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** Pathfinder Society GM. 237 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 68 Organized Play characters.


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Sovereign Court 2/5

So how much PP etc will it cost my Chirurgeon Kineticist 8 to retrain as vanilla Kineticist please?
Currently got 3 Pally mercies


Sovereign Court


Recently played a scenario where I gained a boon to play a 4th lvl Kobold in future scenarios.

Any idea where I can get the character sheet please?

Game hasn't been posted yet so have no idea who GM was and need character for upcoming game

Paul H

Sovereign Court

Are Mesmerists Arcane Casters able to use Arcane Strike?

Heard somewhere they are counted as Arcane too, but that doesn't seem right

Paul H

Sovereign Court

What about Shield Other?

Does the recipient still only take half damage when the caster dies?

What about multiple castings?

Sovereign Court


Does Elemental Annihilator and Kinetic Knight stack?

Just an ongoing debate among friends.

Can anyone provide an official answer, please?

Paul H

Sovereign Court


I hate to say this, but can't navigate this site at all!

Bring back the old layout PLEASE

At the moment can't find things that I need. At this rate I'll be avoiding Paizo completely. (And I've just started the Starfinder campaign at my club.

I know I'm old, and my mental capacity has been limited from sleep apnoea and a stroke, but hey.............

So, please - bring back the old layout!

Paul H

Sovereign Court


There's CR 17 Devil with Regen and no weaknesses. So impossible to kill?

Apart from party spending rest of their mortal lives keeping monster down, is there NO way to deal with this?

Paul H

Sovereign Court


Might sound strange, but when a Pyrokineticist 'forms' his elemental whisper out of flame, does the creature take normal form, or is it like a small elemental of flame, giving off light,etc?

Paul H

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.


Over here we have a different system - free at point of need.

Our system isn't perfect - rising healthcare costs and an ever ageing population costs. But it doesn't bankrupt you if you have a major accident or disease.

Over here we check for a pulse first, not if the patient has a credit card.

Our perception here is that your president wants to limit healthcare to the richest of society, leaving the poor out of it.

Paul H

Sovereign Court


It says under the Phantom Blade archetype that it functions as the Bladebound archetype's Black Blade, except as noted.

Does that mean it gets arcane pool and all the associated bonuses at the appropriate level?

Paul H

Sovereign Court

Hi from the other side of the pond

Seems we both have political disasters now, You with your election result, us with the devisive Brexit vote.

I'm one of our Lib Dem Party, (when I'm not playing PFS)! But the hatred I got on the web for voting 'Remain' was terrible. Put my blood pressure through the roof and I suffered a stroke on Jan 3rd. Still haven't recovered yet. So I know a bit how politics cab be devisive.

What's this about blaming GCHQ for spying on your election? We don't do things like that over here. Opinion over here is that an ex TV Personality is stroking his ego again. No facts, just innuendo.

His view that millions of illegal voters voted Democratic because he lost the popular vote is astonishing.

My condolences on the vote. I hope you get a more moderate centrist government next time, whichever party wins. Meantime we have 2 years of Brexit hell, plus a chance of Scotland breaking away from the Union after 300 years. (Like California breaking from USA).

Thanks for the chat
Paul H
(Typed with left hand since the right one don't work)

Sovereign Court


Logged into my account - but can'y access my game history.The 'make changes' has no 'button' so I can't access my characters.

Recently lost my folder with all my PFS characters, so will have to rebuild. (Cleaner threw them out by mistake. 9 years of PFS lost)! Grr.

Any help much appreciated.

Paul H

Sovereign Court


Does this mean I finally get to use my Eldar fleet from GW?

5 cruisers and 33 support ships haven't bee used since GW went to core games only in their shops

Paul Harries

Sovereign Court


Thanks for the quick answer.

It's what I hoped
Paul H

Sovereign Court


Does the Phantom get healed by Positive Energy?

Doesn't say it's an undead as such.

Or does it depend on the Spiritualist's alignment?

I've just made a Spiritualist for PFS and need to know how to heal the Phantom. Also, just gained the Dhampir GM Boon, so wondering if I make a Dhampir Spiritualist can it use Negative Energy to heal it too?

Paul H

Sovereign Court

What are the Favoured Class Bonuses for the new classes in the Occult Adventures?

Paul H

Sovereign Court


If someone has a magical weapon with special properties,and wants to upgrade it. How much does it cost?

Case in question is +2 Weapon with abilities costing total 26 K to a +3 weapon with same abilities.

I think it should increase cost the difference between +2 and +3.

Somneone's telling me it only costs extra 6k, since the other abilities already included in cost.

Paul H

Sovereign Court


Just checking - the blast for EA is still level based on D6's? I believe it still does full Con bonus to damage since it's a physical attack?

Just starting up a Dwarven EA in PFS

Paul H

Sovereign Court


Many of the issues raised are all changed with the Elemental Annihilator.

It specifically allows you to use Vital Strike etc with the melee attacks. Though you're melee attacks don't scale as you level. (You can take specialisation later).

It also grants access to other combat feats for ranged blasts too.

Paul H

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.


Still looking for answer to "can you add bombs to melee weapons as per alchemical weapons?"

Secondly, do you add your Int bonus to damage?

Have a PFS game in a few weeks & need a definitive answer by then.

Paul H

Sovereign Court


Thinking of Cavaliers Archetype with Drake Companion.

The problem I see is that 1st lvl Drake companions start as Tiny creatures, so unless you can play a Diminutive sized character, you can't ride them until at least 9th lvl, and then only if you're small!

Unless there is something I missed about the minimum size for a cavalier mount?

Paul H

Sovereign Court

avr wrote:
No, it'd mean it does damage as the closest equivalent to a light spell, a burning torch. 1 point of fire damage.


No problem with that, thanks.

Just starting up new PFS character, a Half Elf Pyrokineticist with the Elf Raised Racial & Chosen One of Iomedae Faith Traits.

Paul H

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.


It says that the Light spell of Pyrokineticists gives off heat as a flame.

Does that mean that if you cast it on a weapon it does damage as a Flaming Weapon?

Paul H

Sovereign Court


What about the Gather Power bit? It's still a Move Action that provokes, so until you're 5th Lvl it's not worth taking? Unless you're in a jam and can take the Burn?

Came up at a PFS Convention last weekend with my Telekineticist.

Paul H

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.


But does it add your Int modifier to damage?

Recent PFS game the GM said "No"

Paul H

Sovereign Court


How long does a Skald take to cast a spell using Spell Kenning?

The RAW says one full round, but what about spells that take longer, like Lssr Restoration?

Presumably the one full round is the minimum casting time?

Paul H

Sovereign Court


So, if a Dwarf was standing with them, he could only see 60', but the Elf could see 80'?

MapTools represents it this way......

Paul H

Sovereign Court


Thanks guys

I loved the last post - probably too true!

Paul H

Sovereign Court


Situation came up in a recent game.

An Oracle of Heavens (with Awesome Display) threw a Colour Spray at a 9 Headed Pyrohydra. Hydra failed save (and counted as 2HD)

GM ruled:
1) All non severing attacks vs creature affect the body.
2) Since body has no mind, Mind Effects can't effect it, so immune to Colour Spray. (And every other mind effecting spell)

Is this correct?

Paul H

Sovereign Court


What about cloud effects - eg. Obscuring Mist?

Paul H

Sovereign Court


A friend of mine has been running a campaign starting at lvl 12, including the Occultist book,amongst others.

In a recent battle (I'm a Kineticist. lvl 12 TK, took Fire as 2md element at 7th) I had to go invisible to stay alive & summoned Fire Elementals (which lasted about a round).

Now my friend says that this is broken, nore powerful than even a wizard who can only summon a few per day. (Forgetting the fct that I only summoned about 5 that day).

He says that is broken and never wants to use the Occult book ever again, anywhere.

This is offset by his determinatination that another friend in the same game wields an oversized chainsaw in each hand, with many attacks each round, doing over 100hp damage more than my Kinetecist each round.

Does anyone else think Kineticists are overpowered in light of the dual wielding oversized chainsaws monster?

I'll accept his views since he's my friend & it's his game. Wondering if I'm so out of kilter not to think his is the only view?

Paul H

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.


What about attacks of opportunity?

If a character has a gauntlet, can he initiate an attac of opportuntity with the gauntlet & use the Kinetic Bkade?

Paul H

Sovereign Court


Just a simple question from one of our games:

Does a creature who is immune to bludgeoning still take damage from a bludgeoning & piercing weapon?

Paul H

Sovereign Court


I think people are missing the point here.

Does a creature who is immune to bludgeoning still take damage from a bludgeoning & piercing weapon?

Recently had a GM rule that since bullets do both piercing and bludgeoning damage they can't hurt a creature immune to bludgeoning.

Silly, I know, but couldn't find any clarity in the CRB either.

Paul H

Sovereign Court 2/5


Already have spoken to my VC.

They suggested I post here for an answer.

Paul H

Sovereign Court 2/5


I'm a regular GM at a couple of conventions here in UK.

Is there a way we can get some store credit to 'buy' PDF's instead of books?

It's just that I have mobility issues and although the books look great, it's impossible to carry them around. (Won't all fit in a rucksack & I walk with a stick)

I typically need over a dozen hardbacks for my PFS games at Conception, so I carry a tablet PC with them as PDF's. So it would be easier to just get a PDF of the book instead.

It would also be cheaper for Paizo, since they won't need to give printed copies as a reward. Instead we can just be given a voucher code which we can redeem when we're next online. It also gives a a greater choice in what we can get.

I'm running a game at Dragonmeet on Saturday, plus at least 3 (usually 5 or more) at Conception in January.

Just a suggestion (save a tree)!
Paul H
(Nearly at my 3* GM)

Sovereign Court


How dare I?

It's a rules question.

It's no fun when the rules change arbitrarily within the same game.

Paul H

Sovereign Court


One of my halflings took out a skeleton with a rapier at 1st lvl.

(Crit & d6 sneak)

But was looking at if weapons with 2 damage types do no damage with creatures with DR vs one of the damage types.

Paul H

Sovereign Court


Having a problem with a ruling that creatures with immunity to bludgeoning can't be hurt with morning stars because it does both bludgeioning and piercing.

I would have ruled differently

Paul H

Sovereign Court


Basic Pyrokinesis states that the Light Spell:

"except that the light you create with light produces heat like a normal flame;"

How much damage does a normal flame do please?


Sovereign Court

Or you could just stay a Dwarf Geokineticist and wait until 6th Lvl.

Using your Elemental Overflow you add +2 Size Bonus to 2 physical stats when you have at least 3 points of Burn.* I'd suggest Dex & Con

You'll also gain +2 to hit +4 Damage* with your blasts as well. Plus Fortification equal to 5% x Burn points taken too! :P

Do you really need to multiclass to Barbarian?

*Bonuses go up at later levels. Both stats & hit/Damage.

Sovereign Court

There is a Rage Power called Moment of Clarity that allows you to use spells etc for ONE round during your rage.

Your Dwarf could select MoC as a Rage Power, to command your earth powers to fulfil your destructive rage if needed.

Normally this can be used once during a rage, but there may be other Rage Powers/Class abilities that may add to that.

Sovereign Court

Same question for Fire Kinetecists.

Same answer?


Sovereign Court

wasn't asking about powers, specifically asking if the Gnome gets the +1 lvl for damage ONLY as alchemists do.

Both are level dependent.

Alch bombs go to 2d6 at 3rd lvl
Kinesticist goes to 2d6+2 at 3rd lvl

Gnome states that he can get the former at 2nd lvl (if Pyromaniac)

Some of the statements earlier suggest they don't and that the specific text that says they do in the Pyromaniac listing is wrong

Sovereign Court

@ Texas Snyper:

Pyro Gnomes
......Pyromaniac Gnomes with this racial trait are treated as one level higher when casting spells with the fire descriptor, using granted powers of the Fire domain, using the bloodline powers of the fire elemental bloodline or the revelations of the oracle's flame mystery, and determining the damage of alchemist bombs that deal fire damage (this ability does not give gnomes early access to level-based powers; it only affects the powers they could use without this ability)....

Please note the Bombs bit. Can't see anywhere where the Alchemist's bombs are based on caster level either.....

They're based on CLASS levels too. But specifies extra damage as if one level higher, is my point

Oh, BTW, The blasts are ALL Spell Like Abilities (sp), so Kineticists DO have a Caster Level equivalent for some things

Sovereign Court

Same could be said about Flame Oracles or Clerics with Fire Domain.

But they were out when the APG specifically said they add +1cl to the fire stuff. (As in caster level is Caster level +1)

Occult book wasn't out yet, so was thinking the same applies

Maybe this is something for an update or listing in an FAQ?

Sovereign Court

What about Lava Gnomes? The ones that have the Pyromaniac Racial Trait.

May be a silly question, bit do they count as having +1CL for PyroKinetecists too?

As in, Lvl 2 Gnome Pyro has 2d6+2 (+ Con mod) fire blasts?

Just looking at a Gnome Pyro Kinetecist for PFS games.

St 9 Dex 16 Con 18 Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 11

Sovereign Court


Yes the question is indeed whether my myrmidarch can use spell combat with his bow?

It suggests this in the text as stated (oh so many times), but the spell combat text hasn't been amended or clarified in the archetype.

As for multiple touch attacks - Frostbite is a multi-attack touch spell. I use it with the reach spell (whatever it's called) feat, which ups it to a 2nd lvl spell.

At 18th lvl it's 18 attacks doing extra D6+18 cold subdual damage!
(I typically have 5 attacks/rnd including haste & rapid shot, with usual penalties. Each does the extra damage, but once all 18 'charges' finish it reverts to 'normal').*

Paul H
* Normal in this case is +4 Axiomatic/Holy/Evil Outsider Bane Comp Longbow. Presumably can't take this above an effective +10 cost bow, even with Magus bonuses?

Sovereign Court


With this Mythic power, do we grant followers the whole Cleric spell list, or just the domain stuff?

I think just the Domain stuff, but others think it's whole cleric list plus Domain

Paul H

Sovereign Court 2/5


Thanks for the prompt answer. I didn't think you could use the young template.

One of those pregen anomalies.

Presume the pregen is still active - will be using it on Saturday in a home PFS game.

Thanks again
Paul H

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