fjw70's page
87 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.
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As to why I posted on the weekend and not waited until Monday? That is simple, Paizo wasn't the intended audience of this thread. These are allegations that have been in the public domain for some time. The Price stuff is newer but the other stuff was out there months ago. Even in the Price situation the company has had time to respond if they want to.
My Intended audience was the Paizo fan base. Both to make sure they were aware of these situations and to begin a conversation about them.
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For the Jessica Price stuff see her Twitter feed.
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So far Jessica Price is reporting that Paizo managers pressured her to stay quiet about disturbing interactions with Frank Mentzer, allegations of Bill Webb harassing people at Paizocon and Paizo trying to cover it up, and now reports of Paizo threatening legal action against a PFS volunteer who reported being harassed.
Is this just the tip of the iceberg?
I store my PDFs in goodreader but do most of my reading in the iBooks app. I find navigating the PDFs much quicker in iBooks.
I wish you guys luck and hope the project doesn't die if the kickstarter fails to fully fund.
My hope is if you need to scale back is that you would drop the player parts and focus on the publishing of adventures and the Forge on the iOS.
bugleyman wrote: fjw70 wrote: They have said that the digital ebooks available through the DungeonScape app will not be subscription based and will be a one time purchase. If that's the case, why not just sell industry-standard PDFs?
If they're trying to employ DRM shenanigans, all they'll do is annoy people. And someone will crack it, especially on an open platform like the PC. That's the open secret of content encryption -- you have to give your customers the key in order to read the content. I imagine the DS Ebook will be able to do things that are hard or impossible to do with PDFs. But we shall see.
Southeast Jerome wrote: Steve Geddes wrote: Yeah, they're clearly not fully embracing PDFs. Personally, I'm not particuarly optimistic about it.
Nonetheless, they are releasing them (one of the Sundering adventures was only available in PDF, for example) - so maybe there's hope and it's part of some over-arching strategy.
Mearls did a podcast interview recently where he was asked point blank about PDFs and he refused to answer, but did say they have plans for a digital product. This is better than a flat "no," but I suspect this means that we're looking at some sort of sandboxed subscription product.
Honestly, I'd be perfectly content with a tablet app with all the rules available by in-app purchase, similar to what a lot of 3rd party tablet apps have done with the PRD content, but I will be very disappointed if digital access to the rules requires an ongoing subscription.
They have said that the digital ebooks available through the DungeonScape app will not be subscription based and will be a one time purchase.
Not surprising that Pathfinder is high on the list. In RPGs there really is little to no competition for D&D and Pathfinder is just a version of D&D. A Star Wars RPG can do well since it's Star Wars but anything else is niche.
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You are making it too complicated. Try this:
AC(5e) = 20 - AC(AD&D)
AB(5E) = 20 - THACO
lokiare wrote:
Either way they failed. I haven't found a 4E fan yet that wants to play 5E over 4E as anything more than a 1 shot. Well I guess I am a first for you then. I love 4e and am really looking forward to 5e. We haven't seen the advanced tactical module yet and I really look forward to seeing what it has to offer.
Thanks. I was thinking of running the Jade Regent AP.
Okay, I think I want to finally try running PF. For the last 4 years I have mostly run 4e (with a little BX, AD&D, and the PF beginner's game mixed in). Prior to that I played 3.5 for a few months and back in the 80s I played a lot of AD&D. I still like 4e a lot but I want to take a break from it without getting away from D&D.
So any advice for an aspiring PF DM?
Does anyone know the height of the Rune Giant (to the top of the head)?
Despite being a 4e player and really liking what I see of 5e so far, I think Paizo will be fine. Paizo was able to grab customers from WotC because WotC stopped supporting 3.5. Paizo won't abandon Pathfinder and their customers love them.
In Mike Mearls column yesterday he verified that your race can bump the damage die of your weapon.
You do know that the playtest material is just the core rules if the game, right?
You do know that Next has skills and feats, right?
You do know that backgrounds are the skill delivery system and themes are the feat delivery system, right?
You do know you will be able to build your own backgrounds and themes, right?
You do know the game is far from done, right?
Shem wrote: A trident. They all have a photo someplace. I saw the photo. I thought it was a trident but I wasn't sure. Thanks.
For those that have your minis, what weapon does the lizardman have?
I will be mostly buying singles and a few random boosters.
I was going to buy a case but there was too much duplication of what I already have, but this is a great set for someone just starting a minis collection.
Cpt_kirstov wrote: fjw70 wrote: Based on the pawn size I would large. That is what we are using. Also the large black dragon from heroes and monsters case promotion is reportedly based on the dragon from the beginner's box...
So I would say large as well.
edit: sorry if I'm sounding snotty, not trying to - bad week @ work and its only tuesday Isn't that dragon huge?
Based on the pawn size I would large. That is what we are using.
Banesfinger wrote: Dragnmoon wrote:
- No Attack of Opportunities
- No Charging on Surprise
- No Combat Maneuvers or Combat Defense
- No Concentration checks to cast spells, you cannot cast spells when you are next to an enemy unless it is a touch attack spell
What about missile/ranged attacks? Is there a restriction on archers shooting while standing next to an enemy? Hero's Handbook p. 56
You can use a ranged weapon to attack an enemy as a standard action. The enemy has to be at least 10 feet (2 squares) from you.
Got mine today. They look great, awesome job. I can't wait for Heroes and Monsters.
I have a question for you. You and others keep talking about not making the same mistakes as TSR in splitting the customer base. Did the research you do show an issue with the basic/advanced D&D split that started in the 80s or was it only an issue when coupled with the multitude settings in the 90s?
So in other words do you think TSR would have been more profitable in the 80s if it had never produced the Expert/Companion/Master/Immortal sets and just stuck with a basic set and the advanced game?
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Square fireballs are awesome.
It isn't complex but I agree with Laerlorn it iis well worth changing that rule.
$19.67 a month if it ships alone.
Not being in the rpg business I would assume a minority of sales for D&D and Pathfinder are made through retail locations. Most of the 4e players I know don't buy D&D books. They use DDi or pirate the book PDFs or pirate DDi stuff.
Do most of the Pathfinder players actual buy the books? How many buy through retail locations?
I am surprised that one of you tech geniuses didn't have one of these done within 24 hrs after the BB was released. :-)
I was running the party while my son DMed and I kicked the Dragon's but pretty good without taking any damage. He rolled nothing higher than a 5 for the dragon attack rolls and Valeros hit him for 25 in one hit.
Auggie's Games is selling individual pawns.
Has anyone compiled a list of all announced minis for this set?
I love the pawns and if prepainted plastic minis didn't exist I would buy a ton of pawns.
I would love to see the Pathfinder rules redone as as a series of books and boxed sets. Start with the BB. Want more spells buy the Complete book of spells. Want more skills ad feats buy the Complete Book of Skills and Feats. You get the idea.
Of course all of these products would have the superior presentation of the BB.
jlord wrote: What does BB mean?
Beginner's Box
Clarification: some people were happy with Pathfinder the way it was. :)
I have had the CRB for over a year haven't done more than skim it. The BB actual makes me want to play it, which I did for the first time this weekend. Will I still want to play it if I outgrow the BB? I honestly don't know.
I too would be interested in this. Please share if you have done this.
Laurefindel wrote: fjw70 wrote: Laurefindel wrote: Pardon me, but what would the "P" (as in P5) stand for? Pathfinder ...
I should have figured that one out... :)
Laurefindel wrote: Pardon me, but what would the "P" (as in P5) stand for? Pathfinder
FTracer wrote: I think Valeros the fighter Pregen's attack with the longsword needs to be +5 instead of +4.
+3 Strength
+1 Base Attack
+1 Weapon Focus
That's the way I played him.
The Rot Grub wrote: fjw70 wrote: I think I want to use the BB as the basis for a P5 campaign. P5 would be similar to the E6 rules for 3.5. Basically it sums up to this:
1) Characters can level only to 5th. Multiclassing would be allowed.
2) After 5th characters could earn 1 additional feat per 5,000 XP.
3) The CR for the party would increase by 1 for ever 2 additional feats earned.
I have never played E6 before so I'd I miss anything? First off, thanks for bringing up this idea. I would just add that your #1 implies that you can go up to Level 5 in Fighter, then start leveling up in Wizard. Is that what you meant? Because if so, it's at tension with with how E6 works (you can ONLY have extra feats once you hit maximum level) and would shift this entire discussion. No total of 5 character levels. So if you want to cast 3rd level wizards spells then you can't multiclass.
The Rot Grub wrote: fjw70 wrote: It is going good. My 10 yo DMed my 5 yo and me through Black Fang's Dungeon. It was a lot of fun for all of us. He immediately took the GM Guide to bed with him and started making notes for a follow up adventure to run us through.
The Beginner's Box gets a huge thumbs up from me (this was my first time with PF but I am a verteran of AD&D and 4e). I love this! How many of us, as younger gamers, took our old D&D manuals to bed as bedtime reading? Please give us more updates -- I'd love to know what kind of terrible perils this kid is thinking of for his parents! lol I will do that. He has hinted that the dragon was in a weakened state when we faced him but he won't be when we face him again.
It is going good. My 10 yo DMed my 5 yo and me through Black Fang's Dungeon. It was a lot of fun for all of us. He immediately took the GM Guide to bed with him and started making notes for a follow up adventure to run us through.
The Beginner's Box gets a huge thumbs up from me (this was my first time with PF but I am a verteran of AD&D and 4e).
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My 10 yo will be DMing me and my 5 yo through Black Fang's Dungeon in a little while. It is his first DMing experience.
Yora wrote: You should really go to 6th level.
At 6th level, single class characters improve all their saves. At 5th level nothing advances.
At 6th level, characters with only Full BAB classes get a second attack as a Full-Attack actions.
At 5th level, wizards and clerics get 3rd level spells, but sorcerers and oracles don't. At 6th level, they all have the same access to spell levels.
Good thoughts thanks.
Quote: There are usually capstone feats you can take after you hit the max level, maybe an iterative attack for full bab classes, or limited 3rd level spell slots for a sorceror/oracle. I guess going to 6th wiuld take care of this, but an interesting way to get the 6th level stuff.
I think I want to use the BB as the basis for a P5 campaign. P5 would be similar to the E6 rules for 3.5. Basically it sums up to this:
1) Characters can level only to 5th. Multiclassing would be allowed.
2) After 5th characters could earn 1 additional feat per 5,000 XP.
3) The CR for the party would increase by 1 for ever 2 additional feats earned.
I have never played E6 before so I'd I miss anything?
Any plans to sell these things in retail stores such as Target, Walmart, and toy stores to reach a wider audience?
Skywaker wrote: fjw70 wrote: I have that but I like PF basic better. BFRPG doesn't have the streamlined mechanics of PF or a skill system. FWIW Tombs & Terrors does :) http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=84759&.
However, I agree with you. Given the extensive wealth of Paizo support out there already and their amazing presentation, a simpler Paizo created entry point would be preferable. Yep got that one too. Simon makes some great games, but you are right it doesn't have the presentation and support of PF.