andreww's page

***** Pathfinder Society GM. 7,720 posts (18,881 including aliases). 88 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 84 Organized Play characters. 84 aliases.

Current Campaigns

Castamir's Flaxseed Station


Cottonseed PFS PbP (2E)


Outpost VIII Announcement
Data Tracking Form Link
2025 Cottonseed RSP event 4921133

The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!


PF2E Stolen Fate

GameMaster andrewwBot'oTron 4000GMAndrewW

Book 1 Roll20 Table
Book 2 Roll20 Table

Loot List

◆ Single action ◆◆ Two actions ◆◆◆ Three actions ◇ Free action ⟳ Reaction

GM Rolls:

[dice=Attack 1]1d20[/dice]
[dice=Attack 2]1d20[/dice]
[dice=Attack 3]1d20[/dice]

[dice=Damage] [/dice]


PC Rolls:

[dice=Slick ] 1d20+24 [/dice], Master
[dice=Billy ] 1d20+ 26[/dice], Master, +2 visual and hearing
[dice=Pinebrush]1d20 + 25 [/dice], Legendary, +1 visual
[dice=Sigourney]1d20+24[/dice], Expert, +2 visual

[dice=Slick ] 1d20+26 [/dice]
[dice=Slick Battle Cry]1d20+32[/dice]
[dice=Billy ] 1d20+26 [/dice], +2 item visual/hearing, +2 circ scout
[dice=Pinebrush, Stealth]1d20 + 31 [/dice], Perception +25, +1 circ if visual, +2 circ scout
[dice=Sigourney]1d20+24[/dice], +2 circ scout, +2 item visual

Fort Saves
[dice=Slick ] 1d20+28 [/dice], Juggernaut, +1 vs magic
[dice=Billy ] 1d20+ 25[/dice], +1 vs magic
[dice=Pinebrush]1d20 + 26 [/dice], pass becomes crit, +1 vs magic
[dice=Sigourney] 1d20+26[/dice], +1 vs magic
[dice=Reginald ] 1d20+26[/dice]

Reflex Saves
[dice=Slick ] 1d20+26[/dice], Bulwark +1, Evasion, +1 vs magic
[dice=Billy ] 1d20+26 [/dice], +1 vs magic
[dice=Pinebrush]1d20 + 31 [/dice], Improved Evasion, +1 vs magic
[dice=Sigourney] 1d20+27[/dice], +1 vs magic
[dice=Reginald ] 1d20+27[/dice], probably evasion

Will Saves
[dice=Slick ] 1d20+ 24 [/dice], Bravery, +1 vs magic
[dice=Billy ] 1d20+28[/dice], Resolve, +1 vs magic
[dice=Pinebrush]1d20 +23 [/dice], +1 vs magic
[dice=Sigourney] 1d20+26[/dice], +1 vs magic
[dice=Reginald ] 1d20+26[/dice]

Harrow Deck:

[dice=Harrow Draw]1d6 + 1d9[/dice]
Suit: Hammers, Keys, Shields, Books, Stars, Crowns
Alignment: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Good, Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil

Prey for Death

GameMaster GMAndrewW

PC Stats

Infiltration: 14
Awareness: 8
Leverage: 5

[Outpost VIII]Redelia's Unleashing the Untouchable

Garam Gallonica

Previous Campaigns