Sub-Creator |

The Forgotten wrote:Both. The PDF price is a issue as I'm not going to get a PDF that is more expensive then the book, but ordering from Amazon puts this out of the impulse purchase category. The MSRP is also higher than I'm willing to pay ($40-$50) but the Amazon price renders that a non-issue. I suspect that the price will hamper retail sales in the US.*shrugs* Given the fact that several people shelled out three-digit numbers for books of similar size (Slumbering Tsar and Rappan Athuk, anyone?) indicates that there is, indeed, a market for books of this size and price.
I'm in that market! Preordered mine in January! =)

silverhair2008 |

I too am part of the market for the larger compilations. I have bought the anniversary edition of Rise of the Runelords, and the three comppilations from Frog God Games (Tome of Horrors Complete, Slumbering Tsar, Rappan Athuk). While I do not have an inexhaustible source of funds These types of books actaully reduce my gamimg expenses by making me choose wisely.
Just my 2 cp.

Evil Lincoln |

PDF price is higher than the physical price from Amazon. I think I'll let amazon get it in stock, then do an order.
Note to Paizo: the high price of his product is an issue.
That might make sense if they hadn't put the extra effort into making it an interactive maps PDF. For some users, such products are worth more than the physical product.

PhineasGage |

I poured through the comments section, but maybe I missed it. Has there been any word on whether there will be a pdf map pack associated specifically with the anniversary edition?
I don't have a current AP subscription (cause our group had no interest in pirates) and I'm going to be picking up the hardcover at Paizocon. Our group uses a projector/mirror combo for gaming maps on the table and so having a pdf of all the maps becomes really vital. I ask because I've read that there will be a few new maps included in this edition and while I want a pdf of those, I'd rather not have to purchase the full pdf of the entire book at full price just to get them.

Chris Lambertz |

I poured through the comments section, but maybe I missed it. Has there been any word on whether there will be a pdf map pack associated specifically with the anniversary edition?
I don't have a current AP subscription (cause our group had no interest in pirates) and I'm going to be picking up the hardcover at Paizocon. Our group uses a projector/mirror combo for gaming maps on the table and so having a pdf of all the maps becomes really vital. I ask because I've read that there will be a few new maps included in this edition and while I want a pdf of those, I'd rather not have to purchase the full pdf of the entire book at full price just to get them.
There will be an Interactive Maps pdf in the package if you purchase the PDF version. There is a flip mat that is used in the adventure also. We will not be selling the Interactive Maps as an individual product, however.

Sniggevert |

Hmm...it seems like maybe I should just get the pdf copy then.
Although I much prefer having the dead tree version.
Decisions, decisions...
Regardless, thanks for the prompt reply!
Have you considered subscribing to the AP for the month of July? Even two AP issues at $13.99 is going to be cheaper than buying the deadtree and PDF separately... You'd also get a discount on the deadtree version.
Just an option to throw in there ;).

PhineasGage |

Have you considered subscribing to the AP for the month of July? Even two AP issues at $13.99 is going to be cheaper than buying the deadtree and PDF separately... You'd also get a discount on the deadtree version.Just an option to throw in there ;).
Yeah. It's either that, or just the pdf only. I was hoping to purchase the book at PaizoCon, but I might just have sub and wait if I want both.
It would be a no-brainer for me if I could subscribe and get the beginning of the Shattered Star, but a one off in the middle of an AP (book 3 or 4 I think) I likely won't play...not so sure about it.

PhineasGage |

You might consider subscribing to the AP and asking to pick up your order at PaizoCon.
Well, I just today put all this together when I was thinking about running the game in August, and unfortunately that ship has sailed.
From the email sent by Paizo:
"Just visit your My Subscriptions page before 11 AM Pacific Time on Tuesday, June 26, and select "Yes, I'll pick up my subscription products at PaizoCon 2012." Shortly before the show, we'll charge your credit card and, where appropriate, give you access to the corresponding PDF."
But I really appreciate all the suggestions. I love the paizo.com community!

Sniggevert |

silverhair2008 wrote:@PhineasGage,
You might consider subscribing to the AP and asking to pick up your order at PaizoCon.Well, I just today put all this together when I was thinking about running the game in August, and unfortunately that ship has sailed.
From the email sent by Paizo:
"Just visit your My Subscriptions page before 11 AM Pacific Time on Tuesday, June 26, and select "Yes, I'll pick up my subscription products at PaizoCon 2012." Shortly before the show, we'll charge your credit card and, where appropriate, give you access to the corresponding PDF."
But I really appreciate all the suggestions. I love the paizo.com community!
Psst...if you drop a line to customer service they may put you in line to do so anyways. They helped a couple of folks yesterday with this same issue ;)
EDIT:And yes, my mantra is sell, sell, sell =)

rpewin01 |
I haven't read through the thread so some of these questions may seem basic but here goes. I am DM'ing for the first time and want to run Rise of the Runelords. Our first session is on July 8 and then next one is July 22. Another player gave me an old copy of the first part that I was planning on using until I could get the anniversary edition.
1. Is there any reason not to begin with the original adventure and then move over as soon as I get the new edition?
2. My biggest concern is that I want the ability to have large maps to use for minis without any DM-only information. What do I need to do to accomplish that? Order the book, the PDF, both, or some other product? Do I need to go to a copy store to have them blow up the maps? If so, can I only do that with the PDFs then?

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1) Shouldn't be to hard I imagine. I doubt they change to much with the first part in town, other than updating the stuff from 3.5 to pathfinder.
2) The PDF comes with interactive maps, where you can turn off things to make the maps more player friendly. As far as enlarging them enough to print out and use for mini's I have no clue how hard or easy that would be.

Steve Geddes |

No, but there are some perks if you're quick:
"The Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition is not part of any subscription, but Pathfinder Adventure Path subscribers who preorder this book will receive a free PDF edition of this book when the print edition ships. (Note that you will need to have an active AP subscription at the time the Anniversary Edition ships in order to receive the PDF for free.)"

Fuzrum |

No, but there are some perks if you're quick:
"The Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition is not part of any subscription, but Pathfinder Adventure Path subscribers who preorder this book will receive a free PDF edition of this book when the print edition ships. (Note that you will need to have an active AP subscription at the time the Anniversary Edition ships in order to receive the PDF for free.)"
Thanks! :)

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So, I hope it hasn't been asked before (and if it has, sorry to ask again but soooo many posts it's hard to read them all) but is the Player's Guide updated/included and will a free version of the Players Guide PDF be available if it is updated? Is it even necessary to update?
IIRC, yes, there will be a PDF Players Guide available (soon, I hope), but there will not be a print version.

Chris Lambertz |

So, I hope it hasn't been asked before (and if it has, sorry to ask again but soooo many posts it's hard to read them all) but is the Player's Guide updated/included and will a free version of the Players Guide PDF be available if it is updated? Is it even necessary to update?
Yes, there will be an Anniversary Edition of the Player's Guide. Stay tuned for when it will release :)

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

To add to this question, this Player's Guide will be quite different from the original Player's Guide, since the original also conveniently doubled as an easy primer to Golarion. This one is more streamlined, but it gives non-spoilery advice for good character choices and gives an overview of the region where the campaign takes place.

Peanuts |

Gorbacz wrote:Why oh why is shipping overseas so cruel? I can't afford 3 Paizo HC's over 3 months! /sadpandafaceSeriously? How about Rappan Athuk completing its Kickstarter on June 2nd?
Whaddya mean by "not signed for it yet"?
and then there's the mini's in August... It's an expensive time to be a fan.

Troy Loney |
My order from amazon has not been cancelled. It does say however a Jan.2013 delivery date. Has anyone preordered the Rise of the Runelords Annv. Edition and it has not been cancelled?
I assume if my preorder has not been cancelled I should still receive around July 8.
If you order from paizo right now when would you receive the book?

Troy Loney |
Troy Loney wrote:I assume if my preorder has not been cancelled I should still receive around July 8.Since the release date is listed as July 18th, I don't think you would get it before then.
It originally had a expected delivery date of July 8, for the preorder date on amazon. Where did you get July 18 for the date?
Also, if I order directly from Paizo when I would receive the ROTRL Anniversary Hardcover book? I might just cancel my preorder if I have to wait more then 1 month.

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Why dont the paizo staff, start a KICK-STARTER, for a leatherbound Pathfinder rulebook, like they made for D&D 3.5.
IMO established companies doing kickstarters totally rub me the wrong way. " we are asking for money upfront to fund something we are going to charge for and make more money on."

ShadowFighter88 |
chavamana wrote:Troy Loney wrote:I assume if my preorder has not been cancelled I should still receive around July 8.Since the release date is listed as July 18th, I don't think you would get it before then.It originally had a expected delivery date of July 8, for the preorder date on amazon. Where did you get July 18 for the date?
Also, if I order directly from Paizo when I would receive the ROTRL Anniversary Hardcover book? I might just cancel my preorder if I have to wait more then 1 month.
July 18th is up next to the prices on this page. Just scroll up.

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chavamana wrote:Troy Loney wrote:I assume if my preorder has not been cancelled I should still receive around July 8.Since the release date is listed as July 18th, I don't think you would get it before then.It originally had a expected delivery date of July 8, for the preorder date on amazon. Where did you get July 18 for the date?
Also, if I order directly from Paizo when I would receive the ROTRL Anniversary Hardcover book? I might just cancel my preorder if I have to wait more then 1 month.
I looked this up in the FAQ, but didn't find anything that directly addressed this issue. My hunch is that if you preorder through Paizo, your timeline will be similar to what I mentioned above: you should receive your copy sometime during the week ending July 20th. Worst case scenario, your order doesn't go through until July 18th and you don't receive your copy until the week after that (assuming you live in the US).
As with everything in life, there are pluses and minuses. Ordering through Amazon allows you to acquire the product at a cheaper price, but you will receive it later than ordering through Paizo.
Ultimately, do what is best for you: if money is important, order from Amazon. If time is important, order from Paizo.

TwoWolves |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The Forgotten wrote:I'm anxiously awaiting your "Amazon fumbled my order, Paizo please do soemthing about it" thread :)bugleyman wrote:Both. The PDF price is a issue as I'm not going to get a PDF that is more expensive then the book, but ordering from Amazon puts this out of the impulse purchase category. The MSRP is also higher than I'm willing to pay ($40-$50) but the Amazon price renders that a non-issue. I suspect that the price will hamper retail sales in the US.The Forgotten wrote:PDF price is higher than the physical price from Amazon. I think I'll let amazon get it in stock, then do an order.
Note to Paizo: the high price of his product is an issue.
For the print copy, or the PDF?
The print copy at least seems fine to me.
But but but that's a Totally jerky thing to say *sniff sniff*. People like you (and me) give this community a bad name!

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IMO established companies doing kickstarters totally rub me the wrong way. " we are asking for money upfront to fund something we are going to charge for and make more money on."
How is this different from a pre-order? Keep in mind that plenty of companies charge for pre-orders when they are made.

Midnight_Angel |

How is this different from a pre-order? Keep in mind that plenty of companies charge for pre-orders when they are made.
On a pre-order, the vendor tells me I will get my stuff WHEN it comes out. Cancellation is unlikely,On a Kickstarter, the vendor tells me I will get my stuff IF it comes out. Cancellation (as in, failed to fund) is definitely possible.

Steve Geddes |

TriOmegaZero wrote:How is this different from a pre-order? Keep in mind that plenty of companies charge for pre-orders when they are made.Hmm...
On a pre-order, the vendor tells me I will get my stuff WHEN it comes out. Cancellation is unlikely,
On a Kickstarter, the vendor tells me I will get my stuff IF it comes out. Cancellation (as in, failed to fund) is definitely possible.
Only for a product you otherwise would never have seen.
Established companies don't need kickstarter to raise capital - that's not the only use for it though. One big advantage of kickstarter is that different customers can price your product for themselves differently. Look at rappan athuk - some of the big backers are effectively paying several hundred dollars for a nice cover - that would be extremely risky to try and pull off with traditional sales methods. You may overestimate the demand for leather books and lose a chunk of money or underestimate and miss out on the opportunity. Kickstarter lets you know ahead of time how many such collectors there are and utilize that cohort of customers to drive down the unit cost for the "no frills" customers.

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If you preorder this from us, it should ship sometime next week. How long it takes in transit would depend on how far away you are and what shipping method you choose—if you put it in your cart and start the checkout process, you'll be given specific estimates on time and cost before you commit to purchasing.

Oni_NZ |

Only for a product you otherwise would never have seen.
Established companies don't need kickstarter to raise capital - that's not the only use for it though. One big advantage of kickstarter is that different customers can price your product for themselves differently. Look at rappan athuk - some of the big backers are effectively paying several hundred dollars for a nice cover - that would be extremely risky to try and pull off with traditional sales methods. You may overestimate the demand for leather books and lose a chunk of money or underestimate and miss out on the opportunity. Kickstarter lets you know ahead of time how many such collectors there are and utilize that cohort of customers to drive down the unit cost for the "no frills" customers.
Another example is Steve Jackson Games and their Kickstarter for Ogre. They where always going to release it, but by using Kickstarter they've massively increased the awesomeness in the final product, as well as boosting the print run. And because of the success of Ogre (and it being one of their stretch goals) they'll be doing similar for Car Wars next year.

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Dangit! My players are going to end up in Jorgenfist on the 15th. I was hoping the PDF would drop by then for the PFRPG'd stat blocks and polish. :(
Very excited. though!! This adventure path certainly was the gateway drug for me into Paizo products right after the Dragon/Dungeon fiasco. I've already cleared out a place of honor on one of the bookshelves next to the Shackled City hardback. :)

jwood314 |

Another huge benefit of Kickstarter is that it allows for risk mitigation. I want copmanties that I enjoy purchasing/consuming material from to stick around for a long time. If by using Kickstarter, they are able to offer products that woulnd't be normally offered, and added cool stuff to it, then by all means, go for it. Example of the MMO recently kickstarted, the goodies got me to bid much higher thatn I thought, because the goodies were awesome, and it will help them start a cool MMORPG. Darn kickstarter and their ever increasing goodies. My two cents.

Brian E. Harris |

Why dont the paizo staff, start a KICK-STARTER, for a leatherbound Pathfinder rulebook, like they made for D&D 3.5.
I would prefer to see something like this (and by this I mean the "deluxe" edition of the RPG, not a Kickstarter) when it seems that the last of the errata has been worked out.
It'd really suck to have 3 or 4 subsequent printings that are more up-to-date than the awesome leatherbound book.
Maybe at the 5 year anniversary of the RPG in 2014? At a minimum.