Pathfinder Battles—Legends of Golarion

3.00/5 (based on 21 ratings)

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Adventure Awaits in the Lands of Golarion!

The greatest heroes and most fearsome foes of the Pathfinder world come alive on your gaming table with Pathfinder Battles: Legends of Golarion, the brand new Pathfinder Battles pre-painted miniature set from Paizo Publishing and WizKids Games!

This stunning set features 55 all-new pre-painted sculpts drawn from the gorgeous art of Paizo Publishing's award-winning Pathfinder Campaign Setting, home to all official Pathfinder adventures! With figures drawn from more than 5 years of fan-favorite Pathfinder RPG releases, this set is a celebration of the world's best-selling fantasy roleplaying game!

Pathfinder Battles figures come in a variety of randomly assorted packaging options.

  • Legends of Golarion Standard Boosters contain 1 Large figure and 3 Medium or Small figures
  • Legends of Golarion Standard Bricks contain 8 Standard Boosters (32 figures total)
  • Legends of Golarion Standard Cases contain 4 Standard Bricks (32 Standard Boosters, 128 figures total)
Purchasers should get no to very few duplicate figures in a brick. Buyers who purchase factory-sealed cases should get a nearly complete set of figures. (As with any randomized product, collation is not guaranteed.)

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Battles Case Subscription.

Additional Product Images

(click to enlarge)
WZK71244-Pyros WZK71244-KingAndQueen WZK71244-Efreeti

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Average product rating:

3.00/5 (based on 21 ratings)

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A Definite Must Have Set


I'm perplexed why the rating for Legends of Golarion is not higher. Perhaps I'm lucky, but in two bricks I received a majority of the set. The duplicates I did end up with are very welcome, especially for a GM. Lots of kobolds, goblins, and orcs among the humans and other PC races. The non-humanoid creatures are varied and interesting. While the set isn't overly impressive, I feel like I received a lot of value.

My Experience With One Brick


Variety: I received the following figures: 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 24, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 39, 40, 45, 51, 54. In all, only 2 duplicated figures (the Kobold Archer and the Ulat-Kini), both of which are handy to have.

My favorite figures are the Akata, Derhii, Goblins, Kobolds, Serpentfolk and last but certainly not least: The Fire Demon. The Fire Demon is fantastic, and I'm very tempted to hide it from my players until the perfect moment, which I'll have to plan out starting now.

Paint: I was quite pleased with the paint jobs and have almost no complaints on that front. All of the figures are vibrant and easily recognized. The one disappointing figure from a painting standpoint was the Eagle Knight (#22), who has a smudged face and some color bleed from the trim of his coat.

Construction: Most of the figures are top notch and seem like they'll hold up for a lot of use, but the Black Dragon (#45) had a broken horn. Thankfully, the dragon and its horn were kept in a small bag and I can fix it with glue. Many of the weapons are flexible, and will require some adjustments to straighten them out, but that's to be expected with plastic figures, and it's certainly better than being too brittle. Some of the figures have obvious seams that I would have liked to be filled in.

Verdict: Based on my experience thus far, I'd recommend this Brick and will probably buy another one for myself.

Nice figures, bad execution


I buy reversed, so this is my third Case i bought from Paizo :)

I'm very satisfied with the figures coming from Legends of Golarion.
if you are playing the Serpent Skull AP this is definitely a nice addition to the campaign.
As this is an older release i find the manufacturing mistakes from the past in this one.
Broken Minis (2 in this one)
The Beatific one is missing an Arm, i believe it never found it's way on to the figure,
The Paint Jobs are 50:50. I cannot fully support the views of other reviewers (my Goblins look fine, my Lini is ok) King Irovetti however is an bad example for a paintjob.

After all, i have to say Paizo has done a lot to improve the transport, the packaging and the control since this release but you have to expect old mistakes if you buy old products.
I like the figures and they really help my AP setting but i'm a little sad seeing my Serpent Demon stabbing itself in the back because a dagger was paintglued to it's back.



This was my first foray into the world of collectible miniatures (other than occasionally purchasing a single I wanted), and sadly, was very disappointing. I bought a brick in the hopes that I could score the Efreet, which I have had no luck buying as a single. In that particular respect, this was a success... I got one in the last box of the brick.

However, has paint job was nowhere to the quality level of the product photograph. He was shiny and lacking in yellow just about anywhere... it was as if he missed a paint layer. In addition, they face was off as he has large, goggly white eyes.

Additionally, I have an Orc Archer with no head, and an Eagle Knight that broke off his base, leaving his feet behind. Almost to a figure, the kobolds look awful... they're almost entirely black and you can't really make out any details.

Based on this, I doubt I will buy any more Pathfinder Battles figures other than as single purchases... too many poor quality or otherwise useless figures for my taste.

Disappointing in a few ways


Yikes. Finally, after waiting months due to mess-up from the retailer I purchased it from, I was excited to come home to my Legends case today. Unfortunately, this case did not meet expectations.

The bad:

I did not receive a complete set. Not even close. I had duplicates of the Shaitan, Kobold King and Beatific One and did not receive Lini, the Efreeti, or Marid. The Efreeti and Lini are unavailable to purchase from paizo and they are going for about $25 each on Ebay. Additionally I only received only one miniature of the Knight of Ozem and the Eagle Knight Officer. Really that part isn't too disappointing, because...

Paint jobs. See other reviews, although mine didn't seem to be as bad as some others have experienced.

Broken Minis. 2 with broken parts and 3 off their bases. This was the worst case for me as far as damaged minis goes.

Final thoughts: This really wasn't a great case. I was prepared for poor paint quality and some damaged minis, but missing 3 rare minis, one of which an iconic, really doesn't work for me. I can't justify spending hundreds of dollars purchasing a case and then an extra $50 or more completing the set. From here out, I will be grabbing singles online of the miniatures I am most interested rather than drop hundreds on a product that is incomplete. I'm off to cancel my Reign of Winter case now.

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Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer


Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber


Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Woot! Three cheers for the gargantuan green!

Okay. I don't yet have the RotRL or Shattered Star cases, and I desperately want a Skull & Shackles case, but it looks like this one might be worth saving up for as a priority, since it looks like it'll have a good range of minis that will be useful outside of just one campaign. Is that the case? Can one of the higher-ups elaborate?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

We try to make sure that most of the minis even in the AP-specific sets can be useful outside of just one campaign. That's probably a little bit easier to achieve here, though.

Vic Wertz wrote:
We try to make sure that most of the minis even in the AP-specific sets can be useful outside of just one campaign. That's probably a little bit easier to achieve here, though.

Thanks, Vic! I didn't mean to imply the other sets are of limited use, sorry. I'm just looking for an excuse to buy a case or three, and the more 'generic' the minis are, the easier it will be to justify it! (And fingers crossed my family will make good on the "case of Runelords minis" birthday offer...)

Grand Lodge

YUPPIII, More Minis!!!

August - Skull and Shackles arrives
September - Undead hoards

and October - these guys. My wallet will be sad, but I will be very happy!

Liberty's Edge


June- We Be Goblins
July- White Dragon Box
August- Skull & Shackles
September- Undead
October- Legends

This is much more than I expected in such a short span. If it wasn't quality stuff I'd have to be picky.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Erik also revealed at the banquet that Wizkids hopes to release *another* full set between Legends and the end of the year....

Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Vic Wertz wrote:
Erik also revealed at the banquet that Wizkids hopes to release *another* full set between Legends and the end of the year....

I dunno that you should be doing that. Every six months was a pretty good schedule, so long as things like We Be Goblins and the Evolution Pack were being put out in between. Putting out a $600 purchase requirement every 3 months is a sure way to sound the death knell for this line.

Keep in mind that the average GM has a pretty finite number of creatures he needs to acquire. This is not Heroclix, where new figures change the dynamics of the game with every set. These are merely bad guys, and I only need so many skeletons/thugs/badass-bad-guys. Don't let WizKids push you into this kind of release schedule or you will alienate your fan base, along with shrinking your purchasing market relatively quickly.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

And the opposing viewpoint. I am very happy that you are doing more sets than you have been.

I am very excited about the news there will be two more sets by the end of the year and I love the idea of Legends.

Can't wait to hear what the next set will be.

Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

How much disposable income do YOU have? O.o

As a retailer, I'm fine with it, of course. But I know I will adjust my store's purchasing to account for it. Instead of getting 10 cases of each set I will scale back to 5 or 6. Why? Because I know there is no way my customers' budgets will match the pace of release. I can always reorder to accommodate unanticipated demand. But if Wizkids is doubling (or tripling) its production and not really seeing an increase in purchases, all they are doing is adding to the expense to produce the line.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, I love having a bunch of minis, but 3 major releases a year is one thing, but 3 in 6 months is another matter entirely.

I have to agree with Drogon. While as a player / collector / DM I am always willing to purchase more new minis (and I buy them by the case because I am a collector and they have the collation down on this, and then buy singles to fill the gaps) 3 Full sets, 2 Builders and an encounter pack will stretch my gaming budget to the point where one is going to have to give.

Or to put it in perspective, a case of minis (from Paizo, so factoring in their discount) is equal to 1/3 of a month's rent up where I live. This is fine when you don't have other bills or if you don't plan on eating. But this many releases too close together is going to give a large percentage of players and collector's pause.

Now if there were a skirmish level Pathfinder Miniatures Wargame that made use of theses models that might be another story entirely (though troop stats would have to be provided in Warhammer style army-books at this point). Note this is also an idea that I would not be at all opposed to, especially as it would give people a gateway to miniatures wargaming without the (conservative estimate here) $300 initial outlay for Warhammer / Hordes / War Lord / insert name of paint it yourself mini's wargame here.


Personally, I don't think it would be as big of a deal if WizKids didn't make such limited runs of each set. I don't think I saw anyone in my area carrying Rise of the Runelords models after Shattered Star came out, and Heroes and Monsters was basically gone well before Rise of the Runelords came out.

You end up having to predict how many of each model you want right when that set comes out so you can try to gobble up as many copies of them as possible before WizKid's supply runs out.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

I can't speak for other retailers and their ability to either predict sales or finance the right amount of inventory, but I can tell you that Paizo orders from WizKids with a goal of having stock for 1-2 years. You can still buy Rise of the Runelords from us, by the case, brick, booster, or single figure, and Heroes & Monsters by the brick, standard booster, or single figure.

Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

I do, too. I'll be happy to have such a large selection. I'll be somewhat sad to see my existing collection go down in value due to all the new goodies that are available.

I'm content either way and want to see this line continue. I hope Wizkids' release schedule works toward that goal.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber


Subscribing helps with all that. I do not have to worry what how many my local store has on hand or for how long. And I get what I want when they are released.

I am happy that I can subscribe and with the quality of the miniatures. And the reimaging of classic monsters in the game.

For myself, I find that two sets works and then fill in some commons that I might want more of.

I also like the AP sets that give me many unique or specific minis. Things like the forge find from Runelords.

I find that many of my old minis have been completely replaced by the superior ones from Wizkids and Paizo. Like goblins, ghouls, stone giants and ogres. I am a happy mini buyer.

Shadow Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

The problem with sets every 2-3 months is the cost - 2 sets is almost 1000 dollars every few months, assuming absolutely nothing in between. Now Shem you may be in a position to afford that (in which case I envy you Grrrr), and lucky enough to live in the US to reduce shipping pain, but that puts a strain on a lot of others. For most it could mean a reduction in buying, and hence sales of sets. Usually followed by a reduction in quality to improve profit margins.


Jhavhul!!!!!! That guy from kingmaker whose name I could never remember!!!! Heck yeah! Might we see an Adivion Adrisant (pre-bad things happening) as a Noble Scion mini?

I'm pretty excited for this!

Dark Archive

This is too many sets in too short a time frame. The quality is going to suffer, (look at heroclix if you don't believe me) and people like me are going to dump the product altogether. I will admit I am a must have a complete set or I am not happy, so if I can't get a whole set I won't buy any. Even if I did try to complete sets it will be on the secondary market which really doesn't benefit Wizkids either. I know Paizo isn't in charge of the release schedule but they need to be the voice of reason and try to reign in Wizkids, if nothing else for the fans sake.

Grand Lodge

The quality will not suffer. Paizo will be all over it if it does. They are lending their name to this product so trust me that they check quality assurance often. Eric Mona has said as much many times in the threads on the various sets.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

If the quality doesn't suffer our wallets certainly will. 4 sets per year at 400$ plus four large figures at 10$ (counting the 75% discount) plus minimum 2 builder series at 59.76$ and 2 evolution sets at 36$ = a whopping 1831.52 a year or 152.62$ a month on top of our subscriptions for printed materials. Way too rich for me folks!

I've already lowered my subscription to account for the increase in releases. I'm going to be very sad if I have to start skipping sets.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I mentioned int he other thread that the pace is picking up too much for me to keep up. If I'm going to be choosey, I think I'm going to dump my Skull & Shackles case in favor of this one. I mean, if I'm only going to buy 1 case, this one seems like the clear choice for me (I was very "meh" about S&S because there's only so many pirates and aquatic-themed critters I need).


I'm happy with the faster releases. It was too slow for me up til now.

It certainly makes it harder to buy one or more of everything, but if sets have been consistently selling out rapidly* then increasing the rate of new releases is unlikely to damage the market (even if some individuals change their habits from "buy one of everything" to "buy every second release" or similar).

I have no idea if this is true, but one has to think Wizkids know what they're doing. They're not newcomers to the prepainted miniatures thing.

Sovereign Court

Dang.... PS4 or new minis?

Liberty's Edge

Vic Wertz wrote:
Erik also revealed at the banquet that Wizkids hopes to release *another* full set between Legends and the end of the year....

Ugh, too soon.

Unless the plan is to get a large number of minis available and build to a minimum number of commons then dial back.
But that doesn't help those rares or desirables that might sell out (*cough* Amiri *cough*).

I can only justify a case of every other set, and then because it matches the Adventure Path. Kinda.
I bought RotRL because I was buying the book which meant I'd run it, and I bought Skull & Shackles because aquatic minis were harder to come by. I only picked-up a brick of Heroes & Monsters and Shattered Star and might only get singles from Legends of Golarion. With Christmas, I doubt very much I'll have the cash to spring for yet another set.
Four in a single year is far too many. Even WotC when DDM was at its most popular stuck to three.

I can see three a year for a while, doing two adventure paths and one misc until they've done all the APs and modules. Then slowing down to two.

Sovereign Court

If I have to beg on the street, I want to get this set.

Grand Lodge

Okay, Looks like I need to talk to that guy about selling my soul. >sigh<


Shem wrote:


Subscribing helps with all that. I do not have to worry what how many my local store has on hand or for how long. And I get what I want when they are released.

I am happy that I can subscribe and with the quality of the miniatures. And the reimaging of classic monsters in the game.

For myself, I find that two sets works and then fill in some commons that I might want more of.

I also like the AP sets that give me many unique or specific minis. Things like the forge find from Runelords.

I find that many of my old minis have been completely replaced by the superior ones from Wizkids and Paizo. Like goblins, ghouls, stone giants and ogres. I am a happy mini buyer.

Dude, if I could afford to drop $400 in one sitting, I totally would.

Selling old stuff on ebay so I can keep up for the short term. But if this pace keeps un in 2014, I will have to become a part time fan. :-(

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

I suspect the rush may be occuring this year and the sets will be more evenly spaced out next year, at least I hope so.

I noticed in the catalog that the list of products associated with the Wrath of the Righteous AP includes a Pathfinder Battles set, scheduled for December 2013. Maybe their intent in accelerating the sets is to have one associated with every other AP as a tie-in?

-- Lith

Scarab Sages

How good or bad are my odds to getting Jhavrul (the Efreet Prince) in a single brick? I've not purchased any of the Pathfinder Battles before (I loathe the random factor), but I'm considering dipping my toe in to get some other minis I can use if I can get Jhavrul for my Legacy of Fire game.

Unseelie wrote:
How good or bad are my odds to getting Jhavrul (the Efreet Prince) in a single brick? I've not purchased any of the Pathfinder Battles before (I loathe the random factor), but I'm considering dipping my toe in to get some other minis I can use if I can get Jhavrul for my Legacy of Fire game.

I have had a full set in every case I have bought to this point. I realize they say they can not guarantee you will, but if you read the threads on here I am sure you will see that has been the experience. Now for each brick, well if we assume that the case is almost a sure thing and a case has four bricks in it then I would assume your odds are at best 1 in 4. Of course that is a less than perfect number, but it gets you an idea.

I would say that if you really just want the Efreet than you are much better off just buying him as an after market single.

Course that is just my opinion. ;-)

This works out pretty good for me. Was already pretty much set on skipping over skull & shackles minis, just not too interested in the set and did not like the AP at all.

But these will be a must for me to buy, especially if there are more Kingmaker minis in this set! Cant wait to start seeing previews on this set.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yup this set will probably mean that I don't buy Skulls and Shackles as well.

I just cannot afford to lay out £300 every couple of months on figures..and that's ordering them from UK importers it would be nearer £400 to get them direct once taxes ansd customs were added

The Exchange

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I would instantly subscribe to a one-of-everything price adjusted plan, but at the current cost to get a good chance of one of everything in a 55 mini set I need to buy over 70 duplicates which is unfortunately for me too much money to waste.

I hear the arguments of needing the commons in larger numbers (though repaints sort of take care of that), and that the randomness allows for lower price per figure to offset the bigger ones, but if there are going to be 150+ different minis a year, something has to give... this just seems unsustainable for what I imagine is the bulk of miniatures purchasers.

As an aside, based on the number of singles sellers around the net, is there any credibility to the theory that people like randomness in their purchases any more? Instead of driving me to buy more (I assume the main reason behind the scheme) it causes complete disinterest in buying anything.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber
DonKeebals wrote:
Dang.... PS4 or new minis?

New minis. PS4 will drop in price. :)

Grand Lodge

Mine all mine...don't touch wrote:
If the quality doesn't suffer our wallets certainly will. 4 sets per year at 400$ plus four large figures at 10$ (counting the 75% discount) plus minimum 2 builder series at 59.76$ and 2 evolution sets at 36$ = a whopping 1831.52 a year or 152.62$ a month on top of our subscriptions for printed materials. Way too rich for me folks!

No one has o SKIP sets per se. There is nothing wrong with buying boosters and the like as well. I have the first three sets. I am not planning on buying the Skull and Shackles set outright but I plan on buying boosters to get some of the ones I DO want from the set and some more besides. I do not want to buy the singles as that is not as much fun for me unless I absolutely need to.

It is a tough thing to not buy sets... but money does get tight. :)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Unseelie wrote:
How good or bad are my odds to getting Jhavrul (the Efreet Prince) in a single brick? I've not purchased any of the Pathfinder Battles before (I loathe the random factor), but I'm considering dipping my toe in to get some other minis I can use if I can get Jhavrul for my Legacy of Fire game.

Presuming the same distribution as Shattered Star (1rare per case), your odds of getting a specific rare from a blind booster are pretty much 1 in 32. It's probably best to pick it up from the singles market - here at Paizo rare Larges go for 14 - 18 dollars, elsewhere they'll be cheaper. Look to get on it shortly after release though, as it may well sell out.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

This... is kind of a bit much.

I'm already spending between $70 and $100 per month on all of my subscriptions.

I can afford to collect one or two sets of Pathfinder Minis a year. Trying to chase after a set every two months with twelve piece builder sets inbetween?

I'm not sure I can sustain it.

And yes, I know nothing is forcing me to try. But I sure would try if it was spaced apart to be manageable.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
NOG the Demoralizer wrote:

I would instantly subscribe to a one-of-everything price adjusted plan, but at the current cost to get a good chance of one of everything in a 55 mini set I need to buy over 70 duplicates which is unfortunately for me too much money to waste.

I hear the arguments of needing the commons in larger numbers (though repaints sort of take care of that), and that the randomness allows for lower price per figure to offset the bigger ones, but if there are going to be 150+ different minis a year, something has to give... this just seems unsustainable for what I imagine is the bulk of miniatures purchasers.

As an aside, based on the number of singles sellers around the net, is there any credibility to the theory that people like randomness in their purchases any more? Instead of driving me to buy more (I assume the main reason behind the scheme) it causes complete disinterest in buying anything.

Are you suggesting a subscription where you essentially just get one of each mini for something similar to the singles price? Or are you looking for something cheaper than that? Taking shattered star as an example (and using Paizo prices, since I assume subscription costs would be similar), it looks like buying one of each mini as singles would cost around $375. For $25 more, you could get that extra 70 duplicates to fill out your combats.

The purpose of randomness is not to make you buy more, it is (as you point out yourself) to reduce the per-figure cost to something more reasonable. It's fine to pick up a few specific minis that you need at singles prices, but when you're talking about getting a large number, the random cases make a lot more sense. I wouldn't say that I "like" the randomness, but I would say that I appreciate what it allows as far as cost.

Grand Lodge

My fingers are crossed for:
Cloaker(favorite aberration)

I also think hero character's for the featured/uncommon races would be cool. Some idea's for those;
Kitsune Rogue(or ninja)
Suli Ranger(or other martial class)
Aasimar Cleric(Obviously)

Sovereign Court

When is the list of figures in this set going to be release?

The Diplomat wrote:
When is the list of figures in this set going to be release?

Doesn't that happen after they do the last reveal post?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

They will start revealing the minis in this set once they release Skull and Shackles in the next week or so.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Next Friday we'll reveal a few more, then a few more, then a few more until release.

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