PF2E Stolen Fate

Game Master andreww

Book 1 Roll20 Table
Book 2 Roll20 Table

Loot List

◆ Single action ◆◆ Two actions ◆◆◆ Three actions ◇ Free action ⟳ Reaction

GM Rolls:

[dice=Attack 1]1d20[/dice]
[dice=Attack 2]1d20[/dice]
[dice=Attack 3]1d20[/dice]

[dice=Damage] [/dice]


PC Rolls:

[dice=Slick ] 1d20+23 [/dice], Master
[dice=Billy ] 1d20+ 25[/dice], Master, +2 visual and hearing
[dice=Pinebrush]1d20 + 24 [/dice], Legendary, +1 visual
[dice=Sigourney]1d20+23[/dice], Expert, +2 visual

[dice=Slick ] 1d20+25 [/dice]
[dice=Slick Battle Cry]1d20+31[/dice]
[dice=Billy ] 1d20+25 [/dice], +2 item visual/hearing, +2 circ scout
[dice=Pinebrush, Stealth]1d20 + 28 [/dice], Perception +24, +1 circ if visual, +2 circ scout
[dice=Sigourney]1d20+23[/dice], +2 circ scout, +2 item visual

Fort Saves
[dice=Slick ] 1d20+27 [/dice], Juggernaut
[dice=Billy ] 1d20+ 24[/dice], +1 vs magic
[dice=Pinebrush]1d20 + 25 [/dice], pass becomes crit
[dice=Sigourney] 1d20+25[/dice], +1 vs magic
[dice=Reginald ] 1d20+25[/dice]

Reflex Saves
[dice=Slick ] 1d20+25[/dice], Bulwark +1, Evasion
[dice=Billy ] 1d20+25 [/dice], +1 vs magic
[dice=Pinebrush]1d20 + 30 [/dice], Improved Evasion
[dice=Sigourney] 1d20+26[/dice], +1 vs magic
[dice=Reginald ] 1d20+26[/dice], probably evasion

Will Saves
[dice=Slick ] 1d20+ 23 [/dice], Bravery
[dice=Billy ] 1d20+27[/dice], Resolve, +1 vs magic
[dice=Pinebrush]1d20 +22 [/dice]
[dice=Sigourney] 1d20+25[/dice], +1 vs magic
[dice=Reginald ] 1d20+25[/dice]

Harrow Deck:

[dice=Harrow Draw]1d6 + 1d9[/dice]
Suit: Hammers, Keys, Shields, Books, Stars, Crowns
Alignment: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Good, Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil

Memories of your past, realities of your present, and fears and hopes for your future suddenly overwhelm you with a torrent of emotion. So many choices you’ve made! So many more to go! Do they even matter? Are your choices yours, or are they always what you’d choose? Do you have a fate that’s set in stone, or do you get to decide your future? Suddenly, you’re standing on a street corner—one you somehow know is in the Grand Bazaar within the city of Absalom. Before you is a wooden building flanked by a flower shop and an open-air meat vendor. A sign above the building’s door reads “Three Moves Ahead,” and déjà vu washes over you. You’ve never been here... or have you? Will you? Should you? A blood-curdling scream shatters the building and, after a brief sense of pain and loss, the vision fades. As your senses return, you realize that clutched in your hand is something new. A single beautifully illustrated harrow card. You don’t remember finding it, but you instinctively know it has always been yours. Though you only now hold it, your fate has been tied to it for a long time.