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Anyone have any thoughts on what to run after Strange Aeons to get the PC's up to Lvl 20?

The notes on pages 57 and 66 of Black Stars Beckon reference a few low-level scenarios, but I'm not sure scaling those up to double or triple their designed character level would make for the best end-game adventure.

Open to any 3rd party or old rule-set references.

What happens to the kinetic blast progression with for a Havocker Witch with Kineticist dip:



Related questions: If a Kineticist Archetype alters the blast, like Kinetic Knight: At 1st level, a kinetic knight gains the kinetic blade form infusion, and it costs 0 points of burn instead of 1 point. She can’t use her kinetic blast without the kinetic blade form infusion or an infusion that lists kinetic blade as a prerequisite.

I would read that as spilling over and affecting the Havoker, for good (0 burn) and bad (can't use other forms of blast).



Has anyone ever compiled lists of loot from the various AP's?

I'm currently putting Book 2 of Strange Aeons in an excel, and thought "someone else has to have done this already".

Here's the situation:
A 5th level character with 1 level of Rogue, 4 levels of Arcanist has Magical Knack, so counts as a 5th level caster for level dependent calculations.

Magical Knack
Benefit: Pick a class when you gain this trait—your caster level in that class gains a +2 trait bonus as long as this bonus doesn’t raise your caster level above your current Hit Dice.

However, this character currently has 2 negative levels. Does that mean that their current equivalent caster level would be Three (4 Arcanist + 1 Magical Knack – 2 Neg Levels) or Four (4 Arcanist + 2 Magical Knack – 2 Neg Levels)?

Full Disclosure: I am the player in question.

Does a Etiainen's Modify Memory ability serve any real purpose outside of the "reepy" factor?

Memory Drain (Su)

When a creature is hit by a etiainen’s incorporeal touch attack, it must succeed at a DC 13 Will saving throw or the etiainen can eliminate 1 minute of the creature’s memory as if the target were affected by the modify memory spell.

A creature that succeeds at this saving throw cannot be affected by memory drain from the same etiainen for 24 hours. This ability is a mind-affecting effect. The saving throw DC is Charisma-based.


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Does this apply to 1st Edition?

January 2023 Organized Play.

"As of today, the orc ancestry/species is now always available for both Pathfinder and Starfinder Society! Our oracles indicate a striking number of these new adventurers will be trained in Legal Lore or have the Profession (lawyer) skill. Adventure onward!"

The "Profession (lawyer)" comment makes me think so.

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In 1st Edition there were some Iconics that got played or at least recommended a lot more in PFS, sometimes for play-ability, sometimes for having great consumables.

Anyone have any strong opinions on the individual Iconics in 2nd Edition?

Anyone know of a good option for a Vault Builder Miniature?

This towering, spindly, four-armed entity appears to be made of stone and crystal, yet it moves with a fluid grace.

Go to Picture from Ironfang AP..

1 person marked this as a favorite.

There are some celestial Boons/Deitific Boons that grant additional sneak attack dice.

For example:

Tanagaar - Celestial Obedience
3: Hunter's Edge (Su) You gain sneak attack +3d6. This increase to sneak attack damage stacks with sneak attack damage you may have from other sources. Whenever you deal sneak attack damage with a piercing weapon, you deal +2 points of damage per sneak attack die.

Go to Nethys - Tanagaar .

Assume you were a Rogue/Ninja/Whatever that had full progression of sneak attack dice. Would this raise you above the normal limit of half your character level, rounded up? My feeling is no, but I wanted to get a additional opinions.

Can anyone clue me in on who Captain Colton Maldriss is, and why he warranted an exclusive mini?

Go to Captain Colton Maldriss (PaizoCon 2011 Exclusive)..

With the Magic Trick feat for Mage hand you can use it to make a dirty trick:

Dirty Magic Trick (base attack bonus +1, Improved Dirty Trick): You can manipulate a target’s clothing or a nearby object to attempt a dirty trick combat maneuver against a single opponent in the spell’s range, using your combat maneuver bonus for the check.

My first question for the group is this a melee attack (at range) or a ranged attack?

One of the other options (Throw punch) specifically calls it out as a melee attack, but there is nothing on this option. My feeling is that the related option calling out melee, means this is also melee, but that option also changes the attack bonus to caster level and allows you to add Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier.

My second question is reguardless of ranged attack or melee attack, are you using the the rest of the change to attack modifiers as well?

Magic Trick.

Magic Trick: Mage Hand:
Mage Hand Tricks

In addition to the feat, skill, or other requirements listed in parentheses for each of these tricks, you must have the Magic Trick (mage hand) feat to use the trick.

Dirty Magic Trick (base attack bonus +1, Improved Dirty Trick): You can manipulate a target’s clothing or a nearby object to attempt a dirty trick combat maneuver against a single opponent in the spell’s range, using your combat maneuver bonus for the check.

Powerful Hand (Spellcraft 3 ranks): You can increase the weight of objects you can move by 5 pounds for every 3 ranks you have in Spellcraft.

Ranged Aid (base attack bonus +1): You’ve learned to use your mage hand to tug at an opponent’s hair, clothing, and equipment. You can use the aid another action at range, attempting a ranged touch attack instead of a melee attack.

Reaching Hand (Precise Shot or Reach Spell): You can focus as a swift action before casting mage hand to increase its range to 50 feet + 5 feet per caster level. If the target of your mage hand spell is outside of the spell’s standard range at the start of your turn, you must spend another swift action to focus again or the spell immediately ends.

Subtle Hand (Deft Hands, Disable Device 6 ranks, Sleight of Hand 6 ranks): You can attempt Disable Device and Sleight of Hand checks within range of your mage hand. Working at a distance increases the normal skill check DC by 5, and you cannot take 10 on this check.

Throw Punch (Improved Unarmed Strike): You can use mage hand to strike an opponent within the spell’s range. This is a melee attack that always deals 1d3 points of force damage. The mage hand has an attack bonus equal to your caster level plus your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier, whichever is highest. Spell resistance applies against this ability.

2/5 *

With the Magic Trick feat for Mage hand you can use it to make a dirty trick

Dirty Magic Trick (base attack bonus +1, Improved Dirty Trick): You can manipulate a target’s clothing or a nearby object to attempt a dirty trick combat maneuver against a single opponent in the spell’s range, using your combat maneuver bonus for the check.

My question for the group is this a melee attack (at range) or a ranged attack?

One of the other options (Throw punch) specifically calls it out as a melee attack, but there is nothing on this option.

Magic Trick: Mage Hand

Magic Trick: Mage Hand:
Mage Hand Tricks

In addition to the feat, skill, or other requirements listed in parentheses for each of these tricks, you must have the Magic Trick (mage hand) feat to use the trick.

Dirty Magic Trick (base attack bonus +1, Improved Dirty Trick): You can manipulate a target’s clothing or a nearby object to attempt a dirty trick combat maneuver against a single opponent in the spell’s range, using your combat maneuver bonus for the check.

Powerful Hand (Spellcraft 3 ranks): You can increase the weight of objects you can move by 5 pounds for every 3 ranks you have in Spellcraft.

Ranged Aid (base attack bonus +1): You’ve learned to use your mage hand to tug at an opponent’s hair, clothing, and equipment. You can use the aid another action at range, attempting a ranged touch attack instead of a melee attack.

Reaching Hand (Precise Shot or Reach Spell): You can focus as a swift action before casting mage hand to increase its range to 50 feet + 5 feet per caster level. If the target of your mage hand spell is outside of the spell’s standard range at the start of your turn, you must spend another swift action to focus again or the spell immediately ends.

Subtle Hand (Deft Hands, Disable Device 6 ranks, Sleight of Hand 6 ranks): You can attempt Disable Device and Sleight of Hand checks within range of your mage hand. Working at a distance increases the normal skill check DC by 5, and you cannot take 10 on this check.

Throw Punch (Improved Unarmed Strike): You can use mage hand to strike an opponent within the spell’s range. This is a melee attack that always deals 1d3 points of force damage. The mage hand has an attack bonus equal to your caster level plus your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier, whichever is highest. Spell resistance applies against this ability.

2/5 *

The Shaman spirit "Dark Tapestry" appears legal to play, but it grants access to several of the "Contact Entity" spells, which are not. What is the correct substitutions, or did I miss something somewhere?

Dark Tapestry Spirit.

Additional Rescources

2/5 *

Does the Magus Kensai Archetype give a character the ability to use dex-to-damage? It's not quite granting the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat, but it can grant proficiency in an exotic weapon.

These slightly curved swords measure just over 3 feet in length. An Aldori dueling sword can be used as a martial weapon (in which case it functions as a longsword), but if you have the feat Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Aldori dueling sword), you can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to attack rolls with an Aldori dueling sword sized for you, even though it isn’t a light weapon. You can also wield an Aldori dueling sword in two hands to apply 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus to damage rolls.

A kensai is proficient in simple weapons and in a single martial or exotic melee weapon of his choice


I'm found several home brew/non-offical posts, but nothing that I would consider appropriate to back up making this character for PFS

There are at least three means of getting more than one attack while spring attacking

Improved Spring Attack/Greater Spring Attack
Spring Heeled Reaper
Swashbuckler Deed: Swift Strikes (lvl 11 Courser Archetype)

So by lvl 16 (when you can take greater spring attack), you could attack 5 different targets.

Spring Attack.

Improved Spring Attack.

Greater Spring Attack.

Spring Heeled Reaper.

Swashbuckler Deed: Swift Strikes.

The wording of the deed and style feet are a little odd, but I think that this would be legal. Anyone disagreed?

What would be the effect of an Exploiter Wizard taking MetaMixing?

My read through says it's essentially useless, as a wizard can't just use a higher level spell slot.

Metamixing (Su):
The arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to add a metamagic feat that she knows to a spell as she casts it without affecting the casting time (though using a higher-level spell slot as normal). She can use this ability to add a metamagic feat to a spell that she prepared using a metamagic feat, although she cannot add the same metamagic feat to a given spell more than once.

Go to Exploiter Wizard.

Go to Metamixing.

Are the "Beams" produced by Sunbeam just ray's, or are the more like a line breath weapon, passing through everything between you and the 60 ft range of the the spell?

Go to Sunbeam.

2/5 *

I've got some young nephews into to dinosaurs. Can anyone recommend some 1st Edition Scenarios that has a dinosaur theme?

Underhanded Trick states:

At 6th level, she is treated as if she meets all the prerequisites for Greater Dirty Trick (although she must take the feat as normal).

underhanded-trick .

Is that 6th level mean character level or class level?

I have some young nephews very into dinosaurs. I was looking for some adventures to look into to possibly run for them. From a quick glance, I would guess Serpent's Skull, although I've never played it, just reading reading synapses. I remember Ire of the storm module having some Dino encounters, and would also be interested in and PFS1 scenario suggestions.

Thanks in advance

First Edition Society had a few monsters and/or items not available in any books or AP's. Does anyone know if there are any community packs or other resources anyone has bothered to put together them for input into hero lab?

IS there anywhere that gives the "official" conclusion of each AP. I know who the eventual ruler of Korvosa is supposed to be and the outcome of the Irongfang Invasion.

I'm purposely not posting spoilers here, but I was wondering if there was somewhere where this information was centrally located instead of having to puzzle it out.

I'm GM'ing a group and got a question from a character that I've gone a bit loopy researching. Lots of similar topics, but I haven't found anyone else discussing this specifically.

They asked if they could use the alchemical vestigial arm discovery, and Two-Weapon Fighting feat to wield a two-handed weapon with the vestigial and a normal arm and a off-hand weapon in the other normal hand.

This would seem to make sense, as they don't technically get an extra attack with the arm, but I wanted to see if someone could point out a reason this shouldn't happen before I approve it.


I just want to make sure I'm reading this right:

Trench Mist..

The first time I read over it, I got it in my head that it could only be damaged like a swarm, but it appears that a Trench Mist can be damaged by any magic weapon.

I would think that attacking a gas with a sword would be useless, but unless I'm missing something, a magic sword would work just fine.

We just started a Rise of the Runelords AP and I have a character who spouts random conspiracy theories/rumors and I've been trying to tie in something from a bunch of AP's but not give any spoilers. Here's some so far, based on the AP's 'm most familiar with. Any other suggestions would be much appreciated:

Curse of the Crimson Throne
Heard the old king in Korvosa found himself a young new queen. They say the king turns into a giant reefclaw every full moon, wonder what the new queenie will think of that.

In the Five Kings Mountains is a swamp filled with the ghosts of dead druids that lure people to their deaths. They'd get away with it too, except for this group of 4 brave kids and their dog.

Ironfang Invasion
Did ya hear Molthune's recruiting goblins to fill the rank's of it's armies. Who would have though that lot that would be the progressive ones.

I'm looking at changing my Ironfang home-game to online for obvious reasons.

Anyone know of good content (maps, etc) available for Roll20/Fantasy Grounds for this.

I've been a player on Roll20, but never a GM, so while I would prefer that, I'm willing to look elsewhere.

One issue I had with first edition was how hard it was to build an effective thrown weapon build. Anyone have any good suggestions for how to do it in 2nd edition?

Can anyone explain the concept of militia teams to me. I've read it many times and it just doesn't seem to click.

If my players have one group assigned to building shelters, and one assigned to gathering food, is that two teams? Is it two teams separate from the groups the PC's are running? So PC's go hunting with NPC's as backup, can one team be building shelters, with a 2nd team crafting?

Has anyone been able to tie the various Quahs to the Runelords they served?

Skoan-Quah (The Skull Clan) = gluttony (necromancy)
Sklar-Quah (The Sun Clan) = wrath (evocation)

As for the rest, I've never seen anything that makes me feel strongly one way or the other.


Anyone have any official on where do Thousand Bones and the few Shoanti live inside the city?

If not, where did you put them in you game? Based on Guide to Korvosa, I would probably put them in Thief Camp and East Shore.

I'm wanting to use Spectral hand for buff spells (Resist Energy Communal for example) and want to make sure I'm not violating some tenet I'm not aware of.

Nethys: Spectral Hand.

There are two valid reasons I could see to prevent this:

Can the hand travel that far?
The range for the spell is 100 +10/lvl, so as long as the hand doesn't travel more than that distance total, it should be able to move to everyone. One might argue that it could travel twice that amount, as it can travel that far and back at max range.

Can I have the hand touch multiple creatures?
The Hand touches count as attacks, even though I'm touching allies, so I am limited to touches equal to my iterative attacks.

A forgiving GM might let it go through, but those are the limitations I can think of. Thoughts?

Anyone have a feel for the total hippogriffs the Sable company has? I'm feeling around 75

Guide to Korvosa says this about hippogriffs: "dozens of which perch within the high aerie of the Great Tower and serve as the mounts for the city’s elite Sable Company." - page 3

Roughly 200 Sable Company marines (about two-thirds of the entire company) - page 16

So there's around 300 sable company, but only a "dozens of mounts" (assume 36) at the main headquarters, It seems that from some of the text that there would be a high number (2 dozen?) also on watch, a group at Veldraine (another dozen), finally, a few for training purposes at Endrin Military Academy.

So at full power, that would mean a mount for about 1/4th of their forces.

Anyone have any thoughts on anything I missed?

2/5 *

I'm mostly wanting to make sure I'm not missing a later errata, especially as I had always thought Rapid Shot didn't work with thrown weapons:

Paizo Errata..

Alchemist: If an alchemist has the Fast bombs discovery, can he use Rapid Shot, Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, haste, and similar abilities and effects to add more attacks?

As written, yes, all of these apply because fast bombs "functions just like a full-attack with a ranged weapon."

So at 8th level (or soon after to take feats) there is potentially 6 bombs: 2 from BAB, 1 from Rapid shot, 2 from two weapon fighting feats, 1 from haste?

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Does anyone have any information about a chronicle for this year's Free RPG Day module?

We Be Heroes?

2/5 *

I created a character before discovering the familiar archetype options.

What would be the prestige cost for adding an archetype to a familiar, or is it even possible?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Investigator Antiquarian archetype gives up potions for Trinkets that "count as formulae". They then use these trinkets to cast spells as an arcane caster, but does not suffer from arcane spell failure.


When using extracts, standard alchemist/investigators don't require concentration checks, but do provoke AOO's.

From the flavor description, they almost sound like single use activation items, although I don't think that is what they are meant to be.

I would assume that like a standard alchemist/investigators the trinkets don't require concentration checks, but do provoke AOO's.


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I've looked for an official response to this and can't find it. It seems to me that the Mending cantrip should be able to repair a broken gun in less time than the gunsmithing feat (10 min vs 1 hr):

Misfire: "When a firearm misfires, it gains the broken condition."

Mending: "If the object has the broken condition, this condition is removed if the object is restored to at least half its original hit points... If the target has at least half of its original HP at the end of Mending, then Broken is removed.

A Projectile weapon has 5 HP. It doesn't say nut it would have either 1 or 2 for the broken condition. A roll of 2, 3, or 4 would give it greater than 50% of it's hitpoints and remove the broken condition.

This is really more for flavor, as I realize this only would apply out of combat. Please point out the flaw in my logic.

I'm hoping my wife create her first character. She found the investigator class and asked if she could play someone like Karin Murphy from The Dresden Files.

I said yes, but then realized it was actually a difficult target to build for.

Police detective
Martial arts expert
"Tiny but fierce"
Eventually quite potent with a sword


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Do the various items that improve a paladin's lay on hands also improve a pei zin oracle version of lay on hands?

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Anyone have a good suggestions for a scenario to run on Valentine's Day? Maybe a find-the-lost love, or a Romeo/Juliet situation?

Apologize for the length post. I'm building a Mounted Fury Barbarian, using the Nagaji race and a boon I picked up which will let me have a Large Chameleon. as a mount. I don't want to be charge dependent, so I'm considering at a build that will allow more animal handling and less ride. Unfortunately Ferocious Beast isn't on the Unchained list. Here's my two current concepts:

--Boon Companion
--Power Attack
--Reckless Rage
--Skilled Rager: Handle Animal
--Raging Vitality
-Rage Powers
--Ferocious Beast
--Ferocious Beast-Greater
--Atavism Totem, Lesser
--Atavism Totem
--Atavism Totem-greater

-Rage Powers
--Accurate Stance
--Contagious Rage
--Ferocious Mount
--Ferocious Trample
--Atavism Totem, Lesser

The unchained barbarian gets the basic unchained improvements and accurate stance, but the companion will often be limited to the contagious rage (rage spell) benefits. The core will have his own bite/ferocity/trample, and the companion will get an upgraded bite and ferocity, as well as full rage benefits. Thoughts?

I'm going to be running a group through Thornkeep, and I'm hoping that someone has some some additional how to run the role-play in the town.

I'm willing to put in the work to develop it on my own, but lazy enough to hope someone's already done the work for me.

Has anyone expanded the area around Thornkeep. Seems to me there is a lot of opportunity there that the material seems to just hint at.

Has anyone seen a mini that's a close fit for a Lizard: Chameleon (Giant)? Looking for a large mini. I prefer to paint myself, but I'm open to any suggestions.

Thanks in advance.

I'm building a Ecclesitheurge cleric and am looking for ways to boost AC. Right now, my current option is a wand of mage armor and a helpful party member.


I'd thought about a dip into Monk or Enlightened Paladin.

Enlightened Paladin.

There's also a feat: Osyluth Guile, that has some limitations, and I'm looking at more low level issues, so it's not that helpful

Osyluth Guile.

Basically just looking for non items or not just picking up a dodge feat.

Thoughts? Thanks in advance.

I'm looking for help on a Sniper build. This will be a Slayer with Sniper and Stygian Slayer Archetypes, Kitsune Race.

I'm building for flavor: ranged sneak attacks. This is for PFS, so I don't want a build that doesn't fully kick in until 10 or later. These are the three builds through 7 that I'm looking at:

Bluff Build - Every Round: Feint and the Sneak Attack (Single Shot)
1) Point Blank Shot
3) Precise Shot
5) Ranged Feint
6) Slayer Combat Trick: Combat Expertise
7) Improved Feint

Stealth Build - Hide and Fire and Hide again
1) Point Blank Shot
3) Precise Shot
5) Expert Sniper
6) Slayer Combat Trick: Rapid Shot
7) Master Sniper
Cons: There are situations where there are no concealment opportunities

Intimidate Build - Scare and shoot (alternate rounds)
1) Point Blank Shot
3) Precise Shot
5) Weapon Focus (Longbow)
6) Slayer Combat Trick: Dazzling Display (Longbow)
7) Shatter Defenses (Longbow)
Cons: The others start working at 5, this one doesn't start until 7, plus negatives for intimidate and retrying.

Please offer any criticisms and thoughts of the play-ability. Thanks in advance.

2/5 *

Its a standard action to reload a single one handed firearm barrel.

Rapid Reload makes this a move action and alchemical cartridges reduces this to a free action.

A pepperbox has 6 barrels, is this a single free action, or 6 free actions? If 6 free actions, is that a move-equivalent action? a standard-equivalent? Without alchemical cartridges, is it 6 move actions, or 1 move actions?

I'm of the opinion that a full-round action should re-load all the barrels, but I'm hardily the expert. I've seen answers that are basically "GM's Discretion" under the general feed, but I was wondering if there was a society rule somewhere.

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