I'm considering that. But straight zen archer may by itself make me the most powerful character in the party, and the ranger levels kind of fit my concept. Favored Terrain underground fits his style. And in his background he was a scout for an elite dwarves military unit, but missed a trap and his most his unit died as a result of a cloaker ambush. Hence favored enemy aberration. I figured even though it's a power downgrade, I could make up some of the ground by grabbing an extra feat, picking up clustered shot, vital strike, or the. Snap shot chain quicker, and getting a FE bonus every now and then. ![]()
New campaign time! Going to be playing shattered star. My concept is a bow using dwarf scout who spent most of his life spelunking through dark caves and ancient dungeons. Going mostly zen archer because I've always wanted to play one. The ranger (trapper) levels are for trapfinding, as I'm taking that role in the group and it fits my concept. Likely at least three levels along the way to get favored terrain (underground), and get some of the BAB feats quicker. Shattered Star figures to have a fair amount of traps being an old-school dungeon crawl. The rest of the group is a warpriest (no armor, unarmed strike), a samurai, an inquisitor, and a wizard. Stats are 15, 14, 14, 13, 12, 10 to place anywhere I want, pre-racial. This is a group of experienced gamers shooting for mild optimization (I know how to make a zen archer wrecking machine if I wanted). So while I realize straight ranger or zen archer may be better, im mostly ok mixing them. I'm trying to get an idea for how to sort my feats through the levels, and not have much waste. Would also be nice to fit in some character concept feats not directly combat related. One house rule: DM allows feat retraining at 4th, 8th, and 12th. Also, the monk has a one-step increase in unarmed damage at the expense of a low Fort save. I have lots of ideas: vital strike and greater vital strike at mid levels (can get fun with increased unarmed, improved natural attack from ranger if I want, and potions of enlarge person; also looking at snap shot and improved snap shot. Can anyone throw out suggestions for when to take various levels, feats, traits, etc.? I'm starting at second level with 4k to spend. Thanks for any ideas! ![]()
Hi all, I'm currently running a halfling dawnflower dervish bard in Skull and Shackles. Level 3, going to level 4 next session. I have STR 9, Dex 18, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 9, CHA 15. I want to be a very swashbuckling pirate, and would like to be a switch hitter. Guns may be found, but no archetypes or classes that grant gunslinging automatically. So far my feats are arcane strike, deadly aim, and dervish dance. Right now I was thinking of taking two levels of Lore Warden at level 5 (to pick up quick draw and rapid reload), and level 9 (to pick up moonlight stalker after getting blind fight at level 7, and an int belt plus the 8th level INT increase). I'm not sure however if this is the best method to be good with both a ranged weapon and sword (more concerned with range). Or maybe other classes would be better to get some of the cool feats I want. I've also thought about going battle herald, but it would change up my feats some, and not sure overall I'm better off. Being the only bard in the party, it would be nice to help out my teammates as much as possible. What does the community think? ![]()
We have three martial melee characters (rogue, Barb, and dawnflower dervish bard), and a bunch of casters. One area we don't have a lot of is ranged, beside sorceror blasting. As to summoning, we have 7 players. Summoning is fine, but with 7 people and a fairly new player being a prepared caster using summons, we just have to be careful to make the turns go reasonably quickly. ![]()
I am playing a heavens oracle who went into the veiled illusionist prestige class. Very much caster-oriented, but the extra wizard illusion spells combo nicely with a heavens oracle, the class abilities are cool and useful, and the combination of clerical and wizard spells makes for a great controller/healer/buffer. ![]()
I'm starting to realize I may need more stats than I have. I want to be sneaky and mobile, prefer light armor, and I'm looking for a nice wisdom to combine with the heretic archetype and either heresy or conversion inquisition to be good at face skills. If I want to accomplish those mechanics and flavor, I feel like I need to prioritize dex and wis. Since there aren't really enough stats to make str viable, that's why I feel like I need to make Dex pull its weight. I'm thinking Dervish Dance is the only way to make that work. Perhaps I'm better off playing a bard than trying to make an inquisitor like a bard.... But, I've been dying to play an inquisitor for a long time (there's always future campaigns). ![]()
Getting ready to start Skull and Shackles, and after much deliberation I am fairly sold on the Inquisitor class. I also love the Heretic archetype. Even if suboptimal, the escape judgment to use a move action to create a diversion to hide sounds really neat. I have ideas of being a good face, decent with spells, and (when the situation calls for) switching back and forth between melee and ranged sniping. My main concern is how to make the build, particularly for melee. Stats are 16, 14, 13, 12, 11, 9 to place anywhere I want. It seems like going Dex and Wis is the best way to go. Ranged should be taken care of with Dex, and maybe a feat or two. Melee is where I am struggling most. I am thinking a Scimitar with Dervish Dance, but that won't come online until level 3 at the earliest and eats two feats. An agile Elven Curved Blade would be cool, but that requires a feat as well, to play a Tengu, or to multiclass. With the curved blade I am considering whether it is worth it to give enough STR for power attack. As for races, most races are allowed. I was leaning towards Undine for the swim speed, but Tengu has a lot of great stuff (minus the Con penalty), I love the defensive properties of Dwarves, and the extra skill and feat of a human is always great. Help me make a playable character from levels 1-10 without huge gaps of dead levels. I'm also thinking a rogue dip and/or levels in Grey Gardener may be good for SA and free Vital Strike. Thoughts? ![]()
I'm not sure long distance sniper gives me everything I need. I imagine on a ship there will be plenty of combats in which I can't just out-distance everything. Ninja/shadow dancer does a lot of what I am looking for, but it seems more tailored to having several attacks. Inquisitor is better suited to one big hit, and so is ranger with vital strike and other feats. ![]()
I like everything about the ranger, except I can't figure out how to reliably stay hidden while sniping. Basically I want a character that can do all the skill stuff Skull and Sheckles will require, but be able to contribute in combat somewhat by staying hidden and plucking a crossbow. Not sure how often it comes up, but it seems cool to be able to shoot someone on the deck of an opposing ship as it closes. ![]()
I am trying to build a sniper character for Skull and Shackles. Because of the campaign, I am placing strong emphasis on skills, meaning the crossbow fighter is likely out. I am leaning towards one fairly big shot a round. And, it is necessary that the character be reasonably capable throughout his life. Options include the crossbow ranger, some sort of rogue/ninja, and the inquisitor (unless there are others I am missing). The inquisitor gives me the heresy arcehtype which helps with skills and sniping, but the ranger gives more feats, and useful spells (gravity bow, aspect of the falcon, named bullet, etc.). What are the pros and cons of the different options, and which do you think would be the most fun and useful in a pirate campaign? ![]()
I posted a thread a few days ago about a concept you may enjoy. I played him the first time the weekend and, though it was only a few hours, I had a blast and see a lot of potential. Take Oracle to 5th level, and then take the Veiled Illusionist prestige class. You get full Oracle progression, and the ability to add other wizard illusion spells to your class list. You will find spells known to be scarce, but I had enough to pick up one staple illusion spell at each level (and much better ones than the Oracle of Heavens can get otherwise), the cures, and at least one staple divine spell. I found knowing less spells each level (you lose the mystery bonus spells) and losing on the revelations (none I Plus, as a veiled illusionist, you get a lot of other neat tricks. Check it out. ![]()
Mystically Inclined wrote:
I actually was playing an Alchemist but am changing because I found the bombs repetitive and the use of extracts/infusions unsatisfying. I want to provide clerical support with battlefield control. Illusions seems neat way of providing control, and I've never seen one played at a table. I don't plan on getting the image spells. My plan is to focus on the pattern spells to take advantage of the Oracle revelation, and then various defensive spells like mirror image, displacement, and greater invisibility. And then offensive spells like shadow conjuration and evocation. My biggest problem is now that I have built him, there just doesn't seem to be much room for clerical spells because of so few spells known. At 9th level I have shadow conjuration and g. invisibility or rainbow pattern. No cleric spells. For third I have loathsome veil, borrow fortune, and dispel magic. ![]()
I need to build a 9th level character using a starting array of 16, 14, 13, 12, 12, 11, and 41k in items. I am interested in building a character that has a mix of healing and divine spells, along with battlefield control. My current idea is to build a heavens oracle, going into veiled illusionist at 6th level. Does anyone have suggestions for feats, spells, and skill allocations? I am also debating race. The overall idea is a sneaky, tricky illusionist. Playing a gnome looks appealing, but so does human for spells known, and extra feats. Current feats I'm considering are Extra Arcana, Secret Signs, Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus, Eldritch Heritage (Arcana) for working towards more wizard spells, Spell Focus (Arcana), and Improved Initiative. Illusion spells I would like to get off the wizard list include Mirror Image, Invisibility, Displacement, Loathsome Veil, Rainbow Pattern, Shadow Conjuration, and Greater Invisibility. But, spending all my resources for these spells do not get me much from the divine side other than cures, Resist Energy, and a few others. We have one other battle cleric for divine spells, and a magus, bard, DD, and arcane trickster on the wizard side. I am looking at having a high UMD, so what wizard spells and divine spells should I look for as wands or scrolls to round out the concept? ![]()
Chris P. Bacon wrote:
How did you overcome the size limitations of a Lore Warden to grapple Huge creatures. I know the size does not prevent grapple, but it limits you in the number of options you could take. Certain cool grappling abilities, like grab, constrict, chokehold, etc. require the same size or only one size larger. It seems Wild Shape is the best way to overcome size problems, and also get grab and constrict, but then I'm not sure what the best mix of Druid, Monk, and Lore Warden levels are. ![]()
Thanks all. Also, given that the group has seven players, I am trying to stay away from anything that has an extra set of actions (animal companions, eidolon, etc.) and any summoning spells. The Druid still seems promising because I can choose a domain and just avoid SNA spells, and with the Summoner I could maybe do a synthesist with defensive evolutions, focus on control and buffs with spells, and just ignore SM. ![]()
I am not opposed to dealing damage, but its not something the party really needs and I sometimes find pure damage builds boring if they aren't really interesting in some way. I also love the Inquisitor class, but I am not sure if I can make it viable with the current group and my goals (perhaps an inquisitor archer if effective and doable). ![]()
I just switched from DM to PC in an ongoing Rise of the Runelords game. I have been playing an alchemist focused on control bombs for the past few sessions, but the general playstyle doesn't really suit my taste. Other than a few bombs, I am having trouble developing an identity for what my character should be good at. I am thinking of building another character. Level 8 with predetermined rolls (16, 14, 13, 12, 12, 11). Group consist of an arcane trickster, melee focused dragon disciple, bard, battle cleric, magus, and flame oracle. My preference would be to focus on battlefield control, buffing/debuffing, and possibly dispelling. The party has plenty of damage, ranged and melee. A full arcane caster is out of the question, though interesting multiclasses would be considered (As a DM I placed a strong emphasis on no full casters, and not only would playing one now contradict that, but it would outshine the other arcane casters). Thoughts include Sandman Bard, Magician Bard, Tetori Monk, Mystic Theurge, or a Synthesist Summoner with a casting/defensive focus. I am open to suggestions. I just want something that fills a need in the group (to the extent there is one), is fun to play with lots of flexibility, and is slightly different from the norm. ![]()
blackbloodtroll wrote: I am doing something similar. See here. Lots of good ideas there. Does the grey gardener prestige class affect your build in any way? I said grey disciple earlier, but meant the grey gardener. How important do you think Enforcer is at first level? There are so many feats I need, and Nightmare Weaver accomplishes a similar effect if I can get a reliable way of casting darkness often. I guess a wand, or are there any races that give multiple darknesses without eating up a bunch of feats? Possible feats include:
Think I should go two-weapon fighting? That requires a feat or a dip into Monk? My toughest decision is whether to stack sneak attack die or not. The grey gardener gets extra sneak attack, but I don't know whether to view those as a nice cherry on top (1d6 at 5th CL, 2d6 at 9th CL, etc.), or whether to dip for another die or two, really make use of the sap master feats, and try to pick up an extra feat along the way, all while delaying my inquisitor abilities. I see the potential for multiple attacks while stacking on bane, sneak attack, sap master, knockout artist (+1 damage), and nightmare fist (+4 damage if shaken while in darkness), and judgments, but I'm worried this wont come together well until late in my build. ![]()
I am getting ready to play Skull & Shackles soon and am debating between two character concepts. My general goal is to mix stealthiness, spell casting, and face skills, and be able to lock down an opponent and take them out rather quickly. Rest of the party is not set in stone, but mostly martial with a ninja and maybe an oracle. I know there is a lack of arcane casting, but I am playing a wizard now so don't want to go full arcane. Stats will be rolled, featured races allowed (plus Samsaran and some other uncommon races). My first idea is a sandman bard. What this thread is about, however, is an unarmed martial character. I really like the Grey Disciple prestige class. If you dont have Paths of Prestige, it is a 3/4 divine caster progression, sneak attack every three levels, progression of judgments and bane. I also really like the idea of using Darkness and the Nightmare Fist/Weaver/Shatter Defenses feats possibly combined with Knockout Artist and Sap Master/Sap Adept. I am thinking Inquisitor because it flows well into Grey Disciple. Plus, with the right inquisitions and archetypes I can max face skills with a low CHA. But, my concept seems very feat-heavy, and I am not sure what mix of race and class levels would work best. A dip into monk seems useful, but I guess I could get around it by worshipping a diety that gives me improved unarmed strike. Some rogue levels look good to stack sneak attack damage, but every level delays grey disciple and inquisitor benefits. I can get into grey disciple with 4 levels of inquisitor, but not going fifth level means I lose bane. I get bane again at third level of grey disciple so its not a total loss, but means CL 8th. Also, what are good ways to cast darkness regularly? A drow with Greater Drown Nobility can do it at will, but that is two more feats and a race with no bonus to wisdom. Please give me thoughts on how to build this to be reasonably effective and fun at all levels of play (doesn't need to be super optimized to do damage). ![]()
Is there anyway I can get my intelligence modifier to hit? I am currently a seventh level gnome wizard with a high intelligence, good con, moderate dex, and low strength. I am thinking of going eldritch knight for fun. My feat selections focus on summoning and are not optimal at all for an eldritch knight, so I was trying to figure out a good way to contribute in combat. Focused Shot and/or Kirin Strike would let me add Int and double Int to damage (do they stack for triple Int to damage?), but I am worried I will miss more often than I hit. Any way to use my intelligence modifier to hit? ![]()
I am debating whether to take my character Eldritch Knight mostly to give me some more versatility and fun. I am stuck with some of the choices I have made so far, so I know this won't be the most optimal. I am currently seventh level, and can retrain one feat at 8th level. Especially since my focus has been on summoning so far. Gnome Wizard7: S(10), Dex(14), Con(16), Int (18), Wis(13), Cha(11). Feats: Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augment Summoning, Superior Summoning (probably what I would retrain at 8th level because I will already be one spell level behind the curve on summoning), Craft Wonderous Item, Academy Graduate (from CotC lets me summon as a standard action), and Greater Spell Focus Conjuration (another one I regret if I go Eldritch Knight). My gear is basically from scratch with around 10k, plus I have a ring of evasion. I don't mind losing some power for fun and versatility, but not sure I can salvage a worthwhile EK out of this. I like Ranger because it ups my reflex saves (making evasion more useful), though Fighter and Urban Barbarian also look useful. How would you build this? What would you focus on? What would you use for armor? P.S. All this may become moot when the Hellknight signifier prestige class (an armored spellcaster) comes out on Aug. 16, which is before my next session. ![]()
My opinion is somewhat influenced by a DM who hates save or suck spells. All the tough guys tend to magically always make their save unless the guy is close to dying anyway. I played a human, and put more into Con than Dex because I like hit points and think Fortitude saves or more important than Reflex. My first two feats were Spell Focus conjuration and Augment Summoning. I know some people say to wait, but I found by second level, with the conjuration specialty boost I could summon a riding dog for three rounds, which was really useful. Third level was superior summoning. This let me get a fair number of riding dogs out for several rounds. And with spell focus conjuration, I could be fairly effective with Create Pit and Glitterdust as well. Fifth level was Craft Wonderous Item because being able to craft cheap pearls of powers, cloaks of protection, and headbands of intellect is great. Especially in my campaign where we are behind the WBL curve. The other 5th level feat was Greater Spell Focus conjuration. This is the only one I regret taking. It made my stinking clouds and pits pretty effective, but I dont think the extra +1 to saves has made a big difference. Most of my focus is on spells that dont have a save, or spells that have a good effect regardless of a save (putting a pit in front of a door has saved the party from being overwhelmed many times). If I could do it over again, I would probably take improved iniative. 7th level was a feat from Curse of the Crimson Throne called Academy Graduate, which lets me summon as a standard action. Last week was the first time at 7th level, but I got cornered by two bad guys who were immune to a lot of spells and had high damage reduction(while the rest of the party was dealing with one) and hordes of lantern archons saved the day. The very next fight was with a giant water creature that grappled our two damage dealers and nobody else could reach it, and celestial smiting crocodiles was the only reason anybody survived. This character has been highly effective and fun. My next few feats are probably improved iniative and spell penetration. Last piece of advice is make liberal use of the Scribe Scroll ability. At low levels it was a cheap way of spamming more spells, using spells that werent caster level dependent or were effective even with saves (Create Pit, Grease, Glitterdust, Scorching Ray). At the middle levels, I always make sure to have scrolls of spells I don't often need, but hate not having when I need them. Finally, opinions differ, but I took Arcane Bond over a familiar. I didn't want to use my familiar to effectively give me more actions and marginalize the rest of the group (which is hard enough to avoid with a summoning focus), and I love the extra spell and flexibility it gives you with a big spellbook. ![]()
Not sure if this is the best forum, but here goes. Ran my second session of Runelords yesterday and I used the interactive maps PDF to print out the maps for the areas the characters explored. I went to Kinkos and had them blown up to 1" squares, and then put a sheet of plexiglass over the maps so we could still mark on them, move minis without tearing paper, etc. The only problem is that I need to cover up the unexplored areas with something I can quickly remove to reveal the room when they get there. Yesterday I did that by taping pieces of paper over each room that I could peel back when the characters entered or looked into that room. This took some prep time, but no more than drawing each room on a battlemat during the session. The two problems I ran into were: 1. In one dungeon that was a few large rooms connected by long and twisting hallways, the paper I cut out was shaped to the room, so it was obvious to the players whether there was a hallway or room behind a door. I could try and solve this by using larger pieces of paper for a hallway, but it starts to become difficult depending on layout. 2. The taped paper just doesnt look very nice. The players liked it when everything was revealed and the map looked really nice, but before then it is just a bunch of pieces of paper of random sizes taped to plexiglass. Anyone have any ideas for how I can improve this? ![]()
I am running my second session of Runelords tomorrow (only my 2nd time Dm'ing ever) and one of my players has requested background music, and I am a big fan of background music too. I have a Iphone and Speakers, but am lost on what music to play or how to get it. Can anyone give me any advice on what I should do? Our session normally runs 7-8 hours, and I expect them to go through the Catacombs, the forest outside Thistletop and at least part of Thistletop. Ideally, I would have enough music for each scene to loop without it being too repetitive: 1. Sandpoint -- basic background town music;
Dennis Baker wrote:
You always limit them to a standard action, or just on their first turn? Specifically I was planning on summoning multiple Aurochs to use their stampede ability (which is a full-attack action). I want to take the feat so they can do so first round of combat. ![]()
If a character has an ability to cast SM or SNA as a standard action (in this case, the feat Academae Graduate, but could also be Sacred Summons or the Summoner Class SLA), do his summoned monsters still get the opportunity to take full-attack actions that turn? The Summon Monster spell says the monster appears and acts immediately, but my DM is questioning whether the monster can only take as many actions as the summoner would have remaning between the end of his spell and the end of his initiative. ![]()
Deidre Tiriel wrote: you could take broodmaster archetype (Ultimate Magic) and get two lesser eidolons, instead of one "overpowered" one. I already think the group is as large as it should be with 6 PCs, so anything that adds extra characters beyond my eidolon is out. So no broodmaster or master summoner. Only reason I went summoner over straight wizard is because our group had a need front-line fighters/tanks. Synthesist is a possibility, but I get bored just trading attacks every round and a regular summoner gives me the option to do other fun/useful stuff while my eidolon attacks. ![]()
I played a summoner for the first time last session. DM allows me to change anything I want for the second session, provided I stay in class. I am a 6th level Half-Elf summoner. I went with a serpent build focusing on one bite with grab and constrict (and feats and evolutions to improve the damage of the bite). I am struggling to figure out how to play my summoner and, by extension, what feats to take. I like having different options at my disposal. So I would like to hear from people with experience: how have you played your summoner, what feats have you taken, and what was the best balance of effective and fun? BTW, I think the pounce eidolon is out, as my DM already expressed concern about my eidolon being overpowered doing 25-30 on hit with constrict, so anything that increases that would scare him even more. ![]()
Mercurial -- what do you think of using the Pathfinder Savant to get wands at caster level? Are there enough wands to be worth it? The one level of Eidolon progression doesn't seem to hurt too much, but I am more concerned about the two feat tax. That would prevent me from taking Spell Focus: Enchantment or Conjuration. I'd like a more casty-based summoner, but I can't decide if I am better off getting that through more wand utility (which would then let me drop CHA lower and increase DEX and/or CON), or making the spells I have better (with higher CHA and Spell Focus feats), and relying solely on SLA and wands without caster level effects or saves for other stuff to do. ![]()
I asked this in another thread, but thought I might get more responses with its own thread. I need to settle on a character for tomorrow morning. I have decided on a 6th level summoner in a group with a witch, ranger, cleric, oracle, and rogue. My idea for my summoner is to use UMD with wands to support the party. I have found several wands that are useful in combat but not caster level or DC dependent: ill omen, saving finale, true strike, liberating command, blistering invective (if I build for Intimidate). This would be on top of normal summoner spells like haste, enlarge person, etc. My DM has given me the option to take a feat that will progress my Eidolon for three levels if I multiclass up to 4 levels (similar to other companion feats but less powered because Eidolon is stronger). So I am thinking of taking four levels of the Pathfinder Savant PrC to get the ability to use wands at my own caster level, thus greatly expanding the usefuleness of wands (but not the wands that allow a save). Is this a good tradeoff? Are there that many wands that do not allow a save, but are caster level dependent, that make up for the drawbacks? If so, are they good enough to make me noticeably better than just focusing on the wands that are not caster level dependent and do not allow a save (such as enervation when I get higher levels)? The drawbacks are: one level of spell progression, one level of Eidolon progression, 4 levels of D6 v. D8, and two feats (Magical Aptitude and the house-ruled Eidolon progression feat). ![]()
So I was talking with my DM about the fact that I want to be a wand specialist, but that I will always be limited by the caster level and DC of wands. We then talked about the Pathfinder Savant class, which at third level can let you treat your character level as caster level for scrolls and wands. I told him I was interested in the class, but hated losing my eidolon progression. He then said because other companion had feats to allow for up to 4 levels of progression when mutlticlassing, he would allow me to take a feat to get 3/4 levels (+1, +2, +2, +3). Do you think this is a good trade-off? At the cost of two feats (Eidolon feat and Magical Aptitude), one level of spells and one level of Eidolon progression, and 3 or 4 levels of d6 HD v. d8, I will gain 3 spells from any class of a level I can cast, and the ability to use wands and scrolls at my caster level. This seems like a good trade-off, but I havent looked at the number of wands that are caster-level dependent, but not DC based (because I wont get enhanced DCs). There might be enough wands that require neither (Saving Finale, Gallant Inspiration, Ill Omen, True Strike, Liberating Command, etc.) that I may have enough to do without needing the extra wands. What do you think? ![]()
What are the good spells that allow a save that you find yourself using. I am just leery of focusing on those spells because even with a Wizard 20 with Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus I was finding my spells only 50-60% effective on more than mooks, so I am doubtful I can be very effective with the lower spells of a summoner. ![]()
I dont see anywhere where Wild Caller modified or removes something that is needed for the Master Summoner archetype. So if I dont plan to use my SLA during combat, is the swap of SNA for SM worth the extra 1/4 point evolution point? How much greater is the out of combat utility of SM than SNA? What feats should I take? I am starting at level 6. I am definitely taking Craft Wonderous because I have 16k and my DM will let me start with items I crafted on my own for 65% of cost. Should I just take extra evolutions? Perhaps Eldritch Heritage Arcana for an Arcane Bond (allowing me to craft something else cheaply and get an extra spell per day)? How should I do stats? I start with a 15, 14, 14, 13, 12, 10. I get a +1 at 4th level and should be able to craft at least two +2 items. I was thinking max charisma, but I guess it wont be as important if I'm not using my SLA alot and most of spells wont have saves. Maybe CON for the HP? ![]()
I don't how to paste any of the details, but the changes are: 1) all your SM spells on your spell list become SNA; 2) all of your SM SLA become SNA; 3) you cannot use Gate at level 17, but can cast Summon Elder Worm or Summon Froghemoth; 4) you gain 1/4 evolution point per level, but cannot take evolutions of magic attacks, energy attacks, immunity, weapon training, damage reduction, frightful presence, breath weapon, spell resistance, basic magic, unnatural aura, channel resistance head, minor magic, undead appearance, major magic, dimension door, incorporeal form, lifesense, no breath, or ultimate magic. My main thing is I don't want to slow down combat with a bunch of creatures on the board, or having to figure out 5 or 6 different attacks, plus my own character. That is why I was leaning towards the idea of going for one big attack. I like the idea of a giant, flying constrictor snake, but I guess it is suboptimal to a pouncing quadraped. I was going to play a Bard because I like the idea of throwing support spells, but since we lost our fighter and dont have a lot of good frontline damage, I thought this would give me the best of both worlds. Good utility and support spells, plus wands of the spells I really like: Ill Omen combined with the witch could get nasty, Saving Finale and Liberating Command to save my allies in a pinch, true strike on my eidolon when I really need that attack to hit, etc. ![]()
I haven't read through the thread so some of these questions may seem basic but here goes. I am DM'ing for the first time and want to run Rise of the Runelords. Our first session is on July 8 and then next one is July 22. Another player gave me an old copy of the first part that I was planning on using until I could get the anniversary edition. 1. Is there any reason not to begin with the original adventure and then move over as soon as I get the new edition? 2. My biggest concern is that I want the ability to have large maps to use for minis without any DM-only information. What do I need to do to accomplish that? Order the book, the PDF, both, or some other product? Do I need to go to a copy store to have them blow up the maps? If so, can I only do that with the PDFs then? ![]()
I am DM'ing my first campaign and we are running RoTR in one week. I want to incorporate background music, but have no idea how to assemble a good playlist. Can anyone make some suggestions? I havent read through the entire thing yet, but for the first week (an 8 hour session), I think I will need: 1. Background music for the general festival;
Yes, the Wild Caller stacks. I gain 1/4 evolution point per level (so total of 1/2 with favored class bonus), swap out SM for SNA, and lose the ability to take some of the more "magical" evolution (eg., magical attacks, immunity, and a few others I cant recall but none that struck me as very critical). I love the master summoner archetype, but it just wont fit for this campaign. What Eldritch Heritage lines would you take? One of my feats is Create Wonderous Item, so I have to feats to spare. Not sure whether to take some archery feats, Eldritch Heritage, some lance feats, Dazzling Display or something else. I am debating between the stealth route or the mounted route. Stealth route seems more optimal, but I like the flavor of a Half-Drow riding a large serpent (using enlarge person until I can make the serpent large at level 8), either shooting lasers out of his wands (scorching ray for 4d6) or using them to intimidate everyone around him (either Dazzling Display or Blistering Invective). Combined with quick draw, I could use the other hand to access whatever support spell I need at a moments notice (rejuvinate eidolon, saving finale, true strike, ill omen, liberating command, etc.). ![]()
I want to play a summoner in a group with a witch, cleric, oracle, rogue, and ranger. I want to build an eidolon that has one large attack, taking vital strike when it can. I will start at 6th level with 16k in gold. Perhaps a Serpent focusing on constrict and maybe poison. I realize this may be less optimal, but seems more fun, and I don't want to build a DPS machine that overshadows the party. Second, I don't want to summon a bunch of creatures, as I don't want to drag down combat. 1. I am thinking of playing a Wild Caller from the ARG for the extra 1/4 evolution point per level. But, I swap Summon Monster for Summon Natures Ally. I hope not to use SM often in combat, so is this a bad swap if my only use of my summon ability is utility? 2. I am struggling what to do with my Summoner. I am thinking of maxing UMD and making him a wand wielder. What would be the best wands? So far I am thinking True Strike, Ill Omen, Saving Finale, Liberating Command? Any other good ones? 3. I will probably have the gold for one second level wand, and I would like to be able to do some damage. I am thinking either Scorching Ray, or max intimidate and use Blistering Invective. Which do you think is better? Should I go weapon focus (wand) and Dazzling Display instead? Any other thoughts? My goal is for a much utility as possible while still being effective and versatile in combat. I like the idea of riding my Eidolon, but I am not sure the benefit of casting touch spells on him mid combat, or being in closer range for Intimidate, etc. is worth it. ![]()
For my character concept, I like the idea of a mounted summoner. But, the optimizer in me is having trouble making it better, or at least equivalent, than hiding in the back of combat. I will be starting at Level 6. For concept I like the idea of a halfling, but a Half-Elf Wild Caller seems too good to pass up (+3 evolutions at 6th level). What can I do mounted, or are any of these better mounted than not? I will have three feats, one of which I plan to use on Craft Wonderous Items. Possibilities:
2. Archery. I am having trouble seeing how I have the feats or ability scores to make this worthwile. Am I missing something. 3. Lance. I love the idea of using a lance on the back of a mounted dragon. But, I want to build my eidolon to have one massive attack, w/ vital strike, etc., and I am not seeing how it is possible for him to use Vital Strike at the same time I can benefit from charging with a Lance. What do you do with your summoner. Starting stats are 11, 12, 13, 14, 14, 15. I have 16k gold and can craft any wonderous item to start at 65% of cost.