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7 people marked this as a favorite. |

James Jacobs wrote:That is fine for a home game, but a lot of people play PFS and for that we need as clear of rules as possible, so that people can come to each table knowing what to expect from the rules.ZanThrax wrote:Many of your customers are hoping that Paizo revisits that policy as well James.I certianly understand that... but I also hope that folks realize it's a 2-way street. AKA: without official errata, things still play fine. ESPECIALLY if you let your GM make rulings.
Once fear of getting a rule wrong becomes more important than having fun at the game, something has gone wrong.

AbsolutGrndZer0 |

Once fear of getting a rule wrong becomes more important than having fun at the game, something has gone wrong.
Yes, but sadly that happens. For example, once in a Vampire the Masquerade game the ST asked me, "Wait how do you have this much blood to spend, aren't you only 10th gen?" and I said yes, and went through all my blood expenditure for the encounter. This is when he told me that every time I took a point of damage, I lost a blood. Then I had to spend another to heal it. I freaked out, since I'd been playing the game for 10+ (started in 92 this was at least 2004) years at that point and never seen that rule... then I thought about it and remembered that such a rule does exist, but that was a rule for mortals (who bleed when you cut them) not vampires (who do not bleed when you cut them.) It specifically said in the book "This rule does not apply to vampires" (paraphrasing) but he thought it should. It was pretty much a game breaker for me. That's really the only time I have threatened to just quit on a GM, but it colors how I feel as a GM, I now feel the necessity to know the rules before I decide if I want to change them or not so that when a player gives an objection to my house rules, I can explain my reasons, not just "This is my house rule, deal with it" because when I am a player I like to have reasons for rules changes beyond just "Because I said so" and I afford that same courtesy as a GM.

AbsolutGrndZer0 |

I had heard there was a way in the PDF copy of this to turn off the markers and such so that I can print out a copy for my players. How do I do that exactly?
On the "Interactive Maps" PDF (separate PDF than the adventure, but should be included with the PDF zip) you can click "Map Tags Off" at the top of each page... IF you are unable to do this, then your PDF viewer does not support the interactive features.

AbsolutGrndZer0 |

ZanThrax wrote:The only viewer that those files work in that I know of is Acrobat Reader. Other pdf readers, while generally better, unfortunately don't have the functionality needed for the interactive maps.They work fine in Foxit.
-- david
Yep, and I use PDF X-Change Viewer. Even the free version has a lot more functionality than the base Adobe Acrobat, and is in fact pretty much all you need unless you are an actual publisher making PDFs from scratch.
Also, on a side note... I just noticed the Inscribe Rune feat on d20pfsrd and it says it's in Rise of the Runelords #5. The only reference I could find to it in my Anniversary edition is one NPC that has the feat... but the feat itself isn't in the book, or am I missing something?

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Feats > Item Creation Feats > Inscribe Rune [Item Creation]
You can tattoo arcane runes upon your flesh or the flesh of others.
Prerequisite: Caster level 3rd.
Benefit: You can create runes. Inscribing a rune takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. To inscribe a rune, you must use up raw materials costing half of its base price.
Copyright Notice - Pathfinder 5: Sins of the Saviors

Sniggevert |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Could someone please tell me how many players this AP is designed for? I was curious to see whether or not it might be appropriate for my gaming group (in terms of numbers of players.)
All their AP's are assumed to have 4 PC's w/15 pt. buys. An extra player or two can't hurt as some of the encounters can be rough.

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Mark Stratton wrote:All their AP's are assumed to have 4 PC's w/15 pt. buys. An extra player or two can't hurt as some of the encounters can be rough.Could someone please tell me how many players this AP is designed for? I was curious to see whether or not it might be appropriate for my gaming group (in terms of numbers of players.)
Well, seeing as my group is four players - AWESOME! :-D
Thanks for the quick response!
I have only run one AP, and I knew that particular one was designed for 4 players. I wasn't aware that all APs were.

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Also, on a side note... I just noticed the Inscribe Rune feat on d20pfsrd and it says it's in Rise of the Runelords #5. The only reference I could find to it in my Anniversary edition is one NPC that has the feat... but the feat itself isn't in the book, or am I missing something?
The original AP volumes had a number of articles that are not in the compilation, and the rune magic article from #5 is one of those.

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Yeah, it's a catch-22. The better we get at estimating proper print runs, the fewer times we have to reprint. And that actually saves us a lot of money, since larger, fewer print runs cost MUCH less than smaller, more numerous print runs....
It's been about a month since I brought this issue up. Any chance the Powers of Paizo had an opportunity to revisit the Releasing Official Errata policy? I agree with your point that there will be errors in the game, however those errors shouldn't start with official materials we're purchasing from Paizo and using in our campaigns. :)

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James Jacobs wrote:Yeah, it's a catch-22. The better we get at estimating proper print runs, the fewer times we have to reprint. And that actually saves us a lot of money, since larger, fewer print runs cost MUCH less than smaller, more numerous print runs....It's been about a month since I brought this issue up. Any chance the Powers of Paizo had an opportunity to revisit the Releasing Official Errata policy? I agree with your point that there will be errors in the game, however those errors shouldn't start with official materials we're purchasing from Paizo and using in our campaigns. :)
Just releasing the patch notes would be much appreciated by many. :)

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ckdragons wrote:Just releasing the patch notes would be much appreciated by many. :)James Jacobs wrote:Yeah, it's a catch-22. The better we get at estimating proper print runs, the fewer times we have to reprint. And that actually saves us a lot of money, since larger, fewer print runs cost MUCH less than smaller, more numerous print runs....It's been about a month since I brought this issue up. Any chance the Powers of Paizo had an opportunity to revisit the Releasing Official Errata policy? I agree with your point that there will be errors in the game, however those errors shouldn't start with official materials we're purchasing from Paizo and using in our campaigns. :)
Since I'm the one who would be spearheading the errata compilation for this book, no, not anytime soon. I'm scrambling to get caught up on Iron Gods, and will be taking a 2 week vacation starting monday, and after that convention season will be getting more and more of my attention as I scramble to KEEP Iron Gods on schedule despite losing a few weeks at Paizo Con and Gen Con.
It's not my highest priority, in other words, so I can't promise anything in the near future.

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Any update as to whether an official errata will be released soon for this product? Sorry to be a pest about this, but this is important to me, and I'm sure many other players, too! :)
We don't issue "official errata" for adventures.
My responses and the suggestions from other folks who've run this adventure in this and other threads should be enough to help GMs seeking advice... sorry!

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3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hey, CK Dragons. Here's the closest thing we have to an official errata. It's a compilation of the fan-found errors over in the RotRAE errata thread.
The errata thread continued after the last edit of this document, I believe. You can probably start at page 6 or 7 and go from there, so there's really only 2 or 3 pages of additional stuff to look at. The errata thread is here:

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Hey, CK Dragons. Here's the closest thing we have to an official errata. It's a compilation of the fan-found errors over in the RotRAE errata thread.
The errata thread continued after the last edit of this document, I believe. You can probably start at page 6 or 7 and go from there, so there's really only 2 or 3 pages of additional stuff to look at. The errata thread is here:
Really appreciate the reply. :)

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This book is great!
Are the other pre-PF APs going to get updated? Such as Curse of the Crimson Throne or Second Darkness?
IIRC from earlier posts from James Jacobs, this AP update is a one-time deal since this was their 1st AP. No current plans to release updated versions of other APs.

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Charlie Rock wrote:This book is great!
Are the other pre-PF APs going to get updated? Such as Curse of the Crimson Throne or Second Darkness?IIRC from earlier posts from James Jacobs, this AP update is a one-time deal since this was their 1st AP. No current plans to release updated versions of other APs.
Aw, no.
I liked Second Darkness when I was gaming in 3.5 and my current group has not had the pleasure so I wanted to get a PF version. (The 3.5 version was not mine and lost contact with that DM.)Getting a 3.5 AP seems like a waste if you're not actually playing 3.5.

Thanis Kartaleon |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

ckdragons wrote:Charlie Rock wrote:This book is great!
Are the other pre-PF APs going to get updated? Such as Curse of the Crimson Throne or Second Darkness?IIRC from earlier posts from James Jacobs, this AP update is a one-time deal since this was their 1st AP. No current plans to release updated versions of other APs.
Aw, no.
I liked Second Darkness when I was gaming in 3.5 and my current group has not had the pleasure so I wanted to get a PF version. (The 3.5 version was not mine and lost contact with that DM.)
Getting a 3.5 AP seems like a waste if you're not actually playing 3.5.
For now, you can use resources like PFSRD-hosted fan conversions.
I'll admit I've got my fingers crossed for the announcement of a CotCT Anniversary Edition once the 3.5 books are all sold out.

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For now, you can use resources like PFSRD-hosted fan conversions.
I'll admit I've got my fingers crossed for the announcement of a CotCT Anniversary Edition once the 3.5 books are all sold out.
Thank you for those. They will come in handy for running modules I've already gotten.
(Like Circus of Tears, etc.)Honestly, though. I'm just going to hold off getting Second Darkness until there is a pf edition, if ever there be one.

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I'm just going to hold off getting Second Darkness until there is a pf edition, if ever there be one.
You might be waiting a really long time because the Paizo staff/management have stated they have no intentions of doing any more conversions/compilations.

RHMG Animator |

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:For now, you can use resources like PFSRD-hosted fan conversions.
I'll admit I've got my fingers crossed for the announcement of a CotCT Anniversary Edition once the 3.5 books are all sold out.
Thank you for those. They will come in handy for running modules I've already gotten.
(Like Circus of Tears, etc.)
Honestly, though. I'm just going to hold off getting Second Darkness until there is a pf edition, if ever there be one.
Odds of a PF Second Darkness are next to 0, as in never.
Second Darkness is the poorest selling (3.5 and PF) AP they made, with the last two books not meshing well with the rest (and most GMs drop them).a CotCT Anniversary Edition has better way better odds of being made since it's the second highest selling 3.5 AP, and some parts are sold out.

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Odds of a PF Second Darkness are next to 0, as in never.
Second Darkness is the poorest selling (3.5 and PF) AP they made, with the last two books not meshing well with the rest (and most GMs drop them).a CotCT Anniversary Edition has better way better odds of being made since it's the second highest selling 3.5 AP, and some parts are sold out.
James Jacobs has previously said that he'd rather do Second darkness because he thinks he can address the complaints people have had about it and make it into a better AP.
Yes, because of all the sales they'll lose to people who are willing to wait 5+ years for a compiled version of the APs, even though they'd have less content than the original books.
Whether or not you think their reasons are valid, those are the reasons they've stated.
As I understood the reasoning behind the Anniversary edition it was the first AP and it helped celebrate their 5th anniversary.
Will they do one at 10 years? Who knows but it doesn't appear likely.
Paizo's already had their 10-year company anniversary, the 100th volume of AP is coming in a year and they already have plans for it. If they're thinking about doing anything for the AP's 10th anniversary, they're keeping those plans under wraps for now.

Ched Greyfell |

Charlie Rock wrote:I'm just going to hold off getting Second Darkness until there is a pf edition, if ever there be one.You might be waiting a really long time because the Paizo staff/management have stated they have no intentions of doing any more conversions/compilations.
Which, of course, we now know that Curse of the Crimson Throne got the big time hardcover treatment! Wo0T!
I would recommend at least getting the PDFs of the original editions, though, because they have articles in each issue that won't be reprinted in a hardcover. The articles are well worth the price of admission, even if you don't play the AP itself.
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So I already own this as hardcover, but by at fourth book I'm considering buying the pdf just so I would get access to handouts and pics since I run this at roll20 :'D Ah well, if I give to temptation and buy this again as pdf, I hope if paizo gamespace short of thing ever becomes a thing that I don't have to pay third time for ap if I want to get virtual tabletop version...

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Gruingar de'Morcaine |

Already warned of spoilers. And if you are in group "Bumble Grumble" please stop reading this.
Currently they are almost done with Fort Rannic. I am just getting ready to start reading book 4, so I don't know what is there yet.
I overheard a few of my players lamenting over the last few years there has been a lack of the legendary dragons as anything except maybe a young one as wandering monster or a boss fight. In the novels and tales, dragons are something you have to deal with, work for, outsmart, etc...
So I'm thinking about adding at least 1 (maybe more) dragons to the AP after book 3. Not just a monster that you storm in upon and cut down though. I was thinking about making it an NPC that the party has to make a deal with. Maybe bargain for info. Get some magical ability from. Convince it to side with them. Or at least make it break a deal with the other side. Something like that.
To those of you who have already GM'd or played through this, is there a good candidate for an NPC to transform into a dragon? Or a semi-empty place that one could be well placed?
Looking for suggestions.

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Already warned of spoilers. And if you are in group "Bumble Grumble" please stop reading this.
** spoiler omitted **
Err... I mean, there IS dragon in the next book you are just starting to read x'D And book after that. And in final book too.
(My recommendation is for you to read rest of AP and see if you like any of three upcoming ones :D)