Josef Orlovsky |

Sorry, work went late yesterday, getting me home basically in time to leave for my Boy Scout Troop meeting, and then when I got home my wife had passed out and I had to be on formal grandchild watching duty until Mom got back from work, and by that time it was 2 hours after my bed time . . ..
Today I'm just tired.

Darian Aulamaxa |

I was giving others room to post, and also dealing with lots IRL that I honestly didn't wanna bother ya'll with, but now that it's brought up...
A) Holidays
B) Kid has been sick
C) Slew of interviews, so far with no luck (0/4 so far, with a 5th position I'm shooting for now...)
D) Working OT
The Baron's been busy.
But if no one else responds to the messenger by morning, Josef, I will post a reply to you tomorrow. Just wanting to try and let the others be proactive if they wanted to.

Thron |

Quicker than intended post to explain my absence lately:
1. Kid: he’s okay, but been battling a virus for about a week and a half. Finally been symptom free for about two to three days.
2. Work: still working as much OT as I can grab.
3. Wife Aggro: anytime I so much as THINK I have free time to post, she uses her super-wife-mind-reading-powers to come up with something for me to not have free time. As is, I’m hiding in the bathroom to post this to all my games. Example 2, today was secretly planned to be a big day of relaxation and posting. She and the kid were supposed to be at school. Instead, she wanted me to keep the kid. Reason: just because.
4. Interviews: been to multiple interviews lately trying to get into a better job that will require less OT. No such luck so far, with one last major option within my hospital in process. Low odds of getting picked. May have to start looking outside of my facility.
I’m PLANNING on tomorrow being my 1 “me day” in the past few weeks and getting some posts caught up. We will see how that goes.

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Tough luck Thron. As always RL comes first, we'll still be here so look after number one (and your wife - who comes first!)

Darian Aulamaxa |

First gear split we've had to do in a while!
Grigori and Cultists
Potion of cure light wounds, - Group Loot
Potion of cure moderate wounds, - Group Loot
Potion of undetectable alignment (3), - ???
Scroll of scare, - ???
Scroll of sound burst, - ???
caltrops; - Johanna?
Chain shirt +1, - ???
MW buckler, - Sell?
Rapier +1, - ???
Shortbow with 20 arrows, - ???
132 gp - split evenly is 18 gold, 8 silver, 5 copper to everyone + Group Fund
MW dagger. (4) - Sell?
Unholy symbol of Gyronna (4) - Destroy?
Rations and Animal Feed for the Horses (just to be safe) for everyone for 2 weeks comes to 46 gold and 2 silver. I will just go ahead and deduct that from the group fund and we will just not have to worry about that for the trip over there. Sound good?

Freya Velson |

I'd be interested in the scroll of scare and one of the masterwork daggers.
I believe Darian and Lisl are the only ones who can use the sound burst scroll without having to make a UMD check.

Johanna Atsuko |

Sorry all, home computer died on Friday night. I then had 2 days of work training to start the week and have been playing catch up. I will be back to normal tomorrow sorry for delays.

Josef Orlovsky |

Camp out with the Scouts last weekend took far more out of me than I expected. Then the normal Scouting schedule, some extra demands from work, wife's been sick, etc.
I'm seeing what I can catch-up on and get through tonight.

Darian Aulamaxa |

Just catching up on this accounting business for formalities sake:
Official breakdown of last loot:
Potion of cure light wounds, - Group Loot
Potion of cure moderate wounds, - Group Loot
Potion of undetectable alignment (3), - Group Loot
Scroll of scare, - Freya
Scroll of sound burst, - Lisl
caltrops; - Johanna
Chain shirt +1, - Lisl
MW buckler, - Sell
Rapier +1, - Sell
Shortbow with 20 arrows, - Sell
132 gp - split evenly is 18 gold, 8 silver, 5 copper to everyone + Group Fund
MW dagger. (4) - Freya, sell 3x
Unholy symbol of Gyronna (4) - Destroy?
So, if you already gave yourself the above coin split...the sold items account to the following:
MW Buckler = 77 gp 5 sp
Rapier +1 = 1,160 gp
Shortbow and 20 Arrows = 15 gp 5 sp
3x MW Dagger = 453 gp
Total Split = 243 gp, 7 sp, 1 cp more coin each, including group fund.

Johanna Atsuko |

Yeah the +1 Rapier was not cold iron right? I need to save up to have mine enchanted.
Posting in all my games:
Hey all. My parents came for a visit so the wife and I are taking a mini vacation and heading to Orlando to worship at the alter of the big mouse for a few days. Regular posting will resume Monday. Please bot me as needed. I will try and check in on phone. Thank you.

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Seconded. Unless something really major happens I say we just carry on with the plan. Short of someone being injured so badly we have to go back, or some emergency needing us there immediately, we'll just keep going so might as well assume that.
Sorry about my silence, was away on a mini-break in the city and had no computer.

Darian Aulamaxa |

So I often brainstorm random RP things as I’m laying down to go to bed. Helps me relax and settle in. Anyway, last nights thoughts were related to our current exploration venture. The following thought struck me: we are Lords and Ladies. We should not be roughing it as if we weren’t! To be honest, given all our troubles to date (assassination attempts, coupes by rabble rousers, being framed by cultists, etc) we should be moving both in protected camp sites and with a troop large enough to deter most threats.
Also - I simply enjoy good RP building enterprises like this. Lol
So anywho, I was thinking we could discuss what sort of things we would consider in our traveling entourage. Keep in mind this is not a mobile army for solving our problems. But a mobile secure camp site and base of operations if we have to do a dungeon delve. You’ll see what I mean...
Tents - total number and sizes depends on what we would go for. A pavilion might be good as a central meeting area in our camp, and could also be a spacious abode for our lovebird Rulers. ;-P
Other than that, what do you guys picture as sleeping arrangements? Would the girls all share a tent? Everyone want their own?
Supplies - Blankets, Cooking Kit, Cots/Bedrolls, Folding Chairs and Folding Tables to eat at, Hooded Lanterns and oil for light?
Transport - Wagons and horses to pull them. Total size/number needs would depend on overall supplies and people involved. Also could have a spare to haul loot we find.
Teams - Drivers for the wagons, and I was thinking Cavalry Archers for the guards. More expensive, but they’d have bows and horses too. Also some Lackeys to handle the setting up and breaking down of the campsite in a timely manner, as well as help with food prep for the entourage.
Pavilion - 10 People, 100 gp, 50 lbs
Large - 4 People, 30 gp, 40 lbs
Medium - 2 People, 15 gp, 30 lbs
Small - 1 Person, 10 gp, 20 lbs
Blanket - 5 sp each, 3 lbs
Cooking Kit - 3 gp, 16 lbs
Cot - 1 gp, 30 lbs
Bedroll - 1 sp, 5 lbs
Folding Chair - 2 gp, 10 lbs
Folding Table - 10 gp, 20 lbs (sounds like it would hold 4-6 people around it)
Hooded Lantern - 7 gp, 2 lbs (6 hours of light per pint of oil)
Oil, Pint - 1 sp, 1 lbs
Heavy Horse - 200 gp
Light Horse - 75 gp
Light Wagon - 50 gp, holds 1,000 lbs, requires 1 Horse
Medium Wagon - 75 gp, holds 2,000 lbs, requires 2 Horses
Heavy Wagon - 100 gp, holds 4,000 lbs, requires 4 Horses
Driver - 90 gp, can handle one wagon, 1 Person on Team
Cavalry Archers - 470 gp, 5 People on Team
Elite Guards - 170 gp, 5 People on Team
Lackeys - 120 gp, 5 People on Team
I know not everyone is as interested in this minute level of bookkeeping and micro-planning simple RP elements, so if you guys feel this doesn’t fit with our group at all, feel free to say so and I’ll just let it go. If you think it fits (I know I do), and want to comment on what sort of camping accommodations your character would want, please say so and I can handle the bookwork side of it.
Obviously, this also comes with expenses of rations out of the group fund. So it would need to be a group decision if we felt this was fitting and worth it. I haven’t started running numbers yet to see if we could even afford it, to be honest. Just wanted to collect the data and present it to see if anyone else was interested in a traveling camp team.

Darian Aulamaxa |

Idle Hands and Idle Minds and all that...
Crunched some numbers based on our current group loot fund.
We could arrange for the following:
1x Pavilion
5x Medium Tent (one for each Noble besides Darian and Isabel, and 1 for Drivers to share)
3x Large Tents (for teams listed later)
23x Blankets
6x Cots (for each of us nobles)
17x Bedrolls (for the teams)
1x Cooking Kit
5x Hooded Lanterns
10x pints of oil
10x Folding Chair
2x Folding Table
2x Medium Wagons
2x Heavy Horses (to pull the wagons)
2x Drivers (to drive the wagons)
2x Teams of Elite Guards (10 men)
1x Team of Lackeys (5 men)
We could set up 5 watches at night, with (at least) a PC, 2 guards, and a Lackey (to handle basic needs like fetch water or a snack for someone so they don’t leave their post, lol) each shift. The rest could sleep.
The total capacity here would be 800 lbs used of 2,000 possible, the extra open weight being used to haul these men in the wagons as well as any further loot we may find (in which case, people can start walking as necessary, lol)
Assuming we brought rations with us to feed everyone adequately each day, we’d need to a lot for 11 gold 5 silver each day for rations, weighing 23 lbs per day. Animal feed needs would be 4 silver per day at 40 lbs per day. Just a bit of extra info on top. Hahaha
Oh, and this would leave us with 114 gold, 8 silver, and 337 copper in our group fund, before we bought rations for any trip we took. Hehehe

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I like being married to a thinker. He does all the number crunching and lets me get on with the people, which is far more interesting!

Josef Orlovsky |

Probably more appropriate.
I've been in a game where the party hired a, well, butler, and gave him a significant budget to ensure he could provide the tools we needed. He never offered ideas, but he always had an answer for "Do we have something which we can use to . . .?" If there was a mundane method, he probably had some variant of it.
I've also played a character where I tried to turn my character into that butler. The challenge was fun, but the party kept wanting me to focus on things other than caring for and transporting all the gear they had started to expect me to bring along. I think I was playing a bard, actually, so that I could contribute from OVER THERE, without physically joining into combat.
But, yeah, I'm good with the idea. Be careful not to keep digging into the rabbit hole, though. It can become more work than it is worth for the story.

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I have no problem with it. I imagine some people (Freya!) might like roughing it, but the rest of us should be well beyond that by now!

Darian Aulamaxa |

I didn’t plan to go into more detail than what I’ve done. Basically get a set “camping crew” established and we just run with that the rest of the campaign. Only bookkeeping and numbers to run later will be “how many days are we going to be out?” and then buy food supplies for that many days.

Darian Aulamaxa |

So far looks like 3/6 are on board with it. If we hit 4/6 I’ll roll with it and make the adjustments on my Alias to track it.
Granted we wouldn’t have it now, can’t retroactively do it. But perhaps this little venture is the deciding factor to make us do it. Hah!

Freya Velson |

She might avoid them for the most part, but Freya won't make fun of you - too much, anyway ;) - for wanting your creature comforts.

Darian Aulamaxa |

So sounds like 4/6. I’ll go ahead and make the adjustments to my Alias at the bottom with the other Hired Teams. And I’ll make a note in the Group Loot Section for the amount needed to feed this troupe per day for quick reference.
For the record in case it gets vetoed, original balance was:
1,551 gp, 613 sp, 907 cp


When I played this live my character was a Cleric, who ended up being chosen as the ruler. So I thought it over and actually had her drop out of the party to rule full time, the party Mage did so as well. We rolled up new characters recruited to fill the gaps.
So it's interesting to see how people handle adventuring mixed with administration.

Johanna Atsuko |

Posting in all my games.
Hey all that time of year again. Gulf Wars (Large SCA event in Mississippi) Starts Saturday. I leave on Wednesday. I will be gone until the 18th. Please bot me as needed. I should be posting the next 2 days but not as often as usual due to the crunch of getting last minute work done before leaving. Thank you.

Darian Aulamaxa |

Okay, first post is loot stuffs:
32pp, 405gp, 1,827sp, 1,324cp
1,015 gp value in gems and art, including...
[80 gp] ornate silver flute
[65 gp] silver statue of a dragon
[15 gp] bronze statuette of a warrior
[150 gp] silver chalice with dragon carvings
[110 gp] gold statue of a dragon
[8 gp] unworked rhodochrosite (worth 4 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair)
[8 gp] unworked malachite (worth 4 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair)
[11 gp] rhodochrosite
[50 gp] bloodstone
[450 gp] aquamarine
[9 gp] unworked shell (worth 4 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair)
[10 gp] rhodochrosite
[11 gp] unworked rhodochrosite (worth 5 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair)
[13 gp] unworked tigereye (worth 6 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair)
300 gp] potion/oil of corruption resistance (CL 3) Group Loot/Sell/Claim?
[750 gp] potion/oil of fly (CL 5) Group Loot/Sell/Claim?
[750 gp] potion/oil of draconic reservoir (CL 5) Group Loot/Sell/Claim?
[150 gp] arcane scroll of shatter (CL 3) Group Loot/Sell/Claim?
[150 gp] arcane scroll of glitterdust (CL 3) Group Loot/Sell/Claim?
[150 gp] arcane scroll of levitate (CL 3) Group Loot/Sell/Claim?
[750 gp] wand of shield (CL 1) Group Loot/Sell/Claim?
[335 gp] masterwork light crossbow Group Loot/Sell/Claim?
[350 gp] Masterwork Breastplate. Group Loot/Sell/Claim?
Y’all toss in what you’d like done with the above. Darian has no interest in the Xbox or Armor. I always feel scrolls and potions should be tossed in Group Loot. That wand is handy if one of you full casters would want it.

Darian Aulamaxa |

Arcane Duelist - 6
Bonus Feat - Disruptive
HP: Average 5 +1 Con + 1 Favored = +7
Bladethirst (Su): An arcane duelist of 6th level or higher may use performance to grant one weapon, one natural weapon, one end of a double weapon, or 50 items of ammunition of the same type within 30 feet a +1 enhancement bonus. This enhancement bonus increases by +1 for every three levels after 6th (maximum +5 at 18th level). These bonuses stack with existing bonuses and may be used to increase the item's enhancement bonus up to +5 or to add any of the following weapon properties: defending , distance , ghost touch , keen , mighty cleaving , returning , shock , shocking burst , seeking , speed , or wounding . If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before adding special abilities. This performance replaces suggestion.
+1 BAB
+1 All Saves
+1 2nd Level Spell per day
+1 2nd Level Spell Known (Gallant Inspiration)
+2 Performace Rounds per day
Skills Ranks Gained in...
Sense Motive
Knowledge (Local)
Background Skills...
Handle Animal

Johanna Atsuko |

Yeah Shield being personal spell means can still only use the wand on yourself but the wand can be shared. I would say keep that for sure along with the potion of fly. The rest is meh.

Darian Aulamaxa |

I’m inclined to feel the same about the potion of Corruption Resistance and Draconic Reservoir, and am on board to sell those two of the rest of the team feel the same.
The other potions and scrolls are decent situational spells though.

Freya Velson |

For Freya...
Wild Whisperer Druid 3rd
HP: Average 5 +1 Con = +6
+1 Reflex
Access to 2nd Level Spells (2/Day w/ Wis Bonus)
Skills Ranks Gained in...
Knowledge (Arcane)
Knowledge (Nature)
Knowledge (History)
Craft (Alchemy)
Background Skills...
Handle Animal
Profession (Herbalist)
For Fenrir...
HP: Average 1d8 + 3 Con + 1 Toughness = 9
+1 to all Saves
+2 Natural Armor
+1 Trick (Hunt)
+1 Skill (Survival)
+1 Str
+1 Dex
Devotion: +4 vs. Enchantment
Next Level is the big one - 1st level of Mystic Theurge and Fenrir becomes large.

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Pure mesmerist here - they get so good at later levels.
Also Darian - what do you think about tattoo's?
Mesmerist - 6
HP: Average 5 +1 Con + 1 Favored = +7
+1 Mesmerist Trick (Gift of Will)
Touch Treatment (Moderate)
+1 BAB
+1 All Saves
+1 2nd Level Spell per day
+1 2nd Level Spell Known (Invisibility)
Skills Ranks Gained in...
Sense Motive
Knw Arc
Knw Dun
Knw Loc
Background Skills...
Handle Animal
Knw Nob

Josef Orlovsky |

Hmmmm . . ..
Aldori Swordlord Prestige Class 1/Fighter(Aldori Swrodlord)5
BAB+1 (Iterative attacks!)
HP+7 (5+1+1 Con)
5 Adventuring & 2 Background Skill Ranks - Adventuring: Acrobatics, Bluff, Diplomacy, Initimdate, & Sense Motive; Background: Knowledge (Nobility), & Sleight of Hand
Acrobatics, Bluff, Diplomacy, Knowledge (Nobility), Perform, and Sense Motive become Class Skills.
Deft Strike (Dex to damage with Dueling Sword) Class Feature
Quick Draw Class Feature
For a couple of levels, that MW Breastplate will actually get me +2 AC over my Mithral Chain. Dex belt & Level 8, Dex Belt and Armor Enhancement, or Level 8 and Armor Enhancement puts the Mithral Chain back as the better choice.Of course the Mithral Chain has no AC penalty and the MW Breasplate has one. Guess I wasn't thinking short-term benefit when I picked the Mithral Chain over a cheaper set of MW Breastplate, hunh?
The additional Class Skills get Josef up in Darian's range with the social skills. Sleight of Hand is now his only non-class trained skill.

Darian Aulamaxa |

So...looks like:
32pp, 405gp, 1,827sp, 1,324cp
1,015 gp value in gems and art
300 gp] potion/oil of corruption resistance (CL 3) — Sell for 150 gp
[750 gp] potion/oil of fly (CL 5) — Group Loot
[750 gp] potion/oil of draconic reservoir (CL 5) — Sell for 375 gp
[150 gp] arcane scroll of shatter (CL 3) — Group Loot
[150 gp] arcane scroll of glitterdust (CL 3) — Group Loot
[150 gp] arcane scroll of levitate (CL 3) — Group Loot
[750 gp] wand of shield (CL 1) — Group Loot
[335 gp] masterwork light crossbow — Sell for 167 gp 5 sp
[350 gp] Masterwork Breastplate. — Claimed by Josef
Total coin split per person + group loot share:
347 gp
265 sp
198 cp

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Whats your opinion on them IC? :) There's a very very good tattoo for mesmerists, but it has to be prominent. So I thought I'd ask OOC before doing the IC conversation! ;)

Darian Aulamaxa |

It’s entirely up to you and your build. Aesthetically, Darian isn’t a fan, given his haughty upbringing. He’d find it a bit scandalous, but you may be able to convince him otherwise...