy ordnance?

I keep reading this as "the various kinds of heavy metal" and it still works, and only makes me want this product more.

Stupid Pacific Time releases.... :P

Tacticslion wrote:
Graeme Lewis wrote:
Now I'm wondering about the various kinds of heavy weapons... I imagine there are a lot of those too? Is there anything whose description makes it sound like industrial mining equipment modified to form personal heavy ordnance?
I keep reading this as "the various kinds of heavy metal" and it still works, and only makes me want this product more.

I know how you feel, man. Every time I think I'm at the edge of my hype, I get more hype. I'm going to explode before too long. 12 AM PDT... that's only two hours forty minutes away. Why can I not make time speed up?!

I just want to know why UPS is holding my package in a small town in Arizona for this long.

Scarab Sages

Graeme Lewis wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
Troodos wrote:
What are all of the types of firearms in the book?
Too many to list. The ranged weapons table is an entire page of all firearms. There are lasers, plasma cannons, grav guns, railguns, sonic weapons, and more exotic things that shoot Nantes.
Now I'm wondering about the various kinds of heavy weapons... I imagine there are a lot of those too? Is there anything whose description makes it sound like industrial mining equipment modified to form personal heavy ordnance?

Not as such, the heavy weapons are clearly weapons first. Some examples are the x-laser, vortex gun, and plasmathrower (flamethrower on steroids).

Imbicatus wrote:
Graeme Lewis wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
Troodos wrote:
What are all of the types of firearms in the book?
Too many to list. The ranged weapons table is an entire page of all firearms. There are lasers, plasma cannons, grav guns, railguns, sonic weapons, and more exotic things that shoot Nantes.
Now I'm wondering about the various kinds of heavy weapons... I imagine there are a lot of those too? Is there anything whose description makes it sound like industrial mining equipment modified to form personal heavy ordnance?
Not as such, the heavy weapons are clearly weapons first. Some examples are the x-laser, vortex gun, and plasmathrower (flamethrower on steroids).

What is the Vortex Gun?

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Can I make a Stormtrooper?

brad2411 wrote:
Can I make a Stormtrooper?

Wimpy Film version or Badass EU version?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Imbicatus wrote:
Graeme Lewis wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
Troodos wrote:
What are all of the types of firearms in the book?
Too many to list. The ranged weapons table is an entire page of all firearms. There are lasers, plasma cannons, grav guns, railguns, sonic weapons, and more exotic things that shoot Nantes.
Now I'm wondering about the various kinds of heavy weapons... I imagine there are a lot of those too? Is there anything whose description makes it sound like industrial mining equipment modified to form personal heavy ordnance?
Not as such, the heavy weapons are clearly weapons first. Some examples are the x-laser, vortex gun, and plasmathrower (flamethrower on steroids).

Plasmathrower? You, sir, have made me more excited than I ever thought. I need this book.

I need this book more than I need caffeine, and I'm about 99% certain I'm a caffeine addict.

Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Troodos wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
Graeme Lewis wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
Troodos wrote:
What are all of the types of firearms in the book?
Too many to list. The ranged weapons table is an entire page of all firearms. There are lasers, plasma cannons, grav guns, railguns, sonic weapons, and more exotic things that shoot Nantes.
Now I'm wondering about the various kinds of heavy weapons... I imagine there are a lot of those too? Is there anything whose description makes it sound like industrial mining equipment modified to form personal heavy ordnance?
Not as such, the heavy weapons are clearly weapons first. Some examples are the x-laser, vortex gun, and plasmathrower (flamethrower on steroids).
What is the Vortex Gun?

A three barreled shotgun that fires graviton particles. For when you absolutely, positivity, need to mess up everything in a 100 foot cone. Accept no substitutes.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6, Contributor

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I *LIKE* it!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Hmmm... if I ever form a business that becomes popular, I want to do all of my releases by Samoa Standard Time, just to watch people squirm.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The X-Laser sounds like it's one or two steps down in size and damage from a siege weapon laser cannon.

Can I have the stats for the Laser Rifle?

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Graeme Lewis wrote:
The X-Laser sounds like it's one or two steps down in size and damage from a siege weapon laser cannon.

Yeah. It's the laser from Real Genius. You make a single attack roll, and resolve that against the AC of everything in the line of fire out to the maximum range. It shoots through everything, and is only stopped by failing to overcome hardness, fire resistance, or fire immunity of something it hits.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Troodos wrote:
brad2411 wrote:
Can I make a Stormtrooper?
Wimpy Film version or Badass EU version?

I was thinking more like Delta Squad from Star Wars Republic Commando. Elite Commandos.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Troodos wrote:
Can I have the stats for the Laser Rifle?

2d6 fire damage, x2 crit. Touch attack. There are a lot of special rules for lasers such as that they can't affect invisible creatures, but can shoot through force walls like they aren't there.

I don't want to give a full copy paste because paizo asked us not to.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
brad2411 wrote:
Troodos wrote:
brad2411 wrote:
Can I make a Stormtrooper?
Wimpy Film version or Badass EU version?
I was thinking more like Delta Squad from Star Wars Republic Commando. Elite Commandos.

So EU Stormtroopers

Grand Lodge

I may have to do questionable things to get this and the ACG now because waiting until payday next week is out of the question. I put a bunch of campaign development on hold until this came out so I could follow Piazo's lead and not reinvent the wheel.


3 people marked this as a favorite.
brad2411 wrote:
Troodos wrote:
brad2411 wrote:
Can I make a Stormtrooper?
Wimpy Film version or Badass EU version?
I was thinking more like Delta Squad from Star Wars Republic Commando. Elite Commandos.

[aside]You should read Survivor's Quest. Among other things, it features four members of the 501st being awesome.[/aside]

5 people marked this as a favorite.
StarMartyr365 wrote:

I may have to do questionable things to get this and the ACG now because waiting until payday next week is out of the question. I put a bunch of campaign development on hold until this came out so I could follow Piazo's lead and not reinvent the wheel.


There's always plasma donation. And it would be a fun kind of coincidence to buy a book with rules for donating plasma with extreme prejudice by donating plasma at a clinic.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

TMI, but my skin is writhing with anticipation!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Poldaran wrote:
There's always plasma donation. And it would be a fun kind of coincidence to buy a book with rules for donating plasma with extreme prejudice by donating plasma at a clinic.

Especially if when you went to the blood bank, and they put the needle in your arm, ionized plasma came surging out of your body instead of blood.

That would be awesome.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cthulhudrew wrote:
Poldaran wrote:
There's always plasma donation. And it would be a fun kind of coincidence to buy a book with rules for donating plasma with extreme prejudice by donating plasma at a clinic.

Especially if when you went to the blood bank, and they put the needle in your arm, ionized plasma came surging out of your body instead of blood.

That would be awesome.

And then they donate it to a robot with a rare antivirus disorder?

Poldaran wrote:
I just want to know why UPS is holding my package in a small town in Arizona for this long.

I noticed the same thing a few times recently and then I'd just get my package all of a sudden. It seems like Paizo is shipping them UPS but then UPS hands it off to another carrier at some point if it will save them cost. I'm not positive, it just seems kinda like that's whats going on.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It's live for everyone to buy!

Purchased ✓

Waiting for it to finish personalizing before it will let me download it ~.~

jimibones83 wrote:
Poldaran wrote:
I just want to know why UPS is holding my package in a small town in Arizona for this long.
I noticed the same thing a few times recently and then I'd just get my package all of a sudden. It seems like Paizo is shipping them UPS but then UPS hands it off to another carrier at some point if it will save them cost. I'm not positive, it just seems kinda like that's whats going on.

UPS sometimes uses the USPS for some deliveries when it's cheaper.

Steven "Troll" O'Neal wrote:
jimibones83 wrote:
Poldaran wrote:
I just want to know why UPS is holding my package in a small town in Arizona for this long.
I noticed the same thing a few times recently and then I'd just get my package all of a sudden. It seems like Paizo is shipping them UPS but then UPS hands it off to another carrier at some point if it will save them cost. I'm not positive, it just seems kinda like that's whats going on.
UPS sometimes uses the USPS for some deliveries when it's cheaper.

I don't have a problem with that. I just wish they'd post when the handoff was made in a timely fashion and give me the new tracking number.

Poldaran wrote:
Steven "Troll" O'Neal wrote:
jimibones83 wrote:
Poldaran wrote:
I just want to know why UPS is holding my package in a small town in Arizona for this long.
I noticed the same thing a few times recently and then I'd just get my package all of a sudden. It seems like Paizo is shipping them UPS but then UPS hands it off to another carrier at some point if it will save them cost. I'm not positive, it just seems kinda like that's whats going on.
UPS sometimes uses the USPS for some deliveries when it's cheaper.
I don't have a problem with that. I just wish they'd post when the handoff was made in a timely fashion and give me the new tracking number.

I felt the same way.

Wow, looking through the book, is the price of the monowhip correct? Or was there an extra 0 added in there on accident? Because that doesn't seem right at all..

Firstly i'd like to thank the paizo staff for great products. Secondly I was wondering if there will be any radiation stuff for the alchemist at any time, discoveries or alchemy i'd really love to see something like that especially like a radiation bomb discovery!

Reading through this now, neat stuff, but there's at least one outstanding issue. Paizo needs to step up their proofreading and editing, two examples being the cybersoldier's Cybernetic Combat feature and the Savage Technologist's rage feature changes. Cybernetic Combat flip flops on whether the bonus applies to just attack bonuses or damage bonuses, and doesn't indicate that it's both as I believe in intends, and also specifies that it doesn't stack with the bonus from a class feature that it outright replaces anyway. Savage Tech's rage says that increases to strength apply to dex instead at higher levels, but I *think* they mean the bonuses to constitution are transferred to dex as described at the beginning of the feature.

I'm pretty sure I get what's meant to be conveyed in these features but it's still a little confusing and, frankly, irksome. This isn't even a unique problem to this book, as in past books it's apparent that there's communication issues amongst the staff.

Having said all that, neat book.

I think having a Primal Steelblood Bloodrager wielding a badass chainsaw just topped my list of awesome.

Yay! It's here. I'm saddened that power armor is an artifact, but at the same time, the ASF was too high for me to use it for my plan anyway. I'll have to talk to my GM about using the section about making tech versions of magical items to reskin my previously planned clockwork construct armor into "power armor".

Aside from that, loving much of the stuff in here.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Imbicatus wrote:
Troodos wrote:
Ive been dying to know: WHAT THE HECK IS AN EXTINCTION WAVE!?!?
Imagine a nuclear weapon that only kills living things with an intelligence score, but leaves structures, objects, and mindless organisms intact.

It's Viridi's Reset Bomb from Kid Icarus: Uprising?!

EDIT: No, scratch that, the Reset Bomb ignored Animals and Fey too.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tarius_Merlot wrote:
Firstly i'd like to thank the paizo staff for great products. Secondly I was wondering if there will be any radiation stuff for the alchemist at any time, discoveries or alchemy i'd really love to see something like that especially like a radiation bomb discovery!

From Paizo? Dunno, but it could easily show up in an "Treasures" section of one of the Iron Gods AP volumes.

From a 3PP? I'm certain at least one of them has such stuff in development. {whistles innocently}

The Charge Cycling deed from the Techslinger archetype seems incredibly powerful.

Charge Cycling + Signature Deed = Near-Infinite Energy?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Only if you combine it with Covet Charge + Signature Deed. That, of course, would allow you to fire a completely drained timeworn firearm you've chosen Technic Training for whenever the heck you felt like it.

Graeme Lewis wrote:
Only if you combine it with Covet Charge + Signature Deed. That, of course, would allow you to fire a completely drained timeworn firearm you've chosen Technic Training for whenever the heck you felt like it.

Oh yeah, Covet Charge + Signature Deed is a much easier way of doing it than Charge Recycling + Signature Deed. Thanks for pointing that out.

I don't think you can use both with Signature Deed though, the feat says nothing about allowing you to take it multiple times. Still Covet Charge + Signature Deed it is! You can fire almost every tech weapon for free! =D

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6, Contributor

Since the AP takes steps to give you charges, and you could always just use grit without the signature deed when you got desperate, you'd probably be better off with a signature deed that did more.

Currently, favorite weapons in terms of design are the Zero-Rifle, Plasmathrower, Vortex Gun, and Arc Rifle

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