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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Unicore wrote:

I really don't understand why the default Magus is going to get Medium armor proficiency. If anything, giving it medium armor proficiency is just going to reduce what else the class can have, the druid has medium armor, but can't use metal, so is limited to hide until advanced materials are available. I don't think it is a really great idea for the magus to be the warpriest of the wizard class. The PF1 Magus has light armor proficiency and the class leans heavily on the dex/finesse weapon build.

The magus eventually gets Heavy armor proficiency in PF1. so it leaning towards dex/finesse is not completely true.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I get that there is some contention about the magus being a thesis option but it's not that weird to convert the doctrine ability from cleric to wizard. It is balanced with the rest of the classes and and converts just fine when you analyze all of the classes.

Here is my interpretation of that idea.

Magus (arcane thesis)
You have trained in the blending of Combat and Magic.

Prerequisite: Universalist wizard.

First lesson (1st): Arcane Bond must be a weapon. You’re trained
in light armor, Medium armor and Simple weapons, and you have
expert proficiency in Fortitude saves. You gain the Spell Combat class
feat. At 13th level if you gain defensive robes you also gain expert
proficiency in light and medium armor.

Second Lesson (3rd): You’re trained in martial weapons.

Third Lesson (7th): Choose a weapon group Your proficiency rank
increases to expert with simple and martial weapons in that group.
You gain access to the critical specialization effect for the selected
weapon group. Replaces expert spellcaster.

Fourth Lesson (11th Level): Your proficiency ranks for
arcane spell attack rolls and spell DCs increase to expert. Replaces
wizard weapon expertise.

Fifth Lesson (15th Level): Your proficiency rank
for Fortitude saves increases to master. When you
roll a success at a Fortitude save, you get a critical
success instead. Replaces Master spellcaster.

Final Lesson (19th Level): Your proficiency ranks for
arcane spell attack rolls and spell DCs increase to master.
Replaces Legendary archwizard.

Spell Combat Feat 1
Prerequisites Bonded Item is a Weapon _
You have trained to combine Weapon strikes and casting a
spell. If you cast a spell with the attack tag in the same round
you make a weapon strike with your bonded weapon, the multi
attack penalty is reduced to - 4(-3 if the weapon was agile) and
- 8(- 6 if the weapon was agile) instead of - 5 and - 10.

Spell Strike (Free Action) Feat 2
Wizard, Arcane, Flourish
Prerequisites Spell Combat
Trigger You Cast a spell with the Attack tag _
You focus the arcane energy of your spell through a weapon
strike and into your foe. Instead of a spell attack roll you make
a weapon attack roll with your bonded weapon and use the spell’s
damage instead of the weapon’s damage.If the weapon is a ranged weapon you are limited to the first range increment. The spell is expended
with no effect if your Strike fails or hits a creature that isn’t
damaged by that energy type (such as if you hit a fire elemental
with a Produce flame spell).
If you have weapon specialization you add that damage to the spells damage.

Improved Spell Combat Feat 8
Wizard, Arcane
Prerequisites Spell Combat _
The multi attack reduction for Spell combat is -3 and -6 (-2
and -4 if the weapon is agile).

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
HammerJack wrote:

There is not a line in a location that comes immediately to mind saying "there is no shield proficiency." There just isn't a shield proficiency to require.

That is a weird design decision. But I assumed it was the case. I feel like mentioning it some where would have been a way better idea.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Kyrone wrote:
Yes everyone can use shields and use a action to raise it and gain the AC, but you don't get the reaction without the feat.

Where does it say that? or is it just implied?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I have read through a good portion of the book and I haven't found where it says you can use shields. Are we just suppose to assume we can pick up a shield and use it?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Do you gain the powers from the arcane school/ domains based on character level or class level? I've been searching for a few weeks now and haven't found a definitive answer to this. I know you are supposed to assume class level in this situation but it just seems like both of these abilities are linked more to spell casting than the class. I have 2 reasons for this 1) the powers will reference their given class in the power for duration and other similar things but not in other that would make just as much sense (energy resistance/immunity). 2) The sorcerer has a similar ability but its linked directly to the class table and broken down their, the wizards school powers all happen at 1st and 8th level why not put those one the class table (its not like they have much going on there). The domain powers break down with less certainty you get 2 at 1st level and then you might get 2 at 6th level or 1 at 6th level and 1 at 8th level or 2 at 8th level. Any way thanks for your time and I hope for a good response.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

does any one have an issue with the oracle of metal besides me it makes a fighter or paladin obsolete as a tank its ridiculous.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm going to preface with the fact that I am a power gamer that being said. The goliath is overpowered at lower levels but as you progress balance starts to take effect. and if you really like the fluff and the society im going to quote a section of the goliath race chapter.

"Some goliaths relish the competitive nature of combat
so much that if they’re winning too handily, they handicap
themselves to restore a semblance of fairness to a fight. If
a goliath sunders an enemy’s weapon with his first blow,
he might voluntarily cast away his own weapon and commence
grappling. Goliaths aren’t stupid, however they
only engage in such a “fair play” fight if they have a reasonable
expectation of winning anyway, or if circumstances are
such that the loser of the battle is likely to survive."

I say that in the conversion keep every thing the same except they should be monstrous humanoids and powerful build should be the same, if you feel that its to unbalanced don't use it. that's just my opinion on the subject.

also as a side note i think that monkey grip is a terrible feat the -2 sucks and you can't use larger weapons in you off hand. i agree that at higher levels the -2 is negligible but not being able to use larger weapons in your off hand is stupid.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm definitely interested in helping this project get off the ground, you can count me in.