CrankyRWMage's page
Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 109 posts. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist.

John Compton wrote: "... which I imagine could suffer if not properly suspended with telekinesis or similar buoyancy."
"It's also worth remembering that the human brain consumes a vastly disproportionate number of calories for its size, and were that true for contemplatives, they might have to eat a staggering number of calories to sustain themselves. With an atrophied body, that means very little stomach space to digest food and a limited intestinal tract with which to absorb nutrients. In order to meet their caloric needs, they would favor nutrient rich foods interspersed with calorie-rich supplements. That might mean your average contemplative drinks meat-shakes, pops vitamin pills, and instinctively salivates over candy bars"
Given these two quotes might it be that they do the whole "brain in a jar" thing for sleeping/eating? Combine those two annoying physical activities together, let the ID take care of these "lesser" functions by sleeping in a jar full of a nutrient dense "bath"?
K-kun the Insane wrote: From what I've read, I visualize them as such:
Jarlslayer: like a hybrid of mech and powered suit such as the MEC Troopers from XCOM Enemy Within or the prototype for Mjolnir armor from the Halo anime "Prototype"
I see it like the goblin machine at the gates of the goblin city in the Labyrinth. The neck is the cockpit in which the dwarf rides so he can stare eye to eye with the hill giant he's killing.
Tarpeius wrote:
- So long as they're powered and the minimum usage strength is satisfied, they do not require the user to bear the physical burden of wearing them.
- They run on batteries.
A mech, if one is ever explicitly introduced, would likely be categorized as a vehicle.
I would add that the Powered armor has a cockpit. only one of them is med size, the rest are large or larger and they have a separate set of stats that they use, regardless of the wearer/drivers stats. hence my calling them "small" mechs.
I agree the giant mechs should be considered vehicles, I think these things are a hybrid of a vehicle and heavy armor. That's what I'm reading.
My issue is the vast number of people who think that they are just wearable armor like plate mail or something.

I need a clarification here before turn into a bloodrager.
I look at the power armor rules and I see small mechs. All but one are at least large, they have language in them with words like cockpit and weapon mounts and stats that are independent of the passenger/operator.
I read some of the Heavy armor descriptions and a lot of those sound like what I am used to calling power armor.
then I talk to other folks and it just seems like they haven't even read the descriptions, and jump to the same conclusions I might have if I hadn't actually read the book.
for example I argued with one guy today about the spider harness and he insists that this is like Doc Ock or the Iron Spider. I'm like "no Doc Oak wears a cumberbun that gives him extra arms x4 and reach. Not the same thing." (don't get me wrong, i'd F'ing love to be able to do the Iron Spider)
clearly this is a large thing which the medium sized character gets inside of. think spider the size of your car, you crawl inside and stretch out, the back six legs are for mobility and the front two are the powered arm braces with weapon mounts.
so can someone officially come out and clear up the issue. maybe explain why you chose to name things the way you did? is the spider harness a cumberbun or a mini-spider mech?
John Mechalas wrote: These make me happy.
I actually loved that game system. It's a shame they undermined their own product.
"The Starfinder Society has tasked you with a preliminary exploration of a newly discovered planet in the vast. You are to travel to the planet Volturnus and map as much of the planet as possible, before going down to get environmental samples, as well as flora and fauna. The Wayfinder's are especially interested in contacting and studying any intelligent races living on the planet. If you meet an Intelligent race, you are to make friendly contact and learn as much about them as possible.
Your group is the second expedition. the first expedition disappeared without a trace as soon as they exited the drift. The exo-guardians are interested in any information you might find about possible causes for this disappearance. If possible, you are to locate and rescue any survivors of this mission."
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Darkling36 wrote: You sit down with your Ysoki exocortex mechanic, find the rest of the party is playing sarcesians (large humanoids) and the GM has just finished drawing a map with nothing but 5' wide hallways. And the smell of cheese wafts down one corridor....
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John Mechalas wrote: ...the GM pulls out his Star Frontiers books and says, "OK! Let's get started." And here I was thinking about converting those old Volturnus modules over....
I apologize for the vague names of the aliens involved here, but I can't remember the names of the races involved and don't have the AP at hand. I'll edit this later to be clearer.
I'm also trying to be mindful of when the builder's information, versus when the beings who hid its information is being looked at. Each race would likely have different names for the device. So, for me, the "Builder's" called it:
and the "Hiders" called it the Stellar Degenerator.
this lets you do some cultural anthropology on the two races by way of inference, with one race clearly more literal and the other metaphoric in their world views.

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Well, I'm looking at Star Trek as my guide here, and I see tons of weapons and armor and force field being charged by ships, and stations and such and no fees being charged at all. The only time battery capacity comes up are those times they are on an away mission in a non-technological area (for the most part). There are ammunition weapons used in Star Trek too, but they are rare and used for very specific things.
The Problem comes from scarcity model. Is the production of energy so difficult that energy is scarce in space? Is renewable energy, such as Solar not available? I think in a space run game where people can fly to the fricking sun and live on it, that solar power would be readily available to all people. SOOOO... I can't see charging for it. I can see charging a convenience fee, or use fee if you have the only charger on the station. But the power itself? no. This is one of those areas where I'll be house-ruling this to bring my game more into Sci and less into fantasy I suppose.
This said: would solar power (or other renewables) be available in the Drift? I'm guessing not. And with trips that can take a month to complete, that battery charge be pretty worrisome. Even more so if you don't know if you can recharge once you transition back to normal space.
Android Mechanic named buil dor. Pratchett fans will get it.
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So any guess how many gamemasters are going to have to put up with a Castrovellian plant-person and a ysoki bounty-hunting Mechanic who are best buds.... Paizo what have you done!!!
The Alchemist Archetype Horticulturalist looks darn interesting too. Maybe worth a dip?
Admiral Ackbar has a couple of words of advice in this situation...
Okay, Looks like I need to talk to that guy about selling my soul. >sigh<
Trinite wrote: Man, I wonder how to stat up Radovan's ...
** spoiler omitted **
rocket surgeon, this thread brings up why I may not be using mythic in my game at all. Agreed, lots of shiny! very Awesome! is it mythic? Not really.
Now granted I think part of that can be handled by a good GM skinning things the right way, but honestly, I feel like it just adds a bit of power creep for the mini-maxers and lacks some of the true innovation I was looking for.
Best way I can describe it: "I thought I was going to see an "Inception/matrix marathon", and I actually saw "sucker punch" 5 times in a row instead."
mdt wrote: @CrankyRWMage
Sounds like Shadowrun initiative sequences. Slowest to fastest declare, fastest to slowest resolve.
Really? I actually got that from Champions. Shadowrun does that now too. My how time's change. lol.
Here's my house rule on initiative:
Like you I think more experience would mean better reaction time, but also classes that are combat driven should still be better off than non-combat focused classes. To that end I follow the normal formula + BAB.
the next thing I do is after initiative is determined we go in reverse order and announce our actions. NO ONE GOES YET. your just declaring the actions. this means if the Goblin rolled crappy and is on the bottom of the order, he announces his action first, then the people who rolled better can choose to react to that specific action.
This takes into account that everyone is trying to act at the same time, so the "slower" people don't necessarily know that they are slower until the other person parries their sword and disarms them, then headbutts them. lol.
it works well in that it allows the swifter characters to really shine. It does make saved actions a bit difficult and in some cases makes them obsolete.
Rogue goes inviso and disarms head bandit, while this is going on melee types close, cleric holds action to cast highest power cure on hostage if head bandit gets lucky vs. disarm, wiz does what he can focusing on getting hostage out of danger.
Read the emerald tablet. This is a person who is so in tune with there "isness" that they call into manifestation that which is in in harmony with their own world view.
3.5 Loyalist wrote: One six in 18 rolls? Wow. Obviously someone needs dice shaving lessons. LOL
Monk/Magus is fine. The Monk states "A monk's unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons." So unarmed can be your weapon of choice.
Only problem is you can not flurry and cast because while the Magus allows you to treat a spell as a second weapon, that weapon(spell) is not a "Special monk weapon" thus not eligible for TWF. is okay, though because you can use your arcane pool to buff the crap out of your fists, and when you get Ki you can add that too. It's nice to have the option to sling a spell from time to time too, great opener followed by flurry.
Go monk of empty hand, it lets you inflict any type of damage (blunt, slash, etc) you want later on and with a little tooling you can go Quiggong with it. Magus wise I'd go Kensai.
that's just me, YMMV
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Old school here from when the class list looked like this:
There are three (3) main classes of characters:
and the races were human, dwarf, elf, halfling.
this is how it was done for stats:
Prior to the character selection by players it is necessary for the referee to roll three six-sided dice in order to rate each as to various abilities, and thus aid them in selecting a role. Categories of ability are: Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Constitution, Dexterity, and Charisma. Each player notes his appropriate scores, obtains a similar roll of three dice to determine the number of Gold Pieces (Dice score x 10) he starts with, and then opts for a role.
NOTE: the the REFEREE rolled your stats! lol.
Anyone seen my glasses and my teeth? I left 'em round heres somwhur...
HUmmmmnnnn... Not sure a Holy gun could or would MURDER anything. Read the alignment notes under the Assassin class for better reasoning, but in short murder is the purview of evil, thus not holy.
Actually playing a Kensai Magus/Monk of the empty hand atm. It rocks!

Let's see... STR: 18 He's strong, likely always has been, so would be used to people asking him to help them move, or pick up heavy things.
Dex: 13 well, he's also graceful. maybe he took some tao-bo from billy blanks, or some yoga-bootie ballet.
Con: 15 he's very healthy, likely only gets sick when everyone has the flu. maybe he's a health food nut? You could play him like one of those narcissistic lunk heads at the gym, but his CHA is too high to be the annoying sort.
INT: 9 Okay, so he's a little slow, but not bad. Kind of like the trucker you meet at the truck stop who wants to complain about gas prices, but if you try to explain the economics of it to him he gets lost pretty quick.
WIS: 13 Okay now he's looking like a country bumpkin sort. not so educated, but lots of good common sense. maybe he'll put out bits of wisdom like "a fish in the net is better than two in the river."
CHR: 17 Very likable. okay, I'm thinking Jethro from the original beverly hillbilly's now. except he's not a klutz.
I'm thinking monk of the empty hand, Magus Kensai, Inquisitor could be Anger Inquisition I'm thinking.
Tirq wrote: I like how it sounds. 5 in each would be a slow... slow climb to power.
I think, though, that I would rather go Duelist for the last 5 instead of MT. It just would make a better melee/support character. If you take Boar Style, you can get piercing damage for your unarmed strike. which means that INT+WIS+DEX=AC... Sounds like fun.
have you ever looked at a magus/cleric/mt build? same Idea, but stacked with the Monk. Horribly slow going, but definitely looks like one of those "wait for it..." kind of things.
Duelist also focuses on sword play, and I want to focus on the Monk instead. Magus stacks with monk, but duelist would detract.
Drothmal wrote: not sure if the magus arcana can be applied to unarmed attacks....
I could see it being a fun build, though highly unoptimal
"A monk's unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons."
MAD wise it adds INT to the needed mix for Monk. Inquisitor and monk are mostly the same in stat needs.
Magus weapon will be unarmed attack. between the weapon buffs from Magus and KI he should be able to mess someone up.
Inquisitors are Wisdom heavy, so they'll mix well I think. they have their judgments, which I'll likely be using Healing judgment a lot.
yeah BaB is always a problem for monks, magus might offset that a little.
Had a crazy idea the other night, and it won't get out of my head now.
A Monk, Magus,Inquisitor build. Focus mainly on the monk, with the other two mixed in for flavor and crazy ability stuff.
Tempted to even drop in some Mystic theurge in there too, but wow ...
anyway, any advice? think it will blend? Not looking so much to optimize (although if it can be, that would be awesome too), so much as will it even survive at higher levels being that it is so split up.
Help? tips? advice?
LHC! Small Hadrons need not apply!

Think Data from star trek NG, but without the Pinocchio syndrome. imagine in a flat dead pan voice and no body language going... "i'm going to kill you." nobody would take it seriously. then you do it.... Situation bonus on the next guy you say it to, if he saw you kill the first one. Also, You can express emotion, but it's over the top, or way understated. usually not connected to what your saying. This may actually limit your ability to use rage properly.
Happler has the skills mostly right. Animals find you odd/creepy/scary and you can't know which way to act regarding them (or people for that matter). As for disguise, Disguise is also a matter of acting like the person your supposed to be. If your supposed to fit in great, except now you have no ability to relate to what "fits in." So your not believable. pretty much means you stick out as a huge sore thumb in any crowd.
rain man is a good start, but honestly, people took him for normal until they interacted a little with him. pretty much Cha: 7 IS rain man. keep that in mind next time you think of Charisma as a dump stat. (and INT: 7 is about a 70 IQ BTW, which is about 10 points inside the mentally challenged range.)
>cuts mooring line to pirate ship and slinks away trying to look like an innocent troll<
Cause no one understands me Dj. >sob!<
If I don't win the terrorists do!
<this message brought to you by Faux news!>
Gives Theos the sign Spanky gave me.
I wish everyone would realize that per RAW there is no such thing as RAW.
Was at Epikos today and talked to the owner. He says he had a Pathfinder group (not PFS) that played on Tuesday nights, but they haven't been playing because of some scheduling conflicts some of them have. the Slot is open from 6-9.
Those who could still make it might enjoy playing eh? So, I told him I'd pass the word along.
Epikos is not that far from Chattanooga really, I live in the Bonny oaks area and it's about 8 minutes away. It takes me 20 minutes to get downtown... So about 30 minutes from downtown Chattanooga?
Hope that helps.
Martin Shelby wrote: I was trying to research what stores are around Chattanooga--I've seen a couple of links mentioning store closings, but Joseph is right. Finding a store and meeting some peeps face to face is a great way to go, even if they're not playing Pathfinder currently. I see there are two groups on Meetup.com: http://www.meetup.com/Chattanooga-D-D with 40 members and http://www.meetup.com/ebrainerd-dnd with 19 members. Both should be good ways to contact people if you're not already a member. I'll be swinging down to Atlanta for three days in April (16-18) so wouldn't mind dropping by to meet you. Ever any questions feel free to ask, and if I don't know, well, then I direct you to Mike. Or just make something up.
So far as I know there are no stores in Chattanooga proper anymore. There is Comic hound in E. Ridge, Epicos in Collagedale, Dicehead in Cleveland, and B&M in Harrison.
'd be interested in checking out a game, but it would have to be in the evening.
Vargis wrote: We are set for our first Society play meet on the 24th of this month. We have a place to meet which is familiar with gamers in the area, and I hope to expand as it grows. Any helpful advice at this point will be much. Please write if you are in the area and let me know if you would like to play. I'd be interested in checking it out.
DJ-Bogie wrote: Play nice you two, you know you are made for each other.
trollin' for victory!
Zylphryx is banned for reminding me of that creepy .Gif of the dead squid that dances when you pour soy sauce on it. blech.
ShadowcatX wrote: Congratulations you're now a one dimensional comic book character. On the bright side, you never have to worry about being tied up.
I wish for the midas touch in my left hand.
Granted, the rest of your body turns to gold, starting at the left wrist and moving up...
I wish for this wish not to be granted