Necromancer |

Necromancer wrote:Zark wrote:Two questions (I think a lot of people wants an answer to these as well)
- 1) Any feat that grants more skills?
- 2) Any feat with fighter as a prereq? I mean, any fighter only feats?
Believer's Boon grants limited access to a domain (can be taken twice, doesn't stack, deity restrictions)
Nope; if anything, this book has pickpocketed the fighter with extra gropes and everything's out on the table for the rest of the classes.
OK. Thanks.
So no feat that grants more skill ranks (like toughness but for skills)?
I looked over the chart again and found nothing; the bonuses are mostly for combat and saves. Keep in mind, I've only skimmed through the chapter and might've missed the odd loophole. Several archetypes gain extra class skills, so maybe something will line up that way.

Liz Courts Webstore Gninja Minion |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Liz Courts,
Favor to ask of you. Before you go home next Wednesday evening (13 Aug), could you preset this PDF to go on sale as soon as it rolls midnight PDT?
My wife will kill me, or at least make me sleep on the couch, but I'll get up at 03:01 EDT and purchase and download if it is available then!
I really want to see the final Shaman and Warpriest.
-- david
Already done—I know how we gamers are. ;)

Gisher |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

DM Papa.DRB wrote:Already done—I know how we gamers are. ;)Liz Courts,
Favor to ask of you. Before you go home next Wednesday evening (13 Aug), could you preset this PDF to go on sale as soon as it rolls midnight PDT?
My wife will kill me, or at least make me sleep on the couch, but I'll get up at 03:01 EDT and purchase and download if it is available then!
I really want to see the final Shaman and Warpriest.
-- david

Feros |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

DM Papa.DRB wrote:Already done—I know how we gamers are. ;)Liz Courts,
Favor to ask of you. Before you go home next Wednesday evening (13 Aug), could you preset this PDF to go on sale as soon as it rolls midnight PDT?
My wife will kill me, or at least make me sleep on the couch, but I'll get up at 03:01 EDT and purchase and download if it is available then!
I really want to see the final Shaman and Warpriest.
-- david
Once more absolute proof that Liz Rocks! :D

Chris Lambertz Paizo Glitterati Robot |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Liz Courts wrote:Once more absolute proof that Liz Rocks! :DDM Papa.DRB wrote:Already done—I know how we gamers are. ;)Liz Courts,
Favor to ask of you. Before you go home next Wednesday evening (13 Aug), could you preset this PDF to go on sale as soon as it rolls midnight PDT?
My wife will kill me, or at least make me sleep on the couch, but I'll get up at 03:01 EDT and purchase and download if it is available then!
I really want to see the final Shaman and Warpriest.
-- david
She's basically a wizard! :D <3

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Liz Courts wrote:Once more absolute proof that Liz Rocks! :DDM Papa.DRB wrote:Already done—I know how we gamers are. ;)Liz Courts,
Favor to ask of you. Before you go home next Wednesday evening (13 Aug), could you preset this PDF to go on sale as soon as it rolls midnight PDT?
My wife will kill me, or at least make me sleep on the couch, but I'll get up at 03:01 EDT and purchase and download if it is available then!
I really want to see the final Shaman and Warpriest.
-- david
Liz rocks so much that she retroactively had every other PDF release at midnight PDT on their respective release dates.
(note that the slightly snarky tone of this post highlighting that the request is actually Paizo standard practice is not to imply that Liz does not rock...)

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Imbicatus wrote:There is literally no way I can ever play all the ideas this book is giving me.Be a GM. You get to play everything! :D
Almost all of my play right now is from PFS, and I'm still new to PFS, so the number of scenarios I've played is small. I don't want to spoil myself. However, I may start GMing a scenario here or there for our local events.

Jim Groves Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Jim... At this point I will settle for anything you could provide. It's long been a character I have hoped to play and optimize.
Well, she is proficient with all shields but the tower shield. Unlike normal brawlers.
She can throw a light or medium shield as a thrown weapon. No improvised weapon penalties. Shield spikes do apply. Assumed to have Far Shot for this purpose only. At 7th level, this throw shield can be used to make combat maneuvers.
At 5th level there is an ability to make it come back.
At 15th level there is powerful damage absorbing ability if you're going to be dropped below 0 hit points.
EDIT: There is a lot more, and stuff about how brawlers flurry factors in, but I am trying to stay in preview mode. A couple good bonus feats if you meet the prerequisites.

magnuskn |

Thanks, Jason, for taking your time to explain. "Human error" is of course a much more logical explanation than "bizarre reasonings". I should have realized that in the first place.
Now I got to print your post out to show it to my GM tomorrow...

ArenCordial |
DeciusNero wrote:Any new sorcerer bloodlines?No new bloodlines, but the bloodrager's bloodlines have been broken into pieces for barbarians to scavenge as rage powers.
Poor Sorcerer. It gets an archetype to be the mutt of sorcerers and then an archetype to punch things from what I understand. I haven't seen it but unarmed melee attacks just don't seem like a good idea for 1/2 BAB d6 HD. It can't even get a freaking Arcanist bloodline.
Meanwhile the Wizard is taking spells from other class lists, and playing with Arcanist Exploits, Hexes, and Shaman spirits. With all that and the new Arcanist why do we even have the Sorcerer again? Heck you can even take a lot of the Sorcs class features with Eldritch Heritage but the poor Sorc can't get anything to improve its casting?
I'd really like to know what there isn't at least an Arcanist bloodline.

Feros |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Feros wrote:Liz Courts wrote:Once more absolute proof that Liz Rocks! :DDM Papa.DRB wrote:Already done—I know how we gamers are. ;)Liz Courts,
Favor to ask of you. Before you go home next Wednesday evening (13 Aug), could you preset this PDF to go on sale as soon as it rolls midnight PDT?
My wife will kill me, or at least make me sleep on the couch, but I'll get up at 03:01 EDT and purchase and download if it is available then!
I really want to see the final Shaman and Warpriest.
-- david
Liz rocks so much that she retroactively had every other PDF release at midnight PDT on their respective release dates.
(note that the slightly snarky tone of this post highlighting that the request is actually Paizo standard practice is not to imply that Liz does not rock...)
Well, I was aware of this, but the fact that it IS SOP for Paizo should be considered absolute proof that Liz Rocks. :p

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So can anyone give any details on the sorcerer Eldritch Scrapper archetype? Is it really viable to go into melee? Can you give an example of its abilities?
Seconded. I've wanted a pathfinder arcane fist for awhile now. Magus or Monk multiclass and dragon disciple doesn't really cut it.

RHMG Animator |

So can anyone give any details on the sorcerer Eldritch Scrapper archetype? Is it really viable to go into melee? Can you give an example of its abilities?
Just to list everything of the archetype, but not its meaning
Martial Flexibility (Ex); (Modified version of brawlers)
This ability replaces the sorcerer’s bloodline powers gained 1st, 9th, and 15th levels.
Bloodline Weapons;

Wolfgang Rolf |

Wolfgang Rolf wrote:So can anyone give any details on the sorcerer Eldritch Scrapper archetype? Is it really viable to go into melee? Can you give an example of its abilities?Just to list everything of the archetype, but not its meaning
** spoiler omitted **
Can someone please give an explanation of these abilities and if possible answer my original question of the viability of this archetype in melee.

QuidEst |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Can someone please give an explanation of these abilities and if possible answer my original question of the viability of this archetype in melee.
Even if the archetype itself isn't up to meleeing, it's probably a nice choice to combine with Dragon Disciple. I've seen enough people go after that on its own merits that I've given up questioning the viability/practicality of melee Sorcerers.

Cheapy |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm very curious about the Investigator. Any archetypes strike anyone as particularly cool?
Well, nothing strikes out to me as a more martial focused one, but I didn't check too closely.
The Sleuth seems very interesting. Almost like it should've been an alternative class. He doesn't get the Alchemy ability.
What does he get in place of alchemy? Well he...

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mrs. wakedown: honey, are we going to dinner tonight for our anniversary?
wakedown: *looks at ACG PDF* umm, how about taco bell? I uh, need to get back quick, I umm, have work to do tonight...
wakedown: what? oww!! you love tacos!! look, your warpriest chan-- owww!! hey!!!
(lack of use of capitals inspired by the most electrifying poster)

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So, this feat originally had nothing to do with damage. It was just a way for the swashbuckler, and a few other classes, to use slashing weapons with some of their class features. Thats it. As the book was getting close to print, we were looking over it and felt that was just too weak. The damage component was added to make the feat more attractive. It was not until after it went to the printer that we realized the odd case we had created (that you cannot get Dex to damage on a rapier). Since this was obviously a vital part of the iconic character for that class, we saw it as a real problem and started looking for a solution.
Then came the Pathfinder Player Companion: Advanced Class Guide Origins.
We were in charge of developing that book and came up with a feat to resolve the problem. Since adding rapier alone to Slashing Grace was a poor patch, we came up with an entirely different feat to speak directly to rapiers.
So...I'm apparently something of a prophet. Good to know. ;)
On a more serious note, this is an awesome solution. Thank you very much, both for having done it and having posted it here.

QuidEst |

Okay, let's try and recap some of the things I'm really excited about.
• Bolt Ace Gunslinger. Not only for myself, but for other players. Crossbows will fit in a lot of settings better.
• Mongrel Mage Sorcerer, hopefully a way to mix bloodlines without the pain of Crossblooded.
• Fighter with mutagen and discoveries. Great Gatsby, this is great! This is a fighter I would play. This is a Fighter who can get things like temporary wings or +2 to will saves from a hedgehog-shaped tumor!
• Bloodrager. D10 arcane meets with my full approval. I'm eying Aberrant bloodline myself, possibly with Primalist to trade in some of the later-level bloodline powers for classic Barbarian pounce. Love the various archetypes!
• Shaman and Hunter, providing druidesque casting without restrictions on alignment or a tree-hugging requirement, along with giving daily swappables. Should be fun to play as a Skinwalker for even more flexibility.
• On the Shaman front, no more Cha-dependency! Your choice of a Witch Hex! Craft Wondrous Item a level before Wizard can even touch it, so there!
• Monk fix! Charging past my foes/Thanks to this nice new feat/To deliver clustered blows/This really is a treat!
• Oracle can now get Cha to all saves. What is this I don't even. Guess I'll be building the SADest Oracle at some point, with Charisma for every save, AC, CMD, initiative, and Knowledge (Planes).

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Gisher wrote:I'm very curious about the Investigator. Any archetypes strike anyone as particularly cool?Well, nothing strikes out to me as a more martial focused one, but I didn't check too closely.
The Sleuth seems very interesting. Almost like it should've been an alternative class. He doesn't get the Alchemy ability.
What does he get in place of alchemy? Well he...
Does that mean it gets Archeologist's Luck, or that it is an awesome robot?

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God, I wish it was an awesome robot.
Nah, they get an ability called Luck. Not the same as Archaeologist's Luck. It's closer to Grit in use.
What does it do?
I'm hoping for something spectacular, because I'm honestly having a hard time seeing how a Grit-like mechanic could make up for losing Extracts, and given my love of noir I really want to like the Sleuth.