countchocula's page
Organized Play Member. 313 posts (1,898 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 29 Organized Play characters. 4 aliases.
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Are you no longer your own ally?
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Wow I like it and hope that it becomes PFS sanctioned. I really like the module especially its difficulty can't wait to play/ GM it.
Also its my favorite flavor... FREE!
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Mitch Mutrux wrote: You can move the location of the coins to "Dropped to ground" and that will take the weight of the coins off. Do you want murder Hobos? Because that's how you get murder hobos.
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Hello Rob McCreary I am contemplating making a paladin of Kehpri. From what I gathered Kehpri is worshiped mostly by peasants and aids those who work.
So my question is what advice could you give me about what a paladin of The Humble Hand would do when not smiting or typical views on their duty? Also how rare or common would a paladin of Kehpri or another Ancient Osirion be?
Thanks for taking the time to read this and hopefully given your workload answer.
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Inquisitor4(sanctified slayer) of Calistria/ HP 31(31)/ AC (18)/ T14/ FF14 Fort+6/Ref+6/+Will+6* CMD19/ Perception +11/ INT +8
the gm is correct in that we have to save or at least interact with the object in question while we may receive the +4 for knowing about the illusion. Now honestly I think it was a rather witty move but this is a timed event so my suggestion would be you be you and act
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The living god Razmir !!!
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human HP 134/134, ac 33 FF:23/ touch:22 /fort:15,ref:20, wil:11 INT+9 per+16 swashbuckler 13 PAN2/5 Charmed life 3/5
reflex: 1d20 + 20 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 20 + 1 - 2 = 36
Zandu turns around just as the construct explodes striking a heroic pose as he does so.
"the trick is not to look at the explosion... Also we may want to watch out these guys explode"
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I think the reasoning is rather simple. Because the wise and benevolent god Razmir said so. Any other opinion is probably just heresy.
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human HP 134/134, ac 33 FF:23/ touch:22 /fort:15,ref:20, wil:11 INT+9 per+16 swashbuckler 13 PAN2/5 Charmed life 3/5
omg I forgot about the spell
"Get your stinking paws off me you damn dirty ape" Zandu says as he defends himself from the lichilla that is trying to maw him.
will parry the paw if it attacks me also if Adaxix 5ft steps and gives flank to me pls add that in to rolls
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Prof. Wat Sun wrote: here's a fun one....
Ms. Paladin goes down.
Mr. Wizard rushes forward and pulls his scroll of Infernal healing. Casts the spell on it... and then asks the Paladin Player to buy a replacement.
also this reminds me of a oots strip
for a reasonable fee
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Chess Pwn wrote: We already know how it works, and are free to play other classes. There's nothing to FAQ. this.
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andreww wrote: Hmm wrote: I was also hoping to get it as the "wild shape" of my future Feyspeaker Druid, so that she had a shape she could reliably take and have some kind of druid bragging rights. Bear in mind I see what you did there
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how so? For ranged attacks, your square isn't going to be included in the lines you draw or distance, so concealment wouldn't be included into the factor. against melee against an adjacent foe not in concealment his square is not in a concealment effect.
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Yep going to have to agree with BNW on this one.
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Robert Hetherington wrote: I am glad to see this spell gone, and was surprised it was legal for this long. throw me into the group that supports the ban on this spell.
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Zauron13 wrote: Some impact of my actions on the faction storyline would be nice. a faction story line would be nice period. so many unanswered questions are left from the exchange's emergence and since its arrival it still has not been defined by anything other than a faction card which has left score of new players calling it the "day job faction".
the other factions such as silver crusade, liberties edge, grand lodge and dark archive have been essentially defined by the actions and story that has driven them the past 6 seasons. The scarab sages have had an extended story as well as a loving boon/scenario treatment. This makes the exchange in my eyes look like the black sheep of the PFS factions.
I find this sad as the two factions that combined were upon some of my favorite factions and I had high hopes for both.
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I was thinking maybe V would notice the bite marks on the tiger.
also deep down I was hoping the vampire would grab the puppet.
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human HP 134/134, ac 33 FF:23/ touch:22 /fort:15,ref:20, wil:11 INT+9 per+16 swashbuckler 13 PAN2/5 Charmed life 3/5
Zandu puts a reassuring hand on Karu's shoulder "im sure it was the way he wanted to go
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Ascalaphus wrote: Tssk. Go ahead. Blame Razmir. the only thing you can blame Razmir (glory be his name) for is happiness rainbows and beautiful puppy dogs.
All hail Razmir!!!
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this thread must have a ring of regeneration on to come back to life after 2013.
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So will Razmir finally get his time to shine?
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Dead Horse wrote: Dead Horse of Unusual Size wrote: Is it time for us to run wild now? Threads such as these are the source of my eternal un-life, but the true source of my power is Paladin threads.
Luckily, this thread has a bit of both. For every thread like this our numbers grow
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All hail the great and all knowing Razmir!!!
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Another thing that people seem to forget is the casting time on infernal healing and the duration that it takes to heal taking away time from valuable buffs, abilities, and more importantly that critical last second save.
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I wonder at what point is the party is being jerks towards the individual?
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Wait the pathfinder coin wasn't for the pathfinder jukebox ?
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Kiren Derkly wrote: ok if have a problem im playing today (august 13) and I need to know how much it would cost to retrain out of bloodrager and into duelist prestige class I have one level of bloodrager and I cant find anything that helps me. I meet all the requirements of duelist without bloodrager but how much would it cost ive never retrained before so I have little to no clue sorry to inform you that you are unable to train out of a base class into a prestige class due to this FAQ.
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Mike Lindner wrote: I also go with everything there is space for on the character sheet from the CRB should be listed. Feats and such need not have all the text, but at least the names of them, and hopefully a very short indication of what they do. Don't forget your traits and any alternate racial traits. Simply put: anything that has a mechanical effect on the game, whether than be numerical or otherwise.
Off topic:
Muser wrote: My pet peeve is people who do not count their boni together beforehand but instead start this tedious 1+2+3 when I ask for a ranged attack roll. . . Ascalaphus wrote: . . . By then you're often adding five or more different boni to your attack roll, and they change every other round as buffs and debuffs come and go. The plural of bonus is bonuses.
I'm totally using boni from now on :P
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here's hoping that Elan's god the almighty banjo wielding clown casts the deciding vote
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Aaron Motta wrote: thejeff wrote: Flag it and move on. Engaging just prolongs and this one isn't entertaining. But...this site deserves a better class of troll. It really does... I'll grab my top hat
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the removal of hurtful kinda hurts
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Nefreet wrote: Or wait until later today to find out. But I demand instant gratification :P
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AsheiraTharine wrote: Bracers of the avenging knight also works for all smites
meaning a paladin 5 hellknight 5 deals +10 damage on both smites
yess my raised thread army grows soon the messageboards of recently raised shall rule all.
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BigNorseWolf wrote: It would require a warning from the DM first. And then wouldn't stop the check.
"Who are you killing?
"Orphan matron?
"Possible evil act. Who are you killing?
"Some random guy?
"Evil act, who are you killing?
"Bonesaw Puppykicker? Apparently its a contract from druids local 704...
"There we go. 10 gold.
O_O wait what did I do?
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cereal box chocolate vampire tasty with milk 3/ stale in two days 2
Michael_Hopkins wrote: That's why you have an Aether Kineticist, to fling your watches at your enemies!*
*Impact may damage watches, or other items used as a conduit for Telekinetic Blast. Please be advised.
water clock: 1000gp
wand of ant haul to carry water clock: 2pp
shooting a water clock at the BBEG while screaming "time to die": priceless
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I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote: 44. "Hey dude, could you help me get the gaming material out of my car trunk?"
"Sure, pal."
"Uhhh...why's there a mutilated corpse in your trunk?"
"Whoopsie-daisy, forgot about that...."
45. Player was recruited online, but seriously misrepresented who they were, is in fact a flippant and very messy macaw.
... Err to increase immersion
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Jessex wrote: trollbill wrote: Okay, so you if you buy nothing else you can save up the money for a Amulet of Mighty Fists +1 around 3rd level but you won't have the fame to do it till around the middle of 5th level. But an Amulet of Mighty Fist +1 doesn't work quite the same as a Longsword +1 as the amulet can substitute other +1 equivalents, but a longsword can't. This means to put it in the guide would require more verbiage than just listing 'Amulet of Might Fists +1' among the other Always Available items. I am not sure it is worth adding the verbiage just for that. 18 fame will let you buy any item costing less than 5250 gp. At minimum, ignoring modules, that is 9 scenarios. At 1 xp per that is exactly upon leveling into 4th level. At worst, assuming you fail the secondary on every one, That is 18 scenarios or exactly upon leveling up to 7th level but you would need to be the worst PFS player evar. :(
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A Dead Horse wrote: Flutter wrote: UndeadMitch wrote:
What if we killed him with a fox?
What if we killed him in a box?
What if we killed him in a house?
What if we killed him with a mouse?
Casts anthaul
Tap. Tap TAPS pointy log
Grabs pointy log.
Stop beating me! Beatings will continue until moral improves
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Ahhh I see you brought a knife to a zeppelin fight
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Ryzoken wrote: blackbloodtroll wrote: In fact, with the pure vitriol, spewed by some, I am now even fearful, of having a Boon/Item be too beneficial, lest I be considered some kind of "cheater", whether or not I even knew what Boons/Items were available on the Chronicle Sheet. My best advice there is to stop caring what they think.
maybe not the best advice in a social game in fact I would suggest the opposite.
My personal opinion is that PFS is a game built on trust and reading chronicles is toeing the line with the basic levels of trust that a gm gives players. Also knowing the boons that are provided gives you an unfair advantage over those who do not read the scenario ahead of time (in both possible prestige and boons).
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Hmm I always thought it was you don't need to build a super optimized killing machine that can solo an entire scenario.
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BigNorseWolf wrote: Muser wrote: Ratfolk and Grippli would be cool. One, both have been featured in scenarios, two, they aren't disruptive in the least and three, whatever helps us get rid of the furry label. So thats what a 1 on a knowledge nature check looks like... :) naked mole-ratfolk duh
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Lemmy wrote: Thread #987664209 that should be titles "Why I'll never play a Paladin with a GM I haven't personally known for years. Specially not in an online game.".
Now, back to the old routine of hiding all alignment/Paladin threads and moving on...
Actually #987664210 but who's counting
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Save or Die... I like to call that the initiative roll.
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Anonymous Visitor 163 576 wrote:
I'm sorry, but given a game where Pathfinders are constantly in danger, what makes this source of danger different?
A big one just like how the military distinguishes te difference of friendly fire and hostile. friendly fire is frowned upon and harshly punished. Also if I was killed by a player lobbing fireballs and saying I was collateral damage I would expect him to pay for the raise I would also expect a wizard to have alternative means of contributing just as I expect the martial to have similar means of contributing.
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Any Point wrote: The Undead Horse wrote: Walter Sheppard wrote: There is no point in beating this horse. You called? Is that the best line you can come up with? Yeah he gets turned undead and now he acts all high and mighty