Deran Castillian's page

Organized Play Member. 61 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 3 wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


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Liberty's Edge

Sometimes I can get in and sometimes, it loads and then goes white, and I see the message mentioned earlier.

Liberty's Edge

I try to go to and it starts to load and then clears to a white screen and at the bottom it says waiting It is getting really frustrating to browse the site. I have cleared my browser history and cache. I am using the chrome browser. Am I the only one having problems?


Liberty's Edge 1/5

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Here is my problem with it. I go to a game store with my characters, but there is no scenario for my levels. I am forced to use a pregen to play and now I have to pick a character to apply it to. Now, I won't play a pregen at all and hurt a character that is not really playing. I will just leave the Pathfinder Society event and do something else. The only time a character should be in danger of dieing is when that character is playing.

Liberty's Edge

As I prep this module for Free RPG day, I find that there are errors in the character builds for the pregens.


Chuffy Lickwound
In the book it has him having a +10 to hit with the dogslicer but he is not proficient with the weapon because he doesn't have the Goblin Weapon Familiarity alternate trait and his Rogue class doesn't give him proficiency with it either. So shouldn't his to hit with the dogslicer be +6.

When preping modules like this can we correct issues like this?

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Michael Brock wrote:
Faunra Eveningstar wrote:
rknop wrote:
Faunra Eveningstar wrote:
I already have enough problems convincing vets to run older scenarios. This will make it unlikely I'll get to play older season scenarios in regular mode.

Huh... I'm kind of surprised by that. I enjoy running some of the older season scenarios. Also, in the various places I go (right now, the Pittsburgh area, albeit it's just a couple of gamedays I've been to), and online, there's a heavy presence of older scenarios.

They have no motivation to run them as they have already run and played most of them and can't get credit. Now they might be motivated to run them, but in the core system. I paid a lot of money for these books, and want to use them.
Luckily, we are still releasing two new scenarios every month, as well as sanctioning new modules and APs, so you will still get plenty of use out of those books!

I haven't seen any of the older APs sanctioned in a long time. Are you still working on that? When might we see some more of them sanctioned?

Liberty's Edge 1/5

First, I love rolling dice and would encourage my players to use them as it does enhance the excitement to the game. I don't mind players using electronic dice rollers either. If a player is going to cheat he is going to cheat. If I don't see a lot of high rolls coming from them, then I wouldn't even suspect them of cheating.

Second, you can't really eliminate electronic dice as that would invalidate virtual games using d20pro and Roll20.

Third, In my opinion; and it might be biased because I am a computer programer, technology is a good thing. I don't do math very fast, and I love using my computer to aid me in speeding up the game. I also love using a projection table for maps, Syrinscape for background sounds, and laptop to look up information quickly. If asked, I will produce a paper character sheet, item tracking sheet and my chronicles, but I will use technology when I game.

Fourth, if a GM refuses to game with me because I use technology I will politely excuse myself and find a more appropriate table to game at. It is a GMs right to refuse to game for any reason that makes the game un fun for them to GM. I would never discourage a GM to not run a game; however, I do think they should be flexible in a public society game. At a convention, I paid to get in the door and would probably be upset if told they would not run a game if I stayed with my technology. I would probably leave the table but I would complain to the hosts of the event and rate the GM low on a survey.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I require encumbrance both in my pfs games and my home games. I have only inforced it in my home games, but check it when I audit a pfs character as it can affect stats.

Liberty's Edge

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Giuseppe Capriati wrote:
Good job Paizo, this Player Companion was in my wishlist from long ago. Now we only need a Pathfinder Pawns: Summon Monster and Summon Natural Ally box!

Or even a Pathfinder Battles: Summon Monster and Summon Natural Ally Case

Liberty's Edge

I would buy them. I was looking for a set months ago. The best way I thought about getting art on them would be a sticker sheet that you print the art onto them and then stick the sticker to the blank pawn. It would be cool if they sold a set of blank pawns and sticker sheets for those pawns and maybe a separate package of blank sticker sheets.

Liberty's Edge

Liz Courts wrote:
I'll poke the Powers What Be for updated rulebook and blank Chronicle cards for the Deluxe version. :)

Thanks Liz, this is just what I was looking for. I hope we are able to get the deluxe version of the pdf soon.

Liberty's Edge

What happened to the Errata and Previous Printing PDF Downloads? I would like to download them.

Liberty's Edge

Buri wrote:
My only problem with HL is that I'm buying the same material again, and I do loathe repeating myself for most anything. If buying the material through HL counted for PFS citation, made pages of the rules easily printable instead of just individual ability descriptions and so on I'd consider it. But, being a programmer myself, I can throw together a tool quickly enough for the niche problems I encounter.

You are not paying for the material again you are paying for someone to do data entry to enter the stuff into HL. You don't have to buy it, you could enter all the data in yourself.

Liberty's Edge

Liz Courts wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
Are there any of these left over for sale on Personally, I was disappointed this wasnt included in the deluxe subscription (as the GenCon exclusive was last year).
We should have a supply of them coming back from GenCon—I've set it up so you can backorder them.

You can backorder the Comic but you can't backorder Rita, can you order it in another order after you place an order for this comic because you qualify for it?

Liberty's Edge

In the 3rd printing of the Bestiary, the Animated Object is listed as having a flat-footed AC of 12 but its Natural AC bonus is +4. To my understanding the flat-footed AC should be 14. Am I missing something?

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I started when I was around 8 with the Red Box set and have been collecting RPGs ever since.

I started having my children play 3.5 edition when they were 5 or 6. Meaning some of them started at 5 and some started at 6.

Liberty's Edge

Lord Pendragon wrote:

From my magus thread:** spoiler omitted **

Kudaku's objection to super-good traits marring RP got me to thinking. I have very little attachment to the game's fluff, both as a player and as a DM. As a player my magus took Dervish Dance and his fighting style is nothing like a...

It sounds like you want to min/max your character including your traits. In my opinion traits are there to help you create your backstory it is fluff. They have a description and if it helps with your backstory use it. If it doesn't then don't. If it is a home game discuss with your GM and maybe he can create a trait that is a Home Game trait just for you.

Liberty's Edge

Here are my votes in no particular order:

Underwater/Deep Sea - Explore the equivalent of the lost city of Atlantis.

Megadungeon - An adventure path based on a large dungeon equivalent to Undermountain but in the Darklands. I would also like to see a Module like this in hardback or a boxed set.

Airship - An adventure based in an Airship exploring floating islands and other places.

Urban/City - An adventure based in a large city

Race Specific - An adventure path based on helping other races (Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Catfolk, etc.)

Liberty's Edge

Shouldn't this be listed under the Pathfinder Battles link with all the rest of the Pathfinder Battle miniatures?

Liberty's Edge

It is getting close to release, when are we going to see the final cover art updated on the website?

Liberty's Edge

I would just like to comment on Paizo. I have spend thousands of $ buying pathfinder stuff in the last year catching up with stuff that I missed. I have received everything in pristine condition including all Pathfinder Battle miniatures. The only problem I had was with my bank when they received multiple charges from Paizo within a short amount of time. That wasn't Paizo's fault, and I straightened it up with the bank, and Paizo helped clean up multiple holds on my account for the same order. I should be mostly caught up with having a complete Pathfinder collection by the end of September and will then just be getting my monthly subscriptions. I will finally be able to go out and eat a few more times a month, except when the Pathfinder Battle Cases are released.

Thanks Paizo for putting out a great product and getting it to me in mint condition!

Liberty's Edge

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I have to say at the moment, I have not purchased a lot of 3pp books yet. I actually hadn't purchased a lot of Pathfinder books as of a few months ago. Currently I am buying as much Pathfinder stuff I can each paycheck to get all the stuff Paizo has published. I have even gone to ebay to pick up some of the stuff you can't get anymore from Paizo. I usually purchase both the tree-killer (print) version and the electron (pdf) version of the product. I am old school and like to collect physical books, though I love technology and love to be able to look at my books on my laptop, and hopefully soon a tablet. I don't shy away from 3pp stuff and did purchase things for my 3rd edition collection. I have to say that I have even bought a few things from 3pp for Pathfinder. Once I get caught up with my Paizo Pathfinder collection, I will be looking at the reviews and getting even more 3pp stuff. I like to read what is out there to get ideas to use as a player or incorporate them into my campaign. The first one I bought a few years ago was "Book of the River Nations: Complete Player's Reference for Kingdom Building" by Jon Brazer Enterprises, because I first got excited about Pathfinder when I learned about Kingmaker and bought up what I could find to make a great Kingmaker Campaign. My recent purchase from a 3pp was "Ultimate Rulership" from Legendary Game, because I am currently running a Kingmaker Campaign and I love to expand rules in a balanced way with the "Ultimate Campaign" rule changes applied. Another one was "Houserule Handbooks: Spellpoints Compilation" by Super Genius Games. I am sure one of my future purchases will be "The Tome of Horrors Complete" by Frog God Games. All these products I bought or will buy because of the reviews that I heard were excellent. I will also be looking at other products that they have produced because of these books.

I came to this post because I was reading a post about Paizo including 3rd party references in their books. Paizo really impresses me with how much they do for 3pp.

Just my view as a consumer....

Liberty's Edge

As far as an item that forces someone to change their gender without their control, that is a cursed item.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I would like to say that I am not as sensitive to racial issues and didn't see that poster as racist. I have not been subject to racist problems, except the occasional Polish jokes. I did think that the Golarion map kind of looked like Europe and Northern Africa. I can see how this could be construed as racist having Apes in that area. However I also have been reading Paizo boards to know their stand on the issues and know they would in no way try to offend anyone.

People should respect that other people have opinions and are not always going to be the same as other people. No one should be hurt because of race, gender or beliefs (unless they are physically harming to another person, ie some holy war against another person). If I disagree with a black person does not make me racist. Referring to someones brain power or how someone looks like some type of animal because of their ethnicity is racist. Just because some people find homosexuality gross or immoral does not make someone homophobic. But taking to physical violence or name calling does indicate this.

I can understand where the opening post is coming from being more sensitive to those type of issues. I however get offended by being called a racist if I don't agree with a black person or homophobic if I state that I find homosexuality iky. I have friends and acquaintances of both types of people. I don't put down or harm them because of what they believe. I do believe we should not be put down because of our opinions.

Liberty's Edge

I did search and find several references to the calendar of Golarion. The reference that I saw quoted several places was the one on the Paizo Blog. There was a reference to an entry in the Gazetteer which didn't talk about the # of days in each month. I found this entry on wikia which referred to the same Paizo Blog entry I had seen other places. I had seen the pathfinderwiki early on but didn't look at the sources at that time. When I continued to search I was unable to find any other references about the number of days in a month except what I saw on the Paizo Blog. I did look in the The Inner Sea World Guide Index and Glossary but didn't see anything about the Calendar of Golarion. I could probably go back and find about 2 dozen other posts and references that all contradicted each other. So with that I decided to post here just to be safe. Now that you have all pointed me to the correct reference I thank you.

Liberty's Edge

So if I am reading this correctly:

twelve 30-day months to a year

Then the calendar doesn't exactly follow ours each month is exactly 30 days except every 8th year where Arodus has 31 for the leap year. Am I interpreting this correctly?

Liberty's Edge

You might want to take a look at The Tome of Horrors Complete. It is not an AP but it may have some things that your group hasn't seen before and it has really good reviews.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Michael Brock wrote:

Fourth, GMs do not have the right to ban legal items they simply don't like in a public PGS game. It's been linked here already but I guess it needs to be said again.

This is exactly what we have been saying. As a GM we have to follow the rules as listed. If there is a problem with the rules, they need to be addressed by Paizo.

Michael Brock wrote:

Finally, this is a social game. If you a detracting from the fun of others because you need to show off your awesome character building powers by dominating a table, PFS is not the right platform to do that. It causes resentment and causes players (especially new ones) to leave the game altogether. The VCs/VLs and I had a month long discussion about allowing the bisons and other similar creatures into play as a legal item before the book was added to Additional Resources. I opted on the side of allowing them because the payer base, by and large, are responsible and mature players and want to see everyone have fun. It is only when a few jerks set off to ruin the fun of others by showing how awesome...

This is where it get complicated. Coordinators and GMs do have the right to talk with the players and work things out so all people can have fun. If I have a problem, I will talk to my players about it. If I have a problem with the rules, I will post on the boards to have the rules looked at and changed.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Andrew Christian wrote:
A GM is perfectly within their rights to pre-emptively disallow anything game breaking.

Please back up your claims by pointing to the Pathfinder Society rule reference that states that a GM may exclude PFS legal tactics and builds. I would like to see the authority granted to them to decide what is game breaking or not. Considering this is Organized play and if you have GMs interpreting what is game breaking that leads to disorganization.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

There is a problem if VC, VL or GMs are banning players from a table if they are using a legal build and playing by the rules. If they have a problem with the rules they shouldn't be taking it out on the players. They should be discussing it with Paizo. Banning a player that has a legal Pathfinder Society build is a jerk think to do.

Speaking in a roleplaying sense, I am going to use the tactics that I am good at to take down the evil bad guys. That is why I built my character that way.

I agree that there is things that I think are overpowered. I will not allow them in a home game. But as a GM, I don't feel it my authority to ban someone if it is a legal PFS build. It is my job to make sure it is a legal build.

the whole purpose of Pathfinder Society is to be able to go anywhere that hosts a game and play by the same rules. If you have every VC, VL or GM deciding what to allow or disallow then it really defeats the purpose of the Society.

Again if you have a problem with the rules as written don't be the jerk, discuss it with the people who make the rules.

Liberty's Edge

I know people are matching the Golarion Calendar with the Gregorian Calendar but it is slightly different in the respect each month has 30 days. The difference in days is .4 so it is close but still a little different. I have seen people use the # of days like the Gregorian calendar but I did see a Paizo post on the # of days is 30 with the leap year being 31 for the month of Arodus.

Liberty's Edge

Ok, here is what I found so far, Golarion consists of 12 Months, each Month has 30 days except leap year which has 31 in Arodus every 8 years last one being 4704 AR.

Here is the questions I have:

1) Is Sunday, or Moonday the first day of the week It seems to be listed as Moonday but I have seen references from Sunday to Starday?
2) I assume Kingmaker happens to start 24th Calistril 4710 AR. What day of the week is that?
3) What is the Moon Cycles to know for encounters on full moon nights or new moon nights?
4) Does anyone know of any River Kingdom/Brevory Holidays?

If no official position stands I will of course make it up myself....

Liberty's Edge

Hero Lab is not as interactive as what you describe, but it is very powerful as a Character Sheet. You can apply conditions and spell adjustments really easily. It also has an extensive database for pathfinder. It is also editable.
The only thing that it lacks is the interactive functionality you describe. The wizard casts a spell, and it apply's that to the fighter. Now, d20pro does that very well, it is a virtual desktop but it has the ability to apply effects that others cast. It just not as powerful as a character sheet as Hero Lab.

Liberty's Edge

Vic Wertz wrote:
July 10.

Wow, Not even the 10th and already backordered. I hope this means it is doing well and we will see more of these.

Liberty's Edge

I thought I read it somewhere but I can't seem to find it. The encounters of an Adventure Path are designed for how many PCs in a group? I am planning to run a Kingmaker Adventure Path soon.

Liberty's Edge

Arikiel wrote:
Black people..... No seriously! There's hardly any black people and the few they have are all dressed in European fashions. It's kind of disheartening.

I don't know all of Golarian, but is there a region that they would dress differently? If there is there should be some pawns that have them dress to that region. I can see some barbarian types dressed like aborigines from Australia. I could see some Fighters dressed like the African warriors. Wizards with light silk robes. I only see those types of dress in a hot desert type climate. I would think that they would don warmer types of European clothes in those environments.

Liberty's Edge

I like the colored base idea. What I would like to see is blank sets of all size categories released. If this is done it would be great to do the print out monster on sticker and stick to a blank pawn. It would be even better to release the blank sticker pack for the pawns and a OpenOffice/Word template for them.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Reptilian Monk wrote:

Thanks for the suggestions guys. Quest Kick clearly looks to be the nicest one, so hopefully it comes out soon.

I use mostly note paper and index cards now, and I've dabbled with google docs. I just find myself flipping through papers trying to look stuff up, and it makes encounters take too much time. Definitely need to get organized.

I use index cards to keep track of initiative order (put the cards in the order of initiative). I have all the stats for the monsters on the cards so they are easily found when needed. I type them up and print them on the cards so I can fit all the stats.

Liberty's Edge

I guess this is where a backstory for the character can really come in handy. Also a will would be very good for your character also, on the old AD&D character sheets there was a few lines to put a will. I don't remember seeing one in the pathfinder portfolio.

In my campaigns I haven't had a lot of players die. If no backstory or will is created by the character, the closest kin would be his adventuring group then. They could then decide as a group what to do with his gear. If family came to claim the body/possessions (they would have to prove they are really family) I would give them what was left of his possessions.

If I felt things were out of balance, I would make adjustments to the loot that they were getting, or have some mishaps remove some of their wealth.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

As a player I use Hero Labs to track my character. They just added Ultimate Campaign support for it it (kingdom builder), which I haven't got to try out yet.

I am really looking forward to using Realm Works when it is released to track campaigns/world building. I should get my early access soon.

I use Campaign Cartographer to make maps.

I use D20Pro or Roll20 for virtual tabletop stuff.

Liberty's Edge

Are wrote:

Rusty seems like the obvious choice :)

Great minds think alike!

Liberty's Edge

I don't know what limits are in the Beginners Box rules compared to the Core Rules. But you can do a full attack if you don't move (or just take a 5' step). This means that if you are able to attack multiple times in a round because of your level you can actually do that instead of just attacking once.

Liberty's Edge

Vic Wertz wrote:

See this thread for an explanation of why we don't reprint products like this.

That said, I had the warehouse guys recheck physical inventory, and they turned up 40 additional copies. Get 'em while you can!

Thanks Vic,

Just picked myself up a copy.

Would like to see if you have some other items hidden in the warehouse!!!

Liberty's Edge

I should have gotten the Print version when I got the PDF of this, I am in the same boat you are Pennywit. There is actually several books that are out of print that I am trying to find and some of them are listed for $900 on Amazon.

Liberty's Edge

It is 5/30/13 4:45 PDT, I wonder if it is getting pushed out even further!

Liberty's Edge

I was having problems logging into paizo's website from my Samsung Note and figured out that I needed to turn off XT9 Predictive Text feature. Now I can log in just fine.

Liberty's Edge

I found the FAQ on the other types of product statuses but it didn't say what this means. Does it mean not available now but more on the way?

Liberty's Edge

Vamptastic wrote:
Yeah, pretty basic question. I'm making a rather Tom Waits-esque character in that he practically lives in bars, and I just wondered if they smoke. Do they have tobacco? Are there cigarettes? Cigars? Do they have to roll them themselves, or are they pre-made by stores? Are there pipes? I know there's drinking, but can my character also look cool in addition?

There is smoking in Golarion, but in no way does that make you look cool. But again that is a matter of opinion I guess.

Liberty's Edge

I don't know what Paizo's rules are but if the monsters are in the d20srd you could post them in your document with the Open Gaming License.

Liberty's Edge

Shalafi2412 wrote:
Will this support APs in terms of maps?

According to the previous posts, there will be support for APs.

Liberty's Edge

Evil Lincoln wrote:
Elorebaen wrote:
If you want simple in Maptool, it is as easy as any other tool out there.

Except versioning, port-forwarding, and documentation. Compared to — or indeed probably the future GameSpace — those three hurdles are probably not worth the extra features for 90% of the potential VTT users. Indeed, the list of "missing features" on Roll20 is shrinking almost as fast as they were added to MapTool... and MapTool's stagnated for the past year or so.

Don't mistake me, I love MapTool. But for a multi-user application, installing clients on local machines is a stone age approach.

Actually you are wrong about the Client/Server architecture. This is actually newer technology than putting applications on a server (mainframe) and having multiple users access it through a client (browser / dummy terminal) type architecture. I am personally against the Mainframe/dummy terminal type applications, it is a step backwards in technology in my opinion.

And as far as not installing a client on your local computer is not exactly true. You have to have a browser installed which is a client.