
Oni_NZ's page

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 92 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I placed this order over the weekend and did not get the option to start with the Core Book, could this be changed please.

Also if possible could it be combined with order #4406705

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Could this order be shifted into my sidecart please

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hi, I was trying to add this order to my upcoming subscription order for September. I must have missed the option on checkout and it is now it's own separate order.
Could you combine it with my subscription, thanks.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

As you're collecting items for FAQing,

How long does it take for a Wizard to understand a spell allowing him to scribe it into his book?

Adding Spells to a Wizard's Spellbook wrote:
No matter what the spell's source, the wizard must first decipher the magical writing (see Arcane Magical Writings). Next, he must spend 1 hour studying the spell. At the end of the hour, he must make a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell's level).


Spellcraft wrote:
Learning a spell from a spellbook takes 1 hour per level of the spell (0-level spells take 30 minutes).

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

As a note for HeroLab users, there are two ways to get those rules updates. the first would be create it as a PFS character but that has a lot of other changes you may not want for non society play, the other is right near the end of the list of options in the Configure Hero window there's a section for Optional Rules and "Use PFS's ACG playtest changes" is one of the options.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

One player had his character die in the last session, my character (an inquisitor of Sarenrae) along with another players character (a cleric of Zon-kuthon) come across his replacement character tied to a spit by a couple of hill giants who are close by having a siesta.

I suggest we save him as we're split off from the rest of our group and a third person would give us safety in numbers and help us regroup.

The cleric looks at the two giants, "Do we really need to save him?"

Minor chuckles emanate from those at the table, followed by the fourth player (whose character wasn't there) turning to the first and asking,

"So do you have another character concept?"

A couple of minutes later once we finished laughing battle was joined, my inquisitor dropped one giant is two rounds due to some lucky dice rolls, but even with the help of the other two we almost lost to the second giant. In fact it did manage to drop the new character into negatives, soliciting more comments, and laughter, about new character concepts.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
fretgod99 wrote:
Kirk or Picard?
Picard. NOTE: Kirk is still awesome.

Following on from that,

Sisko or Janeway?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

As racial adjustments (and presumably templates) are applied after generating ability scores it would cost 3 points to raise that stat to 13; then once you apply the -6 from race and young he'll have the 7 he wants.

See the second line in Generating Ability Scores in the PRD section for Ability scores.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Do either (or both) of the two Aldori factions accept non humans to their ranks? The fluff is mostly silent, but comes across feeling more human centric (and yes I know there's a half-elf Aldori NPC in Kingmaker.)

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
The aardwolf is not a wolf at all, or even a canine, but an insectivorous relative of the hyena.

They are in fact suborder Feliforma, meaning they're closer to cats than dogs!

Edited for clarification

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Jacob Saltband wrote:

Ok what is "munchkin" supposed to mean? I've seen it the forums lately but not sure context its being used?

Are there alot of players playing gnomes and halflings and such?

The typical meaning of munchkin these days is along the same lines as power gamer, or min-maxing.

Originally however it meant playing to your GMs tastes to curry favour. "If your GM likes munchkins (from Wizard of Oz,) then play a munchkin."

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

As I've been led to beleive you are a fan of the Edgar Rice Burroughs books; did you watch the movie John Carter, if so how do you think it held up to original source?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Mathwei ap Niall wrote:

Another issue with the book is the spell Hunter's Friend which states


You share one of the following class abilities

with your companion for every 4 caster levels you possess:
camouflage, favored enemy, favored terrain, hide in plain sight,
resist nature’s lure, swift tracker, trackless step, venom immunity,
and woodland stride. You must have the ability in question to
share it with your companion, and it functions for your companion
just as it functions for you, save that each favored enemy or favored terrain you share counts as a separate class ability for the
purpose of this spell.

According to the Hunter's Bond ability from the CRB your animal companions:

Hunter's Bond wrote:
A ranger's animal companion shares his favored enemy and favored terrain bonuses.

Minor nitpick but I can see this spell causing confusion to new ranger players/GM's.

However some/one archetype (Beast Master) don't have that line in their Animal Companion ability; so it's a nice bonus for those archetypes that do lose it.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
gourry187 wrote:
My opinion is to just use the Beastmaster archetype and 1 level of druid to open all AC choices. Just remember you to split your effective druidism level amoung all your ACs.

No need to dip to gain all AC choices...

Beast Master Archetype wrote:
Unlike a normal Ranger, a beast master’s choice of animal companion is not limited to a subset of all possibile animal companion choices—he may choose freely among all animal companion choices, just as a Druid can.

(Emphasis mine)

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Klaus van der Kroft wrote:
-The plastic things at the end of shoelaces are called aglets.

Their true purpose is sinister!

Got to love Question, especially as a conspiracy nut in the Justice League animated series,


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Did you ever play any of these old computer RPG series; Ultima, The Bard's Tale, or Wizardry? If so which series did you prefer?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

A bit late to the party here, but regards the octogenarian librarian and falling. Assuming he or she is human at 80+ years of age they'll definitely be in the Venerable age bracket which would give them a -6 to Con. So unless they where a very health individual earlier in life I'd suspect they've only got one or two hit points per level by this point... My money is on the blacksmith :) (Or both dying)

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Pg. 143
The Huntsman weapon special ability; cut and past from the APG, still does not state that the bonus it provides to survival is equal to the enhancement bonus of the weapon.
FAQ entry on the matter

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Great looking book, love the maps, especially the "In World" centre spread, and the caravan routes.

I'm curious how dangerous some of those are, especially the Sklarkar route that looks like it heads straight into the Hold of Belkzen. (OK, looking at the map again it's just that one I'd have some trepidation following :) )

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
fizzboy wrote:

As a coffee geek, I approve of the description of the siphon coffee pot on page 62. Siphon (or vacuum) brewing is the Breaking Bad of coffee making.


Having just been given a coffee siphon, I too approve of the description. They combine two of my favourite things, Science! and Coffee! and now with that description, three of my favourite things, Science!, Coffee! and Roleplaying Games! :)

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

What do you think of bagpipes? And what would your travelling companions think of them if you where to play them?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Steve Geddes wrote:

Only for a product you otherwise would never have seen.

Established companies don't need kickstarter to raise capital - that's not the only use for it though. One big advantage of kickstarter is that different customers can price your product for themselves differently. Look at rappan athuk - some of the big backers are effectively paying several hundred dollars for a nice cover - that would be extremely risky to try and pull off with traditional sales methods. You may overestimate the demand for leather books and lose a chunk of money or underestimate and miss out on the opportunity. Kickstarter lets you know ahead of time how many such collectors there are and utilize that cohort of customers to drive down the unit cost for the "no frills" customers.

Another example is Steve Jackson Games and their Kickstarter for Ogre. They where always going to release it, but by using Kickstarter they've massively increased the awesomeness in the final product, as well as boosting the print run. And because of the success of Ogre (and it being one of their stretch goals) they'll be doing similar for Car Wars next year.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Mithral pots and pans! They're non-stick!

I now have the thought of combining the traits Rough and Ready, and Heirloom Weapon, have a cook with wading into combat with his great great grandfather's mithral skillet.... shame they're both Equipment traits :/

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

This might be an error,
Page 92, Cat Burglar archetype.
Both Phantom Presence (4th lvl) & Trap Saboteur (8th lvl) are listed as replacing Uncanny Dodge.

I presume the latter should be Improved Uncanny Dodge given the level it comes in.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Oni_NZ wrote:

From what I recall, in the 5 adventure paths I've been in...

And it appears I did not recall correctly, so my adjusted list is as follows (adjustments italicized)

4 Fighters
3 Rogues
2 Witch, Summoners, Sorcerers, Rangers, Paladins, Oracles, Monks, and Bards
1 Magus, Inquisitor, Druid, Cleric, Cavalier, & Alchemist

And Ciaran, I do apologize for listing 16 out of the 19 available classes, but when you get 8 classes ties for third place...

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

From what I recall, in the 5 adventure paths I've been in...

4 Fighters
3 Rogues
2 Summoners, Sorcerers, Rangers, Paladins, Monks, and Bards
1 Witch, Magus, Inquisitor, Druid, Cleric, & Cavalier

In the current Kingmaker game, the first Rogue in the group died and the player brought in a second, so it could be seen as 4 Rogues total.

The game just before Pathfinder had a core of a Fighter, a Cleric, and a Wizard/Rogue/Arcane Trickster. IIRC there was also a Druid and an other Wizard that briefly showed up.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

In the book "The Wizard of Oz", The Emerald City is only green (other than the city walls) because everyone is required to wear green lensed glasses while within the city walls.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Ruloc wrote:
Oni_NZ wrote:

Excellent art as always :) I think you've mostly captured her look. She does unfortunately end up looking a bit orcish in that image,

There, I fixed it. Small changes dont take much time due too Photoshops liquify tool ;)

Natalia Luccini

Thanks again. :)

Now about her ears...

Just kidding :)

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Ruloc wrote:

Thanks Guys! :)

Hope the 10+ month wait was worth it for Oni_NZ

Natalia Luccini

Excellent art as always :) I think you've mostly captured her look. She does unfortunately end up looking a bit orcish in that image, I always saw her with a slimmer, not so round face (I'll say my bad for not describing her face too much, if at all) :) Not that I'm asking for it to be touched up or anything.

I really appreciate the time you've put into this, thank you.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

This is the same request I made in the previous thread but it never got fulfilled... as it's been a good 10 months, I don't feel too bad requesting again...

Anywho, my request is for my Summoner in a Council of Thieves campaign.

Natalia Luccini:

Tiefling Summoner
An attractive female in her early to mid twenties. Light reddish brown skin, amethyst eyes. Two slim horns protrude from her forehead tapering to dull points as they follow the curve of her head back. Blueish black hair, tied back in a pony tail, reaching to her shoulder blades with azure streaks running back from her horns. She has a slim but curvaceous figure. A slender tail reaches down to about mid calf.

Her attire is well made and sturdy, more practical than fashionable, but still a touch stylish. Leather boots come most of the way up her calves the tops turned down forming a cuff. Close fitting trousers, possibly a softer more supple leather. On her top half she wears a tunic secured at the waist by a sash, the front and back of the tunic hang to about knee height, where as the sides only come down to the hips.

Possibly wearing a bodice over that, and either a short sleeved bolero or zouve jacket rounding it off. A satchel hangs at one hip the strap running from the opposite shoulder, and a small pouch rests at her other hip secured to the sash.

And of course her Eidolon


A couple of inches taller than Talia, and a bit more muscular, but overall the same proportions. Her horns are thicker at the base, and taper to points, they are also more prominent, not following the curve of her head as closely. Her skin has the likeness of red marble, a featureless white marble mask covers her face. A pair of black feathered wings adorn her back, the feathers edged with a golden hue, they do not look big enough to allow for flight.

Wears either a bustier or halter top, with bare midriff, trousers and boots, all in black and red leather. (somewhat akin to Rayne in BloodRayne)

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hmm, not quite on topic, but definitely relating to character death.

We where playing through Rise of the Runelords and my character had the worst time of it.
After the first TPK (one survivor, by stint of the player was away for that session) my new character, Devlin Blake a human conman/snake oil sales man/swashbuckler, met his end once each module, or rather four of the five modules we completed.
Hopefully I've put in enough spoiler tags :)

Burnt Offerings

In the assault on Thistletop

During a nasty fight against the goblins, the party lead called for a retreat. Being the swashbuckler he attempted to tumble past a pair of goblins at the rear to set up flanking and clear the way. Failing the roll by one or two he provoked, and wore a couple of attacks from them and was dropped to negatives. Unfortunately the party didn't think to have anyone move to cover their downed companion so the next turn saw a coup de grace.
His corpse was recovered and taken to some druids in the area, and he was reincarnated as an Elf.

Skinsaw Murders
During a side quest relating to one of the other characters back-stories the party travel to the Mushfens where a giant snake managed to do enough damage to kill him (I'm a bit hazy on the details of this death, I think it was just straight damage in a straight up fight.)
Back at the druids, and a quick reincarnate later, he wakes up to find he's now a half-elf.

Hook Mountain Massacre

We'd just dealt with a pack of (what we assumed where) wild dogs, when an ogre...

...stepped out of the foliage and cleft him in twain, with a crit. from a large great-axe.
Yet more Druids! And he now finds himself back as human, kind of, but female! We found out later she was actually a fetchling, but it was before there was anything more than juts a one or two line description of that race, so mostly human, with lowlight, and cold resistance IIRC.

Now going by the name Lynn we continue the adventures...

Fortress of the Stone Giants
Whilst trying to infiltrate the fortress, she got dropped by a couple of

but by this point the cleric had Breath of Life so was back on her feat quite quickly.

Sins of the Saviors
Miraculously she didn't die here, but I do recall using a lot of the advance rogue talent Defensive Roll

Spires of Xin-Shalast
We only got halfway through this module and while being put into a lot of near death situations never actually died.

From what I recall there where only a couple of other deaths in the campaign (other than the TPK which I might regale you of later), one player lost a character or two in ways we couldn't retrieve the body, and once we had it Breath of Life came in handy in the latter half of the campaign.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm a bit surprised no one has suggested a song bird.
One with red plumage, green highlights and yellow wings perhaps.

In case you don't get it:
Robin, you did mention Batman after all...

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Sacred Bond perhaps?
200gp for the two bracelets, give one to which ever of your party gets beat up the most (or who you want to be able to heal) and heal them from across the room.
No need to get up close and personal with the critter.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

It's my understanding that the feat Augment Summoning won't work with the class ability to summon an Eidolon, it's not a spell; but if you use the spell Summon Eidolon to bring it into existence it will get the boosted stats from the feat.
Edit, I forgot to add the following.
Quite how it applies to the Synthesist however is up to the GM I guess.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

While I'm waiting for my order to be processed, any spoilers on the White Haired Witch?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Dark_Mistress wrote:
You know I doubt it will but it would be neat if the crown of the world map matched up with the top of the Inner Sea Map, which in turn matched up with the Dragon Empire map to more or less make one big map. Just saying.

That would certainly be nifty.

I'm guessing (tho hoping I'm wrong!) it will be a nice large copy of the Crown of the World map from the AP, and a nice large copy of the map presented in the Dragon Empire Gazetteer. If that's the case, they're slightly different styles from each other, but I'm reasonably sure the northern extent of the Wall of Heaven is shown on the Crown map, linking those two together.

Now if only I knew enough to try mapping those three maps to a globe :)

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Devastation Bob wrote:
What about new animal companions?

There's 16 in all, the list includes a number of dinos & animals from the book, and the two marsupials, Thylacine (previously in a Kingmaker book,) and Kangaroo

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Dragon78 wrote:
Anything you find very interesting?

The Wayangs are a small race with no penalty to Strength. I don't know about anyone else, but I found that interesting.

Also, the Taldan colony of Amanandar is right in the middle of Tian, they even had to go halfway around the continent to get there!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Woot! 2/3rd of my order have shipped :) I wasn't expecting that till Friday! Now I just need to wait for my Dragon Empires Gazetteer...

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Extra Evolution Feat

Ultimate Magic wrote:
You can gain Extra Evolution multiple times, but only once for every five summoner levels you possess.

The wording is a bit ambiguous, at what levels can it be taken?

Given it has the same text as the Improved Natural Armour evolution in the APG, should this FAQ entry also cover this feat?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Merisiel, earlier you said you have names for all your blades. What are their names, and which one is your favourite?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Thanks for checking.

Now that you mention the time, I do recall checking on the site over the weekend and noticing the order pending, but definitely no email arrived about it till the shipping notice. As I wasn't intending to cancel any part of the order it's all good, just though it was worth noting in case there was some problem at you end.

So I'll put it down to the 'internets ate my email', and leave it at that.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Good to see the Beginner Box shipping to me, but I'm a bit concerned that I never got a "Hi we'll be shipping this to you in the next few weeks." email.

I've double checked my ISP's and email client's spam traps but no impending order email to be seen.

Just wondering is this a special case due to the Beginner Box? Did the internets eat my email? or perhaps a glitch at your end (in which case you might want to look into it)

As I'm here is there any ETA on the other two products in the order?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Sara Marie wrote:

I just remembered one thing that WOULD delay orders with extra stuff. If you order extra items that have the "will ship from warehouse in 4-11 business days" (or longer) and add them to a pending subscription order, you order will wait for those items to come in from distribution before shipping.

Well, looks like I shot myself in the foot on this order then. :)

Next year I'll have to try and remember to not add to the August order, I think most other shipment I wouldn't care how soon or late they ship, but the the August bundle is like Christmas, but 5 months early. :)

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Thank you both, it looks like I'll be ordering 13 to push the order up over 100 then :)

I was a bit surprised to see how the order got split up, but I'm guessing the system knows best.

I had assumed that Ultimate Combat would get it's own box, and the other Player Companion and Campaign Setting books would get a second one.
(note, I'm not questioning it, just making an observation)

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Currently I've got 10 packs of card sleeves in my shopping cart, I am considering getting them added to my next subscription shipment (the late July shipment.)

Is it possible to get an estimation (or exact value) of how much that would cost?

Would there be a significant change if I dropped that to 6 packs?

Or will I need to ask in a couple of weeks once the late July subscription order has been 'placed'?

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Now, can a Beast Master Ranger take this multiple times (once for each Companion)?
The feat does state it can be taken more than once, but is it referring the the creature of the class ability when it says,

Boon Companion wrote:
Each time you take the feat, it applies to a different animal companion or familiar.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

There is also the Community Use Package: World Maps.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
wraithstrike wrote:
the Haunted Jester wrote:
Oni_NZ wrote:
the Haunted Jester wrote:

Hey guys, i was just recently made aware of this thread today. I am willing to accept 2 commission requests for free, either full body or bust, for the sake of practice. The link below is to my deviant art page, please drop me a line if you art interested. Game on friends!!

Art Examples

Note: Please just leave me with the description, class, and any key pieces of gear and I will attempt to do my best.

As no-one has picked up my request yet, I would be interested if you could look at doing Natalia and her Eidolon

Okay Oni, i will make you my second request. For Mr. Swagger and Oni, please allow me a few weeks (maybe 3) to render these and i look forward to hopefully completing the look and feel of your characters!! Thanks again guys!!
You're welcome.

Indeed, many thanks.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
the Haunted Jester wrote:

Hey guys, i was just recently made aware of this thread today. I am willing to accept 2 commission requests for free, either full body or bust, for the sake of practice. The link below is to my deviant art page, please drop me a line if you art interested. Game on friends!!

Art Examples

Note: Please just leave me with the description, class, and any key pieces of gear and I will attempt to do my best.

As no-one has picked up my request yet, I would be interested if you could look at doing Natalia and her Eidolon

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