Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary (OGL)

4.50/5 (based on 40 ratings)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary (OGL)
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Here there be monsters!

What is a hero without monsters to vanquish? This 328-page book presents hundreds of different creatures for use in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Within this tome you'll find fire-breathing dragons and blood-drinking vampires, vile demons and shapechanging werewolves, sadistic goblins and lumbering giants, and so much more! Yet not all the creatures in this book are enemies, for some can serve lucky heroes as allies or advisors, be they summoned angels or capricious nymphs. And it doesn't stop there—with full rules for advancing monsters, adapting monsters to different roles, and designing your own unique creations, you'll never be without a band of hideous minions again!

The Pathfinder RPG Bestiary is the must-have companion volume to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 10 years of system development and an Open Playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into the new millennium.

The Pathfinder RPG Bestiary includes:

  • More than 350 different monsters
  • Dozens of monstrous variants to modify creatures and keep players on their toes
  • Numerous lists of monsters to aid in navigation, including lists by Challenge Rating, monster type, and habitat
  • Extensive rules for creating effective and balanced monsters
  • Rules for advancing monsters by hit dice, template, or class level
  • Universal monster rules to simplify special attacks, defenses, and qualities like breath weapons, damage reduction, and regeneration
  • More than a dozen feats tailored especially for monsters
  • Suggestions for monstrous cohorts
  • Two dozen additional animal companions
  • More than a dozen different wandering monster encounter tables
  • ... and much, much more!

Available Formats

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary is available as:

Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-60125-183-1

Last Updated - 9/12/2011

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Roll20 Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

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This product is non-mint. Refunds are not available for non-mint products. The standard version of this product can be found here.

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Average product rating:

4.50/5 (based on 40 ratings)

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I am overjoyed


This book is what helped me decide to subscribe. All the pictures are in color and invoke awe. I would recommend getting this.

Great product


The artwork is top notch for most of the book, with a few exceptions. It seems that in a few of the entries Paizo was cramped for space. I know it would have been pricier but it would've been nice if they devoted some more pages for some of the creatures. I still wish they had more stats for monster PCs as they did in the old 3.5 Monster Manual.

Regardless, the Bestiary is a great addition to the Pathfinder RPG. I was pleased with the final product.

This is your new monster lab!


What strikes me after flipping through the Beastiary...

1) I was hoping to see a few of the "monster races" portrayed in a playable format, without the extra racial Hit Dice and Paizo delivered! Want to play a ______ without the extra +1 ECL? You can. Paizo definitely balanced things, expanding options and playability in a unique and constructive way.

2) The art is, for the most part, top notch. Only a few monsters (Ankheg, Troll) left me wanting more. The majority of them were brilliantly drawn and colored. The Angels, Devils, and Genies really stood out!

3) The entire format is easy to use, with the pdf linked so that I can reference things quickly, at the table, when I need to. It's clear they aimed to simplify game play.

Good job Paizo!!



Wow, wow! I was speechless when I saw it, I was speechless as I was reading it.

The quality is great, the monsters are great, the writing is great. The appendixes organize monsters in with different types of characterizations. Best Bestiary ever. Wow!



Well worth the wait, the Pathfinder Bestiary is an incredible tome which scratches all of my deep-seated creature based needs. The illustrations are superlative. The proofreading rocks! (What can I say, I'm a pedant) And best of all, it's 100% PFRPG compatible.

With this, most of my favorite creatures are brought into this Brave New World of gaming. From the humble, yet deadly Goblin to the championing Solar every creature contained herein is given its due.

Bravo Paizo!

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I think Lini did that once. She was ...disturbingly attractive.

Demonskunk wrote:
0gre wrote:
Demonskunk wrote:
the answer you keep giving me is "because they're weaker" which feels dismissive to me.

Why are dogs in the Bestiary less powerful than lions?

Why are trolls more powerful than humans?

Your question is of the same nature. Not every creature is the same. Kobolds are designed to be fairly easy low level challenges for PCs so they are weaker than the typical PC.

Yes. their monster stats are low for that reason, but their PC/NPC stats should be equal to other NPC/PC race stats, so that when making a PC/NPC of that particular race you don't have to compensate to get them up to a certain level.

Why? No one is forcing you to play a kobold. If you choose to play one of them, you should accept their limitations. It's what makes them kobolds and not one of the standard, balanced PC races.

Shadow Lodge

Demonskunk wrote:
0gre wrote:
Demonskunk wrote:
the answer you keep giving me is "because they're weaker" which feels dismissive to me.

Why are dogs in the Bestiary less powerful than lions?

Why are trolls more powerful than humans?

Your question is of the same nature. Not every creature is the same. Kobolds are designed to be fairly easy low level challenges for PCs so they are weaker than the typical PC.

Yes. their monster stats are low for that reason, but their PC/NPC stats should be equal to other NPC/PC race stats, so that when making a PC/NPC of that particular race you don't have to compensate to get them up to a certain level.

First, the Bestiary is not a player resource. It is a listing of monsters for the GM to pit against the players. Nothing in the bestiary is geared towards PCs beyond the fact that you might reference it for spells you cast.

Second, if you change their stats they aren't kobolds anymore, they are something else with the kobold name stapled on. It's like using a lion stat block for a dog because you want dogs to be just as good as lions. Kobolds are the wimpy little underdogs, that's *what they are*. To change that is to make something that isn't a kobold.

Demonskunk wrote:

Yes. their monster stats are low for that reason, but their PC/NPC stats should be equal to other NPC/PC race stats, so that when making a PC/NPC of that particular race you don't have to compensate to get them up to a certain level.

Why should their "monster stats" differ from their "NPC/PC" stats? They are what they are. Compensate away if you want them to be a tougher NPC. Only a Kobold with levels is going to be "tougher" as an NPC. As for PC Kobolds, welcome to the world of the weak. It's like saying you want a NPC/PC giant, but they can't be bigger and stronger. At which point they are not a giant.

In short, what Ogre and company said above :) Ninja'd hours ago. Which is what I get for not reading to the bottom of the thread...

Joana wrote:
So you want two sets of stats, like drow and drow noble?

That's.. sort of a good way to put it. one for making characters with, and one for making fodder.

and to everyone else: Clearly you aren't willing to understand what I mean, so I'm done trying to explain it.

I'm just gonna write my monster race book for pathfinder and be done with it :V

Demonskunk wrote:

and to everyone else: Clearly you aren't willing to understand what I mean, so I'm done trying to explain it.

I'm just gonna write my monster race book for pathfinder and be done with it :V

It's not that I (and maybe they) don't understand. Just that I (and maybe they) don't agree.

No big deal really. Find a thread around here where everybody agrees and I'll probably faint.

Write it up, have fun with it and maybe post it in homebrew. Ideas are always good, even if you don't fully agree with them. Some of the things I've really disagreed with have pushed me to look at things and come up with my own ideas.

I recently received the newer third printing, I quickly went through it and noticed a lot of the Dragon tables are slightly off/misprinted, my second printing didn't have that problem, pity.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Mick McKee wrote:

I recently received the newer third printing, I quickly went through it and noticed a lot of the Dragon tables are slightly off/misprinted, my second printing didn't have that problem, pity.

Can you be more specific? I'm not sure what you mean.

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

”Dragon78” wrote:
So Mr. Daigle what did you contribute to the other two Bestiaries?

Because the dragon asked:

Most of this is just conversions, honestly, with some fresh flavor text.

Elephant and mammoth
Gray ooze
Invisible stalker
Giant leech and leech swarm
Eagle and hawk
Giant slug
Ochre jelly
Giant stag beetle
Fire beetle
Giant centipede and centipede swarm
Giant crab and crab swarm
Dragon turtle
Gelatinous cube

I like the Grey ooze, Harpy, Giant Leech, Merfolk, Giant Slug, Ochre Jelly, Fire Beetle, Boggard, Giant Crab, Dragon Turtle, and Gelatinous ooze.

Ether you like Oozes or they like assigning them to you.

I also see that you have worked on the Crabs.

Dragon78 wrote:

I like the Grey ooze, Harpy, Giant Leech, Merfolk, Giant Slug, Ochre Jelly, Fire Beetle, Boggard, Giant Crab, Dragon Turtle, and Gelatinous ooze.

Ether you like Oozes or they like assigning them to you.

I also see that you have worked on the Crabs.

Don't you like invisible stalkers?!?!? :O

The monsters of Bestiary 1 collected into my favorite/least favorite order.

FAVORITE 20: In random order
Ettercap / Gargoyle / Marilith / Kyton / Rakshasa / Roper / Manticore
Mimic / Nightmare / Salamander / Barghest / Behir / Black Pudding
Cloaker / Erinyes / Drider / Oni / Dark Naga / Mohrg / Aboleth

Solar / Ankheg / Basilisk / Bebilith / Bulette / Choker / Chuul / Couatl / Cyclops
Babau / Balor / Glabrezu / Hezrou / Shadow Demon / Succubus / Vrock / Derro
Hamatula / Osyluth / Gelugon / Imp / Devourer / Doppelganger / Dragon Turtle
Drow / Dryad / Duergar (not this version tho) / Ettin / Froghemoth / Gelatinous Cube
Efreet / Marid / Shaitan / Ghoul / Gibbering Mouther / Girallon / Gorgon / Harpy
Hydra / Intellect Devourer / Invisible Stalker / Lamia / Wererat / Werewolf
Giant Mantis / Medusa / Mephit / Minotaur / Mummy / Night Hag / Otyugh / Owlbear
Phase Spider / Purple Worm / Remorhaz / Rust Monster / Sahuagin / Satyr / Sea Hag
Gynosphinx / Troll / Vampire / Vargouille / Vegepygmy / Will o Wisp / Winter Wolf
Yellow Musk Creeper / Yeth Hound / Yeti

NICE: Not favorite but close
Planetar / Animated Object / Army Ant Swarm / Lillend / Cave Bear / Fire Beetle
Daeodon / Boggard / Bugbear / Cave Fisher / Centaur / Chimera / Cockatrice
Sarcosuchus / Dretch / Barbazu / Cornugon / Lemure / Pit Fiend / Ankylosaurus
Deinonychus / Triceratops / Tyrannosaurus / Black Dragon / Blue Dragon / Red Dragon
White Dragon / Green Dragon / Silver Dragon / Copper Dragon / Gold Dragon
Giant Moray Eel / Air Elemental / Earth Elemental / Fire Elemental / Water Elemental
Mastodon / Djinn / Fire Giant / Frost Giant / Stone Giant / Storm Giant / Gnoll
Goblin / Goblin Dog / Flesh Golem / Iron Golem / Stone Golem / Griffon / Hell Hound
Hyaenodon / Kobold / Kraken / Tarn Linnorm / Spotted Lion / Giant Frilled Lizard
Lizardman / Morlock / Guardian Naga / Neothelid / Ogre / Orc / Phoenix / Pixie
Roc / Shadow / Shambling Mound / Megalodon / Shocker Lizard / Skeleton / Skum
Spectre / Stirge / Tarrasque / Smilodon / Treant / Troglodyte / Unicorn / Wight
Dire Wolverine / Worg / Wraith / Wyvern / Xill / Xorn / Zombie

NOT BAD: But far from being my favorites
Astral Deva / Giant Ant / Gigantopithecus / Hound Archon / Lantern Archon
Trumpet Archon / Assassin Vine / Bralani / Ghaele / Basidirond / Bat Swarm
Grizzly / Leopard / Giant Centipede / Crab Swarm / Giant Crab / Crocodile
Dark Creeper / Dark Stalker / Darkmantle / Nabasu / Nalfeshnee / Brachiosaurus
Elasmosaurus / Pteranodon / Stegosaurus / Orca / Bronze Dragon / Electric Eel
Elephant / Giant Flytrap / Giant Frog / Ghost / Cloud Giant / Hill Giant / Wood Golem
Ice Golem / Gray Ooze / Green Hag / Nessian Hell Hound / Homunculus / Hyena
Giant Leech / Leech Swarm / Crag Linnorm / Ice Linnorm / Lion / Monitor Lizard
Mermaid / Mite / Spirit Naga / Cauchemar / Nymph / Ochre Jelly / Giant Octopus
Pegasus / Pseudodragon / Rat Swarm / Dire Rat / Woolly Rhinoceros / Giant Scorpion
Sea Serpent / Greater Shadow / Shark / Shoggoth / Giant Slug / Giant Spider
Svirfneblin / Tengu / Tiger / Violet Fungus / Giant Wasp / Wasp Swarm / Wolf

DISLIKE (names behind them are the names of the creatures I find too much alike with and which I prefer over these disliked monsters)
Gorilla / Dire Bat (mobat) / Giant Stag Beetle / Boar / Cheetah / Centipede Swarm
Quasit (imp) / Brass Dragon (copper & bronze dragon) / Giant Eagle (roc) / Poison Frog / Jann / Clay Golem (mudman) / Bison
Hobgoblin (bugbear) / Iron Cobra (Raktavarna)/ Lich (huecuva) / Octopus / Retriever (bebilith) / Rhinoceros / Skeleton Champion (graveknight)
Small Constrictor / Small Venomous Snake / Spider Swarm / Squid / Giant Squid (kraken)
Dire Wolf (worg) / Aasimar / Dog / Riding Dog / Dolphin / Eagle / All Familiars / Half-Celestial
Half-Dragon / Half-Fiend / Aurochs / Horse / Pony / Tiefling

Vic Wertz wrote:

Can you be more specific? I'm not sure what you mean.

Sorry, haven't looked here in a while!

Take for example page 91, the three tables under Dragon Age Categories/Dragon Ability Scores/Dragon Attacks and Speeds.

It's all slightly off/fuzzy, like a slight printing issue, but it doesn't affect the bottom of the page(ie starting at Frightful Presence...) that's all nice.

Same for page 94, only affects the upper-right table(Age Category, Special Abilities, Caster Level), it's not crisp.

Maybe it's just my copy, I don't know. I can still see the information, no biggie, but was nice and crisp in my second printing(which I sold to another player ;-)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Mick McKee wrote:
Maybe it's just my copy, I don't know.

Yep—it's just your copy. If you'd like to have it replaced, contact customer service.

I bought the PDF version and the printed version. The Single and Multiple Files download version of PDF on page 305 is missing the beginning of the paragraph "Swallow Whole" the printed version is OK.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I am curious has to why the size change for the deinonychus?

This product now has a Lite pdf download option available. Learn more about it here!

Question: The Basidirond on page 28 states that it has tremorsense, but does not include a distance in the description. What would you recommend as the distance for that ability?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer


Try the Rules Questions forum.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Would it be possible to update the PDFs for this book so that the bookmarks are organzized the same way as for Bestiary 2 and 3, i.e. with a section for each starting letter under the section "Monsters"? It's a pain to have to scroll through the whole list of individual monster bookmarks every time I need something farther down. That would be great!

Good news. Got an email and the pdf has been updated with the bookmarks the way it's in Bestiary 2 and 3!

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Very nice!

Liberty's Edge

In the 3rd printing of the Bestiary, the Animated Object is listed as having a flat-footed AC of 12 but its Natural AC bonus is +4. To my understanding the flat-footed AC should be 14. Am I missing something?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I just noticed that in my latest version of the (light) PDF, the Golem bookmark is nested under a second Goblin bookmark.


Made it hard to find :P

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

An error: The cyclops does not have Martial Weapon Proficiency for its greataxe.

Sovereign Court

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Hi guys, just joined the Pathfinder Society and am loving it! :-)

Also, I know that the first bestiary is 'outdated' but I think it is always worth having it to gain a complete collection (besides, it would save me from having to constantly go online just to look for monster statistics). Hard to say which bestiary is my favourite (out of the ones that are released), but then again I have only just now bought the first bestiary and I am saving my moolah to buy the others.

So once again, I would just like to say that it's great to be a member! :-)

Grand Lodge

Error, the Ogre Mage's fly skill isn't the correct number.

Ogre Mages have +5 to their Fly skill. They are Large size, are Dex 17, wear a chain shirt (not masterwork), and a constant caster level 9th version of Fly going (good maneuverability). As the spell reads, you add 1/2 your CL to Fly skill checks.
So, how +5?

Where can I find details such as what year each printing came out? I'd prefer not to get a 2nd printing when I buy a physical copy someplace, when I know there has been at least a 3rd printing & the newer the printing the less likely I'm going to need to find errata for any of the contents.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

The third printing has been out since September 2011. It would take a bit of work to figure out exactly when the second printing came out, but I suspect it was early 2010.

GamesManipulator wrote:
Where can I find details such as what year each printing came out? I'd prefer not to get a 2nd printing when I buy a physical copy someplace, when I know there has been at least a 3rd printing & the newer the printing the less likely I'm going to need to find errata for any of the contents.

Third printing came out in 2011. Chances are by now, any place that sells Pathfinder books new has the newest printings. If you need to look at what printing the book is, look at the credits page which is usually the third or so page in the book. At the bottom will be the version info.

I saw somewhere there was new errata for the third printing of this book? Can't actually find it when looking in the usual place.

Grand Lodge

Do you mean errata from 3rd to 4th printing because there hasn't been a 4th printing. The errata from 1st - 3rd or 2nd - 3rd is up in the product description.

I found an error in the griffon entry. Its carrying capacity is calculated as if its strength were 18 instead of 16. This is likely because the strength was 18 in 3rd edition dnd.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Found an error with the PDF over the weekend.
On page 304, the bottom 2 lines are missing from both columns.
I check the first printing PDF and they are there. It is only in later printings that they are missing.
I haven't check any other pages, but I needed to check the swallow whole entry and found the beginning was missing.

Community & Digital Content Director

Thanks for the heads up! I'll put correcting that on my to-do list. Once it's updated, you'll get an email notifying you of the change.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

This seems the most 'active' of the various threads tracking Bestiary errata so;

The Xill 'Melee' line currently shows the following in all versions (i.e. print, PDF, & PRD);

short swords +13/+13/+8 (1d6+3/19–20), claw +13 (1d4+3 plus grab), bite +7 (1d3+1 plus paralysis), or 4 claws +13 (1d4+3 plus grab), bite +12 (1d3+3 plus paralysis)

The bolded portion seems inconsistent. I believe, as specified, it should be;

short sword +13/+8 (1d6+3/19–20), short sword +13 (1d6+1/19-20), claw +13 (1d4+3 plus grab), bite +7 (1d3+1 plus paralysis), or 4 claws +13 (1d4+3 plus grab), bite +12 (1d3+3 plus paralysis)

Basically... the Xill is currently getting it's full +3 strength bonus to damage with its off-hand short sword attack. It should actually be getting a 0.5x (+1) strength bonus.

Note that the Xill Matriarch in Occult Bestiary "...adds her full strength modifier on damage rolls with off-hand attacks...', but the base Xill Multiweapon Mastery ability text lacks that provision. Thus, it is also possible that the Xill 'Melee' block is correct, but the text should be updated to specify this feature if it isn't unique to the Matriarch.

Community & Digital Content Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Pocket Edition now available for preorder! This new softcover version is not part of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game subscription, and the dimensions/weights are estimates and may vary as we get closer to actual production.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I assume the pocket edition bestiary will be the most actual 3rd printing?

The CRB pocket edizion will be the most actual 6th. Edition.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Yep—the 1st printing of the softcover will have the same contents as the 3rd printing of the hardcover.

Grand Lodge

Hello, tell me please, can i create tengu character in PFS if i have this book?

Silver Crusade Contributor

2 people marked this as a favorite.
IngeneerVulgaris wrote:
Hello, tell me please, can i create tengu character in PFS if i have this book?

It would act as a legal source, I should think, though there's a lot of useful material you wouldn't have access to - feats, favored class bonuses, and so on. If you're trying to decide which to pick up, I'd suggest the Advanced Race Guide; if you already have this one, it gives you enough to use the race.

Hopefully that helps. ^_^

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kalindlara wrote:

Hopefully that helps. ^_^

Of course, thank you very much

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Possible typo detected!
Ogre Mage weapons:
Greatsword should get 19-20 threat range.
Composite longbow should get iterative attack and X3 critical.

(I was entering attacks into a template and realized the crits didn't make sense.)

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

More questions trying to reverse-engineer the sea serpent: Is it always assumed to be using Power Attack? That's the only way I can figure the printed stats; but all the base creature stats I've seen so far with Power Attack have them attacking without it, and leave you to add it in, rather than vice-versa.

Dark Archive

Zachary W Anderson wrote:
More questions trying to reverse-engineer the sea serpent: Is it always assumed to be using Power Attack? That's the only way I can figure the printed stats; but all the base creature stats I've seen so far with Power Attack have them attacking without it, and leave you to add it in, rather than vice-versa.

It seems like a mistake.

It should probably be 4d8+18, the same as the swallow whole damage.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Please post rules questions in the Rules Questions forum.

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