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Is there a reason why the the Beginner Box Heroes is not on the Product Schedule for October?
I suspect that is because they are not actually a Paizo product. The Reaper minis are not on the Product Schedule page either.
On the other hand, the Subscription is only offered thru Paizo, and was therefore added.
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the Haunted Jester wrote:Is there a reason why the the Beginner Box Heroes is not on the Product Schedule for October?I suspect that is because they are not actually a Paizo product. The Reaper minis are not on the Product Schedule page either.
On the other hand, the Subscription is only offered thru Paizo, and was therefore added.
You're right abut why we're not showing the BB Heroes set, and *kind of* right on the subscription. We should be showing the Heroes & Monsters case & premium once we're showing December products, but we shouldn't be showing the subscription itself.
As well as why there are some divisions of products in September between PDF's and Print copies?
Good question... I'll poke Ross.

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Wizkids sets the release date on these and they moved it out to November. I haven't heard anything about the Heroes & Monsters release date changing...
Doh!! Well that is upsetting there goes my plans for a release event of the Beginners Box

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Unbelievable. Facial detail looks kind of bland but everything else is orders of magnitude better than anything I've seen before. Wow.
Keep in mind that viewing the large images is (on the average monitor) looking at each figure at about 200%; at 100%, I think the level of detail reads just fine.

KaeYoss |

Anguish wrote:Unbelievable. Facial detail looks kind of bland but everything else is orders of magnitude better than anything I've seen before. Wow.Keep in mind that viewing the large images is (on the average monitor) looking at each figure at about 200%; at 100%, I think the level of detail reads just fine.
That's a good point. Val is actually dwarfing an ogre (Ogre War Hulk mini I had on hand). He's as tall as a stone giant rune carver - a miniature that is freakishly tall.

Anguish |

Keep in mind that viewing the large images is (on the average monitor) looking at each figure at about 200%; at 100%, I think the level of detail reads just fine.
Oh don't sweat it. I get it how hard it is to get good images from something this size. I cringe when I look at pictures I've taken of minis I've painted.

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Will there be a pdf of this? :)
I am now sorely tempted now to arrange the pictures in Word* with captions.
And then make it a PDF and send it to Paizo ;-)

Sniggevert |

It's has probably been said but, I really like the idea of a painted mini's subscription. I don't know how possible that is - but would certainly like it. Just throwing it out there.
It's a possibility. =p

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Not quite yet. We inputted inventory to ship to our distributers to get them to stores for their release and that accidentally bumped the minis off their preorder status. Ross has fixified and they should show as preorder again.
That being said, we expect to start shipping out to customers the week of November 7th.

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We are now shipping customer orders for these. (The retail release date is Wednesday.)
To be honest I am kind of disappointed. I thought that the entire idea of pre-ordering was the possibility of getting it earlier then retail for this product. Mine is shipping today... and not even WITH my subscription for the Adventure Path and the Gamemastery Flip Mat subscription. Those shipped separately from each other. The AP and Map together and the Beginners Box Figurines by themselves.
So NOW I have to pay twice the shipping for three products. Not truly happy at all. Not to mention hearing that the Retail release for the mini's is Wed and I do not even get the perk of having them before my friends and having to pay MORE for them then they would because mine are being shipped and I could go right down the street for them and get them cheaper minus the shipping.This is the first time I am voicing displeasure over this but it is becoming more and more frequent. I am getting the AP shipments later and later to almost a week AFTER the retail release and it is making me upset. I enjoy the PDF's and such to no end but one of the biggest perks in my book was to get them early.. and now with the mini's I preordered back in June getting them after retail is :(

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Vic Wertz wrote:We are now shipping customer orders for these. (The retail release date is Wednesday.)To be honest I am kind of disappointed. I thought that the entire idea of pre-ordering was the possibility of getting it earlier then retail for this product. Mine is shipping today... and not even WITH my subscription for the Adventure Path and the Gamemastery Flip Mat subscription. Those shipped separately from each other. The AP and Map together and the Beginners Box Figurines by themselves.
So NOW I have to pay twice the shipping for three products. Not truly happy at all. Not to mention hearing that the Retail release for the mini's is Wed and I do not even get the perk of having them before my friends and having to pay MORE for them then they would because mine are being shipped and I could go right down the street for them and get them cheaper minus the shipping.This is the first time I am voicing displeasure over this but it is becoming more and more frequent. I am getting the AP shipments later and later to almost a week AFTER the retail release and it is making me upset. I enjoy the PDF's and such to no end but one of the biggest perks in my book was to get them early.. and now with the mini's I preordered back in June getting them after retail is :(
There are actually a couple of points I'd like to address here.
Unless the orders are specifically set to ship together, we do not automatically combine orders except under certain specific circumstances. In this case, you had preordered the miniatures, but they were not set to ship with your subscription shipment. If you had selected "Ship with subscription shipment" at the time you placed the order, then they would have been combined.
The automated system does not really know what the relative importance one product has over another except in very broad terms. To our system, these miniatures are just like any other non-subscription product not made by Paizo. Combining a non-subscription, non-Paizo product with a subscription shipment is more likely to delay the subscription shipment. When it comes to subscription shipments, we actually run under the same assumption that you do: Subscribers want their stuff as soon as possible. Therefore, we do not usually combine non-subscription stuff with subscription shipments unless it's explicitly chosen by the customer.
Which leads us to the second point: release dates. The release date for the miniatures is set by the manufacturer, WizKids. This, combined with the fact that we cannot ship products until we receive our shipment from the supplier, means that preordering will not get you the product before it's released. Preordering guarantees that you will get the product, and that you will get it as soon as it is released.
For Paizo product, we usually start shipping subscription products out about a week-and-a-half before the street date. For example, the street date for the PF AP #51 and Flip Mat: Warehouse we just shipped out to you (and for which you already have the PDFs) is Wednesday, 11/16. The package may or may not arrive by then, but you can certainly download and start reading the PDFs right now.
All this being said, getting product, or even the PDFs, prior to the release date is not actually an intended premium of subscribing. While it sometimes turns out that way (and often does with the PDFs), our intention with subscription shipments is to have your package arrive at around the same time as the product's street date. For preorders, especially preorders of products that are not ours, we ship items out when they are released.
I am very sorry that you are disappointed. We try to provide you with all the information to need to make the best possible decision for your purchases, and we are always seeking new ways to make this information more accessible and useful.

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I picked up my set tonight at my FLGS. Awesome set, looks great.
I was actually there to play in my weekly Encounters game but all the DND players (including myself) kept getting distracted by these Pathfinder mini's. And this was during the final chapter of the current encounters season, mind you, a battle with a Dragon. Several came over to ask to borrow my set for closer inspection and then rushed to purchase their own copy before the store ran out!
Bravo to Paizo and Wizkids **cue applause** .

ShinHakkaider |

Could someone tell me what the MSRP (?) on these are.
Yesterday I bought these from my LGS here in NYC and was charged $14.99 for them. I come back on the Paizo site to check the price just to find out that they're actually $12.99.
I subscribe to the AP and RPG lines here, but I purchase Cards, map Packs and (now) miniatures from the LGS. Since I seldom buy the Pathfinder books from them (which seems to be a sore spot from the owner BTW) I do try to support them by buying these other items from them but if theyre gonna overcharge me I might as well order them from Paizo as well...

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Could someone tell me what the MSRP (?) on these are.
Yesterday I bought these from my LGS here in NYC and was charged $14.99 for them. I come back on the Paizo site to check the price just to find out that they're actually $12.99.
WizKids doesn't actually set MSRPs for most of their products. Retailers buy it at a specific price and may mark it up as much or as little as they like.

ShinHakkaider |

ShinHakkaider wrote:WizKids doesn't actually set MSRPs for most of their products. Retailers buy it at a specific price and may mark it up as much or as little as they like.Could someone tell me what the MSRP (?) on these are.
Yesterday I bought these from my LGS here in NYC and was charged $14.99 for them. I come back on the Paizo site to check the price just to find out that they're actually $12.99.
Cool. That's good to know.
Looks like next time I'll be ordering my mini's directly from Paizo then...

Sqwonk |

Just got mine today LGS in Milwaukee. $12.99
Very Nice. They look as good as the curent pictures - not as spiffy as the original "digital pictures".
They are the best paint jobs I have seen on pre-painted figs. Way better than most.
Kyra especially has some great detail on her robes.
Their face skin is a bit pasty white for me - but still better than anything I could paint.

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I never been great shakes at painting figures myself though if I get one I really like I can at least match the paint jobs of the majority of the hundreds of pre painted plastics I have bought over the years.
This release, though looks like it could be raising the bar for "plasticrack" so I am looking forward to seeing them "in the flesh" and how these compare with the late period D&D minis (not to mention my last WizKids purchase -aged MageKnight Dungeon figures).
So I was wondering when is the Pathfinder Beginner Box Heroes Miniatures Set due to hit the shelves in Europe (specifically the U.K. and/or Ireland).

bugleyman |

Picked these up at the flgs. I will write a review later, but the short version:
Bases just like ddm
Plastic harder than ddm...should hold shape and detail better, but more brittle
Paint jobs have more colors and berthed fine detail than ddm, but with an odd lack of washes or drybrushing
Sculpts on par with middle-to-good ddm pieces
A strong opening effort, but as someone with thousands of ddm, I'm still on the fence about whether to buy heroes and monsters. If you missed ddm and don't want to paint, these will be a godsend.

bugleyman |

There are lots more ink washes coming in Heroes & Monsters, btw.
That's great to hear. I believe judicious use of washes will put Pathfinder Minis firmly into the "better looking that DDM" category.
Question: I noticed the minis were standing on little plastic "blobs" where they are attached to the base (I suspect this is because the minis and bases are made as separate pieces) -- are the minis in subsequent sets going to be attached in this way?