Damon Griffin |

Having kicked off this particular round of controversy over the release dates for retailers, I feel I should clarify something regarding my particular store.
When I was at the store on Sunday, one of the regular staffers asked if I'd received my copy of UM yet, and was surprised that as a subscriber I had not since he was expecting the store to receive their copies on Monday.
I didn't actually see UM on the shelf until my next trip to the store on Wednesday, which I gather was the proper release date; I don't know that the store make copies available for sale before Wednesday, only that they received their copies three days ahead of me. It is of course normal to receive product ahead of the release date.
I rather suspect they complied with the release date as they are usually very good about this. On one recent occasion I came into the store on a Tuesday, anxious that my comic sub for the following day include some recent additions for which the store wouldn't have many extra copies. The same staffer let me into the back room where all the comics were in place ready for subscription "pulls" and let me pull my own for my sub box, but said he couldn't sell me anything until the following day because the release day was Wednesday, not Tuesday.

pluvia33 |

Okay, this may seem a little premature, but I was just wondering, how long do second/third/etc. printings of these books usually take to come out?
It just seems, from reading comments on these forums, that there are a lot of errors in this book (like Cold Ice Strike missing the Components line and possibly needing other errata). I usually buy all of my books from Amazon (yeah, I know), but delays and comments on errors prompted me to buy my first Pathfinder PDF with this book since all of the errata will be included in the PDF version and I can just re-download it when the fixes are made.
I just received a notification from Amazon that my estimated shipping date for UM has been changed to July 18-22. I was wondering if I should just cancel my order and wait for a second or third printing of the book so I don't have to deal with printing out as much errata when I get my physical copy of the book.
PS: Still wondering what is up about no new oracle curses in the book.

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Okay, this may seem a little premature, but I was just wondering, how long do second/third/etc. printings of these books usually take to come out?
It just seems, from reading comments on these forums, that there are a lot of errors in this book (like Cold Ice Strike missing the Components line and possibly needing other errata). I usually buy all of my books from Amazon (yeah, I know), but delays and comments on errors prompted me to buy my first Pathfinder PDF with this book since all of the errata will be included in the PDF version and I can just re-download it when the fixes are made.
I just received a notification from Amazon that my estimated shipping date for UM has been changed to July 18-22. I was wondering if I should just cancel my order and wait for a second or third printing of the book so I don't have to deal with printing out as much errata when I get my physical copy of the book.
PS: Still wondering what is up about no new oracle curses in the book.
First off, the book isn't any worse than APG or Core when it comes to errata.
Second, Paizo does errata when they make a new printing. New printing happens when the previous one is out of stock. So if everybody would hold off for the second printing... it would never happen :)

FenrysStar |

I try to buy direct from Paizo whenever possible. I should get my copy of this next week. It shipped yesterday through the mail I can dream it will arrive on Saturday but more than likely it will come sometime next week. This and Broken Moon that I already have problems with after looking over the pdf. But that's me and how I want to run Carrion Crown. I'll be running the module in a version of Golarion that just does not have lycnathropes at all.

pluvia33 |

Paizo does errata when they make a new printing. New printing happens when the previous one is out of stock. So if everybody would hold off for the second printing... it would never happen :)
Yeah, that makes since. I just don't think I care so much about having the physical copy any time soon now that I went ahead and bought the PDF, especially if it's not going to get to me in another 2 months anyway. I was just wondering how long it took for the second printings to come out for previous books.

CGhen |
Hmm....looking at the broodmaster Archetype for summoners, would the Summon Eidolon spell apply to the entire brood? The target for that spell is specifically 'one eidolon', but given that the brood is the equivalent of one normal eidolon, would be be amiss to assume that it would summon the entire group?

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I am actually kind of disappointed that there is no rules for Improved Familiars in this book, especially with the new familiars section that really do not cover that many new ones as some are mentioned in other books.
Is there a chance we will eventually see some new improved familiars or at least some new and unique rules for them, especially for leveling them?
This is a wish of mine and what I was hoping to see in this book.

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Just got my email from Amazon saying delivery end of July. If I ordered direct from Paizo now, when do you think it'll arrive?
Depends how fast of a shipment you pick. USPS Priority Mail is said to take 3to 6 business days. If you pick standard mail think it's can take up to 21 business days.
UPS grond if your in the lower 48 I hear is pretty fairly priced (cheap plus for my company I work for).
Definitely before the end of July. In fact I would say as early as then end of may, depending on where you live of course.
Here is another idea. It's not to late to subscribe and get that free PDF as well!!!!

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When I can actually sit down and read the book, I will probably edit that into an actual review.
Good boy. Now if you could only edit that review into a no-star one, else you will just feed the trolls. And we all know that's something you would never oh wait.

Threeshades |

Threeshades wrote:Why is it so impossible to get new PF books in time around here? German amazon says it's not even out yet.If you order through Paizo I am sure you will get it before Amazon would normally get it for you.
I would have ordered my entire PFRPG library directly from paizo if I could. But I don't have a credit card and the shop does not accept any alternatives, at least not for overseas orders.

AbsolutGrndZer0 |

In a review someone mentioned the 1/day nonsense about witches. Is this an errata that makes witches only able to use hexes once per day? Some of them specifically say once per day, but many do not. Plus, it seems to be once per day per target, so an army of 100 people I can death curse every single one of them, making it 100/day, or am I reading it wrong/missing the errata?

AbsolutGrndZer0 |

Lisa Stevens wrote:Purely out of curiosity - what consequences occur for Paizo, if a store puts a book out one or two days before the street date? The only thing I can think of is that if one store violates this agreement regularly, then customers will catch wind of it and flock to that store to the detriment of competitors (including Paizo, which releases products on the street date on Paizo.com).No, we do have a problem with stores putting stuff out before the street date. We try to work with our distributors to make sure the retailers get it in time to release on the street date, but it requires a lot of trust along the chain for everyone to abide by the rules and release it on the street date.
Did the Inner Sea guide get authorized to come out two weeks before April 8th? This was the date I planned and budgeted for, but Amazon sent it to me two weeks early and caused a $50 overdraft fee on my bank account. If it turns out they broke street date, I would very much appreciate Paizo to fine them the maximum amount possible on my behalf. IF you guys changed the street date, that's ok, I won't be mad at you. Heh.
Second, can anyone tell me just the themes and 1st two spells, of the new Witch Patrons? I don't need all the spells (esp. since that might not be allowed, but if someone working for Paizo posts the full spell lists that would be great. But, please no players do so.), but I will not be able to purchase this book until next month (but I am starting a subscription with it heh) and I am starting a new game with a Witch this week, so I might want to take a different patron than is in the APG if one better fits my concept.

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ronaldsf wrote:Lisa Stevens wrote:Purely out of curiosity - what consequences occur for Paizo, if a store puts a book out one or two days before the street date? The only thing I can think of is that if one store violates this agreement regularly, then customers will catch wind of it and flock to that store to the detriment of competitors (including Paizo, which releases products on the street date on Paizo.com).No, we do have a problem with stores putting stuff out before the street date. We try to work with our distributors to make sure the retailers get it in time to release on the street date, but it requires a lot of trust along the chain for everyone to abide by the rules and release it on the street date.
Did the Inner Sea guide get authorized to come out two weeks before April 8th? This was the date I planned and budgeted for, but Amazon sent it to me two weeks early and caused a $50 overdraft fee on my bank account. If it turns out they broke street date, I would very much appreciate Paizo to fine them the maximum amount possible on my behalf. IF you guys changed the street date, that's ok, I won't be mad at you. Heh.
Second, can anyone tell me just the themes and 1st two spells, of the new Witch Patrons? I don't need all the spells (esp. since that might not be allowed, but if someone working for Paizo posts the full spell lists that would be great. But, please no players do so.), but I will not be able to purchase this book until next month (but I am starting a subscription with it heh) and I am starting a new game with a Witch this week, so I might want to take a different patron than is in the APG if one better fits my concept.
As for the Amazon thing, honestly they put up seemly random release dates and the deliver books when they can fill the order. I would never trust a amazon release date.
As for the witch patrons assuming Paizo doesn't mind, if they do sure they can edit my post.
Ancestors: 2nd—bless, 4th—aid
Death: 2nd—deathwatch, 4th—blessing of courage and life
Enchantment: 2nd—unnatural lust, 4th—calm emotions
Healing: 2nd—remove fear, 4th—lesser restoration
Insanity: 2nd—memory lapse, 4th—hideous laughter
Light: 2nd—dancing lantern, 4th—continual flame
Moon: 2nd—darkness, 4th—darkvision
Occult: 2nd—detect undead, 4th—command undead
Portents:2nd—ill-omen, 4th—locate object
Spirits: 2nd—ghostbane dirge, 4th—invisibility
Stars: 2nd—faerie fire, 4th—dust of twilight
Time: 2nd—ventriloquism, 4th—silence
Vengeance: 2nd—burning hands, 4th—burning gaze
Winter: 2nd—unshakable chill, 4th—resist energy(cold only)

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Why is it so impossible to get new PF books in time around here? German amazon says it's not even out yet.
F-Shop (the shop from Ulisses Spiele)has them, I got mine on may 19. The yseem to be the best adress for Pathfinder in germany, probably because they belong to the publisher who does the german pathfinder translations.

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Did the Inner Sea guide get authorized to come out two weeks before April 8th? This was the date I planned and budgeted for, but Amazon sent it to me two weeks early and caused a $50 overdraft fee on my bank account. If it turns out they broke street date, I would very much appreciate Paizo to fine them the maximum amount possible on my behalf. IF you guys changed the street date, that's ok, I won't be mad at you. Heh.
I'm pretty sure Street Date for the ISWG was in March as my order says "Purchased March 3" and if that was 2 weeks before street date (for subscribers) then the Street Date would have been in mid-March not early April, so it sounds as if they may have actually released something on-time.

AbsolutGrndZer0 |

AbsolutGrndZer0 wrote:I'm pretty sure Street Date for the ISWG was in March as my order says "Purchased March 3" and if that was 2 weeks before street date (for subscribers) then the Street Date would have been in mid-March not early April, so it sounds as if they may have actually released something on-time.
Did the Inner Sea guide get authorized to come out two weeks before April 8th? This was the date I planned and budgeted for, but Amazon sent it to me two weeks early and caused a $50 overdraft fee on my bank account. If it turns out they broke street date, I would very much appreciate Paizo to fine them the maximum amount possible on my behalf. IF you guys changed the street date, that's ok, I won't be mad at you. Heh.
Well, it was actually sent March 29th, which would be one week actually, but still. The date had been April 8th on their site for months, I got no email saying "Hey, the release date has changed!" until that one that said "Good news! We're sending your product early!" and I was too late reading the email to stop it.
I LIKE how Paizo gives you about a week's notice when a shipment is incoming.

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I'll add my voice to the long tale of woes that is Amazon - been told my copy will arrive mid to end June. (I live in UK).
One thing I will say for Amazon in this case is the the amazing price - just over £18! I've got an Amazon credit for £15 (I do online consumer questionaires), so that's just over £3 for my copy! (Bought a pdf online to last me until late June).
If Paizo would allow us to pay by PayPal it might tempt more of us to order direct.
As for APG & Ult Magic -
So many choices, so little time!
Paul H

Brox RedGloves |

Vic Wertz wrote:Sometimes I get the idea that a chimpanzee is in charge of RPG books at Amazon, and he just randomly sets the dates.Sketchpad wrote:I know this has been slapped around a bit on the boards, but could someone explain to me why UM had an original date on Amazon of the 18th, but has jumped to July 12th?! I'm just wondering ...Amazon just plain makes up their own release dates for our stuff, and as far as I can see, the dates they make up appear to have very little relationship to the date that they actually expect to have product, expect to ship product, or actually ship product.
Nah. They set the date far enough into the future so that, when they actually do ship it, they can say "SEE, we care about customer service, and more importantly, we care about you. Here, have a survey and tell us how great we are..."

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Just got my email from Amazon saying delivery end of July. If I ordered direct from Paizo now, when do you think it'll arrive?
The best way to get a good estimate is to put it into your cart and start going through the checkout process; you'll see an estimated delivery time before you commit to purchasing. (You may have a few different options, depending on your location.)

Konstantin Dika |
I also finally got my (hard)copy today.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Paizo for a really great packaging this time around! First the new packaging box looks better (huge black Paizo "golem" thingy on top) and the Ultimate magic book came with corner protectors! No more bent or squished corners!!! Yay! The Rival Guide came in a standard cardboard envelope which made the whole box even sturdier. All in all a very very positive experience. Bravo Paizo!

thebluecanary |

I got the PDF a few days ago, and am really enjoy the book and all that it has to offer. As for the PDF it seems to me that they didn't put as many "link tos" as they did with the core books. Specifically like with Feats, you click on the name and you goto the description. In the core book they do this all over the place, and I loved this option. Not sure why they didn't do this with this one. But that is more a personal thing I guess. Only real disappointment I had with the book was the lack of any magic items. Even the APG had a few new items. But none in a book totally devoted to magic? That just seemed odd to me.

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Can't comment on the PDF stuff, but I have to say I love my hardback copy! Once again Paizo proves that they understand how to write additional (and optional) material for D&D/PF; this is on par with APG, and way, way better than anything published for 3E. From archetypes to feats and spells, it's all good. And I can't wait to get a chance to play a magus!
As with APG, I can see SRM's gentle hand in the background, hand-picking the best, most fitting elements from 4E and layering them on top of the Pathfinder core mechanics. Bravo! And kudos to Jason, Sean, James and the rest of the team as well! :)

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I got the PDF a few days ago, and am really enjoy the book and all that it has to offer. As for the PDF it seems to me that they didn't put as many "link tos" as they did with the core books. Specifically like with Feats, you click on the name and you goto the description. In the core book they do this all over the place, and I loved this option. Not sure why they didn't do this with this one. But that is more a personal thing I guess.
See this post for an explanation of why it isn't really feasible.

Stephen Radney-MacFarland Senior Designer |

As with APG, I can see SRM's gentle hand in the background, hand-picking the best, most fitting elements from 4E and layering them on top of the Pathfinder core mechanics. Bravo! And kudos to Jason, Sean, James and the rest of the team as well! :)
I don't think anyone has ever accused me of having a gentle hand before, but thank you for the compliment.
I'm glad you like the book. I think you will also enjoy Ultimate Combat!

thebluecanary |

thebluecanary wrote:I got the PDF a few days ago, and am really enjoy the book and all that it has to offer. As for the PDF it seems to me that they didn't put as many "link tos" as they did with the core books. Specifically like with Feats, you click on the name and you goto the description. In the core book they do this all over the place, and I loved this option. Not sure why they didn't do this with this one. But that is more a personal thing I guess.See this post for an explanation of why it isn't really feasible.
Cool with the PDF thing. But still, why no magic items?