![]() The party (now 20th level non-epic) just grabbed the Suture. I am going to have Korrimazah attack them at their camp. He is a bad ass - but it is still 5 vs 1 - which never goes well for the BBEG. What/Who else should teleport in with him as part of his crew? Does not have to be a demon.
Thanks ![]()
![]() I agree with the role-playing aspect of it. I was asking more with my GM hat on. Wondering what impact it would have to change Neutral to mean you are affected as both good AND evil rather than neither. I usually don't pay much attention to alignment. The player plays the PC how they feel they would act. But we are in Book 5 of WotR and it is becoming a noticeable advantage for the two PCs who are neutral rather than good. ![]()
![]() Ok this is what I have gathered from some of the other threads: Council of Thieves could nicely
Serpent's Skull could end at book 3 with a possible mix of book 4 to claim the city. Mummy's Mask could end with book 4 - just don't have XXX soul escape to reunite with his body Could Giantslayer end nicely at Book 3? ![]()
![]() I have played and and GM'd a few APs. Because my groups can only play every other week for about 4 hours - they take about 2 years to complete. Which can be hard to stay focused and invested in the storyline. Are there any APs where you could easily convert to only play some of the books and still have a decent "full" campaign? Which APs and which books? Example - CotCT
![]() Alex Smith 908 wrote:
First, I love the hell train idea - totally stealing. And I agree the brothel was silly and redundant. And I am not a big "random drow" fan. Where did you have the party go to secure the nahidrian chisel? Was that on the train also? ![]()
![]() Session 18 ..The party leveled up to 11 the before this session. Per the AP they should be Level 12 / Tier 5 I had Grixlbee and 8 “elite” Templars in the Strategy room. The party wizard smartly cast an ice area spell that killed the locust swarms but did not hurt the papers. The party mopped up the bad guys. Nasty Vang
Then a quick mythic web followed by a cloudkill. Which blocked up about half the room. With the cleric’s blade barrier blocking off the other half. **I don’t like a lot of invisible combat – so Vang ony had regular invisibility cast and that went away after his spells. ** Most of the party dealt with the babaus and hezrou while the inquisitor flying charged up to Vang.
Vang hit the wizard and some summoned creatures with Arrow Storm (1001 spells) which pinned the wizard for a few rounds. The ranger and the wizard’s summoned flying triceratops eventually did enough damage to take Vang out. But it was a good fight. The inquisitor could not hit Vang’s AC with 7 negative levels. The paladin is far less effective because he can’t fly. Vang probably should have teleported away, but what fun is that. And there had not been a lot of loot for the wizard. ![]()
![]() These are the items. Comments?
- You may cast one additional spell per day which you have in your spellbook and are capable of casting, even if the spell is not prepared. If the arcane caster specializes in an arcane school, this spell must come from that school. [This is in addition to the extra spell from your bonded ring] - You may still craft the original bonded ring per the bonded item rules. Cleric
> 3 times per day can maximize a channel > 3 times per day may change the damage of a spell with the fire descriptor to “Holy Fire”. Fire Resistance would not apply. The spell must be 6th level or lower. Paladin
Yaniel - Paladin of Iomedae – known for her regaining her faith in a solo mission into the Worldwound. She disappeared about 6 years ago on another solo mission. She was ambushed by a lillitu named Minagho. While in combat, the Bryce scabbard hurls threats of righteous retribution in a loud, clear voice.
->Three times per day, Bryce can cast bless weapon (CL 10) on Radiance. > 1/day he can make a knowledge X check at +15 having to do with the Worldwound Note: Also Radiance upgrades to a +3 holy weapon Ranger
> When you successfully use evasion to avoid taking damage, you can move up to half your speed as an immediate action. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. > Once per day, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your character level. Activating this ability is an immediate action that can only be performed when you are brought to below 0 hit points. This ability can be used to prevent dying. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute. > As long as you have 2 hands free, you can move on vertical surfaces or even upside down along ceilings with a climb speed of 20 feet. [Not on severely slippery surfaces—icy, oiled, or greased surfaces] Inquisitor
> +2 resistance bonus on all saves > Grants a constant endure elements effect to the wearer > Gives you Light Fortification (as the armor property) ![]()
![]() Session 17 The 3 brain collectors barely slowed them down. Jerribeth was a tough fight. I left her in “elvish from” for the whole encounter. He whispers kept the ranger confused for a few rounds. Her dual initiative, nasty claws, and high AC made it a good fight. But eventually the 3 party frontliners just had more attacks per round. For the “barracks encounter” I used Scorpion’s Scion of Baphomet ( fiendish minotaur anti-paladin) and my own Hand of Baphomet (Fiendish minotaur monk). The room was a little small for 2 large creatures to do a lot of maneuvering. The Scion did some nice damage smiting the paladin – but the party cleric kept him healed up. They cleared out the vaults. I gave each pc a unique item. ![]()
![]() Session 18
Ivory Sanctum – p1
The party made short work of the 3 fiendish minos in the “vestibule”. I smooshed a few encounters together. So in the main cathedral there was 6 templars. 4 Blackfire adepts (with mirror image pre-cast) and a Blackfire adept leader. The party stayed back for the first round because they were sure the statue of Baphomet was going to come to life. But the wizard and the cleric of Sarenrae launched 2 fireballs and 2 acid fireballs in that round using hero points. Those took a toll on the Adepts. It was an un-exciting fight that used a little bit of their resources. I have to tweak up the Templar stats I am using to make them a little more effective.
![]() Session 17
The party let the shadowdancer scout ahead as they waited in the tree line about 50 yards away. He was invisible and overly confident. Jaruunicka hit him with both claws & rend on the first attack and became visible. The derakni went after the inquisitor who was the first party member to arrive. Neither could hit each other with some especically bad dice rolling. The retriever appeared on the back wall just as the rest of the party arrived. At this point, Arushalae started shooting arrows at the retriever which was the only target available. Team Evil had some nice high armor classes for a change which made it a good tough fight. It would have been tougher but the retriever got off only 1 eye beam before the Wizard dismissed it. I have made Arushalae much weaker and with less nifty magic items. She is about the equivalent of a 9th level character – good with her bow. After the Ivory Sanctum, she will not remain with the party. The party decides to travel directly the where the Ivory Sanctum is. ![]()
![]() Session 16 Fallen Thane – I made it a lost temple of Torag to match with the dwarven inquisitor. I used Scorpion’s Zenadra, Svennabeth and the statue. Along with 6 templars.
But like many encounters in DH, it was the “one encounter per day” issue. ![]()
![]() Even thought my party is non-mythic, I struggle to adjust the encounters to keep them challenging. I have been using Scorpion's statblocks alot. Adding Arueshalae (as written) to the party just amps up their strength. I am tempted to make Arueshalae much less strong. About equal to a base succubus. I also am thinking about her just leading the party to the IS, but not going inside with them. Thoughts? Experiences? ![]()
![]() I thought it was a great fight. The party was prepped for acid based on the surrounding countryside and a melted group of crusaders. So did not take damage from teh breath weapon. But Scorizar used his Entropic Breath as battlefield control. The poor Ranger got stuck in the confusion plus got a 1 and failed save to roll on the warp chart. The ranger and paladin were very close to going down, but were saved by a timely channel or 2. I felt good b/c at one point there was some discussion about retreating and coming back the next day. But they stayed and prevailed. As the 2nd wyrm dropped there was a mad dash to exit the warp while still being wary of the confused ranger. They had to go back to Dresen and pickup some wagons to transport all the loot. I had Vorimeraak and 3 vrocks attack at that point. Nice fight but I though Vorimeraak woudl be tougher. At the end of the session they were off to shop in Nerosayn and I had them level up to 10th. ![]()
![]() Session 15 Scorizar's Den
There is a rift at the lair's entrance that the characters have to cross in order to enter the cave, and the cave can be seen clearly through the rift.
d20 Warpwave effect
![]() Session 15 The Family Crypt
The spoke with Alyrs and headed down into the crypt. I wanted a break from demons – so I changed out the bodaks and Skulgrym for a Necromancer/Mage, a Cleric of Sikfesh and some buffed up zombies. It was a nice little fight with more magic. Marhavok’s Hall
I did not use his pet drake and beefed M and all 10 barbarians up a bit – but it was not much of a fight. M’s damage with his hands/claws was just too little. Since the party has not been really challenged - I am beefing up the Scalazar encounter a lot . (They saw the woundwyrm flying and are going to investigate. ![]()
![]() First let me say that my party is non-mythic. As I am prepping for the Ivory Sanctum encounters I have a few concerns. 1. The party may be able to go through in "one try", but then might not have enough left in the tank to finish off Vang in the final encounter. 2. If the party retreats and comes back for a second try, how have the IS encounters changed? What types of additional defenses have they st up? Suggestions are most welcome. ![]()
![]() Ssyvan wrote:
I was a little scared that they would kill 2 pcs a round. So I had the drakes take big turns and the pcs were purposely moving around some rock outcroppings to make it hard for the drakes to charge. The drakes did not land and only made one lance flyby attack. One attack missed on the hvy armored paladin. They did do alot of damage to the paladin and the inquisitor - but the cleric was close to heal them up. So yeah - If I would have played them "normal" more characters would have gone down. The encounter did show the party they are pretty weak on ranged attacks. ![]()
![]() Session 14 The party investigated the tainted church of Erastil. On the way to Delamere’s tomb, I had 2 drake riders attack. After 3 rounds, 1 drake was down but I had the incubus rider call in a “squad” of 6 Thoxel demons. Each drake rider got in 1 charge during the whole battle - which did a good deal of damage. But the whole fight was not too much of a challenge. I wish the module would have broken out the damage of the lance. ( I think I have this correct now – but not at the session.)
Delamere’s Tomb
![]() Feature: Each fighter has unique characteristics. At 2nd level select one from the list.
Feature list:
Bravery (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a fighter gains a +1 bonus on Will saves against fear. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 2nd. Defensive Stance (Ex) Starting at 2nd level, the fighter selects one combat maneuver and gains a +1 bonus to his CMD against all CMB checks made to perform the maneuver. This bonus increases by +1 for every 4 levels beyond 2nd. Into The Breach (Ex) Starting at 2nd level, the fighter adds half his class level to all Acrobatics checks made to jump or reduce the damage of a fall. Offensive Stance (Ex) Starting at 2nd level, the fighter selects one combat maneuver and gains a +1 bonus to all CMB checks to perform the maneuver. This bonus increases by +1 for every 4 levels beyond 2nd. Quick Healer (Ex) Starting at 2nd level, the fighter’s non-magic healing recovers damage at x2 the normal rate (including healing hp and ability damage healed through rest, and hp restored by the treat deadly wounds function of the Heal skill). This multiple increases by 1 for every 4 levels beyond 2nd, to a maximum of x6 non-magical healing at 18th level. Respected Veteran (Ex) Starting at 2nd level, the fighter gains a +1 circumstance bonus to all Diplomacy checks made with professional fighters (including guards, soldiers, mercenaries, and gladiators). This bonus increases by +1 for every 4 levels beyond 2nd. Tough as Iron (Ex) Starting at 2nd level, the fighter is disabled when at 0 or -1 hit points, and can go to a negative hp total 1 greater than his Constitution score before dying. These hp ranges increase by 1 hp (disabled at 0 to -2 hp, not dead until reaching negative hp equal to Constitution +2) at 6th level, and every 4 levels afterward.
Edges List: Fighter Edges The Edges listed below are typically more powerful than a standard feat or allow a fighter to take a feat without the prerequisites. Unless specified, each edge can only be selected once. Armored Defense (Ex): The fighter gains DR 1/— when wearing light armor, DR 2/— when wearing medium armor, and DR 3/— when wearing heavy armor. This damage reduction stacks with that provided by adamantine armor, but not with other forms of damage reduction. This damage reduction does not apply if the armor master is stunned, unconscious, or helpless. Begrudging Respect (Ex): When mercenaries, men-at-arms, guards or other creatures of a soldierly persuasion witness a fighting man in combat they automatically have their attitude
Carpe Punga (Ex): The fighter gains Improved Initiative as a bonus feat. In addition, he gains Uncanny Dodge as though he were a barbarian of equal level. Combat Feat (Ex): A fighter may take a combat feat (that he qualifies for) in place of an edge. He may select this talent multiple times, each time he does he selects a new combat feat. Combat Medic (Ex): The fighting man gains Heal as a class skill and does not take the -4 penalty
Comin’ at Ya’ (Ex): The fighting man gains Step Up and Following Step as bonus feats. He may use those feats when an opponent takes a withdraw action while within his threatened area. In addition, when using these feats, he may expend an attack of opportunity to move an extra 5 feet per attack of opportunity expended. Dodging Charge (Ex): When using a charge action, he does not draw attacks of opportunity as he passes through threatened areas. In addition, he does not suffer the standard Armor Class
Graceful Fighter (Ex): The fighting man gains a +2 competence bonus on Reflex saves. This
Hardy (Ex): The fighter gains the Toughness feat. In addition, whenever the fighter regains 1 or more points of ability damage or drain (be it from mundane or magic healing), he recovers 1 more point than normal. And whenever he receives magical healing, he heals an additional 1 point per die rolled. Historian (Ex): The fighter gains Knowledge: Engineering, Geography, History and Nobility as class skills. In addition, he gets a +1 bonus on skill checks using these skills. Iron Fist (Sp): The fighter’s unarmed strikes do an additional 1d6 damage. Do not multiply this damage in the case of a critical hit. When he reaches 11th level, the bonus increases to +2d6. The attacks made must be with fists.
Know Thy Enemy (Ex): The fighting man gains Knowledge: Arcana, Dungeoneering, Nature, Planes and Religion as class skills. In addition, when using these skills to identify a monster, he gains a +2 bonus on the skill check. Magical Inclination (Sp): Use magic device becomes a class skill. In addition, the fighter gains the ability to cast a 0-level spell from the sorcerer/wizard spell list. This spell can be cast three times a day as a spell-like ability. The caster level for this ability is equal to the fighter’s level. The save DC for this spell is 10 + his Intelligence modifier. Military Living (Ex):
Mobile Combatant (Ex): The fighting man gains Mobility as a bonus feat. In addition, he may
Night Sentry (Ex):
Stalwart (Ex): The fighter gains a +2 competence bonus on Fort saves. This bonus increases by +1 for every 4 levels he has attained. Stay the Line (Ex): As a standard action, the fighting man can quell any fear in his heart as well as
Storm of Blades (Ex): The fighting man gains the Cleave and Cleaving Finish feats. Strong Willed (Ex): The fighter gains a +2 competence bonus on Will saves. This bonus increases by +1 for every 4 levels he has attained. Spin Attack (Ex)
Unavoidable Assault (Ex): When not mounted, the fighter’s charge is not blocked by friendly
Unarmored Dodge (Ex):
Vital Striker (Ex):
War College: The fighter gains 5 additional skill points, which must be spent on class skills.
Advanced Fighter Edges Armor Defense Mastery (Ex):
Determined (Ex):
Evasion (Ex):
Guerrilla Soldier (Ex): The fighter gains one rogue talent (but not advanced talent). The
Hard to Kill (Ex): Whenever the fighter is below 0 hit points, he automatically stabilizes without needing to attempt a Constitution check. If he has an ability that allows him to act while below 0 hit points, he still loses hit points for taking actions, as specified by that ability. Bleed damage still causes him to lose hit points when below 0 hit points. In addition, he won’t die until his total number of negative hit points is equal to or greater than double his Constitution score. Mettle (Ex):
![]() Fighting Discipline: At first level, you adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Please see the list of the Fighting Disciplines here. Archer
Pugilist: (Have you seen the Monk and Brawler?)
Weapon and Shield
![]() My take on the Fighter follows. I wanted to keep the Fighter chassis (because of Archetypes and other core stuff). I respectively borrowed from other posters’, LRG Fighting Man , RGG Talented Fighter and Alt to Bravery Sqwonk’s revised Fighter BaB: Full
Hit Dice: d10
Class Skills
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier. *Fighters may select the Signature Skill feat. Level special
*1 Fighting Discipline, Daily Training *2 Edge, Feature, Combat Stamina *3 Armor Training *4 Edge *5 Weapon Training *6 Edge *7 Battlefield Maneuvers *8 Edge *9 Weapon Training 2 *10 Advanced Edges, Edge *11 Advanced Daily Training *12 Edge *13 Weapon Training 3 *14 Edge *15 ?????? *16 Edge *17 Weapon Training 4 *18 Edge *19 Armor Mastery *20 Edge, Weapon Mastery ![]()
![]() I have been reading the numerous fighter threads. It seems to come down to being able to do these roles Champion
And also have a combat bonus at level 1. And have some daily flexibility/change-ability. That is a pretty wide range to cover. Do you agree? Roles you would add? ![]()
![]() I have been looking from "more" for the fighter. Fighting Man does touch upon some of the things I am looking for. A few questions 1. When a talent says "gains x feat" I assume that means even if the FM does not qualify, correct? So Spin Attack = gains Whirlwind attack" means the FM does not also need dodge and mobility. 2. There seems to be an edit or cut/paste issue on Storm of Blades. The last 2 sentences don't make sense. 3. In the chart I see level 15 gives improved combat maneuver - but that ability is not explained in the document. Battlefield and Spontaneus are described. Thanks ![]()
![]() End of Book 2 I had them level up to 9th in preparation for Demon’s heresy. Mainly so the wizard could cast Teleport so they could go to a big city to sell loot and buy shiny stuff. (They have not really had a chance since the start and had a significant pile of loot.) I had not planned on giving them a “feaux mythic” bump yet, but I had been working with the Ranger/Shadowdancer player to deal with his lame dog and shadow. So I gave everyone a bump. Ranger/Shadow dancer
- Gain Detect Evil ability lost by “redeemer” archetype Inquisitor
- You gain the Acrobatic Steps feat even if you don’t qualify. Cleric - Gain a free bonus feat. - Sustained by Faith (Su): You require no food, water, or sleep. You can regain spells once per day by spending 1 hour in uninterrupted meditation.
Wizard - Talented Teleporter (Ex): You learn the Teleport spell. You gain an additional 5th level spell slot that can only be used for Teleport. When you cast Teleport it is cast as a 20th level spell. (This was mainly to deal with the ranger’s new large companion) - Max Spell : You can spend a hero point to maximize a spell that is cast at demons. (Or includes demons in the group area.) This spell cannot be of the highest level you can cast – so now at 9th you can’t maximize a 5th level spell. ![]()
![]() Session 12 They smashed down the down the door as Joran was yelling “leave us alone”. (The admantium warhammer is the best door opener.) Inside they fought Joran and 4 mythic baubaus. After several rounds, Staunton came riding in on his wasp. I sued Scorpions version of Staunton and the warmonger mount. The battle was tough with a few PCs going unconscious. But in the end prevailed. They kept Joran alive. Session 13 I had them level up to 8th before entering the dungeon. I modified the dungeon significantly – there is basically a small dungeon, the forge and the shadow demon’s lair. The 2 mythic spectre guards were pretty scary. Several levels were drained. The economy of actions made short work of Theruk Null. I thought the AP’s Vamp spawn would seem weak and lame. But I should have given him at least a couple minions. The 2 Azers in the forge room were a nice palette cleanser – not too tough or weak. Being prepared with Prot from Evil made the Eustoyriax fight not as epic as I had hoped. Even with 2 shadow mastiff minions the PCs were never in any serious danger. Especially with the cleric channeling several times.